Bush didn't just lie........

"Half filled BC?"

What was not filled in?

And what about it was not like other birth certificates?
Just baiting you dude.
So you don't believe what you write. Thanks for the clarification. :thup:
All we have are guesses .. the facts are way to thin regarding Obama's birth. The only reason he gets a pass on the citizenship rule and his records remain hidden is he's a democrat, thus above the law.
that makes sense given Repubs/conz have and have had a majority on the Court for some time :cuckoo: :itsok:
Obama got away with having American citizens killed without trial... what makes you think the pubs are gonna do anything about anything this guy does?
I'm going to have to ask for a link and don't say Benghazi
because libertarians who vote republican, like yourself, are the only ones who are still birfers?

I voted Republican once in the last six elections. You have been an idiot since birth.

Also, even in the quote you quoted, I think Obama was born in Hawaii. I also think even if he was born in Kenya he was born an American and is eligible to be President. This word, "birther," I do not think it means what you think it means. You realize you're on the internet, no? You can look up words you don't understand?
Kaz, the point is that at the time of Obama's birth, if he was not born in the USA, because his father was not American and his mother underage... guess what.. Obama would not be an American if he was not born in America. Someone else would if born today in similar circumstances. But at the time of Obama's birth young American women did not have the same rights that they do now. The laws changed after Obama was born. Thus the question.. was he or was he not born in the USA because it does matter. It's suspicious... very suspicious... that the only evidence we've seen is a copy of a copy of a half filled BC that is not consistent with other BCs ... and there are no photos. But we do have a news clipping that shows that his grandma called the papers to tell them of the birth and have it announced. Odd no, that a grandma who cared enough to call the papers to make the birth announce would not take a photo of mom and / or the baby at the hospital. Really the whole thing is odd.. we know his mom traveled to meet Obama's family while she was late pregnant and we don't have evidence of when she came back, whether it was before or after having Obama, whether the baby daddy came back to see the birth etc.. We know they had a camera as evidenced by his mom's porn photos. Course maybe he was afraid of being arrested as a bigamist.
good birfer post
Exactly, HIS publisher. There is only one place a publisher get bio information from for an unknown author who had never written anything, and it starts with a O and ends with bama

Bwahahaha, a rw nutjob publisher can make up shit for he knows that people like you are going to buy it....that doesn't make it true. And you claimed that Obama himself said he was born in Kenya.......you've yet to prove that. The fact that Faux News, Rush Limbaugh, or any of the rw nutjobs on Faux News says that Obama said he was born in Kenya makes it more likely to be false. The fact that you believe it is no surprise.

The fact you believe a publisher's process is to write bios of unknown people without talking to them shows the space between your ears. The echo has to be maddening
You're still kazzing -- he wasn't unknown.

You're still functionally illiterate. You said none of the authors wrote their own biographies, they are a bunch of unknowns. And Obama may have had a few references, but he was still a nobody, there is no way they would just go by what was in the press at that time without talking to him.

So seriously, you actually believe a publisher would do a bio without sitting down for five minutes and asking basic questions like where did you go to school? What degrees did you get? Where have you worked? Where have you volunteered? Where were you ... born?

It's unbelievable you would say something that if you are believed makes you look more stupid and naive than if you are just thought to be a partisan liar. You need to work on your story. Maybe then you can stop being such a clown
I did not say what you falsely ascribed to me. When do you stop kazzing?
he doesn't.

As to the OP, the last Repub admin was an unmitigated disaster by any measure.
I voted Republican once in the last six elections. You have been an idiot since birth.

