Bush Lacks Credibility When Complaining Bout Leaks


Senior Member
Nov 30, 2003
When the identity of an undercover CIA officer was disclosed by high ranking members of the administration in the White House, as part of a smear campaign against a critic of the Iraq war, the president did not fire any of the leakers - in fact one of them was actually promoted. As Special Prosecutor Fitzgerald has told us, this disclosure could have caused severe damage and irreparable harm to our national security. Similarly, it was recently revealed that the president himself was alleged to have authorized, for political purposes, the selective leaking of intelligence information in a National Intelligence Estimate.


I get it, do YOU?

Similarly, it was recently revealed that the president himself was alleged to have authorized, for political purposes, the selective leaking of intelligence information in a National Intelligence Estimate.

Gosh Darn it!
There's that pesky word *ALLEGED*..
Now how did that get in there...:scratch:
How does it feel to live in a dream world?

Psychoblues said:
When the identity of an undercover CIA officer was disclosed by high ranking members of the administration in the White House, as part of a smear campaign against a critic of the Iraq war, the president did not fire any of the leakers - in fact one of them was actually promoted. As Special Prosecutor Fitzgerald has told us, this disclosure could have caused severe damage and irreparable harm to our national security. Similarly, it was recently revealed that the president himself was alleged to have authorized, for political purposes, the selective leaking of intelligence information in a National Intelligence Estimate.


I get it, do YOU?


That's that world the Democrats live in..
It's where they figure, if they repeat a lie enough times, us idiot umedumacted, hicks out here, will surrrrlllllly BUY IT....:D

pssssst. GUESS WHAT!
It's not working....
It's not the nature of reich wingers for any understanding of enlightenment, Dr. Grump. It is their nature to subvert, obvuscate and otherwise promote their own agenda/s despite overwhelming evidence that contradicts it.

I was taught from grammer school (public grammer school) a sense of discernment. Why not? It only serves to promote growth and understanding. Some of these cats baffle the heck out of me. But, they are quite fun if you can get past their personal attacks they offer in leiu of any intelligent conversation. I got the same such crap in the bars I used to frequently visit. Yes, it's tiresome but then again there might be a truly wondering soul reading in these threads. Don't you think?


Dr Grump said:
I give up! Enlighten us!

I guess I take it, you don't want to discuss that pesky word...ALLEGED???
Stephanie said:

That's that world the Democrats live in..
It's where they figure, if they repeat a lie enough times, us idiot umedumacted, hicks out here, will surrrrlllllly BUY IT....:D

pssssst. GUESS WHAT!
It's not working....

It's not??? Then how do you explain buying everything they tell you? Don't you exercise your own judgment?

Nah...why think when you can just close your eyes and not have to exercise any judgment. But damn, it's funny to watch.
Jillian said:
It's not??? Then how do you explain buying everything they tell you? Don't you exercise your own judgment?

Nah...why think when you can just close your eyes and not have to exercise any judgment. But damn, it's funny to watch.

Funny thing Jilley..
The reason I agree with a lot of the Republicans.....
Is (now you better sit down for this)
I'm a conservative Republican, have been all my life, close to fifty yrs, OK I'm fibbing, it's been over fifty yrs...:eek:
And believe me, if I disagree with them I will let them know..
You know that though, because we've all talked about contacting the President on certain things we've disagreed with him on, right here on this board

Oh, you can accuse me of whatever you feel like.. A sheep, call me a wolf I could care less. Even though, I think I'd rather be called an eagle, since they sore high and are majestic...

But I would NEVER, be Democrat, maybe I would of thought about being a Democrat of old,(well maybe not).

But there's no way, would I be a progressive Democrat of today...
They are a scary bunch.. What they want, is to turn this country into a socialist country, and as long as I have breath in me, I will fight them from allowing that to happen.

If you want to talk about closing ones eyes and exercising ones own judgement.
I've never seen you think for yourself, your just a walking talking, spewing point by point, right out the Democrat handbook...
Oh well, your young there might be some hope for you.

So you might want to evaluate yourself, before you try it on me....
I've lived through too many yrs, and have seemed to have done just fine for myself, being a Republican...
Stephanie said:
Funny thing Jilley..
The reason I agree with a lot of the Republicans.....
Is (now you better sit down for this)
I'm a conservative Republican, have been all my life, over close to fifty yrs, OK I'm fibbing, it's been over fifty yrs...:eek:
And believe me, if I disagree with them I will let them know..
You know that though, because we've all talked about contacting the President on certain things, right here on this board

Oh, you can accuse me of whatever you feel like.. A sheep, call me a wolf I could care less. Even though I think I'd rather be called an eagle, since they sore high and are majestic...

