Bush didn't just lie........

Reagan was trying to destroy the Soviet Union back then, which he did and stopped communism, hell we all know now that by his actions China and Russia embrace capitalism, they are not much a threat. Bush Jr.and now Obama don't know how to deal with this new renagandes.

Its not really a state where they have a home address.
Don't try to back track on me clown.
There is no reason to back track. Your poor reading comprehension has led you to make a silly assumption that a person who has commented extensively about Reagan and the Reagan era would not know about the hostages being released at the very beginning of his term in office.
No I read and comprehend real fast, I caught your lies when you said "Adult" and "we still had hostages "

Where? When reagan was sworn in they were on a plane coming home.

Don't try to bull shit me
Reagan was trying to destroy the Soviet Union back then, which he did and stopped communism, hell we all know now that by his actions China and Russia embrace capitalism, they are not much a threat. Bush Jr.and now Obama don't know how to deal with this new renagandes.

Its not really a state where they have a home address.
Got it. Rather than admit you misunderstood my post and offer a concession if not an apology for calling me a liar, you will deflect and change the subject with the old "Reagan brought down the communist" stand by defense. So lets talk about Thatcher, Gorby and the Pope along with the east Europeans rioting and setting themselves on fire in front of the Kremlin.
Btw the way it is my job to read/comprehend a machine problem lighting quick, distract idiots noise and concentrate on the problem to fix it

I am very good at it :)
No I read and comprehend real fast, I caught your lies when you said "Adult" and "we still had hostages "

Where? When reagan was sworn in they were on a plane coming home.

Don't try to bull shit me
Apparently you don't have the skills you think you do. You have me saying something in quotes "we still had hostages". Where did you get that from? Is it possible that that is your interpretation of something I said? You are quoting it as if it is an exact quote of mine, not an interpretation of yours.
Let's see... we know Iraq had WMDs, we know this because we helped him make them, and he used them on Iran, and his own people (the Kurds). We know he continued making them, cause he admitted it bragged about it. We know he still had them cause the numbers did not add up for what was used and destroyed. We know he said he was gonna keep making them and even build nukes to bomb us and Israel, not unlike Iran claiming they are gonna do the same. We found these chemical weapons buried in the sand after the war. We have photos. The evidence of these WMDs has been widely distributed. Yet, here we are with democrats saying... he lied about WMDs Iraq didn't have any WMDs.

So why are the democrats this obtuse?
The WMD made in the late 80's/early 90's were almost all found and/or destroyed by weapons inspectors. The U.N. estimated they had taken care of about 95% of them before being pulled out by Clinton in 1998; at which point, Clinton bombed the shit out of much of the remainder in Operation Desert Fox.

So then why did Democrats lie and say they were there and authorize W to invade when they knew they weren't there?

Also, do you know how wide of access to intelligence the Senate Intelligence Committee has?

The Democrats didn't lie and say they were there.....they just believed doofus George and Cheney, like the rest of the country.

Do you even read the news?

Ah, so Democrats are just stupid and gullible. You could be right on that
Why is it stupid and gullible to believe the president when he's laying out a case for war following a major attack on the country?

Because no one who paid attention and had half a brain thought Iraq had anything to do with 9/11. There was the general idea that if they worked together than they'd be more of a threat, but no one was talking about Iraq actually being involved in 9/11. You are a sheep, my friend, incapable of independent thought.
So you vote for Himmler to replace Hitler? That makes no sense
Too funny coming from you... remind me again why you voted for that clown, Romney?

Why did you vote for the Marxist Obama?

Bwahahaha.....another one that believes Obama was born in Kenya and the world is flat.....bwahaha.

No, Obama lied about being born in Kenya. He was born in Hawaii. He is the original birther, patient zero of the birther movement

Link, please?

Sure, from his publisher

You think you are clever, but there were more Democrats that voted against it

I wouldn't pretend you know what I think. You obviously don't.

As for the vote, The Democrat leadership and the majority of Democrats in the Senate voted for it, and the House enabled it's passage. Your shit does stink, sweetie.

