Bush Was Wrong In 2007. 2012 Troop Pullout Won't Mean Aq Takes Over Iraq.

Withdraw from the Middle East. We don't belong there. ISIS is a result of our endless meddling over there.
You won nothing. Iraq was the deadliest country on earth in 2009 when Bush left his Maliki mess behind.
You do mean when Obama left the mess prematurely don't you? Bush wasn't President in 2009.

Obama stayed the course of the scheduled withdrawl of US troops per the agreement signed by GWB. Obama didn't pull the troops prematurely, he did it right on schedule.
But keep on rewriting history and making shit up.
Iraq War ends on Bush’s schedule, not Obama’s
Iraq War ends on Bush s schedule not Obama s RedState

And at the time the same Obama haters who now attack Obama for supposedly leaving too soon were insisting that Obama get no credit for ending the war in Iraq,

precisely because it was on Bush's schedule in accordance with Bush's agreement.
The truth is too complicated for you to understand.
So let's just say that Obama was president when we left. Whatever happened, happened on his watch and he's responsible for it. We withdrew from Iraq. Many people warned the area was unstable and leaving would create a vacuum. That is precisely what happened and now we are sending troops in. All of this is Obama's fault, no one else's.

So you're saying that Red State is suffering from "The truth is too complicated" as I used Red State's comments as my foundation for my post. They like many other far right media resources and posters here on USMB cried the same exact thing when Obama took the credit for the troops leaving Iraq. Of course, once all hell broke loose in Iraq, everyone on the right went into denial of their crying and moaning that "O" wrongfully took credit for the troops leaving and pinned everything on "O". :eusa_clap:
Like I have said before Rabbi, you are nothing but a echo chamber of far right talking points. It must suck to be you and living a life based on other people's opinions and not your own 100% of the time! :dunno:
Quit putting words in my mouth, you useless prick.
"useless prick"?
Hey, I have a job, family and many friends. That's why I don't spend all day, seven days a week posting on USMB like you. I have a very useful life, I can only find time to post four times or less daily on USMB. I accomplish things in my life away from USMB, that's what's really important to me. Whereas your life centers around only USMB, as your every day actions prove. :2up:
lol, you're pathetic and ineducable and too big a pussy to own up to your own words. You supported Bush's timeline for getting out of Iraq until you figured out a way to flip flop and trash Obama over it.

Classic derangement syndrome.
I supported Bush's timeline with the caveat that we leave forces. It was a detail left to OBama to work out because everyone knew that was crucial to maintaining peace.
Obama fucked it up and then blamed Bush, just like you.

Why did Bush agree to a complete withdrawal of US forces by 2012? Why didn't Bush get a long term agreement with the Iraqis again? Was there a sticking point in the 2008 negotiations?
He was constrained by what he knew the incoming administration wanted and was in a bad negotiating position, being a lame duck.
Anything else?

No he wasn't. The president elect was already publicly acknowledging the fact that he too was interested in leaving a residual force behind.

Published: December 3, 2008
WASHINGTON — On the campaign trail, Senator Barack Obamaoffered a pledge that electrified and motivated his liberal base, vowing to “end the war” in Iraq.

But as he moves closer to the White House, President-elect Obama is making clearer than ever that tens of thousands of American troops will be left behind in Iraq, even if he can make good on his campaign promise to pull all combat forces out within 16 months.

“I said that I would remove our combat troops from Iraq in 16 months, with the understanding that it might be necessary — likely to be necessary — to maintain a residual force to provide potential training, logistical support, to protect our civilians in Iraq,” Mr. Obama said this week as he introduced his national security team.

So why did he lie? Why didnt he do what he said he would?

First, thanks for admitting that President Bush was not constrained by the President Elect in any way. Second, the answer is in the third paragraph.
You do mean when Obama left the mess prematurely don't you? Bush wasn't President in 2009.

Obama stayed the course of the scheduled withdrawl of US troops per the agreement signed by GWB. Obama didn't pull the troops prematurely, he did it right on schedule.
But keep on rewriting history and making shit up.
Iraq War ends on Bush’s schedule, not Obama’s
Iraq War ends on Bush s schedule not Obama s RedState

And at the time the same Obama haters who now attack Obama for supposedly leaving too soon were insisting that Obama get no credit for ending the war in Iraq,

precisely because it was on Bush's schedule in accordance with Bush's agreement.
The truth is too complicated for you to understand.
So let's just say that Obama was president when we left. Whatever happened, happened on his watch and he's responsible for it. We withdrew from Iraq. Many people warned the area was unstable and leaving would create a vacuum. That is precisely what happened and now we are sending troops in. All of this is Obama's fault, no one else's.

