Bush didn't just lie........

Your reading comprehension skills are severely lacking. I'm not say Kenyans never lie. A said I did not call any Kenyans a liar. As far as the rest of your Birfer nonsense ... who gives a fuck? It's all been so thoroughly debunked, only the most severely brain-dead zombies still cling to it.

Yes, Obama lied, the Kenyans lied. Dude, they are all black, you can't say that, you need to stop calling black people liars
You remain delusional. Sorry, I can't help you with that.

So are the Kenyans telling the truth that Obama was born there or are they liars and he wasn't? You can';t have it both ways, which is it?
You never stop kazzing, do you. Remember, kazzing is synonymous with lying

Yes, to question the inherent truth of liberalism is "lying" because of course we all know that liberalism is truth, the rest of us who are kazzing and disputing liberalism know what we say is not true, we are just greedy and love corporations and the wealthy. I got it, you don't need to keep reminding me of that

. In this case, you're kazzing by ommission. You're leaving out possibility that they're mistaken among your limited choices of your framed query. Which means I can have it both ways. I can believe Obama was born in Hawaii and still not be calling them liars. :mm:

Limited choices? The Kenya birth certificate is real (and Obama was born in Kenya) or it is a lie ( and the Kenyans are liars). How is another choice between it being real and a fraud possible?

You do love the cartoons, don't you Clown?
You really are stupid enough to not see a third option with thst birth certificate. Proving once again you possess the intellect of a 4 year old. Since I feel sorry for you, I'll help you out here ..... a third possibility, of which you are apparently unaware .... is that the Kenyan birth certificate is a fake and no Kenyans were involved in producing it.

Now what?
"Half filled BC?"

What was not filled in?

And what about it was not like other birth certificates?
Just baiting you dude.
So you don't believe what you write. Thanks for the clarification. :thup:
All we have are guesses .. the facts are way to thin regarding Obama's birth. The only reason he gets a pass on the citizenship rule and his records remain hidden is he's a democrat, thus above the law.
that makes sense given Repubs/conz have and have had a majority on the Court for some time :cuckoo: :itsok:

Most of them were passed with Democrat Senates, that's why the liberal contingent is so strong.

Tell me again how Bork in on the Supreme Court...
By what vote margins? :eusa_eh:You really don't know how it works do you? :itsok:

Keep on kazzing :rofl:
there is no way they would just go by what was in the press at that time without talking to him.

You are assuming that. I posted a link where the editor admitted that they did not get that "born in Kenya" from Obama. Why do you keep insisting even when the facts go against you?
Obama ORDERED the death of 14 year old American citizen

This of course is a lie. But when dealing with Unhinged2008 it really is all he has. Next he tell ya that President Obama ordered Lois Lerner to audit every single teabag group, right after he ordered Holder to give the drug Cartels all those weapons......
Your logic is to claim someone says something that they didn't say and then post a quote from someone else saying it, that has later admitted they didn't get it from the someone that you claimed said it to begin with......that's conservative logic at its best......bwahahaha!

Playtex, you have an IQ of at best 20 - you wouldn't know "logic" if you choked on an under-cooked syllogism.

Now calm down, I KNOW you never choke on jism, but syllogism has a different meaning. Ask your masters at the hate sites to explain it to you...
This of course is a lie. But when dealing with Unhinged2008 it really is all he has. Next he tell ya that President Obama ordered Lois Lerner to audit every single teabag group, right after he ordered Holder to give the drug Cartels all those weapons......

Blindfool, you are a party member and view things differently than rational people do. To you "truth" is that which serves the party, and "lie" is that which damages the party.

SANA, Yemen — I LEARNED that my 16-year-old grandson, Abdulrahman — a United States citizen — had been killed by an American drone strike from news reports the morning after he died.

The missile killed him, his teenage cousin and at least five other civilians on Oct. 14, 2011, while the boys were eating dinner at an open-air restaurant in southern Yemen.

I visited the site later, once I was able to bear the pain of seeing where he sat in his final moments. Local residents told me his body was blown to pieces. They showed me the grave where they buried his remains. I stood over it, asking why my grandchild was dead.

