Bush didn't just lie........

I love that word, kazzing, and you're right that I don't accept the bull crap from the left. Kazzing is a great name for that.

So explain to me why or even how if you are doing a bio blurb on an unknown person who is known for nothing you would write a bio of them without talking to them. That's the level of idiocy you liberal clowns sink to
Thank you. I like it too. It's synonymous with "lying."
Exactly, the inherent truth of liberalism, anything contradictory to that is a lie. I call it rejecting your crap. Tom-ay-to, tom-ah-to

And who cares what you do or don't accept? You still can't prove a word you're saying. All you can do is kaz.

And lastly, I don't have to explain anything. You wrote a check you can't cash. Don't expect me to make your check look real. That's your job and so far, you've offered nothing but kazzes to back it up.

I cashed the check and spent the money. His publisher proved he said he was born in Kenya, it was in his bio.

And I know you can't prove anything, that's why I asked. Stop being a clown. Oops, you can't...
Yet your initial claim wasn't just that his publisher said that -- it was that Obama said that. Your check remains the forgery it's always been. :thup:

Yes, his publisher said that, they would have no way of knowing where he was born other than asking him.

So you are to write a biography about an unknown author knowing nothing but their name. Tell me how you go about that
It's quite amusing watching you pretend like you know what they did or did not know about Obama in order to perpetuate your lie.

Suffice it to say, you have yet to prove any of this.

Oh, and get this ... innuendo is not proof. :eusa_naughty:
You forgot to post his Kenyan birth certificate ....


You're calling Kenyans liars? Dude, you realize they are black, that's racism. You know that, right?
I called Kenyans, "liars?" Where??

So seriously, you replied to GreenBeans quote and you admit you didn't read it? Wow, you are a clown, I see why you use that avatar
My reply was a purported Kenyan BC. That's when you accused me of calling g Kenyans, kazzers. Since I didn't do that, that makes you the kazzer.

Yes, you said Kenyans are liars and Kenyans are black. Aren't you disturbed by that?
Well this is rather easy .... either you can quote me calling Kenyans liars or you are the liar.

So g'head ... quote me ....
The title of the thread is, "Bush didn't just lie...". So, we can assume that those saying Obama has lied are saying "also', thus agreeing that Bush and Co. did indeed lead the country into a tragic and illegal adventure, for which they should be prosecuted.
I love that word, kazzing, and you're right that I don't accept the bull crap from the left. Kazzing is a great name for that.

So explain to me why or even how if you are doing a bio blurb on an unknown person who is known for nothing you would write a bio of them without talking to them. That's the level of idiocy you liberal clowns sink to
Thank you. I like it too. It's synonymous with "lying."
Exactly, the inherent truth of liberalism, anything contradictory to that is a lie. I call it rejecting your crap. Tom-ay-to, tom-ah-to

And who cares what you do or don't accept? You still can't prove a word you're saying. All you can do is kaz.

And lastly, I don't have to explain anything. You wrote a check you can't cash. Don't expect me to make your check look real. That's your job and so far, you've offered nothing but kazzes to back it up.

I cashed the check and spent the money. His publisher proved he said he was born in Kenya, it was in his bio.

And I know you can't prove anything, that's why I asked. Stop being a clown. Oops, you can't...
Yet your initial claim wasn't just that his publisher said that -- it was that Obama said that. Your check remains the forgery it's always been. :thup:

Yes, his publisher said that, they would have no way of knowing where he was born other than asking him.

So you are to write a biography about an unknown author knowing nothing but their name. Tell me how you go about that
It's quite amusing watching you pretend like you know what they did or did not know about Obama in order to perpetuate your lie.

Suffice it to say, you have yet to prove any of this.

Oh, and get this ... innuendo is not proof. :eusa_naughty:

No, innuendo isn't proof. And you don't know what the word innuendo means.

Again, you can run and hide or you can dance, but that you are given the name of an unknown person and told to write their bio with no information is just retarded and if it weren't for Democratic party programming circling the wagons of your liar of a President, you wouldn't buy it either.

The most pointless lies are the most scary, that's how you know you have a compulsive liar. At least with Benghazi and Obamacare, he was doing it for his own good. The Kenya lie was just pointless
The title of the thread is, "Bush didn't just lie...". So, we can assume that those saying Obama has lied are saying "also', thus agreeing that Bush and Co. did indeed lead the country into a tragic and illegal adventure, for which they should be prosecuted.

