Bush didn't just lie........

And they didn't mention any of that to the rest of the Senate or the House who provided the margin to pass the resolution? Were they at Krispy Kreme at the time?
I see. Consider yourself on record as being under the impression that members of Congressional committees, which have access to the same classified documents as the president, are free to share that intelligence with other members of Congress with lesser levels of security access.

Strawman. I think they are perfectly free to say they saw the intelligence and don't buy it, don't vote for it
Suuure ... because that's a convincing argument. :rolleyes:

Exactly. So you believe that Senate Democrats on the Intelligence committee who put them there for that reason were ignored by their own party. LOL, you have no penis at all

When you resort to personal insults and name calling, you're admitting you've got nothing.

In some cases that would be true, but in this one Faun doesn't process anything I tell him, so there is no discussing anything intelligently. If I said the sky is blue, he could not repeat back accurately what I said. If you give me content, you will get content back, that's the deal.

I'm no communist and never have been. But I know how badly the U.S. had gone downhill since Reagan's presidency and his reworking of the tax code, destruction of unions, and gutting of the antitrust legislation.

Everything I've ever seen you post is straight from the Communist Manifesto backed by the same rhetoric, like here. You hate free markets and you absolutely trust government, I got it

Libertarians are even dumber than conservatives because they think businesses will do the right thing. You have to be a complete idiot to think a complete lack of legislation or regulation won't completely destroy any country where it's tried.

You know zero about libertarianism. I would learn what it is before you opine on it since what you said is wrong.

To start, we have zero trust in companies so right off the bat you proved you have no idea what you are talking about. We trust free markets and customers being free to chose who they want to deal with
Well i think we all know this already yes Bush did not just lie he had a agenda going on like most presidents & people in congress he tried to exploit peoples fears of 911 & he was responsible for sending 1000s maybe even more then that of Americans to there deaths.

Then Obama took office and kept sending more to their deaths. Then he left, and lost to make sure the soldiers died for nothing.
Well i think we all know this already yes Bush did not just lie he had a agenda going on like most presidents & people in congress he tried to exploit peoples fears of 911 & he was responsible for sending 1000s maybe even more then that of Americans to there deaths.

Then Obama took office and kept sending more to their deaths. Then he left, and lost to make sure the soldiers died for nothing.

lol, kaz the anti-Iraq war guy turning pro-Iraq war to bash Obama.
Exactly, HIS publisher. There is only one place a publisher get bio information from for an unknown author who had never written anything, and it starts with a O and ends with bama
As stated, you proved his publisher said that. You failed miserably to prove Obama said it.

How many times do you want to lose this argument? :mm:

You wouldn't believe it if Obama were on video tape. But you sure are insecure how you have to keep proclaiming victory yourself
It was an easy win since I knew you couldn't prove your idiotic claim that Obama said he was born in Kenya.


Obama is Born Again Two Kenyan Hospitals Provide BC s Updated We the People of the United States


You forgot to post his Kenyan birth certificate ....


You're calling Kenyans liars? Dude, you realize they are black, that's racism. You know that, right?
Well i think we all know this already yes Bush did not just lie he had a agenda going on like most presidents & people in congress he tried to exploit peoples fears of 911 & he was responsible for sending 1000s maybe even more then that of Americans to there deaths.

Then Obama took office and kept sending more to their deaths. Then he left, and lost to make sure the soldiers died for nothing.

lol, kaz the anti-Iraq war guy turning pro-Iraq war to bash Obama.

The next time you tell me I'm pro-Iraq war without producing a single quote from me to support that you are going by by.

