Bush didn't just lie........

No, Obama lied about being born in Kenya. He was born in Hawaii. He is the original birther, patient zero of the birther movement

Link, please?

Sure, from his publisher

Ok, so you proved his publisher said he was born in Kenya. But of course, that's not what you said. You said Obama said he was born in Kenya. The link you provide fails to prove your claim, thereby establishing you as the nutjob you are.

G'head .... this is where you try to kaz your way into making your fantasy a reality by challenging others to prove Obama didn't say he was born in Kenya.... :mm:

Exactly, HIS publisher. There is only one place a publisher get bio information from for an unknown author who had never written anything, and it starts with a O and ends with bama
That's a kaz....

In reality, Jane Dystel, one of the partners of Obama's publishing firm at that time, indicated that almost nobody wrote their own bio's.

If the truth were on your side, you wouldn't have to kaz all the time. :thup:

She said they didn't "write" them. She did not say your idiotic position that they wrote them with zero information from the author, they went out and did things like check with every school and every employer and every organization in the country to see if they'd ever been there
Well i think we all know this already yes Bush did not just lie he had a agenda going on like most presidents & people in congress he tried to exploit peoples fears of 911 & he was responsible for sending 1000s maybe even more then that of Americans to there deaths.

Then Obama took office and kept sending more to their deaths. Then he left, and lost to make sure the soldiers died for nothing.

lol, kaz the anti-Iraq war guy turning pro-Iraq war to bash Obama.

lol Hes contradicting himself.

Where did I do that?

I oppose our being in the war. If we are in a war I want our troops to win. That's a contradiction?

You realize you are saying you actually rooted for our troops to lose. That's pathetic, sir
Link, please?

Sure, from his publisher

Ok, so you proved his publisher said he was born in Kenya. But of course, that's not what you said. You said Obama said he was born in Kenya. The link you provide fails to prove your claim, thereby establishing you as the nutjob you are.

G'head .... this is where you try to kaz your way into making your fantasy a reality by challenging others to prove Obama didn't say he was born in Kenya.... :mm:

Exactly, HIS publisher. There is only one place a publisher get bio information from for an unknown author who had never written anything, and it starts with a O and ends with bama

Bwahahaha, a rw nutjob publisher can make up shit for he knows that people like you are going to buy it....that doesn't make it true. And you claimed that Obama himself said he was born in Kenya.......you've yet to prove that. The fact that Faux News, Rush Limbaugh, or any of the rw nutjobs on Faux News says that Obama said he was born in Kenya makes it more likely to be false. The fact that you believe it is no surprise.

The fact you believe a publisher's process is to write bios of unknown people without talking to them shows the space between your ears. The echo has to be maddening
You're still kazzing -- he wasn't unknown.
You just did, you said the birth certificate was a lie. Why are Kenyans producing fake birth certificates do you suppose?
Say what?? You think that birth certificate was really from Kenya??


What a fucking imbecile you are. :thup:

Hey, you're the one who said the Kenya certificate wasn't real. Are you back peddling on that now? Why are the Kenyans faking Obama birth certificates? Again, you think it's the tourist money?

Wouldn't that be pathetic, the Kenyans casting a shadow over an entire Presidency bringing Obama's administration into serious questions of legitimacy all over a few tourist dollars?
And you're the one insinuating that Kenyan birth certificate is genuine.

But wait .... didn't you deny being a birther? Yet here you are pushing the nonsense that Obama has a Kenyan birth certificate. So were you kazzing then when you denied being a Birther or are you kazzing now when you ininuate he has a genuine Kenyan birth certificate? :ack-1:

What are you talking about? I said he was born in Hawaii, you called the Kenyans liars. I didn't say their birth certificate is real or not. Can you say that? They are black you know
I can't help you're too slow to keep up. I called no Kenyans, "liars" nor do I believe any Kenyans had anything to do with that birth certificate. That means the only way you could think I called any Kenyans liars is that you either believe that birth certificate is authentic or you believe Kenyans made it. Which is it?