So you're saying that Red State is suffering from "The truth is too complicated" as I used Red State's comments as my foundation for my post. They like many other far right media resources and posters here on USMB cried the same exact thing when Obama took the credit for the troops leaving Iraq. Of course, once all hell broke loose in Iraq, everyone on the right went into denial of their crying and moaning that "O" wrongfully took credit for the troops leaving and pinned everything on "O". :eusa_clap:
Like I have said before Rabbi, you are nothing but a echo chamber of far right talking points. It must suck to be you and living a life based on other people's opinions and not your own 100% of the time! :dunno:
Quit putting words in my mouth, you useless prick.

Rabbi, you phoney, in 2011 you thought that pulling out of Iraq was going to be a positive that was going to reflect on either Bush or Obama,

so you tried to shift it to Bush.

Own up to your derangement.
Would this be the same David Petraeus that you on the left called General Betraeus? Guess you had a change of heart when he says something you agree with.

Not at all. I have admired and respected Petraeus ever since September 2007 when he testified before Congress that Americans could not capture and kill all the enemies in Iraq. And that led to his strong recommendation that the US negotiate with insurgent groups such as the Sadrists led by Muqtada al Sadr. I have long recognized that Petraeus was important to ending Bush's quagmire because he was a military man who had a very good grasp on what Bush's problem was.

So you got it all wrong again, Blackhawk. Why not stick to verifiable arguments instead of that political brinksmanship crapola?

By the way. The MoveOn ad came out about the same time as Petraeus testified in September 2007. I pay no attention to MoveOn. Never have.
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Would this be the same David Petraeus that you on the left called General Betraeus? Guess you had a change of heart when he says something you agree with.

Not at all. I have admired and respected Petraeus ever since September 2007 when he testified before Congress that Americans could not capture and kill all the enemies in Iraq. And that led to his strong recommendation that the US negotiate with insurgent groups such as the Sadrists led by Muqtada al Sadr. I have long recognized that Petraeus was important to ending Bush's quagmire because he was a military man who had a very good grasp on what Bush's problem was.

So you got it all wrong again, Blackhawk. Why not stick to verifiable arguments instead of that political brinksmanship crapola?
The only one engaging in political crapola is you I'm simply calling you on it.
You really need to give it up, NotFooled. I've spent the majority of my 2000 posts educating you on this subject and though I admire your loyalty to the president when everyone else is deserting him, the number of people buying what you're selling has dropped to about 30% of the country.

And most of that 30% can't find Iraq on a map. Just look at the Obama-loving dotcommies, Luddies, rivas, Loners....on here.

Why should I give up? You have not refuted a single point made by me on this thread.

Look at your meaningless response.

You say nothing. Bush did not predict anything correctly as I point out. Your silence on the points in the OP tells it all.

Do you think Iraq has surrendered to al Qaeda or have they not.

This is not about defending Obama. It is about exposing the truth. That Bush did not make a valid prediction in 2007 because what he predicted has not happened and never will.

Do you think AQ or the IS terrorists will force Baghdad to surrender to them?

Obama has nothing to do with what Bush predicted. Why bring Obama into it.

Ohhhhh, I've answered you, and you know it. Almost 2000 posts worth. Even the dumbest, most pathetic libs on here won't swallow that I'm "silent' with you.


You're Tokyo Rose and nothing else.

The only advantage you have is you're employed by the Dem Party in either a paid or unpaid role to be on here morning, noon, or night ...or you're on the dole and have endless time.......whereas I actually work and pay taxes to provide for your dole and can't be on here every minute.

And you're hoping to catch some gullible newbees that don't know you're Tokyo Rose.

But worry not, I will still stay on your lies about the SOFA till the election, darling.
Would this be the same David Petraeus that you on the left called General Betraeus? Guess you had a change of heart when he says something you agree with.

Not at all. I have admired and respected Petraeus ever since September 2007 when he testified before Congress that Americans could not capture and kill all the enemies in Iraq. And that led to his strong recommendation that the US negotiate with insurgent groups such as the Sadrists led by Muqtada al Sadr. I have long recognized that Petraeus was important to ending Bush's quagmire because he was a military man who had a very good grasp on what Bush's problem was.

