Business responds to $15 minimum wage demands


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 22, 2016
New York
Walmart Launches Small Army Of Autonomous Scanning Robots
Well Libs, business will always outsmart politicians, the government policy makers and you freeloaders who want $$$ for doing nothing.
MILPITAS (KPIX 5) – Artificial intelligence will soon be put to work at Walmart stores around the country. And it could be a game-changer for retail.

The company is launching a small army of autonomous scanning robots.

The robots are 6 feet tall, equipped with an array of lights, cameras, and radar sensors.

It then goes up and down each aisle on its own, at 2 to 3 mph, scanning the shelves for empty spots, and also checking the price tags.

Because the robot uses LIDAR and other video cameras, what the robot actually sees is very similar to what a self-driving car sees.
Yes! And those robots are going to buy a lot more stuff from them, too!

Screw paying people anything! Business can't survive if it has to pay labor! ...
Walmart Launches Small Army Of Autonomous Scanning Robots
Well Libs, business will always outsmart politicians, the government policy makers and you freeloaders who want $$$ for doing nothing.
MILPITAS (KPIX 5) – Artificial intelligence will soon be put to work at Walmart stores around the country. And it could be a game-changer for retail.

The company is launching a small army of autonomous scanning robots.

The robots are 6 feet tall, equipped with an array of lights, cameras, and radar sensors.

It then goes up and down each aisle on its own, at 2 to 3 mph, scanning the shelves for empty spots, and also checking the price tags.

Because the robot uses LIDAR and other video cameras, what the robot actually sees is very similar to what a self-driving car sees.
Walmart Launches Small Army Of Autonomous Scanning Robots
Well Libs, business will always outsmart politicians, the government policy makers and you freeloaders who want $$$ for doing nothing.
MILPITAS (KPIX 5) – Artificial intelligence will soon be put to work at Walmart stores around the country. And it could be a game-changer for retail.

The company is launching a small army of autonomous scanning robots.

The robots are 6 feet tall, equipped with an array of lights, cameras, and radar sensors.

It then goes up and down each aisle on its own, at 2 to 3 mph, scanning the shelves for empty spots, and also checking the price tags.

Because the robot uses LIDAR and other video cameras, what the robot actually sees is very similar to what a self-driving car sees.

How do you prove the wages per se are the problem v. the likelihood of the Ds winning the mid-terms and a partial return to the Obamanation?
Walmart Launches Small Army Of Autonomous Scanning Robots
Well Libs, business will always outsmart politicians, the government policy makers and you freeloaders who want $$$ for doing nothing.
MILPITAS (KPIX 5) – Artificial intelligence will soon be put to work at Walmart stores around the country. And it could be a game-changer for retail.

The company is launching a small army of autonomous scanning robots.

The robots are 6 feet tall, equipped with an array of lights, cameras, and radar sensors.

It then goes up and down each aisle on its own, at 2 to 3 mph, scanning the shelves for empty spots, and also checking the price tags.

Because the robot uses LIDAR and other video cameras, what the robot actually sees is very similar to what a self-driving car sees.

I have a rule I try to keep, and it's tough because I am one of those fast walking, grab my stuff and get out quickly, hyper efficient shopper. I've even have a reputation with the local grocery store as I am in and out quickly, almost beelining through the most efficient path to my grocery list, the cashier even mentioned to me once, "you have to be the fastest regular shopper we have". So, this being said, I did initially used sensors religiously to do my shopping.

However, call me nostalgic, call me growing softer as I age, but I see the women working at the cashier and I think to myself, "that could have been my mom raising me as a kid trying to earn a paycheck". So now, I wait in line, take my time, whistle, shoot the breeze with people in line with me, but, I will go through the 5-10 min. extra time spent in order to support their jobs.

Walmart makes a great amount of money. Good for them, I don't begrudge them. I will, vote with my actions.
Automation has taken jobs for a while, and will only take more in the future. It has nothing to do with people demanding a living wage for their work.
Yes! And those robots are going to buy a lot more stuff from them, too!

Screw paying people anything! Business can't survive if it has to pay labor! ...
Of course, I my sons have gone into the military so they will be working on the most advanced computers and robots the military can provide. When they get out they will be much farther ahead than some college puke you makes coffee at a Starbucks.. And guess who will be fixing those robots?

Thank God for Liberals. Because of them, you can measure what "STUPID" is.

