Business Insider: Hillary ranks #1 in their analysis of potential elected presidents


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
I encourage you all to read the entire article. it;s a pretty good analysis of the race. It factors in several dynamics including poll rankings and fundraising. Here is what they had to say about Hillary:

Clinton is No. 1 here because she has proved formidable in both polling and fundraising — and she still looks to be able to glide to the Democratic nomination, despite continued controversy over her use of a private email server as secretary of state.

Clinton averages about 49% of the Democratic vote when combining national,

Read more:, and New Hampshire polls. Though these are all different races with different electorates, her strength in all three shows her overall dominance in the primary.

She is ahead by an average of about 24 points in national polling, according to Real Clear Politics. She is up by the same margin in Iowa, but there are signs of tightening in the first-in-the-nation primary state of New Hampshire. New polls released this week also showed her on shaky ground against Republican hopefuls in theoretical general-election matchups.

Overall, Clinton is a shaky No. 1 at this point. But she still has the easiest path to the nomination. If Vice President Joe Biden does decide to run, that path could become much more difficult.

National polling average among Democratic voters: 54.5% (1st)
Iowa: 50.5%% (1st)
New Hampshire: 40.7% (1st)
The nomination doesn't mean anything but a loss for the Democrats if she can't win the general.
The editor in chief and creator of "Business Insider", Henry Blodget, was convicted of securities fraud about the same time as the Clinton's were riding on a securities fraud bubble.
I encourage you all to read the entire article. it;s a pretty good analysis of the race. It factors in several dynamics including poll rankings and fundraising. Here is what they had to say about Hillary:

Clinton is No. 1 here because she has proved formidable in both polling and fundraising — and she still looks to be able to glide to the Democratic nomination, despite continued controversy over her use of a private email server as secretary of state.

Clinton averages about 49% of the Democratic vote when combining national,

Read more:, and New Hampshire polls. Though these are all different races with different electorates, her strength in all three shows her overall dominance in the primary.

She is ahead by an average of about 24 points in national polling, according to Real Clear Politics. She is up by the same margin in Iowa, but there are signs of tightening in the first-in-the-nation primary state of New Hampshire. New polls released this week also showed her on shaky ground against Republican hopefuls in theoretical general-election matchups.

Overall, Clinton is a shaky No. 1 at this point. But she still has the easiest path to the nomination. If Vice President Joe Biden does decide to run, that path could become much more difficult.

National polling average among Democratic voters: 54.5% (1st)
Iowa: 50.5%% (1st)
New Hampshire: 40.7% (1st)
I wonder how much that endorsement cost her...

Obama and Jarrett won't stop until Hillary is out and their mindless zombie Biden steps in

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