Works for me as long as the Democrats go with them
You're calling Kenyans liars? Dude, you realize they are black, that's racism. You know that, right?
I called Kenyans, "liars?" Where??

So seriously, you replied to GreenBeans quote and you admit you didn't read it? Wow, you are a clown, I see why you use that avatar
My reply was a purported Kenyan BC. That's when you accused me of calling g Kenyans, kazzers. Since I didn't do that, that makes you the kazzer.

Yes, you said Kenyans are liars and Kenyans are black. Aren't you disturbed by that?
Well this is rather easy .... either you can quote me calling Kenyans liars or you are the liar.

So g'head ... quote me ....

You said GreenBean's post was a lie, his evidence was from the Kenyans saying that Obama was born there. So you're saying Kenyans are liars. Dude, Kenyans are black, you can't call them liars
Thank you. I like it too. It's synonymous with "lying."
Exactly, the inherent truth of liberalism, anything contradictory to that is a lie. I call it rejecting your crap. Tom-ay-to, tom-ah-to

And who cares what you do or don't accept? You still can't prove a word you're saying. All you can do is kaz.

And lastly, I don't have to explain anything. You wrote a check you can't cash. Don't expect me to make your check look real. That's your job and so far, you've offered nothing but kazzes to back it up.

I cashed the check and spent the money. His publisher proved he said he was born in Kenya, it was in his bio.

And I know you can't prove anything, that's why I asked. Stop being a clown. Oops, you can't...
Yet your initial claim wasn't just that his publisher said that -- it was that Obama said that. Your check remains the forgery it's always been. :thup:

Yes, his publisher said that, they would have no way of knowing where he was born other than asking him.

So you are to write a biography about an unknown author knowing nothing but their name. Tell me how you go about that
It's quite amusing watching you pretend like you know what they did or did not know about Obama in order to perpetuate your lie.

Suffice it to say, you have yet to prove any of this.

Oh, and get this ... innuendo is not proof. :eusa_naughty:

No, innuendo isn't proof. And you don't know what the word innuendo means.

Again, you can run and hide or you can dance, but that you are given the name of an unknown person and told to write their bio with no information is just retarded and if it weren't for Democratic party programming circling the wagons of your liar of a President, you wouldn't buy it either.

The most pointless lies are the most scary, that's how you know you have a compulsive liar. At least with Benghazi and Obamacare, he was doing it for his own good. The Kenya lie was just pointless
Stop kazzing. Obama wasn't an unknown person at that time. By then, he had already received national acclaim for being Harvard Law Schools first black president.

You never tire of losing this fight, do ya? :mm: That works out well for me since I never tire of making you look like the kazzer you are over it. :thup:
I called Kenyans, "liars?" Where??

So seriously, you replied to GreenBeans quote and you admit you didn't read it? Wow, you are a clown, I see why you use that avatar
My reply was a purported Kenyan BC. That's when you accused me of calling g Kenyans, kazzers. Since I didn't do that, that makes you the kazzer.

Yes, you said Kenyans are liars and Kenyans are black. Aren't you disturbed by that?
Well this is rather easy .... either you can quote me calling Kenyans liars or you are the liar.

So g'head ... quote me ....

You said GreenBean's post was a lie, his evidence was from the Kenyans saying that Obama was born there. So you're saying Kenyans are liars. Dude, Kenyans are black, you can't call them liars
In the post you responded too, all I said was, "You forgot to post his Kenyan birth certificate," with an image of a fake Kenyan birth certificate. You must be brain dead to think that is calling Kenyans, "liars." :cuckoo:
Fear mongering was much more effective

George W. Bush didn t just lie about the Iraq War. What he did was much worse.

What the Bush administration launched in 2002 and 2003 may have been the most comprehensive, sophisticated, and misleading campaign of government propaganda in American history. Spend too much time in the weeds, and you risk missing the hysterical tenor of the whole campaign.

In the summer of 2002, the administration established something called the White House Iraq Group, through which Karl Rove and other communication strategists like Karen Hughes and Mary Matalin coordinated with policy officials to sell the public on the threat from Iraq in order to justify war. "The script had been finalized with great care over the summer," White House press secretary Scott McClellan later wrote, for a "campaign to convince Americans that war with Iraq was inevitable and necessary."
In that campaign, intelligence wasn't something to be understood and assessed by the administration in making their decisions, it was a propaganda tool to lead the public to the conclusion that the administration wanted. Again and again we saw a similar pattern: An allegation would bubble up from somewhere, some in the intelligence community would say that it could be true but others would say it was either speculation or outright baloney, but before you knew it the president or someone else was presenting it to the public as settled fact.