Also, even in the quote you quoted, I think Obama was born in Hawaii. I also think even if he was born in Kenya he was born an American and is eligible to be President. This word, "birther," I do not think it means what you think it means. You realize you're on the internet, no? You can look up words you don't understand?
Kaz, the point is that at the time of Obama's birth, if he was not born in the USA, because his father was not American and his mother underage... guess what.. Obama would not be an American if he was not born in America. Someone else would if born today in similar circumstances. But at the time of Obama's birth young American women did not have the same rights that they do now. The laws changed after Obama was born. Thus the question.. was he or was he not born in the USA because it does matter. It's suspicious... very suspicious... that the only evidence we've seen is a copy of a copy of a half filled BC that is not consistent with other BCs ... and there are no photos. But we do have a news clipping that shows that his grandma called the papers to tell them of the birth and have it announced. Odd no, that a grandma who cared enough to call the papers to make the birth announce would not take a photo of mom and / or the baby at the hospital. Really the whole thing is odd.. we know his mom traveled to meet Obama's family while she was late pregnant and we don't have evidence of when she came back, whether it was before or after having Obama, whether the baby daddy came back to see the birth etc.. We know they had a camera as evidenced by his mom's porn photos. Course maybe he was afraid of being arrested as a bigamist.
"Half filled BC?"

What was not filled in?

And what about it was not like other birth certificates?
Just baiting you dude.
So you don't believe what you write. Thanks for the clarification. :thup:
All we have are guesses .. the facts are way to thin regarding Obama's birth. The only reason he gets a pass on the citizenship rule and his records remain hidden is he's a democrat, thus above the law.
Well that's not true. :eusa_naughty: But then, as you pointed out, not even you believes what you write. :dunno:
Yeah kill em all.

Kill all that join al Qaeda.
Especially the children.. we need to kill all American children who have parents accused of terrorism. Like that Bush guy.. the democrats accused him of terrorism right? Hey for that matter why not just let Obama kill us all for any reason whatsoever

Whoa there Cowboy Hyperbole....let's not fly away in left field.

We don't need no system of laws anymore, we have drone power now.

Too late.

You got proof that 15year old American boy that Obama had kills was a member of Al Qaeda? Evidence? Why no trial? Why kill him and everyone around him at eating lunch at a cafe? Why was this American boy killed?

Hyperbole? At what point does killing American children without trial become the right thing to do? Why is it ok to kill the ones we "accuse" of joining Al Qaeda with zero evidence, but hyperbole to think they won't expand that to cover killing anyone they damn well please?
Just baiting you dude.
So you don't believe what you write. Thanks for the clarification. :thup:
All we have are guesses .. the facts are way to thin regarding Obama's birth. The only reason he gets a pass on the citizenship rule and his records remain hidden is he's a democrat, thus above the law.
that makes sense given Repubs/conz have and have had a majority on the Court for some time :cuckoo: :itsok:
Obama got away with having American citizens killed without trial... what makes you think the pubs are gonna do anything about anything this guy does?
I'm going to have to ask for a link and don't say Benghazi
Reason For Drone Strike On A 16-Year-Old - Business Insider

U.S. airstrike that killed American teen in Yemen raises legal ethical questions - The Washington Post

ACLU files new lawsuit over Obama administration drone kill list World news The Guardian
Fear mongering was much more effective

George W. Bush didn t just lie about the Iraq War. What he did was much worse.

What the Bush administration launched in 2002 and 2003 may have been the most comprehensive, sophisticated, and misleading campaign of government propaganda in American history. Spend too much time in the weeds, and you risk missing the hysterical tenor of the whole campaign.

In the summer of 2002, the administration established something called the White House Iraq Group, through which Karl Rove and other communication strategists like Karen Hughes and Mary Matalin coordinated with policy officials to sell the public on the threat from Iraq in order to justify war. "The script had been finalized with great care over the summer," White House press secretary Scott McClellan later wrote, for a "campaign to convince Americans that war with Iraq was inevitable and necessary."
In that campaign, intelligence wasn't something to be understood and assessed by the administration in making their decisions, it was a propaganda tool to lead the public to the conclusion that the administration wanted. Again and again we saw a similar pattern: An allegation would bubble up from somewhere, some in the intelligence community would say that it could be true but others would say it was either speculation or outright baloney, but before you knew it the president or someone else was presenting it to the public as settled fact.

