Bush didn't just lie........

You're wrong because your claim is not supported by any evidence.
Don't ask a question with a question again, you clearly don't know a damn thing about Russia or China today

Cars alone prove my point in China for example

China and cars a love story World news The Guardian
That does nothing to prove any of your asinine assertions -

When did I say anything about reagan?


When you said he caused Russia and China to become capitalist:

" hell we all know now that by his actions China and Russia embrace capitalism"

If you want to deny you said that, go argue with yourself.
you are the one who thought of Reagan not me....I could of been referring to the Easter bunny, but then again in your heart knows who started it, but don't want to admit it.

That would be our NYCarbineer! No long term memory
Ok, so you proved his publisher said he was born in Kenya. But of course, that's not what you said. You said Obama said he was born in Kenya. The link you provide fails to prove your claim, thereby establishing you as the nutjob you are.

G'head .... this is where you try to kaz your way into making your fantasy a reality by challenging others to prove Obama didn't say he was born in Kenya.... :mm:

Exactly, HIS publisher. There is only one place a publisher get bio information from for an unknown author who had never written anything, and it starts with a O and ends with bama
As stated, you proved his publisher said that. You failed miserably to prove Obama said it.

How many times do you want to lose this argument? :mm:

You wouldn't believe it if Obama were on video tape. But you sure are insecure how you have to keep proclaiming victory yourself
It was an easy win since I knew you couldn't prove your idiotic claim that Obama said he was born in Kenya.

True, his publisher proved Obama made the stupid claim he was born in Kenya, not me. I wasn't there, Homey the Clown. But you already know you're a clown, first thing you tell people
Now you're simply kazzing. His publisher never proved any such thing. In fact, in complete contradiction to your obvious lies, they even said they received nothing from Obama indicating he was born in Kenya and they also said their clients "almost never" wrote their own bios.

If the truth was on your side, you wouldn't have to lie like you do. :thup:
Last edited:
Exactly, HIS publisher. There is only one place a publisher get bio information from for an unknown author who had never written anything, and it starts with a O and ends with bama
As stated, you proved his publisher said that. You failed miserably to prove Obama said it.

How many times do you want to lose this argument? :mm:

You wouldn't believe it if Obama were on video tape. But you sure are insecure how you have to keep proclaiming victory yourself
It was an easy win since I knew you couldn't prove your idiotic claim that Obama said he was born in Kenya.

True, his publisher proved Obama made the stupid claim he was born in Kenya, not me. I wasn't there, Homey the Clown. But you already know you're a clown, first thing you tell people
Now your simply kazzing. His publisher never proved any such thing. In fact, in complete contradiction to your obvious lies, they even said they received nothing from Obama indicating he was born in Kenya and they also said their clients "almost never" wrote their own bios.

If the truth was on your side, you wouldn't have to lie like you do. :thup:

I love that word, kazzing, and you're right that I don't accept the bull crap from the left. Kazzing is a great name for that.

So explain to me why or even how if you are doing a bio blurb on an unknown person who is known for nothing you would write a bio of them without talking to them. That's the level of idiocy you liberal clowns sink to
Also from the producer of the clip of Obama admitting he was born in Kenya...

As ObamaSnippetsDotCom evolves, I thought I'd try a slightly different format for this new video. In the past, I have tried to hide my edits to some degree, in order to make the videos look somewhat real. This was not an attempt to deceive, but rather just another layer of creativity. But, upon further reflection, it would seem that hiding my edits just isn't fair to the slower folks out there.
So out of 5 Videos - [I am assuming you browsed through them all tediously searching for flaws] You took the last of the 5 LMAO and found it is flawed.
The last of the 5 -
not the first
not the second
not the third or Fourth
but the last of the Five -
You're a funny little twit - truly you are :>
No, rightard, your first video was edited. I didn't bother with the rest since there's no point in viewing edited videos which are purported to be evidence.
So you refuted one out of 5 - I'll take that as your concession on the other 4 , and you're still a funyy little twit.
You're so rightarded, it's funny. You already admitted #5 in your list was also an edited spoof like #1. Now you're claiming I'm conceding it. :cuckoo:

Wrong again douche-bag - I thought you were you were referring to 5 - I never conceded as such - only the one you were referring to - which turned out to be # 1 - so that's four for me and one for you - so keep beating your chest idiot .