Nearly two years later, I still have no answers. The United States government has refused to explain why Abdulrahman was killed. It was not until May of this year that the Obama administration, in a supposed effort to be more transparent, publicly acknowledged what the world already knew — that it was responsible for his death.}

Obama murdered the boy because of who his father was.
This of course is a lie. But when dealing with Unhinged2008 it really is all he has. Next he tell ya that President Obama ordered Lois Lerner to audit every single teabag group, right after he ordered Holder to give the drug Cartels all those weapons......

Blindfool, you are a party member and view things differently than rational people do. To you "truth" is that which serves the party, and "lie" is that which damages the party.

SANA, Yemen — I LEARNED that my 16-year-old grandson, Abdulrahman — a United States citizen — had been killed by an American drone strike from news reports the morning after he died.

The missile killed him, his teenage cousin and at least five other civilians on Oct. 14, 2011, while the boys were eating dinner at an open-air restaurant in southern Yemen.

I visited the site later, once I was able to bear the pain of seeing where he sat in his final moments. Local residents told me his body was blown to pieces. They showed me the grave where they buried his remains. I stood over it, asking why my grandchild was dead.

Nearly two years later, I still have no answers. The United States government has refused to explain why Abdulrahman was killed. It was not until May of this year that the Obama administration, in a supposed effort to be more transparent, publicly acknowledged what the world already knew — that it was responsible for his death.}

Obama murdered the boy because of who his father was.

Classic projection.

Grandpa's opinion piece simply does not prove your assertion that "Obama ORDERED the death of 14 year old American citizen."

It's not the first lie you've been caught peddling and I'm sure it will not be the last.
Because no one who paid attention and had half a brain thought Iraq had anything to do with 9/11.

In reality, Congress thought a lot about that. Why else would they have made that one of two reasons the President was authorized to use military force against Iraq for? But apparently RepubliCONS like to make up their own history.

Bull, you are full of shit. They talked about the threat of the potential for them to work together, they did not make Iraq being behind 9/11 "one of the two reasons" to go to war. Try finding documentation of that one, good luck with that
Exactly, HIS publisher. There is only one place a publisher get bio information from for an unknown author who had never written anything, and it starts with a O and ends with bama

Bwahahaha, a rw nutjob publisher can make up shit for he knows that people like you are going to buy it....that doesn't make it true. And you claimed that Obama himself said he was born in Kenya.......you've yet to prove that. The fact that Faux News, Rush Limbaugh, or any of the rw nutjobs on Faux News says that Obama said he was born in Kenya makes it more likely to be false. The fact that you believe it is no surprise.

The fact you believe a publisher's process is to write bios of unknown people without talking to them shows the space between your ears. The echo has to be maddening
You're still kazzing -- he wasn't unknown.

You're still functionally illiterate. You said none of the authors wrote their own biographies, they are a bunch of unknowns. And Obama may have had a few references, but he was still a nobody, there is no way they would just go by what was in the press at that time without talking to him.*

So seriously, you actually believe a publisher would do a bio without sitting down for five minutes and asking basic questions like where did you go to school? What degrees did you get? Where have you worked? Where have you volunteered? Where were you ... born?

It's unbelievable you would say something that if you are believed makes you look more stupid and naive than if you are just thought to be a partisan liar. You need to work on your story. Maybe then you can stop being such a clown
(* = emphasis added)

And now the guillotine drops to finish off kaz's idiocy. Here he pretends like the editor of that pamphlet couldn't possibly have known what to fill his bio with without Obama's personal input since Obama was, according to kaz, unknown. Well not only was Obama known, but there were many publications on him prior to that pamphlet, such as a brief mention in Time magazine and many newspapers around the country. The following two newspaper articles provide the blade on the instrument of death to kaz's latest bullshit, that being the publisher would have required input personally from Obama to know the details it included....

What's interesting about those two articles (and there were more) is that if one holds them up in comparison to the pamphlet kaz is crowing about, one can see that virtually every point in the pamphlet is mentioned between those two articles. In some cases, copied verbatim. There is the mention of Obama being born in Kenya, which Meriam Goderich, editor of that pamphlet, admits was a mistake on her part; and there is the mention of an upcoming book by Obama which would have been the reason for working with the publicist, but everything else appeared in print previously and would have been accessible to a publisher crafting a bio on an individual such as Obama, who had previously been in the news. Now while I'm not saying Meriam Goderich used those specific articles as the basis of her work, they clearly prove kaz is kazzing again when he pretends there were no other resources beyond Obama to put that bio together. Obviously, the info in the pamphlet already existed in print.