The two parties did that fiasco arm in arm, despite your partisanship induced blindness

so you definitely are right....Republicans are more stupid and gullible than Democrats..........:)

Another playground argument from a liberal
There was no "arm in arm". As shocking as this may seem to a conservative, this was the Democrats supporting a duly elected US President during a time of great trouble for the country, and not playing politics while Americans grieved for those who died in 911.

This sort of bipartisan support for the President in times of trouble is something no conservative would ever understand or even consider.

Republicans OWN Iraq. They planned it and executed it. There were no Democrats involved in the planning or execution of those plans.

Voting for the authorization resolution and funding does not make Democrats parties to this folly. But Republicans never own up to the damage they cause.
There was no "arm in arm". As shocking as this may seem to a conservative

You want to talk to me or a Conservative, Mrs. Mao? I'm a libertarian. And what conservatives are blaming both parties? What are you talking about? You seem to be very confused. I'll see if I can make sense of the rest of your post or not

, this was the Democrats supporting a duly elected US President during a time of great trouble for the country, and not playing politics while Americans grieved for those who died in 911.

This sort of bipartisan support for the President in times of trouble is something no conservative would ever understand or even consider.

Republicans OWN Iraq. They planned it and executed it. There were no Democrats involved in the planning or execution of those plans.

Voting for the authorization resolution and funding does not make Democrats parties to this folly. But Republicans never own up to the damage they cause.

LOL, a leftist talking about bi-partisanship as if you believe in that. The world has not been the same since the Chairman died, has it? I'd say God rest his soul, but he was an atheist so I guess he wouldn't want that
Bwahahaha.....another one that believes Obama was born in Kenya and the world is flat.....bwahaha.

No, Obama lied about being born in Kenya. He was born in Hawaii. He is the original birther, patient zero of the birther movement
Stop kazzing. You cannot prove Obama said he was born in Kenya.

You didn't hear about that? He lied to his publisher who put it in his bio. Unfortunately they thought he was an idiot and wouldn't sell a book and gave it to their most incompetent researcher to verify the bio. Miriam something. The idiot she was she didn't verify it. They were right Obama was a nobody, but the Democratic party latched onto him for being a black sycophant who would follow instructions. He did and now we're in this jam where a lifetime mediocrity is trying to run an economy which he has zero skills, experience or education to do. Sucks, huh? There is no happy ending to this story. But at least it will soon be over
Prove your claim he lied to his publisher......

.... oh, wait ... you can't, you're just kazzing again. Nevermind.

Also from the producer of the clip of Obama admitting he was born in Kenya...

As ObamaSnippetsDotCom evolves, I thought I'd try a slightly different format for this new video. In the past, I have tried to hide my edits to some degree, in order to make the videos look somewhat real. This was not an attempt to deceive, but rather just another layer of creativity. But, upon further reflection, it would seem that hiding my edits just isn't fair to the slower folks out there.
Let's see... we know Iraq had WMDs, we know this because we helped him make them, and he used them on Iran, and his own people (the Kurds). We know he continued making them, cause he admitted it bragged about it. We know he still had them cause the numbers did not add up for what was used and destroyed. We know he said he was gonna keep making them and even build nukes to bomb us and Israel, not unlike Iran claiming they are gonna do the same. We found these chemical weapons buried in the sand after the war. We have photos. The evidence of these WMDs has been widely distributed. Yet, here we are with democrats saying... he lied about WMDs Iraq didn't have any WMDs.

So why are the democrats this obtuse?
The WMD made in the late 80's/early 90's were almost all found and/or destroyed by weapons inspectors. The U.N. estimated they had taken care of about 95% of them before being pulled out by Clinton in 1998; at which point, Clinton bombed the shit out of much of the remainder in Operation Desert Fox.

So then why did Democrats lie and say they were there and authorize W to invade when they knew they weren't there?

Also, do you know how wide of access to intelligence the Senate Intelligence Committee has?

The Democrats didn't lie and say they were there.....they just believed doofus George and Cheney, like the rest of the country.

Do you even read the news?