U.S. Military Working To Deploy Robot Ground Vehicles For Urban Combat By 2020
Yes! And those robots are going to buy a lot more stuff from them, too!

Screw paying people anything! Business can't survive if it has to pay labor! ...
Of course, I my sons have gone into the military so they will be working on the most advanced computers and robots the military can provide. When they get out they will be much farther ahead than some college puke you makes coffee at a Starbucks.. And guess who will be fixing those robots?

Thank God for Liberals. Because of them, you can measure what "STUPID" is.

U.S. Military Working To Deploy Robot Ground Vehicles For Urban Combat By 2020

Too bad your stupid kids will spend most of their time laid off, since none of these businesses will have enough customers to justify buying robots in the first place when your big dreams come true. Your kids will either be unemployed like everybody else or just parasites with do nothing government jobs. I'm sure your kids will enjoy killing all those 'stupid people', and then finally being exterminated themselves when they're finished with their govt. job. And, since your kids will have lots of competition, it's easy enough to get away with paying them nothing as well, since they're just as expendable as anybody else, despite your delusional self-esteem fantasies.
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Walmart Launches Small Army Of Autonomous Scanning Robots
Well Libs, business will always outsmart politicians, the government policy makers and you freeloaders who want $$$ for doing nothing.
MILPITAS (KPIX 5) – Artificial intelligence will soon be put to work at Walmart stores around the country. And it could be a game-changer for retail.

The company is launching a small army of autonomous scanning robots.

The robots are 6 feet tall, equipped with an array of lights, cameras, and radar sensors.

It then goes up and down each aisle on its own, at 2 to 3 mph, scanning the shelves for empty spots, and also checking the price tags.

Because the robot uses LIDAR and other video cameras, what the robot actually sees is very similar to what a self-driving car sees.

I have a rule I try to keep, and it's tough because I am one of those fast walking, grab my stuff and get out quickly, hyper efficient shopper. I've even have a reputation with the local grocery store as I am in and out quickly, almost beelining through the most efficient path to my grocery list, the cashier even mentioned to me once, "you have to be the fastest regular shopper we have". So, this being said, I did initially used sensors religiously to do my shopping.

However, call me nostalgic, call me growing softer as I age, but I see the women working at the cashier and I think to myself, "that could have been my mom raising me as a kid trying to earn a paycheck". So now, I wait in line, take my time, whistle, shoot the breeze with people in line with me, but, I will go through the 5-10 min. extra time spent in order to support their jobs.

Walmart makes a great amount of money. Good for them, I don't begrudge them. I will, vote with my actions.
"that could have been my mom raising me as a kid trying to earn a paycheck".
Yeah, 50 years and what liberalism has done to this country.

thTEL1X31H.jpg NewRosie.png
Walmart Launches Small Army Of Autonomous Scanning Robots
Well Libs, business will always outsmart politicians, the government policy makers and you freeloaders who want $$$ for doing nothing.
MILPITAS (KPIX 5) – Artificial intelligence will soon be put to work at Walmart stores around the country. And it could be a game-changer for retail.

The company is launching a small army of autonomous scanning robots.

The robots are 6 feet tall, equipped with an array of lights, cameras, and radar sensors.

It then goes up and down each aisle on its own, at 2 to 3 mph, scanning the shelves for empty spots, and also checking the price tags.

Because the robot uses LIDAR and other video cameras, what the robot actually sees is very similar to what a self-driving car sees.
One minute they’re giving raises because of the tax break (obviously a political and pr move) next they are crying about wages?
Yes! And those robots are going to buy a lot more stuff from them, too!

Screw paying people anything! Business can't survive if it has to pay labor! ...
Of course, I my sons have gone into the military so they will be working on the most advanced computers and robots the military can provide. When they get out they will be much farther ahead than some college puke you makes coffee at a Starbucks.. And guess who will be fixing those robots?

Thank God for Liberals. Because of them, you can measure what "STUPID" is.

U.S. Military Working To Deploy Robot Ground Vehicles For Urban Combat By 2020

Too bad your stupid kids will spend most of their time laid off, since none of these businesses will have enough customers to justify buying robots in the first place when your big dreams come true. Your kids will either be unemployed like everybody else or just parasites with do nothing government jobs. I'm sure your kids will enjoy killing all those 'stupid people', and then finally being exterminated themselves when they're finished with their govt. job. And, since your kids will have lots of competition, it's easy enough to get away with paying them nothing as well, since they're just as expendable as anybody else, despite your delusional self-esteem fantasies.
Someone will need to fix the robots... Unlike you, you will be a victim of liberalism and DEMAND your welfare check.

