Bush Says Disgusted by Abuse of Iraqis, Vows to Act

Torture would be cutting off fingers or limbs, or actually shock torturing them with a car battery. Basically inflicting trememndous amounts of pain for the purpose of inflicting tremendous amounts of pain would be my definition of torture.

This was more like humiliation. This is something you would see at a Frat house or in a locker room hazing.

With that said i still don't condone it. It brings a bad image to the military during a time where anyone thats anti-war or anti-america will pounce on it.
amazing to me that the terms 'psychological' and 'torture' no longer go together.......at least until the next time that a foreigner does that to an american that is :rolleyes:
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
amazing to me that the terms 'psychological' and 'torture' no longer go together.......at least until the next time that a foreigner does that to an american that is :rolleyes:

I agree.

You would think a POW is to be treated like any other prisoner, regardless. -Unless they resist, in which case force ensues in order to restrain.
All im saying is that theres a difference between dragging bodies of non-combatants through the street till they die and of humiliating a POW. I don't condone it, but to see these hypocritical arabs say that they need more evidence on the murder of the contractors to make a decision but are the ones carrying the sword against this incident is apalling.
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
It's completely absurd to justify these types of abuses using the 'we're not as bad as they are' excuse. It's complete hypocrisy to try to show the world that we stand for fairness, justice, and liberty when we can downplay or dismiss the 'liberties' taken with a handful of prisoners.

people wonder why we have a bad rap around the world, jeesh

we are qualitatively different from them. Acts such as this are more rare in our military than it is in theirs.
blindfolded, bound, and being told that if you fall off this small chair you'll be electrocuted by those electrical wires on your balls is only humiliation? :rolleyes:
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
we are qualitatively different from them. Acts such as this are more rare in our military than it is in theirs.

a handful of idiots in our military just disproved that theory to the entire world, but I forget that you don't understand basic human thinking.
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
a handful of idiots in our military just disproved that theory to the entire world, but I forget that you don't understand basic human thinking.

But that small sample does not represent the entire military. I trust you to help propagate the lie that it is representative, however.
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
But that small sample does not represent the entire military. I trust you to help propagate the lie that it is representative, however.

what lie? that we are qualitatively different from them? how? by mildly punishing those involved? read the post about compromising on murder as well. See how the world will view us after that issue?
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
what lie? that we are qualitatively different from them? how? by mildly punishing those involved? read the post about compromising on murder as well. See how the world will view us after that issue?

No. These atrocities are few and far between. That's how we're qualitatively different.

I don't care how the world VIEWS us. I care about the truth. Our intentions are good and those with a clue know it.
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr

Wassamatter? Can't hold your own? Poor little wus can badger everyone else, but can't hold a REAL conversation.
Originally posted by NewGuy
Wassamatter? Can't hold your own? Poor little wus can badger everyone else, but can't hold a REAL conversation.

Dude. Make your point. I'm not playing your retarded little games. If you have point make it. Oh wait. You have no point.
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
No. These atrocities are few and far between. That's how we're qualitatively different.

I don't care how the world VIEWS us. I care about the truth. Our intentions are good and those with a clue know it.

who gives a fuck what our INTENTIONS are? its the action and resulting incidents that matter.

the thought that counts only applies to xmas presents, in case you forgot about that part. but that goes along with having a clue, obviously you lost yours.
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
Dude. Make your point. I'm not playing your retarded little games. If you have point make it. Oh wait. You have no point.

For the blind and mentally disabled:

RWA: No. These atrocities are few and far between. That's how we're qualitatively different.

I don't care how the world VIEWS us. I care about the truth. Our intentions are good and those with a clue know it.

ME: Define "our".


I still await an answer.
Originally posted by NewGuy
For the blind and mentally disabled:

RWA: No. These atrocities are few and far between. That's how we're qualitatively different.

I don't care how the world VIEWS us. I care about the truth. Our intentions are good and those with a clue know it.

ME: Define "our".


I still await an answer.

I'm not defining "our". Make your point, if you dare.

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