Ah, so Democrats are just stupid and gullible. You could be right on that

You think you are clever, but there were more Democrats that voted against it, so you definitely are right....Republicans are more stupid and gullible than Democrats..........:)

In the Senate, the 21 Democrats, one Republican and one Independent who courageously voted their consciences in 2002 against the War in Iraq were:

Six House Republicans and one independent joined 126 Democratic members of the House of Representatives in voting NAY, on October 11, 2002, to the unprovoked use of force against Iraq:
2002 Iraq War Vote 156 Congress Members Who Voted NO
Also in the Senate, the members of the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, the committee which had access to the same intelligence as Bush ... most Democrats on that committee voted against the ATMF. Compared to 100% of Republicans voting for it.
lmfao at your link. Those are the reasons????? Talk about taking history out of context, let me guess you are 21 years old?

Laugh all you want....but I don't see you refuting it........Bwahahaha!

Here's more reasons why your idol is only good in your Bubbaland.

  • Reagan was a serial tax raiser. As governor of California, Reagan “signed into law the largest tax increase in the history of any state up till then.” Meanwhile, state spending nearly doubled.
  • Reagan nearly tripled the federal budget deficit. During the Reagan years, the debt increased to nearly $3 trillion, “roughly three times as much as the first 80 years of the century had done altogether.”
  • Unemployment soared after Reagan’s 1981 tax cuts. Unemployment jumped to 10.8 percent after Reagan enacted his much-touted tax cut, and it took years for the rate to get back down to its previous level. Meanwhile, income inequality exploded.
  • Reagan grew the size of the federal government tremendously. Reagan promised “to move boldly, decisively, and quickly to control the runaway growth of federal spending,” but federal spending “ballooned” under Reagan. He bailed out Social Security in 1983 after attempting to privatize it, and set up a progressive taxation system to keep it funded into the future.
  • Reagan did little to fight a woman’s right to chose. As governor of California in 1967, Reagan signed a bill to liberalize the state’s abortion laws that “resulted in more than a million abortions.”
  • Reagan was a “bellicose peacenik.” He wrote in his memoirs that “[m]y dream…became a world free of nuclear weapons.”
  • Reagan gave amnesty to 3 million undocumented immigrants. Reagan signed into law a bill that made any immigrant who had entered the country before 1982 eligible for amnesty.
  • Reagan illegally funneled weapons to Iran. Reagan and other senior U.S. officials secretly sold arms to officials in Iran, which was subject to a an arms embargo at the time, in exchange for American hostages. Some funds from the illegal arms sales also went to fund anti-Communist rebels in Nicaragua — something Congress had already prohibited the administration from doing.
  • Reagan vetoed a comprehensive anti-Apartheid act. which placed sanctions on South Africa and cut off all American trade with the country. Reagan’s veto was overridden by the Republican-controlled Senate.
  • Reagan helped create the Taliban and Osama Bin Laden. Reagan fought a proxy war with the Soviet Union by training, arming, equipping, and funding Islamist mujahidin fighters in Afghanistan. Reagan funneled billions of dollars, along with top-secret intelligence and sophisticated weaponry to these fighters through the Pakistani intelligence service. The Talbian and Osama Bin Laden — a prominent mujahidin commander — emerged from these mujahidin groups Reagan helped create, and U.S. policy towards Pakistan remains strained because of the intelligence services’ close relations to these fighters.
  • The Truth About Ronald Reagan That Conservatives Ignore Liberaland
Listen clown, I was 14 when he became president, I thought the USA was finished after Carter, then the party was on all because of Reagan, did he make mistakes, yup but he had to deal with tippy, you clowns will never admit he had to compromise with the democrat controlled house, you Fucking hack. Life was great , he set the stage for Bush Sr. and Clinton

Yea I know you were not even around. So take your revised history and shove it up your ass :)
I was an adult when Reagan came to power. America was far from finished. We had some problems that needed to be resolved. We got stuck with having to deal with dozens of hostages being held in Iran. A military response would probably mean death to the hostages. A rescue attempt failed. The country thought grandpa Reagan would bring strength and wisdom to the WH. He brought very little of either. As a bonus he brought us a bucket full of corruption in his administration. Along with that he managed to create the acceptable global and international tactic of terrorism. Maybe you weren't paying attention as the terrorist who were slaughtering Americans went unpunished, other were equipped and new ones created by Reagan. Welcome to the Reagan Legacy.
you just lied, as soon as Reagan was sworn in that January, the Iran hostages was flown home.
The hostages were released before Reagan was sworn in. Technically, under Carter's watch.
No, Obama lied about being born in Kenya. He was born in Hawaii. He is the original birther, patient zero of the birther movement
Stop kazzing. You cannot prove Obama said he was born in Kenya.

