Busted Chinese Mara Lago Spy, looking for Highly Classified Stolen Documents???

The article is from 2021 she was arrested in 2019 for tresspassing and found guilty of lying to a federal officer and trespassing. She was never charged with espionage, and prosecutors did not offer an explanation into what exactly Zhang intended to do at Mar-a-Lago. Her motives remain unclear. Time for some one to put their name on the waiting list.
Trump has been caught red handed illegally bringing the most sensitive and secretive US Classified Material to Mara lago

A Chinese Spy was caught trying to break into Mara Lago not too long ago.

1) Obviously China knew Trump keeps highly classified material at Mara Lago and they were looking for it with spies.

2) What if another Chinese Spy broke into Mara Lago and didn't get caught, God only knows what ultra sensitive and secret material they found.

3) Trump has put America in grave and serious danger, bringing ultra top secret classified material to a low security place that has already been targeted by China spies.

4) Was Trump going to sell these top secret documents to China because he is going broke???

Was it Feng Feng?
Trump has been caught red handed illegally bringing the most sensitive and secretive US Classified Material to Mara lago

A Chinese Spy was caught trying to break into Mara Lago not too long ago.

1) Obviously China knew Trump keeps highly classified material at Mara Lago and they were looking for it with spies.

2) What if another Chinese Spy broke into Mara Lago and didn't get caught, God only knows what ultra sensitive and secret material they found.

3) Trump has put America in grave and serious danger, bringing ultra top secret classified material to a low security place that has already been targeted by China spies.

4) Was Trump going to sell these top secret documents to China because he is going broke???

The DOJ really wants those documents regarding Crossfire Hurricane. They spell disaster for the Democrat, FBI & CIA elite.
Trump has been caught red handed illegally bringing the most sensitive and secretive US Classified Material to Mara lago

A Chinese Spy was caught trying to break into Mara Lago not too long ago.

1) Obviously China knew Trump keeps highly classified material at Mara Lago and they were looking for it with spies.

2) What if another Chinese Spy broke into Mara Lago and didn't get caught, God only knows what ultra sensitive and secret material they found.

3) Trump has put America in grave and serious danger, bringing ultra top secret classified material to a low security place that has already been targeted by China spies.

4) Was Trump going to sell these top secret documents to China because he is going broke???

Yeah. He was gonna commit espionage by giving the Chinese all the FBI documents on Russia Russia Russia that they PROBABLY already have --- And take the several $Mill to fund a campaign for President.


WHILE Trump was President at Mar-a-lago -- he had FULL security on ANY classified docs and a TOP LEVEL FACILITY to keep them in. They weren't out on the tennis patio for guests to peruse.

ALL presidents that work from "home" -- HAVE the proper SCIFF (tank) rooms to KEEP these docs PLUS Secret Service GUARDING that (those) rooms. Those documents WERE VERY SAFE from "the Chinese spy".

MY GUESS IS -- those facilities are STILL THERE. Because Trump wouldn't have them removed if he even THOUGHT he was gonna be President again. Wouldn't want the taxpayers to pay the cost TWICE for installing and validating.
Hell the Clintons GAVE them an entire cruise missile production line, well, they sold it for a paltry 5 million after refusing to let the employees buy it themselves for more.

AND the guidance system from Lockheed that they needed to build accurate ICBMs.

Worth noting also -- Billy Jeff was the ONLY modern President to LOSE THE NUCLEAR CODES for over 2 months !!!!! NOW THERE was a REAL NATIONAL security issue. Clintons, both of them, never got on-board with protecting security documents.

Trump has been caught red handed illegally bringing the most sensitive and secretive US Classified Material to Mara lago

A Chinese Spy was caught trying to break into Mara Lago not too long ago.

1) Obviously China knew Trump keeps highly classified material at Mara Lago and they were looking for it with spies.

2) What if another Chinese Spy broke into Mara Lago and didn't get caught, God only knows what ultra sensitive and secret material they found.

3) Trump has put America in grave and serious danger, bringing ultra top secret classified material to a low security place that has already been targeted by China spies.

4) Was Trump going to sell these top secret documents to China because he is going broke???

I was guessing Feng Feng too.

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The Wanker needs to put this in Conspiracy Theories along with the rest of the BS.

So, Trump didn't have classified material at Mar al Lago and a Chinese person called Guo Wengui wasn't at Mar al Lago and accused of being a spy for China?

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