See unlike you libtard weasels most righties will admit when they make a mistake - it has a lot to do with character, integrity and honesty. Something completely lacking in most left wing scum bags such as yourself
Too funny ... I point out the video is obviously edited and you, knowing what you posted, say that was the 5th one. Now you deny it was edited. Even funnier, now you blame me because you had to shift your story. :lmao:
As stated, you proved his publisher said that. You failed miserably to prove Obama said it.

How many times do you want to lose this argument? :mm:

You wouldn't believe it if Obama were on video tape. But you sure are insecure how you have to keep proclaiming victory yourself
It was an easy win since I knew you couldn't prove your idiotic claim that Obama said he was born in Kenya.


Obama is Born Again Two Kenyan Hospitals Provide BC s Updated We the People of the United States


You forgot to post his Kenyan birth certificate ....

You're Clutching at straws at you descend further into Abyss - it's so funny watching you clammer and claw all your way to the bottom. - Not to worry though little fella - the ground will break your fall ...
Howls a bona fide Birfer. :lmao:

Ya can't make this shit up, folks. They really are that deranged.
Look, people........

dimocraps are lying scum. That's just the way it is. They use this place for social-networking style meme-spreading. Think about it. They might as well be on twitter as in here.

They dig up old lies from years ago, put a different coat of paint on them and recycle them.

Wanna know why we're in this mess.....??

Read this and remember "The Wall" erected by the douche who should be dead or in prison Janet Reno as forced on the FBI and CIA by Jamie Gore-Lick who shoould alsi be executed for treason (the scrunt was also knee deep in Fannie Mae)

Then think about the Torricelli Principle Torricelli Principle ties CIA agents hands

dimocraps are lying scum. They know that they're 100% responsible for this mess. Top to bottom...... ALL of it.

They're not even worth arguing with. Just call them the scum they are and move along

CIA Releases Memo Showing They Blamed Bill Clinton For Bankrupting War On Terrorism Prior To 9/11

You thought it was just his wife who didn’t prioritize safety in Benghazi and let Americans die.

Via Washington Times:

The Clinton administration had bankrupted the intelligence community and refused to let the CIA prioritize anti-terrorism over other major priorities in the late 1990s, leaving the agency stretched too thin in the days ahead of the 2001 terrorist attacks, former Director George J. Tenet said in a 2005 document declassified Friday.

Mr. Tenet, who was head of the agency at the time of the Sept. 11 attacks and has taken severe criticism for not anticipating and heading them off, said in the document that he took the threat of Osama bin Laden very seriously, and put major effort into trying to penetrate al Qaeda, beginning as far back as 1998.

In one revelation, Mr. Tenet says those efforts averted off an earlier “major attack” planned by al Qaeda for some time in 1999 or 2000. The document gives no other details.

Keep reading…
As stated, you proved his publisher said that. You failed miserably to prove Obama said it.

How many times do you want to lose this argument? :mm:

You wouldn't believe it if Obama were on video tape. But you sure are insecure how you have to keep proclaiming victory yourself
It was an easy win since I knew you couldn't prove your idiotic claim that Obama said he was born in Kenya.

True, his publisher proved Obama made the stupid claim he was born in Kenya, not me. I wasn't there, Homey the Clown. But you already know you're a clown, first thing you tell people
Now your simply kazzing. His publisher never proved any such thing. In fact, in complete contradiction to your obvious lies, they even said they received nothing from Obama indicating he was born in Kenya and they also said their clients "almost never" wrote their own bios.

If the truth was on your side, you wouldn't have to lie like you do. :thup:

I love that word, kazzing, and you're right that I don't accept the bull crap from the left. Kazzing is a great name for that.

So explain to me why or even how if you are doing a bio blurb on an unknown person who is known for nothing you would write a bio of them without talking to them. That's the level of idiocy you liberal clowns sink to
Thank you. I like it too. It's synonymous with "lying."

And who cares what you do or don't accept? You still can't prove a word you're saying. All you can do is kaz.

And lastly, I don't have to explain anything. You wrote a check you can't cash. Don't expect me to make your check look real. That's your job and so far, you've offered nothing but kazzes to back it up.
Look, people........

dimocraps are lying scum. That's just the way it is. They use this place for social-networking style meme-spreading. Think about it. They might as well be on twitter as in here.

They dig up old lies from years ago, put a different coat of paint on them and recycle them.

Wanna know why we're in this mess.....??

