Bush Sr., Clinton, Obama, and Libya


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
Like George Bush Sr. and Bill Clinton, Obama has done things the correct way.

Have the correct intel, get the support of our allies, set achievable goals, and be on the right side.
Like George Bush Sr. and Bill Clinton, Obama has done things the correct way.

Have the correct intel, get the support of our allies, set achievable goals, and be on the right side.

Sounds great........................but....we don't know who we're backing or the end game, is ghadafi to be taken into custody?, who controls Libya?, who gets the spoils?, OIL. And a whole encylopedia of unknowns. Major mistakes again.
Like George Bush Sr. and Bill Clinton, Obama has done things the correct way.

Have the correct intel, get the support of our allies, set achievable goals, and be on the right side.

Sounds great........................but....we don't know who we're backing or the end game, is ghadafi to be taken into custody?, who controls Libya?, who gets the spoils?, OIL. And a whole encylopedia of unknowns. Major mistakes again.

The same is true of Iraq, Afghanistan, Egypt, Japan, Germany, Vietnam, the Soviet Union, and every other situation in human history.

Republicans supporting Kadaffy is fun to see though.
Like George Bush Sr. and Bill Clinton, Obama has done things the correct way.

Have the correct intel, get the support of our allies, set achievable goals, and be on the right side.

Sounds great........................but....we don't know who we're backing or the end game, is ghadafi to be taken into custody?, who controls Libya?, who gets the spoils?, OIL. And a whole encylopedia of unknowns. Major mistakes again.

The same is true of Iraq, Afghanistan, Egypt, Japan, Germany, Vietnam, the Soviet Union, and every other situation in human history.

Republicans supporting Kadaffy is fun to see though.

It's also fun watching a Nobel Peace Prize prez gettin' his war on.
Obama was very clear during his campaign for President that the Iraq war and Gitmo were responsible for creating terrorists. A main point was that Iraq never attacked us.

Well, Gitmo is still open and Libya never attacked us, and Obama is blowing the crap out of them. Meanwhile...........The left is eerily silent.
Obama was very clear during his campaign for President that the Iraq war and Gitmo were responsible for creating terrorists. A main point was that Iraq never attacked us.

Well, Gitmo is still open and Libya never attacked us, and Obama is blowing the crap out of them. Meanwhile...........The left is eerily silent.

Like I said...

Get the support of your allies, have good intel, and achievable goals.

Clinton won the war in the Balkans without losing a single American soldier.

Bush Sr. got the support of almost all the industrialized nations for the Gulf War, even the Japanese.

It's called diplomacy. It works really well when you use it.
So, when we decided to free the Iraqi people from their oppression, it was wrong. But deciding to free the Libyan people is okay?

You're a fucking idiot.

This is just another war, like Iraq, that we have no business engaging in.
Obama was very clear during his campaign for President that the Iraq war and Gitmo were responsible for creating terrorists. A main point was that Iraq never attacked us.

Well, Gitmo is still open and Libya never attacked us, and Obama is blowing the crap out of them. Meanwhile...........The left is eerily silent.

Bosnia never attacked us either.
Like George Bush Sr. and Bill Clinton, Obama has done things the correct way.

Have the correct intel, get the support of our allies, set achievable goals, and be on the right side.
Where are you guys getting your talking points from? HuffPo? John Stewart?

U.S. begins missile assault against Libyan air defenses | HamptonRoads.com | PilotOnline.com

Straight out of their asses. What is our exit strategy ? ----quick !

No need for an exit strategy when you do it right.

Did we need an exit strategy for the Balkans?

Did we need one for Kuwait?

Will we need one for Libya?


That's the point. When you do it right, it works.

When you don't, you need an exit strategy.
Like George Bush Sr. and Bill Clinton, Obama has done things the correct way.

Have the correct intel, get the support of our allies, set achievable goals, and be on the right side.

you have not a clue....and you're a hypocrite. good day.
Where are you guys getting your talking points from? HuffPo? John Stewart?

U.S. begins missile assault against Libyan air defenses | HamptonRoads.com | PilotOnline.com

Straight out of their asses. What is our exit strategy ? ----quick !

No need for an exit strategy when you do it right.

Did we need an exit strategy for the Balkans?

Did we need one for Kuwait?

Will we need one for Libya?


That's the point. When you do it right, it works.

When you don't, you need an exit strategy.
Yet that's all the press and Liberals asked Bush. Which one of you is man enough to ask Obama?

None of you.
Straight out of their asses. What is our exit strategy ? ----quick !

No need for an exit strategy when you do it right.

Did we need an exit strategy for the Balkans?

Did we need one for Kuwait?

Will we need one for Libya?


That's the point. When you do it right, it works.

When you don't, you need an exit strategy.
Yet that's all the press and Liberals asked Bush. Which one of you is man enough to ask Obama?

None of you.

Are you kidding?

The press sucked up to Bush until after the 2004 election.

No American troops are going into Libya by the way.
Like George Bush Sr. and Bill Clinton, Obama has done things the correct way.

Have the correct intel, get the support of our allies, set achievable goals, and be on the right side.