And of course, kaz makes this shit up as he goes along, all with the intent of deceiving the forum with worthless points he thinks will help him establish his original claim that Obama told his publisher he was born in Kenya; though in stark reality, kaz has never, in any of his vain attempts, even come close to proving this.

But being the completely brain-dead moron he is, he will not recognize how his idiocy has been squashed like a bug on the windshield of an 18 wheeler, barreling down I-95 at 80 MPH. Instead, for the forum's entertainment, he will continue to flop around like a fish on a pier, caught at the end of a fishing line. Gasping for oxygen and not comprehending its looming predicament.


I can repeat the main issue as many times as you can ignore it. You didn't just claim they didn't ask Obama, you said that was their process. How even today much less in the LexusNexis days would they do a bio on Tim Johnson, unknown author, without talking to them?
because libertarians who vote republican, like yourself, are the only ones who are still birfers?

I voted Republican once in the last six elections. You have been an idiot since birth.

Also, even in the quote you quoted, I think Obama was born in Hawaii. I also think even if he was born in Kenya he was born an American and is eligible to be President. This word, "birther," I do not think it means what you think it means. You realize you're on the internet, no? You can look up words you don't understand?
Kaz, the point is that at the time of Obama's birth, if he was not born in the USA, because his father was not American and his mother underage... guess what.. Obama would not be an American if he was not born in America. Someone else would if born today in similar circumstances. But at the time of Obama's birth young American women did not have the same rights that they do now. The laws changed after Obama was born. Thus the question.. was he or was he not born in the USA because it does matter. It's suspicious... very suspicious... that the only evidence we've seen is a copy of a copy of a half filled BC that is not consistent with other BCs ... and there are no photos. But we do have a news clipping that shows that his grandma called the papers to tell them of the birth and have it announced. Odd no, that a grandma who cared enough to call the papers to make the birth announce would not take a photo of mom and / or the baby at the hospital. Really the whole thing is odd.. we know his mom traveled to meet Obama's family while she was late pregnant and we don't have evidence of when she came back, whether it was before or after having Obama, whether the baby daddy came back to see the birth etc.. We know they had a camera as evidenced by his mom's porn photos. Course maybe he was afraid of being arrested as a bigamist.
good birfer post

I see the point, if you throw out the "birfer" term then you certainly don't have to address any points
Bwahahaha, a rw nutjob publisher can make up shit for he knows that people like you are going to buy it....that doesn't make it true. And you claimed that Obama himself said he was born in Kenya.......you've yet to prove that. The fact that Faux News, Rush Limbaugh, or any of the rw nutjobs on Faux News says that Obama said he was born in Kenya makes it more likely to be false. The fact that you believe it is no surprise.

The fact you believe a publisher's process is to write bios of unknown people without talking to them shows the space between your ears. The echo has to be maddening
You're still kazzing -- he wasn't unknown.

You're still functionally illiterate. You said none of the authors wrote their own biographies, they are a bunch of unknowns. And Obama may have had a few references, but he was still a nobody, there is no way they would just go by what was in the press at that time without talking to him.

So seriously, you actually believe a publisher would do a bio without sitting down for five minutes and asking basic questions like where did you go to school? What degrees did you get? Where have you worked? Where have you volunteered? Where were you ... born?

It's unbelievable you would say something that if you are believed makes you look more stupid and naive than if you are just thought to be a partisan liar. You need to work on your story. Maybe then you can stop being such a clown
I did not say what you falsely ascribed to me. When do you stop kazzing?
he doesn't.

As to the OP, the last Repub admin was an unmitigated disaster by any measure.

Yes. Then W's clone Obama came in and continued his policies and you called it a dawn of a golden era
You think you are clever, but there were more Democrats that voted against it

I wouldn't pretend you know what I think. You obviously don't.
From what you post one can detect that you don't "think" at all.

As for the vote, The Democrat leadership and the majority of Democrats in the Senate voted for it, and the House enabled it's passage. Your shit does stink, sweetie.