Well which is it? You believe the birth certificate or are the Kenyans liars? How can you create a real, fake birth certificate? That makes no sense.

BTW, GreenBean provided a lot more evidence of the Kenyans saying Obama was born there. You responded to his post, did you read it?
Link, please?

Sure, from his publisher

Ok, so you proved his publisher said he was born in Kenya. But of course, that's not what you said. You said Obama said he was born in Kenya. The link you provide fails to prove your claim, thereby establishing you as the nutjob you are.

G'head .... this is where you try to kaz your way into making your fantasy a reality by challenging others to prove Obama didn't say he was born in Kenya.... :mm:

Exactly, HIS publisher. There is only one place a publisher get bio information from for an unknown author who had never written anything, and it starts with a O and ends with bama
That's a kaz....

In reality, Jane Dystel, one of the partners of Obama's publishing firm at that time, indicated that almost nobody wrote their own bio's.

If the truth were on your side, you wouldn't have to kaz all the time. :thup:

She said they didn't "write" them. She did not say your idiotic position that they wrote them with zero information from the author, they went out and did things like check with every school and every employer and every organization in the country to see if they'd ever been there
Ok, let's see your proof they had no information about him without his input.... you keep writing checks you can't cash, all the while, hoping you can cover your original check, which you've never been able to prove.
That's what we do in my home of Kazmania. I'm always kazzing, we never accept your liberal crap as fact based on blind faith.

OK, so you finally admit Obama did give them the information such as about his experience like at Harvard and how he said he was born in Kenya.

Good for you, this is the first time you kazzed in a long time, isn't it? Maybe your whole life. It gives you kind of a buzz the first time, doesn't it?
I didn't admit that either. Who knows where you got that from? :dunno:

Why do you think the Kenyans are birthers, do you suppose it is for the tourist money? Geez, maybe they started the whole birther thing for tourist money. Seems possible, doesn't it?

.... and I'm still waiting for you to prove Obama told his publisher he was born in Kenya....

Oh, no problem. Here you go:

I don't believe Kenyans are birthers. That's just your dementia guiding you again.

And why are you posting that pamphlet again? It proves Obama's publisher said he was born in Kenya -- it does not prove Obama said it, which of course, was the claim you can't prove. :mm:

There is no other explanation where the Publisher got that. You've never had a bio written about you, but there is no other way it's done. And thanks for the cartoon, clown
Of course there are other ways. You're beyond stupid to think that there are no other ways; just as you are beyond stupid to comprehend a partner in the business said almost no one wrote their own bios; just as you are beyond stupid to think Obama was completely unknown; just as you are beyond stupid to know when you've lost this argument, despite trying to fight it over and over and losing every single time for the exact same reason -- you can't prove your claim that Obama said he was born in Kenya. Yet you keep trying to fight that fight, but expect different results. :rolleyes:

You're a nobody, so you wouldn't know this. But I've had my background fact checked numerous times. They have never produced anything in my background I didn't tell them. I don't include everything because there are too many things I've done. How can you have only the name and address of a person and figure out with any reasonable cost what they've done, what schools and degrees and jobs and experiences and their volunteer work at charities. You are a ridiculous clown that you actually believe they can. I mean even with a name like Obama's it would be hard. A Tim Johnson does and you're toast, there are thousands of them
Fear mongering was much more effective

George W. Bush didn t just lie about the Iraq War. What he did was much worse.

What the Bush administration launched in 2002 and 2003 may have been the most comprehensive, sophisticated, and misleading campaign of government propaganda in American history. Spend too much time in the weeds, and you risk missing the hysterical tenor of the whole campaign.

