Busted! Besieged Jeff Sessions Caught Dining Out With FISA Warrant Signer Rod Rosenstein

The Attorney General and the Assistant Attorney General, both of them Republicans, and both of them Trump appointees, have dinner together and this is a cause for concern?
Sessions has been a complete disappointment. It’s long past time that he made some overt, high profile, meaningful action. Or step down. He has literally dodged his responsibilities at every possible turn. He has in effect neutralized, and rendered ineffective, the position of Attorney General of The United States. Sessions has to go.
But Trump picks the bestest people. Are you questioning the Trumpenfuhrer's judgement?
Sessions eating with his number two is a fireable scandal now?

You guys have lost it
Trump's quandary:........
Should he fire Sessions and face MORE charges of obstruction??? .......LOL

How would firing someone who has recused himself from trumps investigation result in obstruction?

Do you people think?
Well, Trump has his opinions of Mr. Sessions too it seems...

Trump refers to Sessions as 'Mr. Magoo': report

Trump refers to Sessions as 'Mr. Magoo': report

What an amazing leader Trump is...:21::21::21:
so - people can make fun of trump and call him names all day long and we laugh at trump cause - hey it's funny. trump does it now it's bad.

trump does the name shit all the time like this. people only get upset when it suits their agenda.

mr magoo at least got shit done.
Sessions has been a complete disappointment. It’s long past time that he made some overt, high profile, meaningful action. Or step down. He has literally dodged his responsibilities at every possible turn. He has in effect neutralized, and rendered ineffective, the position of Attorney General of The United States. Sessions has to go.
Au contraire, mon frere. Trump only hires the best people.
Sessions has been a complete disappointment. It’s long past time that he made some overt, high profile, meaningful action. Or step down. He has literally dodged his responsibilities at every possible turn. He has in effect neutralized, and rendered ineffective, the position of Attorney General of The United States. Sessions has to go.

Why is Sessions a disappointment?

Because he isn’t investigating Hillary Clinton?

Because he’s following the rule of law?

Because he refuses to investigate every ridiculous conspiracy theory InfoWars and the Russian troll farm come up with?
He's a disappointment because he's in bed with the criminals on the left.

Like Flynn, Manafort and Papadopoulos?
No, like Rosenstein, Comey, and Clinton. Has he defended any of the three you mentioned? No. Try again.

He hired them all and he defended Flynn.
Sessions hired Flynn, Manafort, and Papadopoulos?
How would firing someone who has recused himself from trumps investigation result in obstruction?

Simple.......To get some stooge of a Trump ass-kisser to be appointed AG to put a stop on what has Trump shitting orange stains......LOL
This should be enough for theTrumpenfuhrer to make his move to drain the Swamp Rats within the DOJ, namely getting rid of 'Star of David' Rod Rosenstein first, then Sessions. Those two are major participants in the coup to take down Donald Trump.


Scoop: Besieged Sessions dines with Rosenstein

You really are too stupid to be one person.

Busted??? The Attorney General of the United States dined with the Deputy Attorney General of the United States, in a public restaurant.

Both of these men were appointed by Donald J. Trump. Sessions, in particular, has shown incredible loyalty and has received none in return. They are hardly running a coup.

You’re dumber than a sack of bricks.

He's too stupid to be real. I've come to the conclusion that the OP is yet another member of Landover Baptist | Where the Worthwhile Worship. Unsaved Unwelcome.
This should be enough for theTrumpenfuhrer to make his move to drain the Swamp Rats within the DOJ, namely getting rid of 'Star of David' Rod Rosenstein first, then Sessions. Those two are major participants in the coup to take down Donald Trump.


Scoop: Besieged Sessions dines with Rosenstein

Reports were they were playing rock paper scissors on who wanted to be the next AG and they all lost on purpose.
Because he has done absolutely nothing but pass on his responsibilities, or passed them off to someone else. He has literally done absolutely nothing since he took the job.

And now there's a Rat (albeit a tame Rat) sitting in his Senate seat...Sessions is bad candy.
listen....for me the jury is still out for you,Jeff Sessions.....

but I must tell you.... people are running out of patience with you....got that???

stop being innefectual and DO SOMETHING!

otherwise resign and go away forever....my God ....

listen....for me the jury is still out for you,Jeff Sessions.....

but I must tell you.... people are running out of patience with you....got that???

stop being innefectual and DO SOMETHING!

otherwise resign and go away forever....my God ....

Have any of you squawkers paused for even ONE millisecond to ponder the idea that, oh just maybe, you fools are holding an empty bag and that there is nothing to prosecute? The Justice Department is more than one person....the information that person relies on comes from every agency in government...

In essence, you are suggesting a vast conspiracy by every agency of government to cover up crimes you INSIST occurred.

This makes you sound insane.

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