Busted! ‘Homophobic’ Southern States Watch More Gay Porn Than Other States

I wonder if it's possible to convince the Board Owners / Administrators / Moderators to limit the number of Gay threads on this board system?

Any old friggin' excuse to launch another one.

Enough already.

So what state do you live?
Surprise, or maybe not?

At the top of the heap is Mississippi. That state has a gay porn viewership of 5.6 percent. Louisiana and Georgia are close behind with 5.44 percent and 5.38 percent, respectively (numbers were rounded for the map below)

Southerners watch more gay adult materials online than in other states


Why should this come as a surprise? Gays are all thru the south. New Orleans, Savannah, Atlanta, the Florida Keys are some mega cities for the LGBT communities just for starters

Sheesh. I guess you just didn't know that. So of course gay southerners would be watching gay porn. Makes sense don't you think?
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1. one percenter is a liar, this is not factual

2. we are talking about a statistical insignificance, if true

3. literally less than one percent in many cases

4. thread fail, fuck off homophobe creator
Surprise, or maybe not?

At the top of the heap is Mississippi. That state has a gay porn viewership of 5.6 percent. Louisiana and Georgia are close behind with 5.44 percent and 5.38 percent, respectively (numbers were rounded for the map below)
Southerners watch more gay adult materials online than in other states

Have you ever been to Mississippi, Louisiana, or Georgia? They are some of the least homophobic people you will ever meet, they make the typical OWS asshole look like the idiots we all know they are.
so this is the information you get off addicting info?

why is there a need to know this?

just so they can stir up hate, divide us more as country...

don't support that site folks if this the type of garbage they push

1/2% you and these left wing hate sites are helping tear us apart in this country, be proud

Education is the key to overcoming ignorance.

That depends on what you learn.

For example, your education only served to reinforce your ignorance.
so this is the information you get off addicting info?

why is there a need to know this?

just so they can stir up hate, divide us more as country...

don't support that site folks if this the type of garbage they push

1/2% you and these left wing hate sites are helping tear us apart in this country, be proud

Education is the key to overcoming ignorance.

That depends on what you learn.

For example, your education only served to reinforce your ignorance.
What part of his posts leads you to believe hes educated? Rich people are wise enough to not brag about how much money they make on an Internet forum, therefore hes obviously stupid AND a broke ass liar.
Surprise, or maybe not?

At the top of the heap is Mississippi. That state has a gay porn viewership of 5.6 percent. Louisiana and Georgia are close behind with 5.44 percent and 5.38 percent, respectively (numbers were rounded for the map below)
Southerners watch more gay adult materials online than in other states

What I've gained from this thread is that about 94% of folks nationwide DON'T watch "gay porn." That's great news!! In other words it's NORMAL not to watch it. Have a nice day.:lol:
Anybody that has noticed the increase in Craig's List activity around CPAC or the RNC is not surprised by this...
As usual the left wingers can't comprehend the difference between HomoPHOBIA and Disgusted. PHOBIA is something you are scared of. Disgusted is something you are disgusted with...I am not a PHOBE because faggots don't scare me..they disgust me. 1 day you MIGHT get that correct OR you can just continue listening to the left wing propaganda.
What does the author of this article want to be true?

Those don't seem like very large percentages. Are there no Gay people in the South looking at Gay porn? All 5% were racist homophobic white evil racist white republicans?

I learned from the California vote on Prop 8 who really dislike the Gay lifestyle. Perhaps a large percentage of those watching porn were from that demographic?


"The National Election Pool poll showed that support for Proposition 8 was strong amongst African American voters, interviewed in the exit poll with 70% in favor, more than any other racial group"
Yet the 'taxed to death' folks don't have enough balls to post their effective tax rate. Thanks to Republicans, Walmart's is 1.7% compared to the average Americans.

Tax returns are confidential! Now, how much is that 1.7% in real money, and have they done anything illegal that could be found in the Democratic tax code?

Who's asking for a disclosure of a tax return?

My portfolio made $21.2M last year. It paid 3% effective Federal. Now, what was yours?

WalMart didn't do anything illegal, but who wrote the rules allowing them to do this. I guarantee it wasn't Democrats.

Lol, years ago when i played grand theft auto i had an impressive portfolio also. Get back to reality.
Busted! ‘Homophobic’ Southern States Watch More Gay Porn Than Other States
Not surprising, the cons have been fucking America in the ass for 150 years.
how many times are you guys going to post this same stuff before you actually realize it doesn't prove what you want it to?

You guys do realize there are gay people in souther states? You do realize there are people who have no problem with gay porn in southern states? The fact that others are in the majority doesn't change that they live there.

In fact, it would be quite logical that those who are turned on by gay porn would view it more in the south since cultural stigma would make it less likely they could get sexual activity in the real world and they would be more likely to turn to porn to satisfy themselves.

I know you want to pretend this proves some hypocrisy, but it doesn't. There doesn't have to be a single hypocrite in the South for this to be true.

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