Bush Was Wrong In 2007. 2012 Troop Pullout Won't Mean Aq Takes Over Iraq.

And you continue to claim with a clear conscience it appears that Obama really did want the troops to stay past the SOFA agreement? Fucking liar.

I have not claimed that. You are the liar, foul mouth.

I claim that Obama wanted to respect what the Iraqis wanted and it is as simple as that. That is what Obama did and Operation Iraqi Freedom came to a blessed end in December 2011. It ended on the schedule that Bush and Maliki etched into stone in December 2008.

So don't lie about me TinyDancer just because your world view defies reality.
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And you continue to claim with a clear conscience it appears that Obama really did want the troops to stay past the SOFA agreement? Fucking liar.

I have not claimed that. You are the liar, foul mouth.

I claim that Obama wanted to respect what the Iraqis wanted and it is as simple as that. That is what Obama did and Operation Iraqi Freedom came to a blessed end in December 2011. It ended on the schedule that Bush and Maliki etched into stone in December 2008.

So don't lie about me TinyDancer just because your world view defies reality.

When you walked in this room you dragged others with you. They have told me all about you and your lack of debating skills.

How you would come at me. They have you now.

Now lets dance. I can take you back to before the SOFA. You panic every time.

I can put out there Obama Senator Obama seizing on the moment to remove all troops in 2008. Obviously you forget yanking my chain that you fail miserably at debating me.
You really need to give it up, NotFooled. I've spent the majority of my 2000 posts educating you on this subject and though I admire your loyalty to the president when everyone else is deserting him, the number of people buying what you're selling has dropped to about 30% of the country.

And most of that 30% can't find Iraq on a map. Just look at the Obama-loving dotcommies, Luddies, rivas, Loners....on here.

Why should I give up? You have not refuted a single point made by me on this thread.

Look at your meaningless response.

You say nothing. Bush did not predict anything correctly as I point out. Your silence on the points in the OP tells it all.

Do you think Iraq has surrendered to al Qaeda or have they not.

This is not about defending Obama. It is about exposing the truth. That Bush did not make a valid prediction in 2007 because what he predicted has not happened and never will.

Do you think AQ or the IS terrorists will force Baghdad to surrender to them?

Obama has nothing to do with what Bush predicted. Why bring Obama into it.
When you walked in this room you dragged others with you. They have told me all about you and your lack of debating skills.

How you would come at me. They have you now.

Now lets dance. I can take you back to before the SOFA. You panic every time.

I can put out there Obama Senator Obama seizing on the moment to remove all troops in 2008. Obviously you forget yanking my chain that you fail miserably at debating me.

Did Sen Obama's bill pass or have any effect on anything? What is your point

What about before the SOFA? You mean when Bush failed to prevent Maliki from putting an end to the MNF authority in Iraq by the end of 2008. That is what caused the SOFA to be required in the first place.

Who is 'they'?
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So remind me why you support Obama invading Syria.

Because I supported Bush 43 invading Afghanistan to kill and destroy terrorists and anti-civilization barbarians where they gather and hide.

Now those barbarians are gathering in Syria. Its time to kill them there or anywhere they go. You have no point do you?
SO you're fine with Obama invading a sovereign country to battle terrorism but you blame Bush for doing the same thing with far more support? Are you crazy?
Obama stayed the course of the scheduled withdrawl of US troops per the agreement signed by GWB. Obama didn't pull the troops prematurely, he did it right on schedule.
But keep on rewriting history and making shit up.
Iraq War ends on Bush’s schedule, not Obama’s
Iraq War ends on Bush s schedule not Obama s RedState

And at the time the same Obama haters who now attack Obama for supposedly leaving too soon were insisting that Obama get no credit for ending the war in Iraq,

precisely because it was on Bush's schedule in accordance with Bush's agreement.
The truth is too complicated for you to understand.
So let's just say that Obama was president when we left. Whatever happened, happened on his watch and he's responsible for it. We withdrew from Iraq. Many people warned the area was unstable and leaving would create a vacuum. That is precisely what happened and now we are sending troops in. All of this is Obama's fault, no one else's.

