Busted Chinese Mara Lago Spy, looking for Highly Classified Stolen Documents???

Trump has been caught red handed illegally bringing the most sensitive and secretive US Classified Material to Mara lago

A Chinese Spy was caught trying to break into Mara Lago not too long ago.

1) Obviously China knew Trump keeps highly classified material at Mara Lago and they were looking for it with spies.

2) What if another Chinese Spy broke into Mara Lago and didn't get caught, God only knows what ultra sensitive and secret material they found.

3) Trump has put America in grave and serious danger, bringing ultra top secret classified material to a low security place that has already been targeted by China spies.

4) Was Trump going to sell these top secret documents to China because he is going broke???

laughing hilariously.jpg

Maybe you should blame Trump for the Chinese Spy Eric 'Fang Fang' Swallwell's screwed and took money from.

She obviously knew if Swalwell was elected he would be recruited by Pelosi to be part of her bogus failed Impeachment coup attempt,knew he would photoshop fake evidence against Trump, but would get close to him while she literally SUCKED classified out of Swalwell he did and still has access to.

Fang Fang is obviously Trump's fault.

For that matter, why not blame Trump for Hillary collaborating with Russians to get the debunked BS 'Dossier'. If Trump had not posed such a threat to Hillary politically she would never had come up with and initiated the largest criminal political scandal in US history!

Damn that Trump!

Somehow the fact that Swalwell was targeted by a Chinese spy (no he didn't sleep with her) is an excuse for the lax security at M-a-L?

No dooshes.It's not
So, Trump didn't have classified material at Mar al Lago and a Chinese person called Guo Wengui wasn't at Mar al Lago and accused of being a spy for China?
You are pathetically trying to make a comparison between Trump and Barbara Boxer.

Trump was a President.
He was targeted by a Chinese spy.
He happened to have classified.
He did not hire her.
He did not pay her.
He did not give her access to classified.
(He did not fu@k a Chinese spy like Swalwell did)

Barbara Boxer hired a Chinese spy.
Boxer made him part of her inner circle / staff.
She paid him.
She gave him access to classified.
She kept him on her staff for DECADES.

Speaking of Swalwell....

He took money from a female Chinese Spy

She helped finance his entire campaign

Despite being warned of Chinese 'Honeypot' schemes Swalwell willingly engaged in one, screwing a Chinese spy...numerous times...while having access to classified info

This Chinese spy screwed willingly attempted to overthrow the US govt by illegally trying to remove a US President by manufacturing false evidence against the President of the United States (- he was caught photoshopping fake evidence)

But YOU want to Blame a US President for a Chinese spy targeting a US President AND BEING CAUGHT attempting to illegally entering his home?!

laughing hilariously.jpg
You are pathetically trying to make a comparison between Trump and Barbara Boxer.

Trump was a President.
He was targeted by a Chinese spy.
He happened to have classified.
He did not hire her.
He did not pay her.
He did not give her access to classified.
(He did not fu@k a Chinese spy like Swalwell did)

Barbara Boxer hired a Chinese spy.
Boxer made him part of her inner circle / staff.
She paid him.
She gave him access to classified.
She kept him on her staff for DECADES.

Speaking of Swalwell....

He took money from a female Chinese Spy

She helped finance his entire campaign

Despite being warned of Chinese 'Honeypot' schemes Swalwell willingly engaged in one, screwing a Chinese spy...numerous times...while having access to classified info

This Chinese spy screwed willingly attempted to overthrow the US govt by illegally trying to remove a US President by manufacturing false evidence against the President of the United States (- he was caught photoshopping fake evidence)

But YOU want to Blame a US President for a Chinese spy targeting a US President AND BEING CAUGHT attempting to illegally entering his home?!

