"bush Was A Liberal", "bush Wasn't Really A Conservative."


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
"We never agreed with many/most of his policies..." and the list goes on and on and on.

All right wing CON LIES, as is evident by their return to their natural DEFENSE of everything bush the minute the guttersnipe returns from exile.

You just can't make this stuff up.

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They did the same with Arnold, after they wanted to modify the constitution so he could become president. Crist in FL seemed to meet the same fate.
They did the same with Arnold, after they wanted to modify the constitution so he could become president. Crist in FL seemed to meet the same fate.

Sums of batches. They always worship you...until they don't.

Bush was a Progressive Republican. He spent through the roof. He was for amnesty. He signed the so called "campaign finance Reform" bill. He kept none of his conservative promises except the tax cuts for everyone.

Those are facts.

However, if you are going to pretend Bush lied based merely on accusations, then yes I am going to defend him. I defend anyone who is accused based on nothing. Heck, I defend people who are accused based on a hell of alot of information every day.

There is no emnity between the Former President and I. Heck, Id defend you if you were falsely accused. I've defended Obama on the rare occasions he's needed it.

You're inability to separate politics from facts is blinding you to what's in front of you.
Insofar as people/religion/ethnicities go..Bush was very much a "Liberal" in that he didn't have a racist bone in his body.

But he was conservative in every other way. War/oil/low taxes.

That's the economy conservatives like.
Bush was a Progressive Republican. He spent through the roof. He was for amnesty. He signed the so called "campaign finance Reform" bill. He kept none of his conservative promises except the tax cuts for everyone.

Those are facts.

However, if you are going to pretend Bush lied based merely on accusations, then yes I am going to defend him. I defend anyone who is accused based on nothing. Heck, I defend people who are accused based on a hell of alot of information every day.

There is no emnity between the Former President and I. Heck, Id defend you if you were falsely accused. I've defended Obama on the rare occasions he's needed it.

You're inability to separate politics from facts is blinding you to what's in front of you.
Your wails are falling on deaf ears bub.

You were SILENT during the bastard's regime...now you have so much to say.

Save it for someone who cares and go find a new name to call yourself after "Independent" and "T-Bagger" wears out.
Insofar as people/religion/ethnicities go..Bush was very much a "Liberal" in that he didn't have a racist bone in his body.

But he was conservative in every other way. War/oil/low taxes.

That's the economy conservatives like.

WASHINGTON, Sept. 6 - As President Bush battled criticism over the response to Hurricane Katrina, his mother declared it a success for evacuees who "were underprivileged anyway," saying on Monday that many of the poor people she had seen while touring a Houston relocation site were faring better than before the storm hit.

"And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway," she said, "so this is working very well for them."


So let's see, these people lost their jobs, their pets, their possessions, their houses and some even family members and now, sleeping on a cot inside a sports facility is "working very well for them".

Ah, the meaningless empty lives of the "little people". Yes, they deserve to have their homes taken. They deserve to have the cost of the nations debt placed on their shoulders. Their wealth needs to be given to people who appreciate wealth. Good people. Republicans. But not all Republicans. Only Republicans already rich. The "little people" can sleep on cots in a sports facility. They were underprivileged anyway.
Insofar as people/religion/ethnicities go..Bush was very much a "Liberal" in that he didn't have a racist bone in his body.

But he was conservative in every other way. War/oil/low taxes.

That's the economy conservatives like.

WASHINGTON, Sept. 6 - As President Bush battled criticism over the response to Hurricane Katrina, his mother declared it a success for evacuees who "were underprivileged anyway," saying on Monday that many of the poor people she had seen while touring a Houston relocation site were faring better than before the storm hit.

"And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway," she said, "so this is working very well for them."


So let's see, these people lost their jobs, their pets, their possessions, their houses and some even family members and now, sleeping on a cot inside a sports facility is "working very well for them".

Ah, the meaningless empty lives of the "little people". Yes, they deserve to have their homes taken. They deserve to have the cost of the nations debt placed on their shoulders. Their wealth needs to be given to people who appreciate wealth. Good people. Republicans. But not all Republicans. Only Republicans already rich. The "little people" can sleep on cots in a sports facility. They were underprivileged anyway.

that was right after she made her Katrina donation to her sons business?