You're exactly the kind of person I was referring to, and here's the PROOF, from 2011:

This country is in deep trouble Page 2 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

The key line from that post is you saying this:

"Obama has simply followed the Bush blueprint for withdrawal".

And you said that to attempt to rebut a poster for giving Obama credit for getting us out of Iraq...

...exactly as I described above, and as I also said above,

you're now in the crowd BLAMING Obama for getting us out of Iraq.
We werent out of Iraq when I wrote that. And elsewhere I blamed Obama for not leaving troops behind.
Nice way to cherry pick and make yourself look stooopid.

lol, you're pathetic and ineducable and too big a pussy to own up to your own words. You supported Bush's timeline for getting out of Iraq until you figured out a way to flip flop and trash Obama over it.

Classic derangement syndrome.
I supported Bush's timeline with the caveat that we leave forces. It was a detail left to OBama to work out because everyone knew that was crucial to maintaining peace.
Obama fucked it up and then blamed Bush, just like you.
re: Iraq War ends on Bush s schedule not Obama s RedState

So all that time that the liberals were constantly pointing out that Obama was so damn wonderful because he ended the war in Iraq they were talking out of their collective asses.

Was it not a wonderful sight that Bush's war dubbed Operation Iraqi Freedom finally came to and end on Obama's watch? Would you rather have seen it drag on and on forever?
So, if Obama had started this war, would you be chanting this same mantra?

Of course but I see no reason to speculate - Obama would not be starting what he famously referred to as a dumb war. He said he does not believe in starting dumb wars such that Iraq was and turned out to be.
I supported Bush's timeline with the caveat that we leave forces. It was a detail left to OBama to work out because everyone knew that was crucial to maintaining peace.

You didn't support the Bush timeline then because it was not nor could be caveated as you suggest. Its a two party agreement of major legal consequence between two sovereign nations. Obama had zero privilege to force a 'detail' in later if the other party refused to accept it.

You are Bush's fool for believing that such a maneuver could be done several years later without Iraq's consent and parliamentary approval. And also without a major crisis in the background driving it into play.
Bush negotiated a status of forces agreement with Iraq near the end of his Presidency Obama failed to negotiate an extension of that agreement that along with his disappearing red line over Assad's use of chemical weapons and his failure to arm the Syrian rebels at the start of the uprising when we actually knew who they were are the major reasons for the mess we now have in Syria and Iraq. I will also note the irony of President Obama now wanting to arm and train the Syrian rebels who he ridiculed just last month not to mention who's numbers are far less than they were when the uprising first started and who's intentions are far more murky.
re: Iraq War ends on Bush s schedule not Obama s RedState

So all that time that the liberals were constantly pointing out that Obama was so damn wonderful because he ended the war in Iraq they were talking out of their collective asses.

Was it not a wonderful sight that Bush's war dubbed Operation Iraqi Freedom finally came to and end on Obama's watch? Would you rather have seen it drag on and on forever?
Only a fool would have wished it to be the end.

And I was one of those fools.
Bush negotiated a status of forces agreement with Iraq near the end of his Presidency Obama failed to negotiate an extension of that agreement... .

Obama failed nothing. The Iraqis did not want an extension. That's on Sixty Minutes tonight. But even if it were true that Iraq wanted an extension and Obama failed to provide it, Former General Petraeus says no one knows if an extension would have made a difference. Your argument in not valid. NO ONE KNOWS and that specifically means you don't know.

“Petraeus was asked: Would it have happened if we had had 25,000 troops still on the ground?

Petraeus answered: "No one knows whether forces there would have given us an influence."

No one knows whether forces there would have given us an influence. That’s the question for the ages. They were out of combat, out of the cities and out of the advising. <> So you have to ask what the mission would have been. And again, without knowing what mission Prime Minister Maliki would have allowed them to do, it’s hard to say how much influence they might have achieved, again noting that there was a quite a robust security assistance force and that did not seem to translate. <> As I said, I would have loved to have seen a force remain on the ground. I would have loved it even more if I knew that they were going to have a mission that would allow them to continue to contribute to the sustainment of the progress that was so hard fought and for which so many sacrificed so much during the surge and beyond


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