My guess is that you are arguing that W did the wrong thing.

Intelligence told us that Saddam had WMDs, ditto Qaddafi.

Obama got the backing of a UN resolution, Bush asked for one, but was not willing to wait months while the UN debated it.

Obama's goal is to remove Qaddafi from power and protect our national security, personally, I do not see that as any different than what Bush's goals were in Iraq.

Be on the right side? Obama seems to be aiding people that have ties to Al-Qaeda, not sure how that is the right side, but I am willing to listen to your defense of it being so. Saddam Hussein was a brutal dictator who oppressed his people, murdered them, and even used chemical weapons on them. I fail to see how going after him is being on the wrong side.

I have to be honest here, the only difference I see between Bush and Obama is that one calls himself a Democrat and the other calls himself a Republican.

That, and the fact that one of them is white. I actually think the second is more of a distinction than the first, and it is entirely superficial.

I do not even know what to ask other than do you have any sort of logic behind your position, or do you simply have a fetish for black male Democrats?
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Like George Bush Sr. and Bill Clinton, Obama has done things the correct way.

Have the correct intel, get the support of our allies, set achievable goals, and be on the right side.

Sounds great........................but....we don't know who we're backing or the end game, is ghadafi to be taken into custody?, who controls Libya?, who gets the spoils?, OIL. And a whole encylopedia of unknowns. Major mistakes again.

The same is true of Iraq, Afghanistan, Egypt, Japan, Germany, Vietnam, the Soviet Union, and every other situation in human history.

Republicans supporting Kadaffy is fun to see though.

I thought you said we have achievable goals. :confused::eusa_liar::eusa_whistle::eek:
Be on the right side? Obama seems to be aiding people that have ties to Al-Qaeda, not sure how that is the right side, but I am willing to listen to your defense of it being so. Saddam Hussein was a brutal dictator who oppressed his people, murdered them, and even used chemical weapons on them. I fail to see how going after him is being on the wrong side.

Fucking jackpot.

Watching liberals defend this move is goddamn hilarious. Everything, and I repeat EVERYTHING, you hated Bush for, Obama is repeating.
Obama was very clear during his campaign for President that the Iraq war and Gitmo were responsible for creating terrorists. A main point was that Iraq never attacked us.

Well, Gitmo is still open and Libya never attacked us, and Obama is blowing the crap out of them. Meanwhile...........The left is eerily silent.

Like I said...

Get the support of your allies, have good intel, and achievable goals.

Clinton won the war in the Balkans without losing a single American soldier.

Bush Sr. got the support of almost all the industrialized nations for the Gulf War, even the Japanese.

It's called diplomacy. It works really well when you use it.

Looks like cowardice to me. Looks like the USA is not going to be a leader until we have one again.
No American troops are going into Libya by the way.
Oh really? From March 3rd:
U.S. troops arrive in Greece in Libya buildup - USATODAY.com
Some 400 US Marines arrived at an American naval base in Greece in a buildup of U.S. forces around revolt-torn Libya, even as European governments shied away Thursday from possible military action.
You know what Marines do right?

But hey, Obama wouldn't send them in right? From March 7th:
White House: U.S. troops are one option for Libya - Washington Times
White House press secretary Jay Carney on Monday said deploying ground troops is not at the “top of the list” when it comes to potential responses to the ongoing violence in Libya, but he said it’s one of many options being considered.“No option has been removed from the table, but … ground troops is not sort of top of the list at this point,” Mr. Carney told reporters.
Oh, it's not on top of the list, that's much better. They couldn't be lying, or the troops couldn't already be in there blowing shit up in advance as they were in Gulf War I and Gulf War II.

Either way I'm sure the President has the American people on his side on this one right? It's not just those crazy conservatard/birthers that are against him right? Right?

From Rasmussen. March 8th:
Rasmussen Poll: 63 Percent Want U.S. to Stay Out of Libya Crisis
More than 60 percent of U.S. voters want the United States to maintain a hands-off approach to the Libyan crisis, even as government officials discuss possible military intervention in the Mediterranean country ripped asunder in a rebellion against longtime dictator Moammar Gadhafi.
Well, then I'm sure Obama would get authorization from Congress wouldn't he? I mean, he wouldn't do like Bush did and skirt the War Powers Act would he? What do John Stewart and HuffPo say about that?

Obama was very clear during his campaign for President that the Iraq war and Gitmo were responsible for creating terrorists. A main point was that Iraq never attacked us.

Well, Gitmo is still open and Libya never attacked us, and Obama is blowing the crap out of them. Meanwhile...........The left is eerily silent.

Like I said...

Get the support of your allies, have good intel, and achievable goals.

Clinton won the war in the Balkans without losing a single American soldier.

Bush Sr. got the support of almost all the industrialized nations for the Gulf War, even the Japanese.

It's called diplomacy. It works really well when you use it.

Looks like cowardice to me. Looks like the USA is not going to be a leader until we have one again.


I love it. Gaining the support of our allies is cowardice.

That's the funniest thing I ever read.

No, gaining the support of our allies is called leadership.

Bush Sr. did it.

Bill Clinton did it.

Now Obama is doing it.

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