Partisan hackery. President Obama no more murdered anyone than any CoC who inflicted collateral damage in any military conflict we've been in.

Obama ORDERED the death of 14 year old American citizen who was on no watchlists and had committed no crimes. Because you hold Obama above any law of man, you see no problem with this. Rational people OTH see a HUGE problem with it.

It's murder.
You think you are clever, but there were more Democrats that voted against it

I wouldn't pretend you know what I think. You obviously don't.
From what you post one can detect that you don't "think" at all.

As for the vote, The Democrat leadership and the majority of Democrats in the Senate voted for it, and the House enabled it's passage. Your shit does stink, sweetie.

The two parties did that fiasco arm in arm, despite your partisanship induced blindness

I know you really believe that, being as dense as you are, but I quoted the numbers....and it wasn't the majority of Democrats in the Senate or House....please post a link where you are getting that number....or maybe you just don't do math well.

so you definitely are right....Republicans are more stupid and gullible than Democrats..........:)

Another playground argument from a liberal

You were the one that said it, obviously you're not too bright if you can't make the connection.....have someone explain it to you although I don't think you will still be able to figure it out even if they draw you a picture.

You can't follow a logical flow at all

Your logic is to claim someone says something that they didn't say and then post a quote from someone else saying it, that has later admitted they didn't get it from the someone that you claimed said it to begin with......that's conservative logic at its best......bwahahaha!
Bwhahaha, Libertarians supported the war.......so, you were one of the stupid and gullible, too!

Actually the Libertarian party didn't and I didn't. I would say libertarian leaning Republicans probably did. However, either way, I don't know what that has to do with me, I supported Gulf War I while I was still a Republican. How pointless that ended up being for the cost was a big factor both in my going from being a libertarian leaning conservative to a libertarian and my opposition to Gulf War II

Bwhahaha, Libertarians supported the war.......so, you were one of the stupid and gullible, too!

Actually the Libertarian party didn't and I didn't. I would say libertarian leaning Republicans probably did. However, either way, I don't know what that has to do with me, I supported Gulf War I while I was still a Republican. How pointless that ended up being for the cost was a big factor both in my going from being a libertarian leaning conservative to a libertarian and my opposition to Gulf War II

Actually many libertarians did......going against what they preach...and what it has to do with you is that "even those in your party that are totally against war, got swept in by Bush's lies', so your criticism of those who voted for the war is undeserved...what excuse do you have for those in your party that supported it? And you claim you didn't, but you can say anything you want, now....there is no way we can really found out where you stood.

I've been surprised by the number of libertarians who have supported the war against Iraq.

The two principal arguments I've heard from libertarian war-supporters are:

  1. Saddam Hussein is a threat to the U.S. We must remove him from power before he attacks us or gives weapons of mass destruction to terrorists.

  2. We libertarians should be the first to support the liberation of the Iraqi people from a cruel dictator.

    The Threat
With regard to the first argument, supporting a politician's pre-emptive attack violates virtually every principle underlying libertarian thought — the simple truths that are taught in Libertarianism 101.

Libertarians War
Link, please?

Sure, from his publisher

Ok, so you proved his publisher said he was born in Kenya. But of course, that's not what you said. You said Obama said he was born in Kenya. The link you provide fails to prove your claim, thereby establishing you as the nutjob you are.

G'head .... this is where you try to kaz your way into making your fantasy a reality by challenging others to prove Obama didn't say he was born in Kenya.... :mm:

Exactly, HIS publisher. There is only one place a publisher get bio information from for an unknown author who had never written anything, and it starts with a O and ends with bama

Bwahahaha, a rw nutjob publisher can make up shit for he knows that people like you are going to buy it....that doesn't make it true. And you claimed that Obama himself said he was born in Kenya.......you've yet to prove that. The fact that Faux News, Rush Limbaugh, or any of the rw nutjobs on Faux News says that Obama said he was born in Kenya makes it more likely to be false. The fact that you believe it is no surprise.