But I would NEVER, be Democrat, maybe I would of thought about being a Democrat of old,(well maybe not).

But there's no way, would I be a progressive Democrat of today...
They are a scary bunch.. All they want is to turn this country into a socialist country, and as long as I have breath in me, I will fight them from allowing that to happen.

If you want to talk about closing ones eyes and exercising any judgement.
I've never seen you think for yourself, your just a walking talking, spewing point by point, right out the Democrat handbook...
Oh well, your young there might be some hope for you.

So you might want to evaluate yourself, before you try it on me....
I've lived through to many yrs, and have seemed to have done just fine for myself, being a Republican...

Well, Steffie, it's like this. You *think* you're a conservative Republican. But from what I've seen, you're anything but. To me, a conservative is someone who distrusts government power because they know that sometimes, power shifts, and none of them deserve that kind of leeway. A conservative wants fiscal restraint, not a group of people in Congress who are running up a huge credit card bill for our kids and grandkids. A conservative understands that the system of checks and balances is a delicate one and that the bastards all need to be watched over...even when you agree with them.

Oh...and while I appreciate you thinking I'm young, and while I'm younger than you, my 40th birthday this coming Monday tells me otherwise. I'm old enough to remember a time when the face of the Republican party wasn't a bunch of gloating jerks who cared more about the "win" than about our country and debate, particularly in the Senate, was genteel and not exemplified by loony toons like Rick Santorum, holding up a purportedly "classified" document on my TV screen while lying about the findings of the DoD and doing contorions to try to justify his position.

I understand the reasons some are Republicans. My father switched parties during Reagan's presidency and I don't think my brother ever was registered as anything but. They vote their self-interest in doing that because they like things like tax cuts and no estate taxes. But they aren't ideologues who think, well if Bush says it, must be true. And, in fact, are pretty true conservatives because, my dad particularly, thinks they're all a bunch of bums who shouldn't touch too much or they just screw it up.

As for "progressive democrat", I'm not sure what that is. I disagree with a lot of what the far reaches of my own party says, too. I have little patience for eco-terrorists, animal rights' loonies or palestinian romanticists. I also have no use for the head of our DNC and think we need someone who can be as ruthless as you guys in his tactics so they figure out how to salvage the mess that's being made out of this country.

Oh...and I'm a democrat mostly because the Republicans are bought and owned by the religious right and people who think energy companies should be making energy policy and where they will spend us billions into the red building bridges to no where, but try to cut kids' student loans. Where they "talk" about fighting terrorists, but cut anti-terror funding to the places that need it because "NY has no monuments" (translation: "they don't vote for us". And that's not fantasy, it's something Tom DE-LAY said to a lobbyist friend of mine in regards to another issue. His exact words, "I hate New York. You're not getting anything from us if we win [the 2004 election]").

What I find most amusing is the radical right's ignoring our budget and the environment and violations of our privacy and civil rights because the Republicans and Karl Rove-baby run on wedge issues. They can't do anything competently, so they talk about "pressing problems" like flag-burning, the pledge of allegience, the 10 commandments and, let's not forget the biggie, all the fags who want to take over the world because they *gasp* want to get married....always good for getting out the vote.

Me? I'm hoping Giuliani runs a third-party candidacy come 2008 and screws everyone.
Psychoblues said:
It's not the nature of reich wingers for any understanding of enlightenment, Dr. Grump. It is their nature to subvert, obvuscate and otherwise promote their own agenda/s despite overwhelming evidence that contradicts it.

Hey that's you Psycho!

I was taught from grammer school (public grammer school) a sense of discernment. I guess they didn't teach spelling there, though. Why not? It only serves to promote growth and understanding. Some of these cats baffle the heck out of me. But, they are quite fun if you can get past their personal attacks they offer in leiu of any intelligent conversation. I got the same such crap in the bars I used to frequently visit. Started drinking at home eh? Yes, it's tiresome but then again there might be a truly wondering soul reading in these threads. There are some wonderous minds posting them. Don't you think?


I have to admit that you are a piece of work.
jillian said:
Well, Steffie, it's like this. You *think* you're a conservative Republican. But from what I've seen, you're anything but. To me, a conservative is someone who distrusts government power because they know that sometimes, power shifts, and none of them deserve that kind of leeway. A conservative wants fiscal restraint, not a group of people in Congress who are running up a huge credit card bill for our kids and grandkids. A conservative understands that the system of checks and balances is a delicate one and that the bastards all need to be watched over...even when you agree with them.