In the summer of 2002, the administration established something called the White House Iraq Group, through which Karl Rove and other communication strategists like Karen Hughes and Mary Matalin coordinated with policy officials to sell the public on the threat from Iraq in order to justify war. "The script had been finalized with great care over the summer," White House press secretary Scott McClellan later wrote, for a "campaign to convince Americans that war with Iraq was inevitable and necessary."
In that campaign, intelligence wasn't something to be understood and assessed by the administration in making their decisions, it was a propaganda tool to lead the public to the conclusion that the administration wanted. Again and again we saw a similar pattern: An allegation would bubble up from somewhere, some in the intelligence community would say that it could be true but others would say it was either speculation or outright baloney, but before you knew it the president or someone else was presenting it to the public as settled fact.


Good thing Dims are in power. Obama got up and declared he only wanted a no fly zone in Libya and had no interest in removing Gaddafi.

Hundreds of Cruz Missils later, in and around Gaddafi's headquarters, Gaddafi is killed.

Then when he is seemingly in vioation of the War Powers Act by not consulting Congress, he simply says its not a war.

Obama good, Bush bad.

Got it!!
Say what?? You think that birth certificate was really from Kenya??


What a fucking imbecile you are. :thup:

Hey, you're the one who said the Kenya certificate wasn't real. Are you back peddling on that now? Why are the Kenyans faking Obama birth certificates? Again, you think it's the tourist money?

Wouldn't that be pathetic, the Kenyans casting a shadow over an entire Presidency bringing Obama's administration into serious questions of legitimacy all over a few tourist dollars?
And you're the one insinuating that Kenyan birth certificate is genuine.

But wait .... didn't you deny being a birther? Yet here you are pushing the nonsense that Obama has a Kenyan birth certificate. So were you kazzing then when you denied being a Birther or are you kazzing now when you ininuate he has a genuine Kenyan birth certificate? :ack-1:

What are you talking about? I said he was born in Hawaii, you called the Kenyans liars. I didn't say their birth certificate is real or not. Can you say that? They are black you know
I can't help you're too slow to keep up. I called no Kenyans, "liars" nor do I believe any Kenyans had anything to do with that birth certificate. That means the only way you could think I called any Kenyans liars is that you either believe that birth certificate is authentic or you believe Kenyans made it. Which is it?

Well which is it? You believe the birth certificate or are the Kenyans liars? How can you create a real, fake birth certificate? That makes no sense.

BTW, GreenBean provided a lot more evidence of the Kenyans saying Obama was born there. You responded to his post, did you read it?
I'll try again ... I do not believe that BC is real and I don't believe it was created by Kenyans. Therefore, I did not call any Kenyans, kazzers. On the flip side, you think I did call them, kazzers; meaning you believe Kenyans created it. What evidence do you have of that?

As far as GreenBean's post, of course I didn't read it. Why would I? Birfer nonsense has long been debunked. I was helping him out by offering him more Birfer nonsense I noticed he was missing from his collection.
I didn't admit that either. Who knows where you got that from? :dunno:

Why do you think the Kenyans are birthers, do you suppose it is for the tourist money? Geez, maybe they started the whole birther thing for tourist money. Seems possible, doesn't it?

.... and I'm still waiting for you to prove Obama told his publisher he was born in Kenya....

Oh, no problem. Here you go:

I don't believe Kenyans are birthers. That's just your dementia guiding you again.

And why are you posting that pamphlet again? It proves Obama's publisher said he was born in Kenya -- it does not prove Obama said it, which of course, was the claim you can't prove. :mm:

There is no other explanation where the Publisher got that. You've never had a bio written about you, but there is no other way it's done. And thanks for the cartoon, clown
Of course there are other ways. You're beyond stupid to think that there are no other ways; just as you are beyond stupid to comprehend a partner in the business said almost no one wrote their own bios; just as you are beyond stupid to think Obama was completely unknown; just as you are beyond stupid to know when you've lost this argument, despite trying to fight it over and over and losing every single time for the exact same reason -- you can't prove your claim that Obama said he was born in Kenya. Yet you keep trying to fight that fight, but expect different results. :rolleyes:

You're a nobody, so you wouldn't know this. But I've had my background fact checked numerous times. They have never produced anything in my background I didn't tell them. I don't include everything because there are too many things I've done. How can you have only the name and address of a person and figure out with any reasonable cost what they've done, what schools and degrees and jobs and experiences and their volunteer work at charities. You are a ridiculous clown that you actually believe they can. I mean even with a name like Obama's it would be hard. A Tim Johnson does and you're toast, there are thousands of them
Your anecdotal evidence is meaningless as it doesn't pertain to everyone. And again, Obama was not unknown. By the time they collected info for his bio, he had been written about in many articles from around the country after reaching notoriety for becoming Harvard Law School's first black president.
Hey, you're the one who said the Kenya certificate wasn't real. Are you back peddling on that now? Why are the Kenyans faking Obama birth certificates? Again, you think it's the tourist money?

Wouldn't that be pathetic, the Kenyans casting a shadow over an entire Presidency bringing Obama's administration into serious questions of legitimacy all over a few tourist dollars?
And you're the one insinuating that Kenyan birth certificate is genuine.

But wait .... didn't you deny being a birther? Yet here you are pushing the nonsense that Obama has a Kenyan birth certificate. So were you kazzing then when you denied being a Birther or are you kazzing now when you ininuate he has a genuine Kenyan birth certificate? :ack-1:

What are you talking about? I said he was born in Hawaii, you called the Kenyans liars. I didn't say their birth certificate is real or not. Can you say that? They are black you know
I can't help you're too slow to keep up. I called no Kenyans, "liars" nor do I believe any Kenyans had anything to do with that birth certificate. That means the only way you could think I called any Kenyans liars is that you either believe that birth certificate is authentic or you believe Kenyans made it. Which is it?
So you don't believe any Kenyans are Liars - Thats a pretty friggin lame thing to even post - of course they lie they're Human . I also take that to mean that you don't believe that the Kenyan Ambassador lied when he said Obama was Kenyan Born - or what about his Grandma - who had never in her life left Kenya - yet claims she was the midwife ....are they Liars ?
Your reading comprehension skills are severely lacking. I'm not say Kenyans never lie. A said I did not call any Kenyans a liar. As far as the rest of your Birfer nonsense ... who gives a fuck? It's all been so thoroughly debunked, only the most severely brain-dead zombies still cling to it.

Yes, Obama lied, the Kenyans lied. Dude, they are all black, you can't say that, you need to stop calling black people liars
And you're the one insinuating that Kenyan birth certificate is genuine.

But wait .... didn't you deny being a birther? Yet here you are pushing the nonsense that Obama has a Kenyan birth certificate. So were you kazzing then when you denied being a Birther or are you kazzing now when you ininuate he has a genuine Kenyan birth certificate? :ack-1:

What are you talking about? I said he was born in Hawaii, you called the Kenyans liars. I didn't say their birth certificate is real or not. Can you say that? They are black you know
I can't help you're too slow to keep up. I called no Kenyans, "liars" nor do I believe any Kenyans had anything to do with that birth certificate. That means the only way you could think I called any Kenyans liars is that you either believe that birth certificate is authentic or you believe Kenyans made it. Which is it?
So you don't believe any Kenyans are Liars - Thats a pretty friggin lame thing to even post - of course they lie they're Human . I also take that to mean that you don't believe that the Kenyan Ambassador lied when he said Obama was Kenyan Born - or what about his Grandma - who had never in her life left Kenya - yet claims she was the midwife ....are they Liars ?
Your reading comprehension skills are severely lacking. I'm not say Kenyans never lie. A said I did not call any Kenyans a liar. As far as the rest of your Birfer nonsense ... who gives a fuck? It's all been so thoroughly debunked, only the most severely brain-dead zombies still cling to it.

Yes, Obama lied, the Kenyans lied. Dude, they are all black, you can't say that, you need to stop calling black people liars
You remain delusional. Sorry, I can't help you with that.
No, Obama lied about being born in Kenya. He was born in Hawaii. He is the original birther, patient zero of the birther movement

Link, please?