All things considered Bush may have turned out pretty good.
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He's a straight up neo con. I still remember when he ran as a Conservative, you know low taxes and less government expansion? Well, he did the opposite.

So no, he's not a conservative, he's just a plain old neo con like Palin.
Insofar as people/religion/ethnicities go..Bush was very much a "Liberal" in that he didn't have a racist bone in his body.

But he was conservative in every other way. War/oil/low taxes.

That's the economy conservatives like.

WASHINGTON, Sept. 6 - As President Bush battled criticism over the response to Hurricane Katrina, his mother declared it a success for evacuees who "were underprivileged anyway," saying on Monday that many of the poor people she had seen while touring a Houston relocation site were faring better than before the storm hit.

"And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway," she said, "so this is working very well for them."


So let's see, these people lost their jobs, their pets, their possessions, their houses and some even family members and now, sleeping on a cot inside a sports facility is "working very well for them".

Ah, the meaningless empty lives of the "little people". Yes, they deserve to have their homes taken. They deserve to have the cost of the nations debt placed on their shoulders. Their wealth needs to be given to people who appreciate wealth. Good people. Republicans. But not all Republicans. Only Republicans already rich. The "little people" can sleep on cots in a sports facility. They were underprivileged anyway.

I think President Bush was truly incompetent and listened to a lot of the wrong people. He should have never been President.

But he was not an evil man. And I really do think he cared about his country..and the people in it.
Bush was a Progressive Republican. He spent through the roof. He was for amnesty. He signed the so called "campaign finance Reform" bill. He kept none of his conservative promises except the tax cuts for everyone.

Those are facts.

However, if you are going to pretend Bush lied based merely on accusations, then yes I am going to defend him. I defend anyone who is accused based on nothing. Heck, I defend people who are accused based on a hell of alot of information every day.

There is no emnity between the Former President and I. Heck, Id defend you if you were falsely accused. I've defended Obama on the rare occasions he's needed it.

You're inability to separate politics from facts is blinding you to what's in front of you.
Your wails are falling on deaf ears bub.

You were SILENT during the bastard's regime...now you have so much to say.

Save it for someone who cares and go find a new name to call yourself after "Independent" and "T-Bagger" wears out.

Silent? You obviously werent around then.
Bush was a Progressive Republican. He spent through the roof. He was for amnesty. He signed the so called "campaign finance Reform" bill. He kept none of his conservative promises except the tax cuts for everyone.

Those are facts.

However, if you are going to pretend Bush lied based merely on accusations, then yes I am going to defend him. I defend anyone who is accused based on nothing. Heck, I defend people who are accused based on a hell of alot of information every day.

There is no emnity between the Former President and I. Heck, Id defend you if you were falsely accused. I've defended Obama on the rare occasions he's needed it.

You're inability to separate politics from facts is blinding you to what's in front of you.
Your wails are falling on deaf ears bub.

You were SILENT during the bastard's regime...now you have so much to say.

Save it for someone who cares and go find a new name to call yourself after "Independent" and "T-Bagger" wears out.

Silent? You obviously werent around then.

hes got an Atavacron in his basement, he went back in time...and .....failed....:lol:


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Bush was a Progressive Republican. He spent through the roof. He was for amnesty. He signed the so called "campaign finance Reform" bill. He kept none of his conservative promises except the tax cuts for everyone.

Those are facts.

However, if you are going to pretend Bush lied based merely on accusations, then yes I am going to defend him. I defend anyone who is accused based on nothing. Heck, I defend people who are accused based on a hell of alot of information every day.

There is no emnity between the Former President and I. Heck, Id defend you if you were falsely accused. I've defended Obama on the rare occasions he's needed it.

You're inability to separate politics from facts is blinding you to what's in front of you.
Your wails are falling on deaf ears bub.

You were SILENT during the bastard's regime...now you have so much to say.

Save it for someone who cares and go find a new name to call yourself after "Independent" and "T-Bagger" wears out.

Silent? You obviously werent around then.
I remember the right standing on its haunches over Immigration reform.

But, the Bush administration harmed this country in ways the Right Wing whole-heartedly supported. Secret prisons and harsh interrogation techniques. Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay. "Last throes of the insurgency" and "War is messy".

