U.S. economy grows at blockbuster pace in third quarter

As far as the cost of money...
And by that I mean what it costs our Government to borrow money....

It's rising exponentially. Not just with the Fed hiking prime rates....I'm talking about the rate at which it issues bonds at. What keeps the government functioning and issuing SS checks and veterans benefits....

PRC is having a major cash/credit crisis at the moment. So are a few other nations that have previously bought Treasury Bonds. So these nations are dumping these bonds at an alarming rate. (Because they need the cash instead of the bonds...and no one will lend them the money)

Which means they have to offer incentives for them to sell. A bargain if you will....

So if our Government wishes to sell some fresh, newly issued bonds it has to offer them at an even higher rate than what PRC or someone else would buy them for.

So look for rates to keep becoming higher as time goes on until the entire world's economy recovers from the Shockwave of Government actions. And it's going to be a minute before that happens. Between wars and economic collapse....this storm is going to be huge.
there is different types of insulin synth.....what is described up there is some of the cheaper ones......lispro is short acting....so is humalog meaning they last around 4 hours...rezvoglar is considered a biologic...lantus is a 24 hour one....but they are saying a 5 pack for 92.00....thats still expensive....and so far its only for people on medicare....
OK, they just got the authority to negotiate these prices. There are 10 initial medications with more to follow.

But the point, again, is that Trump had 4 years to get this promise fulfilled, the first 2 with total control over Congress, and the last two with a Democratic House that would have jumped at the chance to enact this bill.

So why didn't Trump do it, and why won't you give Biden credit for getting it done?
Prices Rise More Than Expected as Inflation’s Grip on Economy Persists
That's not cause and effect.



By GasBuddy | October 2, 2023

For the second straight week, the nation’s average price of gasoline has fallen, posting a decline of 3.5 cents from a week ago to $3.77 per gallon yesterday according to GasBuddy data compiled from more than 11 million individual price reports covering over 150,000 gas stations across the country. The national average is up 2.8 cents from a month ago and 1.0 cents per gallon lower than a year ago. The national average price of diesel has fallen 0.7 cents in the last week and stands at $4.52 per gallon, 36.2 cents lower than one year ago.

You lose. Again.

So, why are you always lying? Using a month old link is, yes, lying.

that does not mean the state was "shutdown" for 2 years. It just meant they could focus more money fighting COVID.

are you honestly this stupid? You think there was no business done in the whole state of NY for two years?
Yes, 100% yes, that is what he Cellblock2429 is trying to say. He knows it's a LIE, but he's gonna say it anyway.
The largest period of unsureness, the unknown and adjustment to change, ALL came UNDER TRUMP. but they still blame anyone but trump.
OK, they just got the authority to negotiate these prices. There are 10 initial medications with more to follow.

But the point, again, is that Trump had 4 years to get this promise fulfilled, the first 2 with total control over Congress, and the last two with a Democratic House that would have jumped at the chance to enact this bill.

So why didn't Trump do it, and why won't you give Biden credit for getting it done?
synth i have been getting my insulin for 25 dollars a month for 5 years now.....i get Tresiba which is the Cadillac of insulin,it lasts 42 hours....how did i get it?.....my big bad insurance company told me to have my doctor fill out a form to bring it from a 200 dollar co-pay to a 50.00 dollar co-pay...than that big bad company that makes it gave me a coupon to lower it to 25 bucks a month.....no president did that for me.....no useless political party did that for me....the doctor,the ins co and the drug maker and ME did this....if i was able to do that why cant anyone else with ins do the same thing?....my Pharmacist says that there are others who have done the same thing with what they get....he tells people to speak up and inquire...i aint the only one....you have to speak up....and lets see if and who will qualify for this .....like i said there are different types of insulin and all those non-insulin things that some people take like trulicity and ozempic...they may not be covered...
You lose. Again.

So, why are you always lying? Using a month old link is, yes, lying.

From YOUR link.
Your Headline:


By GasBuddy | October 16, 2023

falling 11.3 cents from a week ago to $3.55 per gallon

So, according to you and your GasBuddy link, 10,000 stations were found with $2.99 gas. But, the AVERAGE is still $3.55 per gallon.
Great president, or the greatest president? Trump never had close to 4.9% growth in any quarter. He promised it, but as always, he couldn't deliver.

U.S. economy grows at blockbuster pace in third quarter

GDP grew at an annual rate of 4.9 percent from July to September, the highest reading since 2021​

The U.S. economy grew by an annualized rate of 4.9 percent in the third quarter, the strongest pace since 2021, as spending — by families, businesses and the government — accelerated, even in the face of fast-rising borrowing costs.