You didn't hear about that? He lied to his publisher who put it in his bio. Unfortunately they thought he was an idiot and wouldn't sell a book and gave it to their most incompetent researcher to verify the bio. Miriam something. The idiot she was she didn't verify it. They were right Obama was a nobody, but the Democratic party latched onto him for being a black sycophant who would follow instructions. He did and now we're in this jam where a lifetime mediocrity is trying to run an economy which he has zero skills, experience or education to do. Sucks, huh? There is no happy ending to this story. But at least it will soon be over
Prove your claim he lied to his publisher......

.... oh, wait ... you can't, you're just kazzing again. Nevermind.

Also from the producer of the clip of Obama admitting he was born in Kenya...

As ObamaSnippetsDotCom evolves, I thought I'd try a slightly different format for this new video. In the past, I have tried to hide my edits to some degree, in order to make the videos look somewhat real. This was not an attempt to deceive, but rather just another layer of creativity. But, upon further reflection, it would seem that hiding my edits just isn't fair to the slower folks out there.

So out of 5 Videos - [I am assuming you browsed through them all tediously searching for flaws] You took the last of the 5 LMAO and found it is flawed.
The last of the 5 -
not the first
not the second
not the third or Fourth
but the last of the Five -
You're a funny little twit - truly you are :>
Stop kazzing. You cannot prove Obama said he was born in Kenya.

You didn't hear about that? He lied to his publisher who put it in his bio. Unfortunately they thought he was an idiot and wouldn't sell a book and gave it to their most incompetent researcher to verify the bio. Miriam something. The idiot she was she didn't verify it. They were right Obama was a nobody, but the Democratic party latched onto him for being a black sycophant who would follow instructions. He did and now we're in this jam where a lifetime mediocrity is trying to run an economy which he has zero skills, experience or education to do. Sucks, huh? There is no happy ending to this story. But at least it will soon be over
Prove your claim he lied to his publisher......

.... oh, wait ... you can't, you're just kazzing again. Nevermind.

Also from the producer of the clip of Obama admitting he was born in Kenya...

As ObamaSnippetsDotCom evolves, I thought I'd try a slightly different format for this new video. In the past, I have tried to hide my edits to some degree, in order to make the videos look somewhat real. This was not an attempt to deceive, but rather just another layer of creativity. But, upon further reflection, it would seem that hiding my edits just isn't fair to the slower folks out there.

So out of 5 Videos - [I am assuming you browsed through them all tediously searching for flaws] You took the last of the 5 LMAO and found it is flawed.
The last of the 5 -
not the first
not the second
not the third or Fourth
but the last of the Five -
You're a funny little twit - truly you are :>

No, rightard, your first video was edited. I didn't bother with the rest since there's no point in viewing edited videos which are purported to be evidence.
The WMD made in the late 80's/early 90's were almost all found and/or destroyed by weapons inspectors. The U.N. estimated they had taken care of about 95% of them before being pulled out by Clinton in 1998; at which point, Clinton bombed the shit out of much of the remainder in Operation Desert Fox.

So then why did Democrats lie and say they were there and authorize W to invade when they knew they weren't there?

Also, do you know how wide of access to intelligence the Senate Intelligence Committee has?

The Democrats didn't lie and say they were there.....they just believed doofus George and Cheney, like the rest of the country.

Do you even read the news?