The fact you believe a publisher's process is to write bios of unknown people without talking to them shows the space between your ears. The echo has to be maddening

Did you miss my post where I linked where the editor admitted that it was an error....that he didn't get that statement from Obama.....you have selective reading?

So, apparently the space between your ears is far wider than you want to acknowledge, and it's filled with hot air....that you actually believed the publisher actually got that from Obama's mouth and are arguing about it after I have given you a link where it is debunked makes you look really retarded.
And you're the one insinuating that Kenyan birth certificate is genuine.

But wait .... didn't you deny being a birther? Yet here you are pushing the nonsense that Obama has a Kenyan birth certificate. So were you kazzing then when you denied being a Birther or are you kazzing now when you ininuate he has a genuine Kenyan birth certificate? :ack-1:

What are you talking about? I said he was born in Hawaii, you called the Kenyans liars. I didn't say their birth certificate is real or not. Can you say that? They are black you know
I can't help you're too slow to keep up. I called no Kenyans, "liars" nor do I believe any Kenyans had anything to do with that birth certificate. That means the only way you could think I called any Kenyans liars is that you either believe that birth certificate is authentic or you believe Kenyans made it. Which is it?
So you don't believe any Kenyans are Liars - Thats a pretty friggin lame thing to even post - of course they lie they're Human . I also take that to mean that you don't believe that the Kenyan Ambassador lied when he said Obama was Kenyan Born - or what about his Grandma - who had never in her life left Kenya - yet claims she was the midwife ....are they Liars ?
Your reading comprehension skills are severely lacking. I'm not say Kenyans never lie. A said I did not call any Kenyans a liar. As far as the rest of your Birfer nonsense ... who gives a fuck? It's all been so thoroughly debunked, only the most severely brain-dead zombies still cling to it.

Yes, Obama lied, the Kenyans lied. Dude, they are all black, you can't say that, you need to stop calling black people liars

You're the liar. You are claiming people said things they didn't say and have yet to show any proof they did. Quit trying to deflect by claiming that he is calling blacks liars, you're the only liar here.
because libertarians who vote republican, like yourself, are the only ones who are still birfers?

I voted Republican once in the last six elections. You have been an idiot since birth.

Also, even in the quote you quoted, I think Obama was born in Hawaii. I also think even if he was born in Kenya he was born an American and is eligible to be President. This word, "birther," I do not think it means what you think it means. You realize you're on the internet, no? You can look up words you don't understand?
Kaz, the point is that at the time of Obama's birth, if he was not born in the USA, because his father was not American and his mother underage... guess what.. Obama would not be an American if he was not born in America. Someone else would if born today in similar circumstances. But at the time of Obama's birth young American women did not have the same rights that they do now. The laws changed after Obama was born. Thus the question.. was he or was he not born in the USA because it does matter. It's suspicious... very suspicious... that the only evidence we've seen is a copy of a copy of a half filled BC that is not consistent with other BCs ... and there are no photos. But we do have a news clipping that shows that his grandma called the papers to tell them of the birth and have it announced. Odd no, that a grandma who cared enough to call the papers to make the birth announce would not take a photo of mom and / or the baby at the hospital. Really the whole thing is odd.. we know his mom traveled to meet Obama's family while she was late pregnant and we don't have evidence of when she came back, whether it was before or after having Obama, whether the baby daddy came back to see the birth etc.. We know they had a camera as evidenced by his mom's porn photos. Course maybe he was afraid of being arrested as a bigamist.