Read this and remember "The Wall" erected by the douche who should be dead or in prison Janet Reno as forced on the FBI and CIA by Jamie Gore-Lick who shoould alsi be executed for treason (the scrunt was also knee deep in Fannie Mae)

Then think about the Torricelli Principle Torricelli Principle ties CIA agents hands

dimocraps are lying scum. They know that they're 100% responsible for this mess. Top to bottom...... ALL of it.

They're not even worth arguing with. Just call them the scum they are and move along

CIA Releases Memo Showing They Blamed Bill Clinton For Bankrupting War On Terrorism Prior To 9/11

You thought it was just his wife who didn’t prioritize safety in Benghazi and let Americans die.

Via Washington Times:

The Clinton administration had bankrupted the intelligence community and refused to let the CIA prioritize anti-terrorism over other major priorities in the late 1990s, leaving the agency stretched too thin in the days ahead of the 2001 terrorist attacks, former Director George J. Tenet said in a 2005 document declassified Friday.

Mr. Tenet, who was head of the agency at the time of the Sept. 11 attacks and has taken severe criticism for not anticipating and heading them off, said in the document that he took the threat of Osama bin Laden very seriously, and put major effort into trying to penetrate al Qaeda, beginning as far back as 1998.

In one revelation, Mr. Tenet says those efforts averted off an earlier “major attack” planned by al Qaeda for some time in 1999 or 2000. The document gives no other details.

Keep reading…
You wouldn't believe it if Obama were on video tape. But you sure are insecure how you have to keep proclaiming victory yourself
It was an easy win since I knew you couldn't prove your idiotic claim that Obama said he was born in Kenya.


Obama is Born Again Two Kenyan Hospitals Provide BC s Updated We the People of the United States


You forgot to post his Kenyan birth certificate ....

You're Clutching at straws at you descend further into Abyss - it's so funny watching you clammer and claw all your way to the bottom. - Not to worry though little fella - the ground will break your fall ...
Howls a bona fide Birfer. :lmao:

Ya can't make this shit up, folks. They really are that deranged.

How deranged is he on a scale of 1 to someone who actually believes bios are written about unknown people without talking to them?
As stated, you proved his publisher said that. You failed miserably to prove Obama said it.

How many times do you want to lose this argument? :mm:

You wouldn't believe it if Obama were on video tape. But you sure are insecure how you have to keep proclaiming victory yourself
It was an easy win since I knew you couldn't prove your idiotic claim that Obama said he was born in Kenya.


Obama is Born Again Two Kenyan Hospitals Provide BC s Updated We the People of the United States


You forgot to post his Kenyan birth certificate ....


You're calling Kenyans liars? Dude, you realize they are black, that's racism. You know that, right?
I called Kenyans, "liars?" Where??
I love that word, kazzing, and you're right that I don't accept the bull crap from the left. Kazzing is a great name for that.

So explain to me why or even how if you are doing a bio blurb on an unknown person who is known for nothing you would write a bio of them without talking to them. That's the level of idiocy you liberal clowns sink to
Thank you. I like it too. It's synonymous with "lying."
Exactly, the inherent truth of liberalism, anything contradictory to that is a lie. I call it rejecting your crap. Tom-ay-to, tom-ah-to

And who cares what you do or don't accept? You still can't prove a word you're saying. All you can do is kaz.

And lastly, I don't have to explain anything. You wrote a check you can't cash. Don't expect me to make your check look real. That's your job and so far, you've offered nothing but kazzes to back it up.

I cashed the check and spent the money. His publisher proved he said he was born in Kenya, it was in his bio.

And I know you can't prove anything, that's why I asked. Stop being a clown. Oops, you can't...
It was an easy win since I knew you couldn't prove your idiotic claim that Obama said he was born in Kenya.


Obama is Born Again Two Kenyan Hospitals Provide BC s Updated We the People of the United States


You forgot to post his Kenyan birth certificate ....

You're Clutching at straws at you descend further into Abyss - it's so funny watching you clammer and claw all your way to the bottom. - Not to worry though little fella - the ground will break your fall ...
Howls a bona fide Birfer. :lmao:

Ya can't make this shit up, folks. They really are that deranged.

It was an easy win since I knew you couldn't prove your idiotic claim that Obama said he was born in Kenya.


Obama is Born Again Two Kenyan Hospitals Provide BC s Updated We the People of the United States


You forgot to post his Kenyan birth certificate ....

You're Clutching at straws at you descend further into Abyss - it's so funny watching you clammer and claw all your way to the bottom. - Not to worry though little fella - the ground will break your fall ...
Howls a bona fide Birfer. :lmao:

Ya can't make this shit up, folks. They really are that deranged.

