Bust Them Up Into a Hundred Billion Pieces

They have become too powerful. That little doofus in a t-shirt has enormous political powerful, because of his enormous wealth. Combine this with a government that is for sale to the highest bidder, and you have a racket the Mafia can only dream of.

Break them up into a thousand pieces.
Capitalism is about winners and losers. Why should we punish the winners for winning?
Simple. They attain too much power in our corrupt political system.
They have become too powerful. That little doofus in a t-shirt has enormous political powerful, because of his enormous wealth. Combine this with a government that is for sale to the highest bidder, and you have a racket the Mafia can only dream of.

Break them up into a thousand pieces.
Capitalism is about winners and losers. Why should we punish the winners for winning?
Simple. They attain too much power in our corrupt political system.
You have a lot of busting up to do if that is your rationale.
They have become too powerful. That little doofus in a t-shirt has enormous political powerful, because of his enormous wealth. Combine this with a government that is for sale to the highest bidder, and you have a racket the Mafia can only dream of.

Break them up into a thousand pieces.
How Powerful is too Powerful. If they are doing something illegal to manipulate Politicians with money we should get rid of the Politician not the Business. Maybe they are just not paying enough kick back money! So Gipper the "Griper" name the Politicians who are accepting favors from Big business so we can get rid of them. Please don't say "well all of them or most of them" we already know that! Which ones do you know of? So we can drain the Swamp! Starting with them!:spank:
They have become too powerful. That little doofus in a t-shirt has enormous political powerful, because of his enormous wealth. Combine this with a government that is for sale to the highest bidder, and you have a racket the Mafia can only dream of.

Break them up into a thousand pieces.
How Powerful is too Powerful. If they are doing something illegal to manipulate Politicians with money we should get rid of the Politician not the Business. Maybe they are just not paying enough kick back money! So Gipper the "Griper" name the Politicians who are accepting favors from Big business so we can get rid of them. Please don't say "well all of them or most of them" we already know that! Which ones do you know of? So we can drain the Swamp! Starting with them!:spank:
Doesn’t matter. We are whistling pass the graveyard. Our corrupt government won’t touch them.

If you think these billionaires aren’t using their wealth to influence the government, you are terribly naive.

Read up on what Roosevelt did to the Robber Barons.
They have become too powerful. That little doofus in a t-shirt has enormous political powerful, because of his enormous wealth. Combine this with a government that is for sale to the highest bidder, and you have a racket the Mafia can only dream of.

Break them up into a thousand pieces.
Capitalism is about winners and losers. Why should we punish the winners for winning?
Simple. They attain too much power in our corrupt political system.
You have a lot of busting up to do if that is your rationale.
Yes we do, but it won’t happen. The ruling class has total and complete control of our government, media, and both criminal political parties.
They have become too powerful. That little doofus in a t-shirt has enormous political powerful, because of his enormous wealth. Combine this with a government that is for sale to the highest bidder, and you have a racket the Mafia can only dream of.

Break them up into a thousand pieces.
Capitalism is about winners and losers. Why should we punish the winners for winning?
So the Business should be Punished because people who use their product don't understand what they are doing or the technology involved. They should educate themselves. If you buy a dairy cow, shouldn't you know how it operates. And that it is what you're paying for ( you know like it doesn't have testicles). Buyer Beware or be better educated. It's been like that for a very long time. Don't be a sheep and you won't get fleeced!:cow:
Nope, I have been led to believe that the business should not be punished by government. Only the free market can determine if their business practices are up to snuff. And they have every right to manipulate you because capitalism is freedom.

IF I sell cheap crappy shoes and you want to pay $600.00 a pair for them I will let you. I don't have to tell you they are cheap crappy shoes or give you another pair when they fall apart or go out of style. Don't want it don't buy it! The owner is nothing more than a new car salesman. Only your face book account doesn't have a warranty. You agree to the terms when you sign in! Oh you didn't read that part about we're allowed to use your personal information and track you through other apps that use our soft ware and then focus advertising on your stupid ass then sell your shit with anyone who wants to see it. SORRY you paid us to do it.
They have become too powerful. That little doofus in a t-shirt has enormous political powerful, because of his enormous wealth. Combine this with a government that is for sale to the highest bidder, and you have a racket the Mafia can only dream of.