Sure, from his publisher


I hate to break it to you........that is not a link......it's a quote. Even a 5th grader would know the difference....and it's probably from the same people that feed you all that misinformation you post.

What? Obama never denied that was his bio

He didn't need to.....the editor to the booklet where the statement was made, admitted that it was an error on her part. You didn't do your homework. Quit posting lies.

The editor of the biographical text about Barack Obama which was included in the booklet maintained that the mention of Kenya was an error on her part and was not based on any information provided to her by Obama himself:
Read more at snopes.com Promotional Booklet
snopes.com Promotional Booklet

It was a truism. So Obama told her and she didn't fact check it, which was her job. So yes, she screwed the pooch. She word parsed her around saying Obama wasn't the source. Why did she do that if she was coming clean and he wasn't? Why didn't she explain who exactly wrote down the words Obama was born in "Kenya" and why they thought that? Why give such a vague statement?
Sure, from his publisher

Ok, so you proved his publisher said he was born in Kenya. But of course, that's not what you said. You said Obama said he was born in Kenya. The link you provide fails to prove your claim, thereby establishing you as the nutjob you are.

G'head .... this is where you try to kaz your way into making your fantasy a reality by challenging others to prove Obama didn't say he was born in Kenya.... :mm:

Exactly, HIS publisher. There is only one place a publisher get bio information from for an unknown author who had never written anything, and it starts with a O and ends with bama

Bwahahaha, a rw nutjob publisher can make up shit for he knows that people like you are going to buy it....that doesn't make it true. And you claimed that Obama himself said he was born in Kenya.......you've yet to prove that. The fact that Faux News, Rush Limbaugh, or any of the rw nutjobs on Faux News says that Obama said he was born in Kenya makes it more likely to be false. The fact that you believe it is no surprise.

The fact you believe a publisher's process is to write bios of unknown people without talking to them shows the space between your ears. The echo has to be maddening
You're still kazzing -- he wasn't unknown.

You're still functionally illiterate. You said none of the authors wrote their own biographies, they are a bunch of unknowns. And Obama may have had a few references, but he was still a nobody, there is no way they would just go by what was in the press at that time without talking to him.

So seriously, you actually believe a publisher would do a bio without sitting down for five minutes and asking basic questions like where did you go to school? What degrees did you get? Where have you worked? Where have you volunteered? Where were you ... born?

It's unbelievable you would say something that if you are believed makes you look more stupid and naive than if you are just thought to be a partisan liar. You need to work on your story. Maybe then you can stop being such a clown
Sure, from his publisher

Ok, so you proved his publisher said he was born in Kenya. But of course, that's not what you said. You said Obama said he was born in Kenya. The link you provide fails to prove your claim, thereby establishing you as the nutjob you are.

G'head .... this is where you try to kaz your way into making your fantasy a reality by challenging others to prove Obama didn't say he was born in Kenya.... :mm:

Exactly, HIS publisher. There is only one place a publisher get bio information from for an unknown author who had never written anything, and it starts with a O and ends with bama
That's a kaz....

In reality, Jane Dystel, one of the partners of Obama's publishing firm at that time, indicated that almost nobody wrote their own bio's.

If the truth were on your side, you wouldn't have to kaz all the time. :thup:

She said they didn't "write" them. She did not say your idiotic position that they wrote them with zero information from the author, they went out and did things like check with every school and every employer and every organization in the country to see if they'd ever been there
Ok, let's see your proof they had no information about him without his input.... you keep writing checks you can't cash, all the while, hoping you can cover your original check, which you've never been able to prove.

Dude, no one has shown anything but a few obscure references about him, and you are ignoring all the other unknown authors.

If you one day are not too insignificant to not have your background checked because no one gives a shit, you will be like wow, Obama's a liar
Link, please?

Sure, from his publisher


I hate to break it to you........that is not a link......it's a quote. Even a 5th grader would know the difference....and it's probably from the same people that feed you all that misinformation you post.

What? Obama never denied that was his bio

He didn't need to.....the editor to the booklet where the statement was made, admitted that it was an error on her part. You didn't do your homework. Quit posting lies.