Ds claim W lied and Rs dispute it. Of course he F-ing lied...he is an F-ing politician and they ALL lie.

Rs claim BO lies and Ds dispute it. Of course BO lies...he is an F-ing politician.

Get over it. Accept the reality and move on.
Exactly, the inherent truth of liberalism, anything contradictory to that is a lie. I call it rejecting your crap. Tom-ay-to, tom-ah-to

I cashed the check and spent the money. His publisher proved he said he was born in Kenya, it was in his bio.

And I know you can't prove anything, that's why I asked. Stop being a clown. Oops, you can't...
Yet your initial claim wasn't just that his publisher said that -- it was that Obama said that. Your check remains the forgery it's always been. :thup:

Yes, his publisher said that, they would have no way of knowing where he was born other than asking him.

So you are to write a biography about an unknown author knowing nothing but their name. Tell me how you go about that
It's quite amusing watching you pretend like you know what they did or did not know about Obama in order to perpetuate your lie.

Suffice it to say, you have yet to prove any of this.

Oh, and get this ... innuendo is not proof. :eusa_naughty:

No, innuendo isn't proof. And you don't know what the word innuendo means.

Again, you can run and hide or you can dance, but that you are given the name of an unknown person and told to write their bio with no information is just retarded and if it weren't for Democratic party programming circling the wagons of your liar of a President, you wouldn't buy it either.

The most pointless lies are the most scary, that's how you know you have a compulsive liar. At least with Benghazi and Obamacare, he was doing it for his own good. The Kenya lie was just pointless
Stop kazzing. Obama wasn't an unknown person at that time. By then, he had already received national acclaim for being Harvard Law Schools first black president.

You never tire of losing this fight, do ya? :mm: That works out well for me since I never tire of making you look like the kazzer you are over it. :thup:
I won't stop kazzing, I'm not accepting your liberal dogma as fact.

And that's irrelevant. Their process is their process. You argued that not writing their own bios meant that the bio writer didn't even talk to the author, so that means it wasn't just Obama but they wrote all the bios of unknown people without talking to the author.

But even if you accept that as fact, how did they know he was the HBS's first black President? Because Obama ... told them? LOL. Like where he was born you mean? Kazzing is your undoing, liberalism only works if you question it without fact, kazzing slices and dices it up.

And you sure do like cartoons. You're a clown. But who am I telling? You already know that, you tell people that before they even read your posts
So seriously, you replied to GreenBeans quote and you admit you didn't read it? Wow, you are a clown, I see why you use that avatar
My reply was a purported Kenyan BC. That's when you accused me of calling g Kenyans, kazzers. Since I didn't do that, that makes you the kazzer.

Yes, you said Kenyans are liars and Kenyans are black. Aren't you disturbed by that?
Well this is rather easy .... either you can quote me calling Kenyans liars or you are the liar.

So g'head ... quote me ....

You said GreenBean's post was a lie, his evidence was from the Kenyans saying that Obama was born there. So you're saying Kenyans are liars. Dude, Kenyans are black, you can't call them liars
In the post you responded too, all I said was, "You forgot to post his Kenyan birth certificate," with an image of a fake Kenyan birth certificate. You must be brain dead to think that is calling Kenyans, "liars." :cuckoo:

Exactly, you were mocking Kenyans and implying you didn't believe their documents. Thinking Kenyans are untruthful makes them liars, and dude, they are black, you can't call them liars. It implies all blacks are liars. Why would you do that?
My reply was a purported Kenyan BC. That's when you accused me of calling g Kenyans, kazzers. Since I didn't do that, that makes you the kazzer.

Yes, you said Kenyans are liars and Kenyans are black. Aren't you disturbed by that?
Well this is rather easy .... either you can quote me calling Kenyans liars or you are the liar.

So g'head ... quote me ....