I understand what you are saying regarding immigration laws, but the Constitution doesn't say that. I don't see how it makes any difference where you are born. How does that change the intent of the framers to have someone loyal to their country by birth only be President? His being born to the same parents in different geological spots changes that? It makes you less loyal to be born to the same parents in our borders? Or in Obama's case, it wouldn't make him actually loyal in either case, but that was the voters who are idiots. I see no difference between his being born in Hawaii or Kenya regarding being natural born American, he is either way
Exactly, HIS publisher. There is only one place a publisher get bio information from for an unknown author who had never written anything, and it starts with a O and ends with bama

Bwahahaha, a rw nutjob publisher can make up shit for he knows that people like you are going to buy it....that doesn't make it true. And you claimed that Obama himself said he was born in Kenya.......you've yet to prove that. The fact that Faux News, Rush Limbaugh, or any of the rw nutjobs on Faux News says that Obama said he was born in Kenya makes it more likely to be false. The fact that you believe it is no surprise.

The fact you believe a publisher's process is to write bios of unknown people without talking to them shows the space between your ears. The echo has to be maddening
You're still kazzing -- he wasn't unknown.

You're still functionally illiterate. You said none of the authors wrote their own biographies, they are a bunch of unknowns. And Obama may have had a few references, but he was still a nobody, there is no way they would just go by what was in the press at that time without talking to him.

So seriously, you actually believe a publisher would do a bio without sitting down for five minutes and asking basic questions like where did you go to school? What degrees did you get? Where have you worked? Where have you volunteered? Where were you ... born?

It's unbelievable you would say something that if you are believed makes you look more stupid and naive than if you are just thought to be a partisan liar. You need to work on your story. Maybe then you can stop being such a clown
I did not say what you falsely ascribed to me. When do you stop kazzing?

No, I won't stop kazzing, your liberal bull won't fly here, Shirley. So now you do think Obama told Miriam, you are so full of shit. Kazzing your lies will be your undoing.
because libertarians who vote republican, like yourself, are the only ones who are still birfers?

I voted Republican once in the last six elections. You have been an idiot since birth.

Also, even in the quote you quoted, I think Obama was born in Hawaii. I also think even if he was born in Kenya he was born an American and is eligible to be President. This word, "birther," I do not think it means what you think it means. You realize you're on the internet, no? You can look up words you don't understand?
Kaz, the point is that at the time of Obama's birth, if he was not born in the USA, because his father was not American and his mother underage... guess what.. Obama would not be an American if he was not born in America. Someone else would if born today in similar circumstances. But at the time of Obama's birth young American women did not have the same rights that they do now. The laws changed after Obama was born. Thus the question.. was he or was he not born in the USA because it does matter. It's suspicious... very suspicious... that the only evidence we've seen is a copy of a copy of a half filled BC that is not consistent with other BCs ... and there are no photos. But we do have a news clipping that shows that his grandma called the papers to tell them of the birth and have it announced. Odd no, that a grandma who cared enough to call the papers to make the birth announce would not take a photo of mom and / or the baby at the hospital. Really the whole thing is odd.. we know his mom traveled to meet Obama's family while she was late pregnant and we don't have evidence of when she came back, whether it was before or after having Obama, whether the baby daddy came back to see the birth etc.. We know they had a camera as evidenced by his mom's porn photos. Course maybe he was afraid of being arrested as a bigamist.
"Half filled BC?"

What was not filled in?

And what about it was not like other birth certificates?
Just baiting you dude.

It's hard to stop, isn't it?
So you don't believe any Kenyans are Liars - Thats a pretty friggin lame thing to even post - of course they lie they're Human . I also take that to mean that you don't believe that the Kenyan Ambassador lied when he said Obama was Kenyan Born - or what about his Grandma - who had never in her life left Kenya - yet claims she was the midwife ....are they Liars ?
Your reading comprehension skills are severely lacking. I'm not say Kenyans never lie. A said I did not call any Kenyans a liar. As far as the rest of your Birfer nonsense ... who gives a fuck? It's all been so thoroughly debunked, only the most severely brain-dead zombies still cling to it.

Yes, Obama lied, the Kenyans lied. Dude, they are all black, you can't say that, you need to stop calling black people liars
You remain delusional. Sorry, I can't help you with that.