Again, I don't care that a mental eight year old like you calls me a Republican, but I am bored as shit of you telling me over and over again what I think when you are wrong and I keep telling you that. That's why you went by by last year and it's about to happen again. Refute my points, insult me, whatever. But stop telling me I think things I don't

The idea that I can't oppose Democrats without supporting Republicans is just the mental retardation that is you. This thread is about the Democrat lie you were lied to and you did nothing wrong. So yeah, that's the topic of discussion, not the Republicans. And even in my arguments though I keep saying you did that fiasco together. Republicans aren't blaming themselves, idiot
Faun doesn't process anything I tell him
Actually he only "processes" that which he can distort and misconstrue to suit his needs - anything that contradicts the narrative simply "Does not compute"

I think you're giving him too much credit for intelligence. He just looks for keywords and blabbers talking points. He can't even process posts where there is no reason for him not to
we all know now that by his actions China and Russia embrace capitalism,.

That's the funniest thing posted all week.
prove me wrong...

You're wrong because your claim is not supported by any evidence.
Don't ask a question with a question again, you clearly don't know a damn thing about Russia or China today

Cars alone prove my point in China for example

China and cars a love story World news The Guardian
Well i think we all know this already yes Bush did not just lie he had a agenda going on like most presidents & people in congress he tried to exploit peoples fears of 911 & he was responsible for sending 1000s maybe even more then that of Americans to there deaths.

Then Obama took office and kept sending more to their deaths. Then he left, and lost to make sure the soldiers died for nothing.

lol, kaz the anti-Iraq war guy turning pro-Iraq war to bash Obama.

The next time you tell me I'm pro-Iraq war without producing a single quote from me to support that you are going by by.

Again, I don't care that a mental eight year old like you calls me a Republican, but I am bored as shit of you telling me over and over again what I think when you are wrong and I keep telling you that. That's why you went by by last year and it's about to happen again. Refute my points, insult me, whatever. But stop telling me I think things I don't

The idea that I can't oppose Democrats without supporting Republicans is just the mental retardation that is you. This thread is about the Democrat lie you were lied to and you did nothing wrong. So yeah, that's the topic of discussion, not the Republicans. And even in my arguments though I keep saying you did that fiasco together. Republicans aren't blaming themselves, idiot

You said it right here:

Then Obama took office and kept sending more to their deaths. Then he left, and lost to make sure the soldiers died for nothing.

You went from opposing the war to attacking Obama for ending the war, which means you didn't, and don't, want us out of Iraq.

You claim that Obama's ending of the war meant our soldiers died for nothing, which means you believe the war was good, and that our soldiers died for something worthwhile.
we all know now that by his actions China and Russia embrace capitalism,.

That's the funniest thing posted all week.
Please elaborate if you're intellectually capable of it ...... or was that just your programming speaking ???

Ronald Reagan did not cause Russia and China to embrace capitalism.
Possibly - but his policies certainly set the wheels in motion - Now if you have something intelligent to say - That you can back up with factual data Kindly do so - Otherwise STFU
we all know now that by his actions China and Russia embrace capitalism,.

That's the funniest thing posted all week.
prove me wrong...

You're wrong because your claim is not supported by any evidence.
Don't ask a question with a question again, you clearly don't know a damn thing about Russia or China today

Cars alone prove my point in China for example

China and cars a love story World news The Guardian

Reagan didn't cause the Chinese to embrace capitalism. That is mentally retarded.
we all know now that by his actions China and Russia embrace capitalism,.

That's the funniest thing posted all week.
prove me wrong...

You're wrong because your claim is not supported by any evidence.
Don't ask a question with a question again, you clearly don't know a damn thing about Russia or China today

Cars alone prove my point in China for example

China and cars a love story World news The Guardian
That does nothing to prove any of your asinine assertions -
we all know now that by his actions China and Russia embrace capitalism,.

That's the funniest thing posted all week.
Please elaborate if you're intellectually capable of it ...... or was that just your programming speaking ???

Ronald Reagan did not cause Russia and China to embrace capitalism.
Possibly - but his policies certainly set the wheels in motion - Now if you have something intelligent to say - That you can back up with factual data Kindly do so - Otherwise STFU

Factual data?

The Chinese economic revolution began in the 1970's. Reagan had NOTHING to do with it.

Now, you, asshole, provide your facts showing that Reagan set that in motion.

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