You said GreenBean's post was a lie, his evidence was from the Kenyans saying that Obama was born there. So you're saying Kenyans are liars. Dude, Kenyans are black, you can't call them liars
In the post you responded too, all I said was, "You forgot to post his Kenyan birth certificate," with an image of a fake Kenyan birth certificate. You must be brain dead to think that is calling Kenyans, "liars." :cuckoo:

Exactly, you were mocking Kenyans and implying you didn't believe their documents. Thinking Kenyans are untruthful makes them liars, and dude, they are black, you can't call them liars. It implies all blacks are liars. Why would you do that?
Schvantz ... that birth certificate is not actually Kenyan. You're too fucking retarded to comprehend I'm mocking birfers, not Kenyans. :eusa_doh:

Now what? :lol:
Yet your initial claim wasn't just that his publisher said that -- it was that Obama said that. Your check remains the forgery it's always been. :thup:

Yes, his publisher said that, they would have no way of knowing where he was born other than asking him.

So you are to write a biography about an unknown author knowing nothing but their name. Tell me how you go about that
It's quite amusing watching you pretend like you know what they did or did not know about Obama in order to perpetuate your lie.

Suffice it to say, you have yet to prove any of this.

Oh, and get this ... innuendo is not proof. :eusa_naughty:

No, innuendo isn't proof. And you don't know what the word innuendo means.

Again, you can run and hide or you can dance, but that you are given the name of an unknown person and told to write their bio with no information is just retarded and if it weren't for Democratic party programming circling the wagons of your liar of a President, you wouldn't buy it either.

The most pointless lies are the most scary, that's how you know you have a compulsive liar. At least with Benghazi and Obamacare, he was doing it for his own good. The Kenya lie was just pointless
Stop kazzing. Obama wasn't an unknown person at that time. By then, he had already received national acclaim for being Harvard Law Schools first black president.

You never tire of losing this fight, do ya? :mm: That works out well for me since I never tire of making you look like the kazzer you are over it. :thup:
I won't stop kazzing, I'm not accepting your liberal dogma as fact.

And that's irrelevant. Their process is their process. You argued that not writing their own bios meant that the bio writer didn't even talk to the author, so that means it wasn't just Obama but they wrote all the bios of unknown people without talking to the author.

But even if you accept that as fact, how did they know he was the HBS's first black President? Because Obama ... told them? LOL. Like where he was born you mean? Kazzing is your undoing, liberalism only works if you question it without fact, kazzing slices and dices it up.

And you sure do like cartoons. You're a clown. But who am I telling? You already know that, you tell people that before they even read your posts
Either quote me saying the publishing firm never spoke with Obama or you're exposed as kazzing again...

And who said he told them he was Harvard Law school's first black president? That would be you, kazzing again.

And as stated, kazzing is synonymous with lying.
Yes, you said Kenyans are liars and Kenyans are black. Aren't you disturbed by that?
Well this is rather easy .... either you can quote me calling Kenyans liars or you are the liar.

So g'head ... quote me ....

You said GreenBean's post was a lie, his evidence was from the Kenyans saying that Obama was born there. So you're saying Kenyans are liars. Dude, Kenyans are black, you can't call them liars
In the post you responded too, all I said was, "You forgot to post his Kenyan birth certificate," with an image of a fake Kenyan birth certificate. You must be brain dead to think that is calling Kenyans, "liars." :cuckoo:

Exactly, you were mocking Kenyans and implying you didn't believe their documents. Thinking Kenyans are untruthful makes them liars, and dude, they are black, you can't call them liars. It implies all blacks are liars. Why would you do that?
Schvantz ... that birth certificate is not actually Kenyan. You're too fucking retarded to comprehend I'm mocking birfers, not Kenyans. :eusa_doh:

Now what? :lol:

Now you're calling Kenyans birthers? What is wrong with you, dude, they are black. Why don't you just call them tea partiers?
Yes, his publisher said that, they would have no way of knowing where he was born other than asking him.

So you are to write a biography about an unknown author knowing nothing but their name. Tell me how you go about that
It's quite amusing watching you pretend like you know what they did or did not know about Obama in order to perpetuate your lie.

Suffice it to say, you have yet to prove any of this.

Oh, and get this ... innuendo is not proof. :eusa_naughty:

No, innuendo isn't proof. And you don't know what the word innuendo means.

Again, you can run and hide or you can dance, but that you are given the name of an unknown person and told to write their bio with no information is just retarded and if it weren't for Democratic party programming circling the wagons of your liar of a President, you wouldn't buy it either.