So you got it all wrong again, Blackhawk. Why not stick to verifiable arguments instead of that political brinksmanship crapola?

By the way. The MoveOn ad came out about the same time as Petraeus testified in September 2007. I pay no attention to MoveOn. Never have.

You don't know the first thing about Petraeus. Did you sit in his office in Iraq and actually update him like I did?

No you didn't. Petraeus has also contradicted himself on a number of issues over the years.

You're not convincing on any of these Iraq topics you try to distort. Not any.
You won nothing. Iraq was the deadliest country on earth in 2009 when Bush left his Maliki mess behind.
You do mean when Obama left the mess prematurely don't you? Bush wasn't President in 2009.

Obama stayed the course of the scheduled withdrawl of US troops per the agreement signed by GWB. Obama didn't pull the troops prematurely, he did it right on schedule.
But keep on rewriting history and making shit up.
Iraq War ends on Bush’s schedule, not Obama’s
Iraq War ends on Bush s schedule not Obama s RedState
So then why did you, Biden, the press, Obama himself, and the left as a whole give credit to Obama for the success in Iraq and the successful retreat?

Never mind. The fact that you have no idea what end of military action negotiations are about is evident by your post....so your response will be meaningless anyway.
Obama stayed the course of the scheduled withdrawl of US troops per the agreement signed by GWB. Obama didn't pull the troops prematurely, he did it right on schedule.
But keep on rewriting history and making shit up.
Iraq War ends on Bush’s schedule, not Obama’s
Iraq War ends on Bush s schedule not Obama s RedState

And at the time the same Obama haters who now attack Obama for supposedly leaving too soon were insisting that Obama get no credit for ending the war in Iraq,

precisely because it was on Bush's schedule in accordance with Bush's agreement.
The truth is too complicated for you to understand.
So let's just say that Obama was president when we left. Whatever happened, happened on his watch and he's responsible for it. We withdrew from Iraq. Many people warned the area was unstable and leaving would create a vacuum. That is precisely what happened and now we are sending troops in. All of this is Obama's fault, no one else's.

So you're saying that Red State is suffering from "The truth is too complicated" as I used Red State's comments as my foundation for my post. They like many other far right media resources and posters here on USMB cried the same exact thing when Obama took the credit for the troops leaving Iraq. Of course, once all hell broke loose in Iraq, everyone on the right went into denial of their crying and moaning that "O" wrongfully took credit for the troops leaving and pinned everything on "O". :eusa_clap:
Like I have said before Rabbi, you are nothing but a echo chamber of far right talking points. It must suck to be you and living a life based on other people's opinions and not your own 100% of the time! :dunno:
Quit putting words in my mouth, you useless prick.

Rabbi, you phoney, in 2011 you thought that pulling out of Iraq was going to be a positive that was going to reflect on either Bush or Obama,

so you tried to shift it to Bush.

Own up to your derangement.
I thought it was going to be a positive if done right and no one screwed up the peace. That was a no brainer. Everyone was saying that.
Except Obama and the Left.
You're too stupid for this. Just admit it.

Obama praised the U.S. troops for their efforts in Iraq, saying they will leave "with their heads held high, proud of their success, and knowing that the American people stand united in our support for our troops."

He also pledged assistance and "a strong and enduring partnership" with the government in Iraq.

"With our diplomats and civilian advisers in the lead, we will help Iraqis strengthen institutions that are just, representative and accountable," Obama said. "We'll build new ties of trade and of commerce, culture and education that unleash the potential of the Iraqi people."

The president also appeared to deliver a warning Iran, which he has accused of helping insurgents in Iraq. "We'll partner with an Iraq that contributes to regional security and peace, just as we insist that other nations respect Iraq's sovereignty," Obama said.:afro:
He said a lot of stuff.
Would this be the same David Petraeus that you on the left called General Betraeus? Guess you had a change of heart when he says something you agree with.

Not at all. I have admired and respected Petraeus ever since September 2007 when he testified before Congress that Americans could not capture and kill all the enemies in Iraq. And that led to his strong recommendation that the US negotiate with insurgent groups such as the Sadrists led by Muqtada al Sadr. I have long recognized that Petraeus was important to ending Bush's quagmire because he was a military man who had a very good grasp on what Bush's problem was.

So you got it all wrong again, Blackhawk. Why not stick to verifiable arguments instead of that political brinksmanship crapola?