So are the Kenyans telling the truth that Obama was born there or are they liars and he wasn't? You can';t have it both ways, which is it?
You never stop kazzing, do you. Remember, kazzing is synonymous with lying

Yes, to question the inherent truth of liberalism is "lying" because of course we all know that liberalism is truth, the rest of us who are kazzing and disputing liberalism know what we say is not true, we are just greedy and love corporations and the wealthy. I got it, you don't need to keep reminding me of that

. In this case, you're kazzing by ommission. You're leaving out possibility that they're mistaken among your limited choices of your framed query. Which means I can have it both ways. I can believe Obama was born in Hawaii and still not be calling them liars. :mm:

Limited choices? The Kenya birth certificate is real (and Obama was born in Kenya) or it is a lie ( and the Kenyans are liars). How is another choice between it being real and a fraud possible?

You do love the cartoons, don't you Clown?
I voted Republican once in the last six elections. You have been an idiot since birth.

Also, even in the quote you quoted, I think Obama was born in Hawaii. I also think even if he was born in Kenya he was born an American and is eligible to be President. This word, "birther," I do not think it means what you think it means. You realize you're on the internet, no? You can look up words you don't understand?
Kaz, the point is that at the time of Obama's birth, if he was not born in the USA, because his father was not American and his mother underage... guess what.. Obama would not be an American if he was not born in America. Someone else would if born today in similar circumstances. But at the time of Obama's birth young American women did not have the same rights that they do now. The laws changed after Obama was born. Thus the question.. was he or was he not born in the USA because it does matter. It's suspicious... very suspicious... that the only evidence we've seen is a copy of a copy of a half filled BC that is not consistent with other BCs ... and there are no photos. But we do have a news clipping that shows that his grandma called the papers to tell them of the birth and have it announced. Odd no, that a grandma who cared enough to call the papers to make the birth announce would not take a photo of mom and / or the baby at the hospital. Really the whole thing is odd.. we know his mom traveled to meet Obama's family while she was late pregnant and we don't have evidence of when she came back, whether it was before or after having Obama, whether the baby daddy came back to see the birth etc.. We know they had a camera as evidenced by his mom's porn photos. Course maybe he was afraid of being arrested as a bigamist.
"Half filled BC?"

What was not filled in?

And what about it was not like other birth certificates?
Just baiting you dude.
So you don't believe what you write. Thanks for the clarification. :thup:
All we have are guesses .. the facts are way to thin regarding Obama's birth. The only reason he gets a pass on the citizenship rule and his records remain hidden is he's a democrat, thus above the law.

It is very dd Obama can't prove where he was born, isn't it?
Kaz, the point is that at the time of Obama's birth, if he was not born in the USA, because his father was not American and his mother underage... guess what.. Obama would not be an American if he was not born in America. Someone else would if born today in similar circumstances. But at the time of Obama's birth young American women did not have the same rights that they do now. The laws changed after Obama was born. Thus the question.. was he or was he not born in the USA because it does matter. It's suspicious... very suspicious... that the only evidence we've seen is a copy of a copy of a half filled BC that is not consistent with other BCs ... and there are no photos. But we do have a news clipping that shows that his grandma called the papers to tell them of the birth and have it announced. Odd no, that a grandma who cared enough to call the papers to make the birth announce would not take a photo of mom and / or the baby at the hospital. Really the whole thing is odd.. we know his mom traveled to meet Obama's family while she was late pregnant and we don't have evidence of when she came back, whether it was before or after having Obama, whether the baby daddy came back to see the birth etc.. We know they had a camera as evidenced by his mom's porn photos. Course maybe he was afraid of being arrested as a bigamist.
"Half filled BC?"

What was not filled in?