How deranged is he on a scale of 1 to someone who actually believes bios are written about unknown people without talking to them?
Not as deranged as someone who has to ignore their own source which stated "almost nobody wrote their own bios." :mm:
Last edited:
You wouldn't believe it if Obama were on video tape. But you sure are insecure how you have to keep proclaiming victory yourself
It was an easy win since I knew you couldn't prove your idiotic claim that Obama said he was born in Kenya.


Obama is Born Again Two Kenyan Hospitals Provide BC s Updated We the People of the United States


You forgot to post his Kenyan birth certificate ....


You're calling Kenyans liars? Dude, you realize they are black, that's racism. You know that, right?
I called Kenyans, "liars?" Where??

So seriously, you replied to GreenBeans quote and you admit you didn't read it? Wow, you are a clown, I see why you use that avatar
You're Clutching at straws at you descend further into Abyss - it's so funny watching you clammer and claw all your way to the bottom. - Not to worry though little fella - the ground will break your fall ...
Howls a bona fide Birfer. :lmao:

Ya can't make this shit up, folks. They really are that deranged.

How deranged is he on a scale of 1 to someone who actually believes bios are written about unknown people without talking to them?

You're Clutching at straws at you descend further into Abyss - it's so funny watching you clammer and claw all your way to the bottom. - Not to worry though little fella - the ground will break your fall ...
Howls a bona fide Birfer. :lmao:

Ya can't make this shit up, folks. They really are that deranged.

How deranged is he on a scale of 1 to someone who actually believes bios are written about unknown people without talking to them?
You're Clutching at straws at you descend further into Abyss - it's so funny watching you clammer and claw all your way to the bottom. - Not to worry though little fella - the ground will break your fall ...
Howls a bona fide Birfer. :lmao:

Ya can't make this shit up, folks. They really are that deranged.

How deranged is he on a scale of 1 to someone who actually believes bios are written about unknown people without talking to them?
Not as deranged as someone who has to ignore their own source" which stated "almost nobody wrote their own bios." :mm:

They did not say they don't talk to the author. See how that works, Chuckles the Clown?
I love that word, kazzing, and you're right that I don't accept the bull crap from the left. Kazzing is a great name for that.

So explain to me why or even how if you are doing a bio blurb on an unknown person who is known for nothing you would write a bio of them without talking to them. That's the level of idiocy you liberal clowns sink to
Thank you. I like it too. It's synonymous with "lying."
Exactly, the inherent truth of liberalism, anything contradictory to that is a lie. I call it rejecting your crap. Tom-ay-to, tom-ah-to

And who cares what you do or don't accept? You still can't prove a word you're saying. All you can do is kaz.

And lastly, I don't have to explain anything. You wrote a check you can't cash. Don't expect me to make your check look real. That's your job and so far, you've offered nothing but kazzes to back it up.

I cashed the check and spent the money. His publisher proved he said he was born in Kenya, it was in his bio.

And I know you can't prove anything, that's why I asked. Stop being a clown. Oops, you can't...
Yet your initial claim wasn't just that his publisher said that -- it was that Obama said that. Your check remains the forgery it's always been. :thup:
It was an easy win since I knew you couldn't prove your idiotic claim that Obama said he was born in Kenya.


Obama is Born Again Two Kenyan Hospitals Provide BC s Updated We the People of the United States


You forgot to post his Kenyan birth certificate ....


You're calling Kenyans liars? Dude, you realize they are black, that's racism. You know that, right?
I called Kenyans, "liars?" Where??

So seriously, you replied to GreenBeans quote and you admit you didn't read it? Wow, you are a clown, I see why you use that avatar
My reply was a purported Kenyan BC. That's when you accused me of calling g Kenyans, kazzers. Since I didn't do that, that makes you the kazzer.
You forgot to post his Kenyan birth certificate ....

You're Clutching at straws at you descend further into Abyss - it's so funny watching you clammer and claw all your way to the bottom. - Not to worry though little fella - the ground will break your fall ...
Howls a bona fide Birfer. :lmao:

Ya can't make this shit up, folks. They really are that deranged.

How deranged is he on a scale of 1 to someone who actually believes bios are written about unknown people without talking to them?

You forgot to post his Kenyan birth certificate ....

You're Clutching at straws at you descend further into Abyss - it's so funny watching you clammer and claw all your way to the bottom. - Not to worry though little fella - the ground will break your fall ...
Howls a bona fide Birfer. :lmao:

Ya can't make this shit up, folks. They really are that deranged.