The most pointless lies are the most scary, that's how you know you have a compulsive liar. At least with Benghazi and Obamacare, he was doing it for his own good. The Kenya lie was just pointless
Stop kazzing. Obama wasn't an unknown person at that time. By then, he had already received national acclaim for being Harvard Law Schools first black president.

You never tire of losing this fight, do ya? :mm: That works out well for me since I never tire of making you look like the kazzer you are over it. :thup:
I won't stop kazzing, I'm not accepting your liberal dogma as fact.

And that's irrelevant. Their process is their process. You argued that not writing their own bios meant that the bio writer didn't even talk to the author, so that means it wasn't just Obama but they wrote all the bios of unknown people without talking to the author.

But even if you accept that as fact, how did they know he was the HBS's first black President? Because Obama ... told them? LOL. Like where he was born you mean? Kazzing is your undoing, liberalism only works if you question it without fact, kazzing slices and dices it up.

And you sure do like cartoons. You're a clown. But who am I telling? You already know that, you tell people that before they even read your posts
Either quote me saying the publishing firm never spoke with Obama or you're exposed as kazzing again...

That's what we do in my home of Kazmania. I'm always kazzing, we never accept your liberal crap as fact based on blind faith.

OK, so you finally admit Obama did give them the information such as about his experience like at Harvard and how he said he was born in Kenya.

Good for you, this is the first time you kazzed in a long time, isn't it? Maybe your whole life. It gives you kind of a buzz the first time, doesn't it?
Well this is rather easy .... either you can quote me calling Kenyans liars or you are the liar.

So g'head ... quote me ....

You said GreenBean's post was a lie, his evidence was from the Kenyans saying that Obama was born there. So you're saying Kenyans are liars. Dude, Kenyans are black, you can't call them liars
In the post you responded too, all I said was, "You forgot to post his Kenyan birth certificate," with an image of a fake Kenyan birth certificate. You must be brain dead to think that is calling Kenyans, "liars." :cuckoo:

Exactly, you were mocking Kenyans and implying you didn't believe their documents. Thinking Kenyans are untruthful makes them liars, and dude, they are black, you can't call them liars. It implies all blacks are liars. Why would you do that?
Schvantz ... that birth certificate is not actually Kenyan. You're too fucking retarded to comprehend I'm mocking birfers, not Kenyans. :eusa_doh:

Now what? :lol:

Now you're calling Kenyans birthers? What is wrong with you, dude, they are black. Why don't you just call them tea partiers?
You're insane. :cuckoo:

Nope, I never called Kenyans birfers. Next kaz....
You said GreenBean's post was a lie, his evidence was from the Kenyans saying that Obama was born there. So you're saying Kenyans are liars. Dude, Kenyans are black, you can't call them liars
In the post you responded too, all I said was, "You forgot to post his Kenyan birth certificate," with an image of a fake Kenyan birth certificate. You must be brain dead to think that is calling Kenyans, "liars." :cuckoo:

Exactly, you were mocking Kenyans and implying you didn't believe their documents. Thinking Kenyans are untruthful makes them liars, and dude, they are black, you can't call them liars. It implies all blacks are liars. Why would you do that?
Schvantz ... that birth certificate is not actually Kenyan. You're too fucking retarded to comprehend I'm mocking birfers, not Kenyans. :eusa_doh:

Now what? :lol:

Now you're calling Kenyans birthers? What is wrong with you, dude, they are black. Why don't you just call them tea partiers?
You're insane. :cuckoo:

Nope, I never called Kenyans birfers. Next kaz....

You just did, you said the birth certificate was a lie. Why are Kenyans producing fake birth certificates do you suppose?
It's quite amusing watching you pretend like you know what they did or did not know about Obama in order to perpetuate your lie.

Suffice it to say, you have yet to prove any of this.

Oh, and get this ... innuendo is not proof. :eusa_naughty:

No, innuendo isn't proof. And you don't know what the word innuendo means.

Again, you can run and hide or you can dance, but that you are given the name of an unknown person and told to write their bio with no information is just retarded and if it weren't for Democratic party programming circling the wagons of your liar of a President, you wouldn't buy it either.

The most pointless lies are the most scary, that's how you know you have a compulsive liar. At least with Benghazi and Obamacare, he was doing it for his own good. The Kenya lie was just pointless
Stop kazzing. Obama wasn't an unknown person at that time. By then, he had already received national acclaim for being Harvard Law Schools first black president.