The editor of the biographical text about Barack Obama which was included in the booklet maintained that the mention of Kenya was an error on her part and was not based on any information provided to her by Obama himself:
Read more at snopes.com Promotional Booklet
snopes.com Promotional Booklet

It was a truism. So Obama told her and she didn't fact check it, which was her job. So yes, she screwed the pooch. She word parsed her around saying Obama wasn't the source. Why did she do that if she was coming clean and he wasn't? Why didn't she explain who exactly wrote down the words Obama was born in "Kenya" and why they thought that? Why give such a vague statement?
because libertarians who vote republican, like yourself, are the only ones who are still birfers?
What are you talking about? I said he was born in Hawaii, you called the Kenyans liars. I didn't say their birth certificate is real or not. Can you say that? They are black you know
I can't help you're too slow to keep up. I called no Kenyans, "liars" nor do I believe any Kenyans had anything to do with that birth certificate. That means the only way you could think I called any Kenyans liars is that you either believe that birth certificate is authentic or you believe Kenyans made it. Which is it?
So you don't believe any Kenyans are Liars - Thats a pretty friggin lame thing to even post - of course they lie they're Human . I also take that to mean that you don't believe that the Kenyan Ambassador lied when he said Obama was Kenyan Born - or what about his Grandma - who had never in her life left Kenya - yet claims she was the midwife ....are they Liars ?
Your reading comprehension skills are severely lacking. I'm not say Kenyans never lie. A said I did not call any Kenyans a liar. As far as the rest of your Birfer nonsense ... who gives a fuck? It's all been so thoroughly debunked, only the most severely brain-dead zombies still cling to it.

Yes, Obama lied, the Kenyans lied. Dude, they are all black, you can't say that, you need to stop calling black people liars
You remain delusional. Sorry, I can't help you with that.
If he was born in Hawaii... let's see the birth pictures. You know the ones with the mom holding the baby right after birth in the hospital. You know, the one everyone in the US has. Should be a simple matter of showing us his first pics. Surely they have a photo.
  • Thanks
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Hey, you're the one who said the Kenya certificate wasn't real. Are you back peddling on that now? Why are the Kenyans faking Obama birth certificates? Again, you think it's the tourist money?

Wouldn't that be pathetic, the Kenyans casting a shadow over an entire Presidency bringing Obama's administration into serious questions of legitimacy all over a few tourist dollars?
And you're the one insinuating that Kenyan birth certificate is genuine.

But wait .... didn't you deny being a birther? Yet here you are pushing the nonsense that Obama has a Kenyan birth certificate. So were you kazzing then when you denied being a Birther or are you kazzing now when you ininuate he has a genuine Kenyan birth certificate? :ack-1:

What are you talking about? I said he was born in Hawaii, you called the Kenyans liars. I didn't say their birth certificate is real or not. Can you say that? They are black you know
I can't help you're too slow to keep up. I called no Kenyans, "liars" nor do I believe any Kenyans had anything to do with that birth certificate. That means the only way you could think I called any Kenyans liars is that you either believe that birth certificate is authentic or you believe Kenyans made it. Which is it?

Well which is it? You believe the birth certificate or are the Kenyans liars? How can you create a real, fake birth certificate? That makes no sense.

BTW, GreenBean provided a lot more evidence of the Kenyans saying Obama was born there. You responded to his post, did you read it?
I'll try again ... I do not believe that BC is real and I don't believe it was created by Kenyans. Therefore, I did not call any Kenyans, kazzers. On the flip side, you think I did call them, kazzers; meaning you believe Kenyans created it. What evidence do you have of that?

Cool, Kenyans are kazzers? So you think Kenyans don't buy the Democratic party crap either? I like it. Problem is though that would mean Obama was actually born in Kenya. So you think he didn't lie to his publisher because he was actually born there?

As far as GreenBean's post, of course I didn't read it. Why would I?

Because, you know, you responded to it?