Get a curated selection of 10 of our best stories in your inbox every weekend.
New government data released Thursday by the Bureau of Economic Analysis shows that gross domestic product expanded between July and September, capping five straight quarters of growth and eluding a long-feared recession.

The economy’s resilience is a product of a strong job market and extra pandemic savings, which have made it possible for people to keep spending despite inflation and rising interest rates. Robust government hiring — including 214,000 new jobs between July and September — also added to overall strength.

What’s particularly remarkable is that the economy grew so strongly amid the highest interest rates in more than 15 years, as the Federal Reserve tries to cool the economy down to curb inflation.

The higher it goes, the harder it falls. George W. BUllSHit...

Republicans voted for high gas prices.

Nonsense. Republicans voted for Capitalism, and Democrats voted for socialism.

You also neglected to mention that Exxon obtained those profits on $413.68 Billion in revenues.
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Great president, or the greatest president? Trump never had close to 4.9% growth in any quarter. He promised it, but as always, he couldn't deliver.

U.S. economy grows at blockbuster pace in third quarter

GDP grew at an annual rate of 4.9 percent from July to September, the highest reading since 2021​

The U.S. economy grew by an annualized rate of 4.9 percent in the third quarter, the strongest pace since 2021, as spending — by families, businesses and the government — accelerated, even in the face of fast-rising borrowing costs.

Get a curated selection of 10 of our best stories in your inbox every weekend.
New government data released Thursday by the Bureau of Economic Analysis shows that gross domestic product expanded between July and September, capping five straight quarters of growth and eluding a long-feared recession.

The economy’s resilience is a product of a strong job market and extra pandemic savings, which have made it possible for people to keep spending despite inflation and rising interest rates. Robust government hiring — including 214,000 new jobs between July and September — also added to overall strength.

What’s particularly remarkable is that the economy grew so strongly amid the highest interest rates in more than 15 years, as the Federal Reserve tries to cool the economy down to curb inflation.
Let's Go Brandon!!!!
The U.S. unemployment rate through September has been below 4% for 20 straight months, seven more than the longest streak during the Trump years.

The number of people older than 16 who had a job was 161.6 million in September, above the 158.8 million that had been the pre-pandemic peak in December 2019.

Retail sales hit $613 billion in September as they continued to shift up sharply from the trend before the pandemic, when they peaked at $457.7 billion.

Personal income, even adjusted for inflation, is about 5% higher than where it was before its pre-pandemic peak.

Domestic production of oil hit 12.991 million barrels in July, the latest month available from the Energy Information Administration, higher than any month in the Trump administration except one.

Median household net worth — the worth in the exact middle of the distribution — rose by 37% from 2019 to 2022, thanks in part to generous pandemic aid, while the median leverage ratio, which measures indebtedness against income, fell to a 20-year low, according to the Federal Reserve.”

We are not in a recession. The U.S. economy is expanding rapidly, and the labor market has produced approximately 14 million jobs since Biden took office. Inflation has fallen from 7% to 3.7% without a recession. In comparison, inflation was 4% in 1984 during Reagan’s optimistic “Morning in America” campaign.

The United States now has the best economy in the first world. We’ve had stronger GDP growth and inflation came down more quickly and is now lower than the rest of the first world. Joe Biden is currently leading a stronger economy than The Former Guy ever did.

The best economy since Bill Clintons.
Great president, or the greatest president? Trump never had close to 4.9% growth in any quarter. He promised it, but as always, he couldn't deliver.

U.S. economy grows at blockbuster pace in third quarter

GDP grew at an annual rate of 4.9 percent from July to September, the highest reading since 2021​

The U.S. economy grew by an annualized rate of 4.9 percent in the third quarter, the strongest pace since 2021, as spending — by families, businesses and the government — accelerated, even in the face of fast-rising borrowing costs.

Get a curated selection of 10 of our best stories in your inbox every weekend.
New government data released Thursday by the Bureau of Economic Analysis shows that gross domestic product expanded between July and September, capping five straight quarters of growth and eluding a long-feared recession.

The economy’s resilience is a product of a strong job market and extra pandemic savings, which have made it possible for people to keep spending despite inflation and rising interest rates. Robust government hiring — including 214,000 new jobs between July and September — also added to overall strength.

What’s particularly remarkable is that the economy grew so strongly amid the highest interest rates in more than 15 years, as the Federal Reserve tries to cool the economy down to curb inflation.
So I guess you are pleanty good on Pedafiles, 'old enough to pee old enough for you'. do you believe in Santa and the Easter Bunny too! As long as you have a hairball Right? Right!
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