The two parties did that fiasco arm in arm, despite your partisanship induced blindness

I know you really believe that, being as dense as you are, but I quoted the numbers....and it wasn't the majority of Democrats in the Senate or House....please post a link where you are getting that number....or maybe you just don't do math well.

so you definitely are right....Republicans are more stupid and gullible than Democrats..........:)

Another playground argument from a liberal

You were the one that said it, obviously you're not too bright if you can't make the connection.....have someone explain it to you although I don't think you will still be able to figure it out even if they draw you a picture.

You can't follow a logical flow at all

Your logic is to claim someone says something that they didn't say and then post a quote from someone else saying it, that has later admitted they didn't get it from the someone that you claimed said it to begin with......that's conservative logic at its best......bwahahaha!

Your strategy is to walk up to someone arguing with a liberal and repeat the liberal's argument without being able to follow the discussion on your own at all. It's called a circle jerk
Bwhahaha, Libertarians supported the war.......so, you were one of the stupid and gullible, too!

Actually the Libertarian party didn't and I didn't. I would say libertarian leaning Republicans probably did. However, either way, I don't know what that has to do with me, I supported Gulf War I while I was still a Republican. How pointless that ended up being for the cost was a big factor both in my going from being a libertarian leaning conservative to a libertarian and my opposition to Gulf War II

Bwhahaha, Libertarians supported the war.......so, you were one of the stupid and gullible, too!

Actually the Libertarian party didn't and I didn't. I would say libertarian leaning Republicans probably did. However, either way, I don't know what that has to do with me, I supported Gulf War I while I was still a Republican. How pointless that ended up being for the cost was a big factor both in my going from being a libertarian leaning conservative to a libertarian and my opposition to Gulf War II

Actually many libertarians did......going against what they preach...and what it has to do with you is that "even those in your party that are totally against war, got swept in by Bush's lies', so your criticism of those who voted for the war is undeserved...what excuse do you have for those in your party that supported it? And you claim you didn't, but you can say anything you want, now....there is no way we can really found out where you stood.

I've been surprised by the number of libertarians who have supported the war against Iraq.

The two principal arguments I've heard from libertarian war-supporters are:

  1. Saddam Hussein is a threat to the U.S. We must remove him from power before he attacks us or gives weapons of mass destruction to terrorists.

  2. We libertarians should be the first to support the liberation of the Iraqi people from a cruel dictator.

    The Threat
With regard to the first argument, supporting a politician's pre-emptive attack violates virtually every principle underlying libertarian thought — the simple truths that are taught in Libertarianism 101.

Libertarians War

So libertarians aren't collectivists who agree on every issue like leftists do? I agree
Sure, from his publisher

Ok, so you proved his publisher said he was born in Kenya. But of course, that's not what you said. You said Obama said he was born in Kenya. The link you provide fails to prove your claim, thereby establishing you as the nutjob you are.

G'head .... this is where you try to kaz your way into making your fantasy a reality by challenging others to prove Obama didn't say he was born in Kenya.... :mm:

Exactly, HIS publisher. There is only one place a publisher get bio information from for an unknown author who had never written anything, and it starts with a O and ends with bama

Bwahahaha, a rw nutjob publisher can make up shit for he knows that people like you are going to buy it....that doesn't make it true. And you claimed that Obama himself said he was born in Kenya.......you've yet to prove that. The fact that Faux News, Rush Limbaugh, or any of the rw nutjobs on Faux News says that Obama said he was born in Kenya makes it more likely to be false. The fact that you believe it is no surprise.

The fact you believe a publisher's process is to write bios of unknown people without talking to them shows the space between your ears. The echo has to be maddening

Did you miss my post where I linked where the editor admitted that it was an error....that he didn't get that statement from Obama.....you have selective reading?

So, apparently the space between your ears is far wider than you want to acknowledge, and it's filled with hot air....that you actually believed the publisher actually got that from Obama's mouth and are arguing about it after I have given you a link where it is debunked makes you look really retarded.

A vague statement from the editor that didn't even logically contradict Obama is irrelevant
they did not make Iraq being behind 9/11 "one of the two reasons" to go to war. Try finding documentation


(a) Authorization.--The President is authorized to use the Armed
Forces of the United States as he determines to be necessary and
appropriate in order to--
(1) defend the national security of the United States
against the continuing threat posed by Iraq; and
(2) enforce all relevant United Nations Security Council
resolutions regarding Iraq.