You never tire of losing this fight, do ya? :mm: That works out well for me since I never tire of making you look like the kazzer you are over it. :thup:
I won't stop kazzing, I'm not accepting your liberal dogma as fact.

And that's irrelevant. Their process is their process. You argued that not writing their own bios meant that the bio writer didn't even talk to the author, so that means it wasn't just Obama but they wrote all the bios of unknown people without talking to the author.

But even if you accept that as fact, how did they know he was the HBS's first black President? Because Obama ... told them? LOL. Like where he was born you mean? Kazzing is your undoing, liberalism only works if you question it without fact, kazzing slices and dices it up.

And you sure do like cartoons. You're a clown. But who am I telling? You already know that, you tell people that before they even read your posts
Either quote me saying the publishing firm never spoke with Obama or you're exposed as kazzing again...

That's what we do in my home of Kazmania. I'm always kazzing, we never accept your liberal crap as fact based on blind faith.

OK, so you finally admit Obama did give them the information such as about his experience like at Harvard and how he said he was born in Kenya.

Good for you, this is the first time you kazzed in a long time, isn't it? Maybe your whole life. It gives you kind of a buzz the first time, doesn't it?
I didn't admit that either. Who knows where you got that from? :dunno:

.... and I'm still waiting for you to prove Obama told his publisher he was born in Kenya....
In the post you responded too, all I said was, "You forgot to post his Kenyan birth certificate," with an image of a fake Kenyan birth certificate. You must be brain dead to think that is calling Kenyans, "liars." :cuckoo:

Exactly, you were mocking Kenyans and implying you didn't believe their documents. Thinking Kenyans are untruthful makes them liars, and dude, they are black, you can't call them liars. It implies all blacks are liars. Why would you do that?
Schvantz ... that birth certificate is not actually Kenyan. You're too fucking retarded to comprehend I'm mocking birfers, not Kenyans. :eusa_doh:

Now what? :lol:

Now you're calling Kenyans birthers? What is wrong with you, dude, they are black. Why don't you just call them tea partiers?
You're insane. :cuckoo:

Nope, I never called Kenyans birfers. Next kaz....

You just did, you said the birth certificate was a lie. Why are Kenyans producing fake birth certificates do you suppose?
Say what?? You think that birth certificate was really from Kenya??


What a fucking imbecile you are. :thup:
No, innuendo isn't proof. And you don't know what the word innuendo means.

Again, you can run and hide or you can dance, but that you are given the name of an unknown person and told to write their bio with no information is just retarded and if it weren't for Democratic party programming circling the wagons of your liar of a President, you wouldn't buy it either.

The most pointless lies are the most scary, that's how you know you have a compulsive liar. At least with Benghazi and Obamacare, he was doing it for his own good. The Kenya lie was just pointless
Stop kazzing. Obama wasn't an unknown person at that time. By then, he had already received national acclaim for being Harvard Law Schools first black president.

You never tire of losing this fight, do ya? :mm: That works out well for me since I never tire of making you look like the kazzer you are over it. :thup:
I won't stop kazzing, I'm not accepting your liberal dogma as fact.

And that's irrelevant. Their process is their process. You argued that not writing their own bios meant that the bio writer didn't even talk to the author, so that means it wasn't just Obama but they wrote all the bios of unknown people without talking to the author.

But even if you accept that as fact, how did they know he was the HBS's first black President? Because Obama ... told them? LOL. Like where he was born you mean? Kazzing is your undoing, liberalism only works if you question it without fact, kazzing slices and dices it up.

And you sure do like cartoons. You're a clown. But who am I telling? You already know that, you tell people that before they even read your posts
Either quote me saying the publishing firm never spoke with Obama or you're exposed as kazzing again...

That's what we do in my home of Kazmania. I'm always kazzing, we never accept your liberal crap as fact based on blind faith.

OK, so you finally admit Obama did give them the information such as about his experience like at Harvard and how he said he was born in Kenya.

Good for you, this is the first time you kazzed in a long time, isn't it? Maybe your whole life. It gives you kind of a buzz the first time, doesn't it?
I didn't admit that either. Who knows where you got that from? :dunno:

Why do you think the Kenyans are birthers, do you suppose it is for the tourist money? Geez, maybe they started the whole birther thing for tourist money. Seems possible, doesn't it?

.... and I'm still waiting for you to prove Obama told his publisher he was born in Kenya....

Oh, no problem. Here you go:


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