Oh...and while I appreciate you thinking I'm young, and while I'm younger than you, my 40th birthday this coming Monday tells me otherwise. I'm old enough to remember a time when the face of the Republican party wasn't a bunch of gloating jerks who cared more about the "win" than about our country and debate, particularly in the Senate, was genteel and not exemplified by loony toons like Rick Santorum, holding up a purportedly "classified" document on my TV screen while lying about the findings of the DoD and doing contorions to try to justify his position.

I understand the reasons some are Republicans. My father switched parties during Reagan's presidency and I don't think my brother ever was registered as anything but. They vote their self-interest in doing that because they like things like tax cuts and no estate taxes. But they aren't ideologues who think, well if Bush says it, must be true. And, in fact, are pretty true conservatives because, my dad particularly, thinks they're all a bunch of bums who shouldn't touch too much or they just screw it up.

As for "progressive democrat", I'm not sure what that is. I disagree with a lot of what the far reaches of my own party says, too. I have little patience for eco-terrorists, animal rights' loonies or palestinian romanticists. I also have no use for the head of our DNC and think we need someone who can be as ruthless as you guys in his tactics so they figure out how to salvage the mess that's being made out of this country.

Oh...and I'm a democrat mostly because the Republicans are bought and owned by the religious right and people who think energy companies should be making energy policy and where they will spend us billions into the red building bridges to no where, but try to cut kids' student loans. Where they "talk" about fighting terrorists, but cut anti-terror funding to the places that need it because "NY has no monuments" (translation: "they don't vote for us". And that's not fantasy, it's something Tom DE-LAY said to a lobbyist friend of mine in regards to another issue. His exact words, "I hate New York. You're not getting anything from us if we win [the 2004 election]").

What I find most amusing is the radical right's ignoring our budget and the environment and violations of our privacy and civil rights because the Republicans and Karl Rove-baby run on wedge issues. They can't do anything competently, so they talk about "pressing problems" like flag-burning, the pledge of allegience, the 10 commandments and, let's not forget the biggie, all the fags who want to take over the world because they *gasp* want to get married....always good for getting out the vote.

Me? I'm hoping Giuliani runs a third-party candidacy come 2008 and screws everyone.

Wow, Miss Jilley
I'm proud of you, I at least saw a bigger picture of you right there..
I'll have to come back and give a full response later though, it's going on 4:30am here, and I need to get some sleep for work later this afternoon...:thup:
Stephanie said:
Wow, Miss Jilley
I'm proud of you, I at least saw a bigger picture of you right there..
I'll have to come back and give a full response later though, it's going on 4:30am here, and I need to get some sleep for work later this afternoon...:thup:

Never make assumptions about people, Steffie.

Given your response, maybe I'll get to see a bigger picture of you, too.

Sleep well. Off to start my day off work with my boy.

jillian said:
Never make assumptions about people, Steffie.

Given your response, maybe I'll get to see a bigger picture of you, too.

Sleep well. Off to start my day off work with my boy.


How do your brother and father deal with your idiocy, jillian? I know, you walk away when they try to talk to your ignorant ass. Or do you have mommy come and shut them down with feminazi tactics?
You mean this 'covert' operative?


*gasp* A scarf and sunglasses! What excellent cover!
I do love your sense of humor, Hobbit!!!!!!!!!!


Hobbit said:
You mean this 'covert' operative?


*gasp* A scarf and sunglasses! What excellent cover!
Psychoblues said:
I do love your sense of humor, Hobbit!!!!!!!!!!


It was only half humor. This was taken in Vanity Fair after Wilson repeatedly stated that his wife would not have her picture taken, so as not to ruin her identity. That is actually her in the picture.
Lemme get this straight, Hobbit. This photo has not been posed or photoshopped in any way? This is, like, for real and a random shot but used for purely nonpolitical purpose? Please, please, tell me that it ain't so!!!!!!!!


Hobbit said:
It was only half humor. This was taken in Vanity Fair after Wilson repeatedly stated that his wife would not have her picture taken, so as not to ruin her identity. That is actually her in the picture.
Psychoblues said:
Lemme get this straight, Hobbit. This photo has not been posed or photoshopped in any way? This is, like, for real and a random shot but used for purely nonpolitical purpose? Please, please, tell me that it ain't so!!!!!!!!


She POSED for it, because despite her cries for 'privacy' and not wanting to 'have her face seen,' she just couldn't resist a photo op with Vanity Fair. This is a REAL photo that appeared at the front of an article in Vanity Fair.
OK, I'll buy that. Was she trying to remain incognito or was she just pissing on your parade in that photo op?


Hobbit said:
She POSED for it, because despite her cries for 'privacy' and not wanting to 'have her face seen,' she just couldn't resist a photo op with Vanity Fair. This is a REAL photo that appeared at the front of an article in Vanity Fair.

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