By the way. The MoveOn ad came out about the same time as Petraeus testified in September 2007. I pay no attention to MoveOn. Never have.

You don't know the first thing about Petraeus. Did you sit in his office in Iraq and actually update him like I did?

No you didn't. Petraeus has also contradicted himself on a number of issues over the years.

You're not convincing on any of these Iraq topics you try to distort. Not any.
Yo Econ...did you know Petraeus' helicopter pilot?. Ted something...can't recall his last name...used to play r-ball with him at Ft Sam..
And at the time the same Obama haters who now attack Obama for supposedly leaving too soon were insisting that Obama get no credit for ending the war in Iraq,

precisely because it was on Bush's schedule in accordance with Bush's agreement.
The truth is too complicated for you to understand.
So let's just say that Obama was president when we left. Whatever happened, happened on his watch and he's responsible for it. We withdrew from Iraq. Many people warned the area was unstable and leaving would create a vacuum. That is precisely what happened and now we are sending troops in. All of this is Obama's fault, no one else's.

So you're saying that Red State is suffering from "The truth is too complicated" as I used Red State's comments as my foundation for my post. They like many other far right media resources and posters here on USMB cried the same exact thing when Obama took the credit for the troops leaving Iraq. Of course, once all hell broke loose in Iraq, everyone on the right went into denial of their crying and moaning that "O" wrongfully took credit for the troops leaving and pinned everything on "O". :eusa_clap:
Like I have said before Rabbi, you are nothing but a echo chamber of far right talking points. It must suck to be you and living a life based on other people's opinions and not your own 100% of the time! :dunno:
Quit putting words in my mouth, you useless prick.

Rabbi, you phoney, in 2011 you thought that pulling out of Iraq was going to be a positive that was going to reflect on either Bush or Obama,

so you tried to shift it to Bush.

Own up to your derangement.
I thought it was going to be a positive if done right and no one screwed up the peace. That was a no brainer. Everyone was saying that.
Except Obama and the Left.
You're too stupid for this. Just admit it.

No, unlike you I am not being led by a ring in my nose.
Multiple times I have stated that what caused the mess in Iraq was not the mistakes/work of just one person. I have publicly blamed "W", "O", the Iraqi Parliament and Maliki (the most). They all own it.
The truth is too complicated for you to understand.
So let's just say that Obama was president when we left. Whatever happened, happened on his watch and he's responsible for it. We withdrew from Iraq. Many people warned the area was unstable and leaving would create a vacuum. That is precisely what happened and now we are sending troops in. All of this is Obama's fault, no one else's.

So you're saying that Red State is suffering from "The truth is too complicated" as I used Red State's comments as my foundation for my post. They like many other far right media resources and posters here on USMB cried the same exact thing when Obama took the credit for the troops leaving Iraq. Of course, once all hell broke loose in Iraq, everyone on the right went into denial of their crying and moaning that "O" wrongfully took credit for the troops leaving and pinned everything on "O". :eusa_clap:
Like I have said before Rabbi, you are nothing but a echo chamber of far right talking points. It must suck to be you and living a life based on other people's opinions and not your own 100% of the time! :dunno:
Quit putting words in my mouth, you useless prick.

Rabbi, you phoney, in 2011 you thought that pulling out of Iraq was going to be a positive that was going to reflect on either Bush or Obama,

so you tried to shift it to Bush.

Own up to your derangement.
I thought it was going to be a positive if done right and no one screwed up the peace. That was a no brainer. Everyone was saying that.
Except Obama and the Left.
You're too stupid for this. Just admit it.

No, unlike you I am not being led by a ring in my nose.
Multiple times I have stated that what caused the mess in Iraq was not the mistakes/work of just one person. I have publicly blamed "W", "O", the Iraqi Parliament and Maliki (the most). They all own it.
You forgot Winston Churchill.
The fact that you have no idea what end of military action negotiations are about is evident by your post.

Just so we know that you actually know what the end of military action negotiations are about you need to explain it to us.
The fact that you have no idea what end of military action negotiations are about is evident by your post.

Just so we know that you actually know what the end of military action negotiations are about you need to explain it to us.
Give jarhead a break Foo...how can he explain something to your dead fucking horse? The one you've been riding for 10 years.

By the way...your excuse for the 2011 Sofa is that the Iraqis didnt want us in their country. Did they want us there in 2003? The difference was W had balls...your boy has none.

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