(b) Presidential Determination.--In connection with the exercise of
the authority granted in subsection (a) to use force the President
shall, prior to such exercise or as soon thereafter as may be feasible,
but no later than 48 hours after exercising such authority, make
available to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the
President pro tempore of the Senate his determination that--
(1) reliance by the United States on further diplomatic or
other peaceful means alone either (A) will not adequately
protect the national security of the United States against the
continuing threat posed by Iraq or (B) is not likely to lead to
enforcement of all relevant United Nations Security Council
resolutions regarding Iraq; and
(2) acting pursuant to this joint resolution is consistent
with the United States and other countries continuing to take
the necessary actions against international terrorist and
terrorist organizations, including those nations, organizations,
or persons who planned, authorized, committed or aided the
terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001.


Your welcome.
Bwahahaha, a rw nutjob publisher can make up shit for he knows that people like you are going to buy it....that doesn't make it true. And you claimed that Obama himself said he was born in Kenya.......you've yet to prove that. The fact that Faux News, Rush Limbaugh, or any of the rw nutjobs on Faux News says that Obama said he was born in Kenya makes it more likely to be false. The fact that you believe it is no surprise.

The fact you believe a publisher's process is to write bios of unknown people without talking to them shows the space between your ears. The echo has to be maddening
You're still kazzing -- he wasn't unknown.

You're still functionally illiterate. You said none of the authors wrote their own biographies, they are a bunch of unknowns. And Obama may have had a few references, but he was still a nobody, there is no way they would just go by what was in the press at that time without talking to him.*

So seriously, you actually believe a publisher would do a bio without sitting down for five minutes and asking basic questions like where did you go to school? What degrees did you get? Where have you worked? Where have you volunteered? Where were you ... born?

It's unbelievable you would say something that if you are believed makes you look more stupid and naive than if you are just thought to be a partisan liar. You need to work on your story. Maybe then you can stop being such a clown
(* = emphasis added)

And now the guillotine drops to finish off kaz's idiocy. Here he pretends like the editor of that pamphlet couldn't possibly have known what to fill his bio with without Obama's personal input since Obama was, according to kaz, unknown. Well not only was Obama known, but there were many publications on him prior to that pamphlet, such as a brief mention in Time magazine and many newspapers around the country. The following two newspaper articles provide the blade on the instrument of death to kaz's latest bullshit, that being the publisher would have required input personally from Obama to know the details it included....

What's interesting about those two articles (and there were more) is that if one holds them up in comparison to the pamphlet kaz is crowing about, one can see that virtually every point in the pamphlet is mentioned between those two articles. In some cases, copied verbatim. There is the mention of Obama being born in Kenya, which Meriam Goderich, editor of that pamphlet, admits was a mistake on her part; and there is the mention of an upcoming book by Obama which would have been the reason for working with the publicist, but everything else appeared in print previously and would have been accessible to a publisher crafting a bio on an individual such as Obama, who had previously been in the news. Now while I'm not saying Meriam Goderich used those specific articles as the basis of her work, they clearly prove kaz is kazzing again when he pretends there were no other resources beyond Obama to put that bio together. Obviously, the info in the pamphlet already existed in print.

And of course, kaz makes this shit up as he goes along, all with the intent of deceiving the forum with worthless points he thinks will help him establish his original claim that Obama told his publisher he was born in Kenya; though in stark reality, kaz has never, in any of his vain attempts, even come close to proving this.

But being the completely brain-dead moron he is, he will not recognize how his idiocy has been squashed like a bug on the windshield of an 18 wheeler, barreling down I-95 at 80 MPH. Instead, for the forum's entertainment, he will continue to flop around like a fish on a pier, caught at the end of a fishing line. Gasping for oxygen and not comprehending its looming predicament.


I can repeat the main issue as many times as you can ignore it. You didn't just claim they didn't ask Obama, you said that was their process. How even today much less in the LexusNexis days would they do a bio on Tim Johnson, unknown author, without talking to them?
Quit kazzing, I never said that. So you can repeat your kaz a thousand times, I still didn't say that. What I did say was a partner from the firm said almost nobody wrote their own bios. I didn't say they never asked Obama nor did I say they never spoke with him.