How deranged is he on a scale of 1 to someone who actually believes bios are written about unknown people without talking to them?
You forgot to post his Kenyan birth certificate ....

You're Clutching at straws at you descend further into Abyss - it's so funny watching you clammer and claw all your way to the bottom. - Not to worry though little fella - the ground will break your fall ...
Howls a bona fide Birfer. :lmao:

Ya can't make this shit up, folks. They really are that deranged.

How deranged is he on a scale of 1 to someone who actually believes bios are written about unknown people without talking to them?
Not as deranged as someone who has to ignore their own source" which stated "almost nobody wrote their own bios." :mm:

They did not say they don't talk to the author. See how that works, Chuckles the Clown?
What I don't see is any proof from you that Obama told them he was born in Kenya. Until you can do that, you're merely kazzing.
I love that word, kazzing, and you're right that I don't accept the bull crap from the left. Kazzing is a great name for that.

So explain to me why or even how if you are doing a bio blurb on an unknown person who is known for nothing you would write a bio of them without talking to them. That's the level of idiocy you liberal clowns sink to
Thank you. I like it too. It's synonymous with "lying."
Exactly, the inherent truth of liberalism, anything contradictory to that is a lie. I call it rejecting your crap. Tom-ay-to, tom-ah-to

And who cares what you do or don't accept? You still can't prove a word you're saying. All you can do is kaz.

And lastly, I don't have to explain anything. You wrote a check you can't cash. Don't expect me to make your check look real. That's your job and so far, you've offered nothing but kazzes to back it up.

I cashed the check and spent the money. His publisher proved he said he was born in Kenya, it was in his bio.

And I know you can't prove anything, that's why I asked. Stop being a clown. Oops, you can't...
Yet your initial claim wasn't just that his publisher said that -- it was that Obama said that. Your check remains the forgery it's always been. :thup:

Yes, his publisher said that, they would have no way of knowing where he was born other than asking him.

So you are to write a biography about an unknown author knowing nothing but their name. Tell me how you go about that

You're calling Kenyans liars? Dude, you realize they are black, that's racism. You know that, right?
I called Kenyans, "liars?" Where??

So seriously, you replied to GreenBeans quote and you admit you didn't read it? Wow, you are a clown, I see why you use that avatar
My reply was a purported Kenyan BC. That's when you accused me of calling g Kenyans, kazzers. Since I didn't do that, that makes you the kazzer.

Yes, you said Kenyans are liars and Kenyans are black. Aren't you disturbed by that?
You're Clutching at straws at you descend further into Abyss - it's so funny watching you clammer and claw all your way to the bottom. - Not to worry though little fella - the ground will break your fall ...
Howls a bona fide Birfer. :lmao:

Ya can't make this shit up, folks. They really are that deranged.

How deranged is he on a scale of 1 to someone who actually believes bios are written about unknown people without talking to them?

You're Clutching at straws at you descend further into Abyss - it's so funny watching you clammer and claw all your way to the bottom. - Not to worry though little fella - the ground will break your fall ...
Howls a bona fide Birfer. :lmao:

Ya can't make this shit up, folks. They really are that deranged.

How deranged is he on a scale of 1 to someone who actually believes bios are written about unknown people without talking to them?
You're Clutching at straws at you descend further into Abyss - it's so funny watching you clammer and claw all your way to the bottom. - Not to worry though little fella - the ground will break your fall ...
Howls a bona fide Birfer. :lmao:

Ya can't make this shit up, folks. They really are that deranged.

How deranged is he on a scale of 1 to someone who actually believes bios are written about unknown people without talking to them?
Not as deranged as someone who has to ignore their own source" which stated "almost nobody wrote their own bios." :mm:

They did not say they don't talk to the author. See how that works, Chuckles the Clown?
What I don't see is any proof from you that Obama told them he was born in Kenya. Until you can do that, you're merely kazzing.

Obama's blurb said he was born in Kenya, so Obama lied, people died.

You know, like when he lied and said that he would get us out of Iraq then sent more soldiers to die for a war he was going to lose on purpose. That was murder. At least W intended to win.

The big lie of the Iraq war was by Democrats saying they were lied to.

The big truth is it was bad policy and we should not take on every bad guy in the world for our supposed allies. But Democrats don't care about truth, that's why I like kazzing and saying I reject your bull

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