Ah, so Democrats are just stupid and gullible. You could be right on that

You think you are clever, but there were more Democrats that voted against it, so you definitely are right....Republicans are more stupid and gullible than Democrats..........:)

In the Senate, the 21 Democrats, one Republican and one Independent who courageously voted their consciences in 2002 against the War in Iraq were:

Six House Republicans and one independent joined 126 Democratic members of the House of Representatives in voting NAY, on October 11, 2002, to the unprovoked use of force against Iraq:
2002 Iraq War Vote 156 Congress Members Who Voted NO
Also in the Senate, the members of the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, the committee which had access to the same intelligence as Bush ... most Democrats on that committee voted against the ATMF. Compared to 100% of Republicans voting for it.

And they didn't mention any of that to the rest of the Senate or the House who provided the margin to pass the resolution? Were they at Krispy Kreme at the time?
The WMD made in the late 80's/early 90's were almost all found and/or destroyed by weapons inspectors. The U.N. estimated they had taken care of about 95% of them before being pulled out by Clinton in 1998; at which point, Clinton bombed the shit out of much of the remainder in Operation Desert Fox.

So then why did Democrats lie and say they were there and authorize W to invade when they knew they weren't there?

Also, do you know how wide of access to intelligence the Senate Intelligence Committee has?

The Democrats didn't lie and say they were there.....they just believed doofus George and Cheney, like the rest of the country.

Do you even read the news?

Ah, so Democrats are just stupid and gullible. You could be right on that
Why is it stupid and gullible to believe the president when he's laying out a case for war following a major attack on the country?

Because no one who paid attention and had half a brain thought Iraq had anything to do with 9/11. There was the general idea that if they worked together than they'd be more of a threat, but no one was talking about Iraq actually being involved in 9/11. You are a sheep, my friend, incapable of independent thought.
You're too funny. Here's who you call, not having a brain and being a sheep...

Poll: 70% believe Saddam, 9-11 link
So then why did Democrats lie and say they were there and authorize W to invade when they knew they weren't there?

Also, do you know how wide of access to intelligence the Senate Intelligence Committee has?

The Democrats didn't lie and say they were there.....they just believed doofus George and Cheney, like the rest of the country.

Do you even read the news?

Ah, so Democrats are just stupid and gullible. You could be right on that

You think you are clever, but there were more Democrats that voted against it, so you definitely are right....Republicans are more stupid and gullible than Democrats..........:)

In the Senate, the 21 Democrats, one Republican and one Independent who courageously voted their consciences in 2002 against the War in Iraq were:

Six House Republicans and one independent joined 126 Democratic members of the House of Representatives in voting NAY, on October 11, 2002, to the unprovoked use of force against Iraq:
2002 Iraq War Vote 156 Congress Members Who Voted NO
Also in the Senate, the members of the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, the committee which had access to the same intelligence as Bush ... most Democrats on that committee voted against the ATMF. Compared to 100% of Republicans voting for it.

And they didn't mention any of that to the rest of the Senate or the House who provided the margin to pass the resolution? Were they at Krispy Kreme at the time?
I see. Consider yourself on record as being under the impression that members of Congressional committees, which have access to the same classified documents as the president, are free to share that intelligence with other members of Congress with lesser levels of security access.
So then why did Democrats lie and say they were there and authorize W to invade when they knew they weren't there?

Also, do you know how wide of access to intelligence the Senate Intelligence Committee has?

The Democrats didn't lie and say they were there.....they just believed doofus George and Cheney, like the rest of the country.

Do you even read the news?

Ah, so Democrats are just stupid and gullible. You could be right on that
Why is it stupid and gullible to believe the president when he's laying out a case for war following a major attack on the country?

Because no one who paid attention and had half a brain thought Iraq had anything to do with 9/11. There was the general idea that if they worked together than they'd be more of a threat, but no one was talking about Iraq actually being involved in 9/11. You are a sheep, my friend, incapable of independent thought.
You're too funny. Here's who you call, not having a brain and being a sheep...

Poll: 70% believe Saddam, 9-11 link

Right, i'm a sheep who blames both sides. You don't get the sheep reference, do you? Who exactly am I a "sheep" to exactly?

You on the other hand with a mind like a steel trap realize that when Democrats say they aren't responsible for the war they voted for believe them, it's your critical thinking skills. LOL. Dude, buy a dictionary...

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