Your ignorance aside, your bullshit claim that Meriam Goderich had no other means of crafting that bio has been blown to smithereens.

Which renders you even more helpless than before in proving Obama saying he was born in Kenya ...

And just as I predicted, despite being able to prove your claim, you will continue floundering like a dying fish flopping on a pier.

because libertarians who vote republican, like yourself, are the only ones who are still birfers?

I voted Republican once in the last six elections. You have been an idiot since birth.

Also, even in the quote you quoted, I think Obama was born in Hawaii. I also think even if he was born in Kenya he was born an American and is eligible to be President. This word, "birther," I do not think it means what you think it means. You realize you're on the internet, no? You can look up words you don't understand?
Kaz, the point is that at the time of Obama's birth, if he was not born in the USA, because his father was not American and his mother underage... guess what.. Obama would not be an American if he was not born in America. Someone else would if born today in similar circumstances. But at the time of Obama's birth young American women did not have the same rights that they do now. The laws changed after Obama was born. Thus the question.. was he or was he not born in the USA because it does matter. It's suspicious... very suspicious... that the only evidence we've seen is a copy of a copy of a half filled BC that is not consistent with other BCs ... and there are no photos. But we do have a news clipping that shows that his grandma called the papers to tell them of the birth and have it announced. Odd no, that a grandma who cared enough to call the papers to make the birth announce would not take a photo of mom and / or the baby at the hospital. Really the whole thing is odd.. we know his mom traveled to meet Obama's family while she was late pregnant and we don't have evidence of when she came back, whether it was before or after having Obama, whether the baby daddy came back to see the birth etc.. We know they had a camera as evidenced by his mom's porn photos. Course maybe he was afraid of being arrested as a bigamist.

I understand what you are saying regarding immigration laws, but the Constitution doesn't say that. I don't see how it makes any difference where you are born. How does that change the intent of the framers to have someone loyal to their country by birth only be President? His being born to the same parents in different geological spots changes that? It makes you less loyal to be born to the same parents in our borders? Or in Obama's case, it wouldn't make him actually loyal in either case, but that was the voters who are idiots. I see no difference between his being born in Hawaii or Kenya regarding being natural born American, he is either way
My point was that under the law he would not be an American Citizen if he was not born in the USA. While he went to college he claimed to be a foreign student. Odd no?

As I said, I agree that us "law" says he would not be a citizen if born in Kenya, but I think that's a constitutional issue since the constitution says he must be natural born. I don't see how if you're born to at least one American parent you are not natural born American. I don't see how there is any material difference in being inside or outside our borders
The fact you believe a publisher's process is to write bios of unknown people without talking to them shows the space between your ears. The echo has to be maddening
You're still kazzing -- he wasn't unknown.

You're still functionally illiterate. You said none of the authors wrote their own biographies, they are a bunch of unknowns. And Obama may have had a few references, but he was still a nobody, there is no way they would just go by what was in the press at that time without talking to him.

So seriously, you actually believe a publisher would do a bio without sitting down for five minutes and asking basic questions like where did you go to school? What degrees did you get? Where have you worked? Where have you volunteered? Where were you ... born?

It's unbelievable you would say something that if you are believed makes you look more stupid and naive than if you are just thought to be a partisan liar. You need to work on your story. Maybe then you can stop being such a clown
I did not say what you falsely ascribed to me. When do you stop kazzing?

No, I won't stop kazzing, your liberal bull won't fly here, Shirley. So now you do think Obama told Miriam, you are so full of shit. Kazzing your lies will be your undoing.
Kazzing is synonymous with lying; of course you won't stop ... you're a pathological kazzer. And I still didn't say what you falsely ascribed to me ... I didn't say Obama told Miriam as you falsely portray ... and don't call me Shirley.

I wouldn't say I'm a "pathological kazzer" just a consistent one as I consistently don't buy the Democratic crap you eagerly chug down.

And you have argued forever Obama didn't tell Miriam his was born in Kenya, now you say he did say it? What is wrong with you, seriously
Keep on kazzing :rofl:

I don't debate overtly circle jerking liberals. Come up with your own material or you will just go away. It's overdue already, you are one contentless wench. But I'm not interested in having your cum splattered on my shoes

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