Break them up into a thousand pieces.
Capitalism is about winners and losers. Why should we punish the winners for winning?
Simple. They attain too much power in our corrupt political system.
You have a lot of busting up to do if that is your rationale.
Yes we do, but it won’t happen. The ruling class has total and complete control of our government, media, and both criminal political parties.
Oh no, that's disheartening.

Is that what freedom looks like?
They have become too powerful. That little doofus in a t-shirt has enormous political powerful, because of his enormous wealth. Combine this with a government that is for sale to the highest bidder, and you have a racket the Mafia can only dream of.

Break them up into a thousand pieces.
Capitalism is about winners and losers. Why should we punish the winners for winning?
So the Business should be Punished because people who use their product don't understand what they are doing or the technology involved. They should educate themselves. If you buy a dairy cow, shouldn't you know how it operates. And that it is what you're paying for ( you know like it doesn't have testicles). Buyer Beware or be better educated. It's been like that for a very long time. Don't be a sheep and you won't get fleeced!:cow:
Nope, I have been led to believe that the business should not be punished by government. Only the free market can determine if their business practices are up to snuff. And they have every right to manipulate you because capitalism is freedom.

IF I sell cheap crappy shoes and you want to pay $600.00 a pair for them I will let you. I don't have to tell you they are cheap crappy shoes or give you another pair when they fall apart or go out of style. Don't want it don't buy it! The owner is nothing more than a new car salesman. Only your face book account doesn't have a warranty. You agree to the terms when you sign in! Oh you didn't read that part about we're allowed to use your personal information and track you through other apps that use our soft ware and then focus advertising on your stupid ass then sell your shit with anyone who wants to see it. SORRY you paid us to do it.
You aren’t paying attention. This isn’t capitalism. It is an oligarchy. So, your thinking doesn’t apply.
They have become too powerful. That little doofus in a t-shirt has enormous political powerful, because of his enormous wealth. Combine this with a government that is for sale to the highest bidder, and you have a racket the Mafia can only dream of.

Break them up into a thousand pieces.

(((zuckerberg))) is a freaky guy. Watch this video at 1;42. He panics at the idea of removing his hoodie. The hostess apologizes twice and the host once. Weird.

They have become too powerful. That little doofus in a t-shirt has enormous political powerful, because of his enormous wealth. Combine this with a government that is for sale to the highest bidder, and you have a racket the Mafia can only dream of.

Break them up into a thousand pieces.
Capitalism is about winners and losers. Why should we punish the winners for winning?
So the Business should be Punished because people who use their product don't understand what they are doing or the technology involved. They should educate themselves. If you buy a dairy cow, shouldn't you know how it operates. And that it is what you're paying for ( you know like it doesn't have testicles). Buyer Beware or be better educated. It's been like that for a very long time. Don't be a sheep and you won't get fleeced!:cow:
Nope, I have been led to believe that the business should not be punished by government. Only the free market can determine if their business practices are up to snuff. And they have every right to manipulate you because capitalism is freedom.

IF I sell cheap crappy shoes and you want to pay $600.00 a pair for them I will let you. I don't have to tell you they are cheap crappy shoes or give you another pair when they fall apart or go out of style. Don't want it don't buy it! The owner is nothing more than a new car salesman. Only your face book account doesn't have a warranty. You agree to the terms when you sign in! Oh you didn't read that part about we're allowed to use your personal information and track you through other apps that use our soft ware and then focus advertising on your stupid ass then sell your shit with anyone who wants to see it. SORRY you paid us to do it.
Nothing is free. Except what people are willing to sell themselves to the tech companies for. It's nuts. Ain't freedom fun?
They have become too powerful. That little doofus in a t-shirt has enormous political powerful, because of his enormous wealth. Combine this with a government that is for sale to the highest bidder, and you have a racket the Mafia can only dream of.