Birfer nonsense has long been debunked. I was helping him out by offering him more Birfer nonsense I noticed he was missing from his collection.

Yes, it's been debunked, it counters the inherent truth of liberalism, it can be rejected without as you admit, reading it. You're a clown, bro. But you already new that, didn't cha?
Why do you think the Kenyans are birthers, do you suppose it is for the tourist money? Geez, maybe they started the whole birther thing for tourist money. Seems possible, doesn't it?

Oh, no problem. Here you go:

I don't believe Kenyans are birthers. That's just your dementia guiding you again.

And why are you posting that pamphlet again? It proves Obama's publisher said he was born in Kenya -- it does not prove Obama said it, which of course, was the claim you can't prove. :mm:

There is no other explanation where the Publisher got that. You've never had a bio written about you, but there is no other way it's done. And thanks for the cartoon, clown
Of course there are other ways. You're beyond stupid to think that there are no other ways; just as you are beyond stupid to comprehend a partner in the business said almost no one wrote their own bios; just as you are beyond stupid to think Obama was completely unknown; just as you are beyond stupid to know when you've lost this argument, despite trying to fight it over and over and losing every single time for the exact same reason -- you can't prove your claim that Obama said he was born in Kenya. Yet you keep trying to fight that fight, but expect different results. :rolleyes:

You're a nobody, so you wouldn't know this. But I've had my background fact checked numerous times. They have never produced anything in my background I didn't tell them. I don't include everything because there are too many things I've done. How can you have only the name and address of a person and figure out with any reasonable cost what they've done, what schools and degrees and jobs and experiences and their volunteer work at charities. You are a ridiculous clown that you actually believe they can. I mean even with a name like Obama's it would be hard. A Tim Johnson does and you're toast, there are thousands of them
Your anecdotal evidence is meaningless as it doesn't pertain to everyone. And again, Obama was not unknown. By the time they collected info for his bio, he had been written about in many articles from around the country after reaching notoriety for becoming Harvard Law School's first black president.

Begging the question. You keep ignoring that as I pointed out you said all the bios are written that way. So for unknown author Tim Johnson, they would have no freaking chance to find any information on him even if it did exist without his help.

And even for Obama, you realize that was even pre-web, do you know how hard it would have been to find even articles that existed on nobodies like Obama?
What are you talking about? I said he was born in Hawaii, you called the Kenyans liars. I didn't say their birth certificate is real or not. Can you say that? They are black you know
I can't help you're too slow to keep up. I called no Kenyans, "liars" nor do I believe any Kenyans had anything to do with that birth certificate. That means the only way you could think I called any Kenyans liars is that you either believe that birth certificate is authentic or you believe Kenyans made it. Which is it?
So you don't believe any Kenyans are Liars - Thats a pretty friggin lame thing to even post - of course they lie they're Human . I also take that to mean that you don't believe that the Kenyan Ambassador lied when he said Obama was Kenyan Born - or what about his Grandma - who had never in her life left Kenya - yet claims she was the midwife ....are they Liars ?
Your reading comprehension skills are severely lacking. I'm not say Kenyans never lie. A said I did not call any Kenyans a liar. As far as the rest of your Birfer nonsense ... who gives a fuck? It's all been so thoroughly debunked, only the most severely brain-dead zombies still cling to it.

Yes, Obama lied, the Kenyans lied. Dude, they are all black, you can't say that, you need to stop calling black people liars
You remain delusional. Sorry, I can't help you with that.

So are the Kenyans telling the truth that Obama was born there or are they liars and he wasn't? You can';t have it both ways, which is it?
because libertarians who vote republican, like yourself, are the only ones who are still birfers?

I voted Republican once in the last six elections. You have been an idiot since birth.

Also, even in the quote you quoted, I think Obama was born in Hawaii. I also think even if he was born in Kenya he was born an American and is eligible to be President. This word, "birther," I do not think it means what you think it means. You realize you're on the internet, no? You can look up words you don't understand?

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