Yes! And those robots are going to buy a lot more stuff from them, too!

Screw paying people anything! Business can't survive if it has to pay labor! ...
Of course, I my sons have gone into the military so they will be working on the most advanced computers and robots the military can provide. When they get out they will be much farther ahead than some college puke you makes coffee at a Starbucks.. And guess who will be fixing those robots?

Thank God for Liberals. Because of them, you can measure what "STUPID" is.

U.S. Military Working To Deploy Robot Ground Vehicles For Urban Combat By 2020

Too bad your stupid kids will spend most of their time laid off, since none of these businesses will have enough customers to justify buying robots in the first place when your big dreams come true. Your kids will either be unemployed like everybody else or just parasites with do nothing government jobs. I'm sure your kids will enjoy killing all those 'stupid people', and then finally being exterminated themselves when they're finished with their govt. job. And, since your kids will have lots of competition, it's easy enough to get away with paying them nothing as well, since they're just as expendable as anybody else, despite your delusional self-esteem fantasies.
Someone will need to fix the robots... Unlike you, you will be a victim of liberalism and DEMAND your welfare check.

Sorry dummy, but it doesn't take many people to fix robots, and your dumbass kids will be just a s expendable as any other idiot who wants more money than some other fool will do the job for. As for myself, I'll do just fine, I helped build and develop a lot of the laser hardware and optical systems that guide these things and make them possible, so I'm far better qualified than your kids are, and with years of experience to boot. If I ever have to go back to work I'll be firing your kids and replacing them with Chinese and Indians with green cards. Your kids are already behind the curve, along with hundreds of thousands of other idiots who believe what corporations run around lying about re 'labor shortages' and other hoaxes.
Yes! And those robots are going to buy a lot more stuff from them, too!

Screw paying people anything! Business can't survive if it has to pay labor! ...
Of course, I my sons have gone into the military so they will be working on the most advanced computers and robots the military can provide. When they get out they will be much farther ahead than some college puke you makes coffee at a Starbucks.. And guess who will be fixing those robots?

Thank God for Liberals. Because of them, you can measure what "STUPID" is.

U.S. Military Working To Deploy Robot Ground Vehicles For Urban Combat By 2020

Too bad your stupid kids will spend most of their time laid off, since none of these businesses will have enough customers to justify buying robots in the first place when your big dreams come true. Your kids will either be unemployed like everybody else or just parasites with do nothing government jobs. I'm sure your kids will enjoy killing all those 'stupid people', and then finally being exterminated themselves when they're finished with their govt. job. And, since your kids will have lots of competition, it's easy enough to get away with paying them nothing as well, since they're just as expendable as anybody else, despite your delusional self-esteem fantasies.
Someone will need to fix the robots... Unlike you, you will be a victim of liberalism and DEMAND your welfare check.

Sorry dummy, but it doesn't take many people to fix robots, and your dumbass kids will be just a s expendable as any other idiot who wants more money than some other fool will do the job for. As for myself, I'll do just fine, I helped build and develop a lot of the laser hardware and optical systems that guide these things and make them possible, so I'm far better qualified than your kids are, and with years of experience to boot. If I ever have to go back to work I'll be firing your kids and replacing them with Chinese and Indians with green cards. Your kids are already behind the curve, along with hundreds of thousands of other idiots who believe what corporations run around lying about re 'labor shortages' and other hoaxes.

well aren't you special....
Walmart Launches Small Army Of Autonomous Scanning Robots
Well Libs, business will always outsmart politicians, the government policy makers and you freeloaders who want $$$ for doing nothing.
MILPITAS (KPIX 5) – Artificial intelligence will soon be put to work at Walmart stores around the country. And it could be a game-changer for retail.

The company is launching a small army of autonomous scanning robots.

The robots are 6 feet tall, equipped with an array of lights, cameras, and radar sensors.

It then goes up and down each aisle on its own, at 2 to 3 mph, scanning the shelves for empty spots, and also checking the price tags.

Because the robot uses LIDAR and other video cameras, what the robot actually sees is very similar to what a self-driving car sees.
Good for them. Jobs paying less than fourteen dollars an hour are simply being subsidized for private bottom lines not public bottom lines.

We might as well provide equal protection of the law for unemployment compensation purposes in our at-will employment States, at fourteen dollars an hour.

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