View attachment 687597
She wandered all through M-a-L with all kinds of recording devices and malware on a laptop WHEN HE WAS PRESIDENT
The DOJ really wants those documents regarding Crossfire Hurricane. They spell disaster for the Democrat, FBI & CIA elite.
They want the applications for the FISA warrants that the FBI used to search targets during the Russia hoax. There is a serious rumor that Trump copied them when he left the white house.
They want the applications for the FISA warrants that the FBI used to search targets during the Russia hoax. There is a serious rumor that Trump copied them when he left the white house.
Q really has a hold on you weirdos huh...
Only Q freaks make those sorts of bullshit claims
So you have no idea about Q? Just what the MSM TELLS you? You don't know jack shit, it's more than obvious. You just come here and spout alt-left garbage that someone tells you. Again, are you a member of Q or not? Tell us how you know about Q. Put up or shut up. Tell us all you know about Q. Is there a secret handshake? Password? Come on, give it up.
So you have no idea about Q? Just what the MSM TELLS you? You don't know jack shit, it's more than obvious. You just come here and spout alt-left garbage that someone tells you. Again, are you a member of Q or not? Tell us how you know about Q. Put up or shut up. Tell us all you know about Q. Is there a secret handshake? Password? Come on, give it up.
You seem to be the expert.

Tell us all about your Q buddies
Trump has been caught red handed illegally bringing the most sensitive and secretive US Classified Material to Mara lago

A Chinese Spy was caught trying to break into Mara Lago not too long ago.

1) Obviously China knew Trump keeps highly classified material at Mara Lago and they were looking for it with spies.

2) What if another Chinese Spy broke into Mara Lago and didn't get caught, God only knows what ultra sensitive and secret material they found.

3) Trump has put America in grave and serious danger, bringing ultra top secret classified material to a low security place that has already been targeted by China spies.

4) Was Trump going to sell these top secret documents to China because he is going broke???

Now do one of these ^ posts about Biden keeping secret documents in his vacation home garage! Do you think these Chinese spies you speak of could get into the fortress that guards Biden's car?

*Eagerly waits on the edge of his seat*
Trump has been caught red handed illegally bringing the most sensitive and secretive US Classified Material to Mara lago

A Chinese Spy was caught trying to break into Mara Lago not too long ago.

1) Obviously China knew Trump keeps highly classified material at Mara Lago and they were looking for it with spies.

2) What if another Chinese Spy broke into Mara Lago and didn't get caught, God only knows what ultra sensitive and secret material they found.

3) Trump has put America in grave and serious danger, bringing ultra top secret classified material to a low security place that has already been targeted by China spies.

4) Was Trump going to sell these top secret documents to China because he is going broke???

We all get it. You hate trump. We see you demonstrate it and nothing else really but even this is really reaching in an attempt to piss off people for the sake of being a contrarian.

Did you read any of that before you posted that or just skim the headline?

She was never even really inside because they arrested her. And she spent 2 years in jail and is now being deported. So how exactly was she trump selling her secrets and such?

If you think trump is broke then I have some beach front property to sell you in Chicago for a great price.

If you're soooooo concerned about national security then please send me a link to the thread where you condemned Biden for keeping secret documents in a garage with his car. Surely you'd really shit on Biden for that right?

But we get it. You're a contrarian.
Now do one of these ^ posts about Biden keeping secret documents in his vacation home garage! Do you think these Chinese spies you speak of could get into the fortress that guards Biden's car?

*Eagerly waits on the edge of his seat*
Wasn't Eric stelwell screwing a Chinese spy?
Trump has been caught red handed illegally bringing the most sensitive and secretive US Classified Material to Mara lago

A Chinese Spy was caught trying to break into Mara Lago not too long ago.

1) Obviously China knew Trump keeps highly classified material at Mara Lago and they were looking for it with spies.

2) What if another Chinese Spy broke into Mara Lago and didn't get caught, God only knows what ultra sensitive and secret material they found.

3) Trump has put America in grave and serious danger, bringing ultra top secret classified material to a low security place that has already been targeted by China spies.

4) Was Trump going to sell these top secret documents to China because he is going broke???

this thread highlights the importance of classified material being guarded. Trump had armed federal agents protecting the compound they were temporarily housed in and this spy was caught

we have no idea who was coming and going through xiden private school office or his garage over the past 6 years he keep top secret documents laying around. thee was no federal agents…no records of who was in and out…this is a nightmare
Fang Fang didn't need to swallow for Swalwell; she could have just gone to Penn Biden Center or asked Hunter for a "ride" in the Corvette.

We are amused.


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