We always sing our freedoms. We just forgot the tune during Bush/Cheney.
Insofar as people/religion/ethnicities go..Bush was very much a "Liberal" in that he didn't have a racist bone in his body.

But he was conservative in every other way. War/oil/low taxes.

That's the economy conservatives like.

War is not a Conservative or Liberal Policy. It's just stupid. Oil? I don't recall which administration stopped oil imports unless you are pointing to Carter.

Low taxes is a Conservative plank in that it allows the citizen to spend his money rather than having a beaurocrat do it. However, a true Conservative also reduces spending to fall within collections.

Bush's spending outstripped collections so he was a Liberal in that way including the Drug aid given to seniors which was not paid for.

His social programs were Liberal. His spending was Liberal and he failed to stop the Sub prime lending which favored those of insufficient means and so was Liberal.

All of his actions were Liberal, but his party was Republican so the mind numbed robots of the left were told to oppose him, not his policies, and they did. The Left has a visceral hatred of Bush, but not so much of his policies.

Of course, the Big 0 has taken the imbalance of spending beyond any rational thought by a factor of 10 compared to the weak Liberalism of W.

By comparisson, W was a Conservative. By comparisson, live steam is cool compared to a blow torch flame.
Insofar as people/religion/ethnicities go..Bush was very much a "Liberal" in that he didn't have a racist bone in his body.

But he was conservative in every other way. War/oil/low taxes.

That's the economy conservatives like.

War is not a Conservative or Liberal Policy. It's just stupid. Oil? I don't recall which administration stopped oil imports unless you are pointing to Carter.

Low taxes is a Conservative plank in that it allows the citizen to spend his money rather than having a beaurocrat do it. However, a true Conservative also reduces spending to fall within collections.

Bush's spending outstripped collections so he was a Liberal in that way including the Drug aid given to seniors which was not paid for.

His social programs were Liberal. His spending was Liberal and he failed to stop the Sub prime lending which favored those of insufficient means and so was Liberal.

All of his actions were Liberal, but his party was Republican so the mind numbed robots of the left were told to oppose him, not his policies, and they did. The Left has a visceral hatred of Bush, but not so much of his policies.

Of course, the Big 0 has taken the imbalance of spending beyond any rational thought by a factor of 10 compared to the weak Liberalism of W.

By comparisson, W was a Conservative. By comparisson, live steam is cool compared to a blow torch flame.
The way the Bush administration prosecuted those wars remains a threat to our troops there today.

Carter did not stop oil imports. OPEC did. I remember. I had to push my 1964 ford Falcon up the slope to the gas pumps.

A true Conservative lowered the marginal tax rates for the richest folks around. But then he fought two wars, created the Department of Homeland Security, and established a Medicare drug plan without calling that money back to the IRS. Revenue/Expenditure. And Obama gets the blame for the massive deficit after the TARP money was credited in the Bush column.

His social programs were designed by the Christian right. Nix on stem cell research money and run government programs through churches. Revenue/Expenditures, only on a much more local level.
"We never agreed with many/most of his policies..." and the list goes on and on and on.

All right wing CON LIES, as is evident by their return to their natural DEFENSE of everything bush the minute the guttersnipe returns from exile.

You just can't make this stuff up.

Bush was in exile?......did you just make that up?....
"We never agreed with many/most of his policies..." and the list goes on and on and on.

All right wing CON LIES, as is evident by their return to their natural DEFENSE of everything bush the minute the guttersnipe returns from exile.

You just can't make this stuff up.


Rose by any other name is still a rose. Notice how fast the RNC dumped Palin, then had the gall to go pick up her dirty panties they gave her!! LMAO!!!!! Now the GOPers say she caused them to lose the Senate!! LMAO!!!! I just see the new Republican ads for gum disease and gingivitis!! Do you have Palin kiss-ass disease? Headache, trouble swallowing? Get the 24 hr cure to stop Palinisities.
Insofar as people/religion/ethnicities go..Bush was very much a "Liberal" in that he didn't have a racist bone in his body.

I would vehemently disagree with you that many so-called liberals aren't racist. Besides, I thought Bush wanted black people in New Orleans to die.
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