Break them up into a thousand pieces.

(((zuckerberg))) is a freaky guy. Watch this video at 1;42. He panics at the idea of removing his hoodie. The hostess apologizes twice and the host once. Weird.

Eldon Tyrell he's not.
They have become too powerful. That little doofus in a t-shirt has enormous political powerful, because of his enormous wealth. Combine this with a government that is for sale to the highest bidder, and you have a racket the Mafia can only dream of.

Break them up into a thousand pieces.
Capitalism is about winners and losers. Why should we punish the winners for winning?
So the Business should be Punished because people who use their product don't understand what they are doing or the technology involved. They should educate themselves. If you buy a dairy cow, shouldn't you know how it operates. And that it is what you're paying for ( you know like it doesn't have testicles). Buyer Beware or be better educated. It's been like that for a very long time. Don't be a sheep and you won't get fleeced!:cow:
Nope, I have been led to believe that the business should not be punished by government. Only the free market can determine if their business practices are up to snuff. And they have every right to manipulate you because capitalism is freedom.

IF I sell cheap crappy shoes and you want to pay $600.00 a pair for them I will let you. I don't have to tell you they are cheap crappy shoes or give you another pair when they fall apart or go out of style. Don't want it don't buy it! The owner is nothing more than a new car salesman. Only your face book account doesn't have a warranty. You agree to the terms when you sign in! Oh you didn't read that part about we're allowed to use your personal information and track you through other apps that use our soft ware and then focus advertising on your stupid ass then sell your shit with anyone who wants to see it. SORRY you paid us to do it.
You aren’t paying attention. This isn’t capitalism. It is an oligarchy. So, your thinking doesn’t apply.
I'm sorry. Why isn't it capitalism? Facebook has the capital to prove it otherwise.
Capitalism is about winners and losers. Why should we punish the winners for winning?
So the Business should be Punished because people who use their product don't understand what they are doing or the technology involved. They should educate themselves. If you buy a dairy cow, shouldn't you know how it operates. And that it is what you're paying for ( you know like it doesn't have testicles). Buyer Beware or be better educated. It's been like that for a very long time. Don't be a sheep and you won't get fleeced!:cow:
Nope, I have been led to believe that the business should not be punished by government. Only the free market can determine if their business practices are up to snuff. And they have every right to manipulate you because capitalism is freedom.

IF I sell cheap crappy shoes and you want to pay $600.00 a pair for them I will let you. I don't have to tell you they are cheap crappy shoes or give you another pair when they fall apart or go out of style. Don't want it don't buy it! The owner is nothing more than a new car salesman. Only your face book account doesn't have a warranty. You agree to the terms when you sign in! Oh you didn't read that part about we're allowed to use your personal information and track you through other apps that use our soft ware and then focus advertising on your stupid ass then sell your shit with anyone who wants to see it. SORRY you paid us to do it.
You aren’t paying attention. This isn’t capitalism. It is an oligarchy. So, your thinking doesn’t apply.
I'm sorry. Why isn't it capitalism? Facebook has the capital to prove it otherwise.
FB is really a monopoly. As is Google and Amazon. Capitalism fails when markets become monopolized.

The undue influence these corporate giants have on our political system, is the main problem though.
They have become too powerful. That little doofus in a t-shirt has enormous political powerful, because of his enormous wealth. Combine this with a government that is for sale to the highest bidder, and you have a racket the Mafia can only dream of.

Break them up into a thousand pieces.

(((zuckerberg))) is a freaky guy. Watch this video at 1;42. He panics at the idea of removing his hoodie. The hostess apologizes twice and the host once. Weird.

He is one sick fucker. Just like Bezos and the two dipshits who founded Google. Totally out of touch. Likely they are all psychopaths.

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