And what about it was not like other birth certificates?
Just baiting you dude.
So you don't believe what you write. Thanks for the clarification. :thup:
All we have are guesses .. the facts are way to thin regarding Obama's birth. The only reason he gets a pass on the citizenship rule and his records remain hidden is he's a democrat, thus above the law.
that makes sense given Repubs/conz have and have had a majority on the Court for some time :cuckoo: :itsok:

Most of them were passed with Democrat Senates, that's why the liberal contingent is so strong.

Tell me again how Bork in on the Supreme Court...
because libertarians who vote republican, like yourself, are the only ones who are still birfers?

I voted Republican once in the last six elections. You have been an idiot since birth.

Also, even in the quote you quoted, I think Obama was born in Hawaii. I also think even if he was born in Kenya he was born an American and is eligible to be President. This word, "birther," I do not think it means what you think it means. You realize you're on the internet, no? You can look up words you don't understand?
Kaz, the point is that at the time of Obama's birth, if he was not born in the USA, because his father was not American and his mother underage... guess what.. Obama would not be an American if he was not born in America. Someone else would if born today in similar circumstances. But at the time of Obama's birth young American women did not have the same rights that they do now. The laws changed after Obama was born. Thus the question.. was he or was he not born in the USA because it does matter. It's suspicious... very suspicious... that the only evidence we've seen is a copy of a copy of a half filled BC that is not consistent with other BCs ... and there are no photos. But we do have a news clipping that shows that his grandma called the papers to tell them of the birth and have it announced. Odd no, that a grandma who cared enough to call the papers to make the birth announce would not take a photo of mom and / or the baby at the hospital. Really the whole thing is odd.. we know his mom traveled to meet Obama's family while she was late pregnant and we don't have evidence of when she came back, whether it was before or after having Obama, whether the baby daddy came back to see the birth etc.. We know they had a camera as evidenced by his mom's porn photos. Course maybe he was afraid of being arrested as a bigamist.

I understand what you are saying regarding immigration laws, but the Constitution doesn't say that. I don't see how it makes any difference where you are born. How does that change the intent of the framers to have someone loyal to their country by birth only be President? His being born to the same parents in different geological spots changes that? It makes you less loyal to be born to the same parents in our borders? Or in Obama's case, it wouldn't make him actually loyal in either case, but that was the voters who are idiots. I see no difference between his being born in Hawaii or Kenya regarding being natural born American, he is either way
My point was that under the law he would not be an American Citizen if he was not born in the USA. While he went to college he claimed to be a foreign student. Odd no?
Bwahahaha, a rw nutjob publisher can make up shit for he knows that people like you are going to buy it....that doesn't make it true. And you claimed that Obama himself said he was born in Kenya.......you've yet to prove that. The fact that Faux News, Rush Limbaugh, or any of the rw nutjobs on Faux News says that Obama said he was born in Kenya makes it more likely to be false. The fact that you believe it is no surprise.

The fact you believe a publisher's process is to write bios of unknown people without talking to them shows the space between your ears. The echo has to be maddening
You're still kazzing -- he wasn't unknown.

You're still functionally illiterate. You said none of the authors wrote their own biographies, they are a bunch of unknowns. And Obama may have had a few references, but he was still a nobody, there is no way they would just go by what was in the press at that time without talking to him.

So seriously, you actually believe a publisher would do a bio without sitting down for five minutes and asking basic questions like where did you go to school? What degrees did you get? Where have you worked? Where have you volunteered? Where were you ... born?

It's unbelievable you would say something that if you are believed makes you look more stupid and naive than if you are just thought to be a partisan liar. You need to work on your story. Maybe then you can stop being such a clown
I did not say what you falsely ascribed to me. When do you stop kazzing?

No, I won't stop kazzing, your liberal bull won't fly here, Shirley. So now you do think Obama told Miriam, you are so full of shit. Kazzing your lies will be your undoing.
Kazzing is synonymous with lying; of course you won't stop ... you're a pathological kazzer. And I still didn't say what you falsely ascribed to me ... I didn't say Obama told Miriam as you falsely portray ... and don't call me Shirley.

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