*BUSTED* Obama, LIAR- Emails prove he KNEW about Libya attacks within 2 hours

#346-Sure- keep it up- idiots like you are Dems' best pals.

OP- DUH, Now, who were they, and why did they do it. CIA now thinks it was in reaction to the video, same as in 20+ other countries, was barely planned, and was terrorists, though it's hard to tell in Bengazi, there are so many RPGs around, could be just "terror"...zzzzzzzzzzz

You LIE about everything. If Obama was caught molesting and then murdering children, you would seriously work your sick ass off trying to figure out ways to defend his appalling actions. There is nothing Obama can do wrong in your sick, twisted mind. Nothing. No matter how many people die, no matter how much he lies, no matter how despicable his actions, you'll always sit there like his obedient little lap dog licking his chin and begging for his table scraps because that beats having to provide for yourself.

He's been caught red-handed LYING to the American people. First of all, the facility in Benghazi was NOT an "embassy". It was a CIA safe-house. Second, the Obama Administration had advanced warning of the attack and refused to take any action. Third, despite pleas from J. Christopher Stevens himself, the Obama Administration refused to take even the most basic/minimal security measures for this illegal operation. Fourth, the Obama Administration watched the entire event live from the situation room in the White House, so there was NO surprise about this attack nor was there any confusion about what it was. Fifth, the only thing more despicable than the first four listed is the fact that he decided to blame - of all things he could have - FREE SPEECH as the "cause".

It was the perfect Obama operation. Funnel military-grade weapons to the muslim terrorists (Al Qaeda) he supports, allow American's (who he hates) to die, and blame the entire thing on free speech so he can end that Constitutional right which is a hinderance to the dictatorship he so desires.

IF you voted for Bush then STFU...
Rightwingers like him EMBRACE their hypocrisy. They wear it like an old comfortable sweater.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=OlWSrl9eqMk#!]Barack Obama al David Letterman (part 3) - YouTube[/ame]
He knew about it, did nothing and murdered four Americans for political gain. Nothing more, nothing less. Prison is too good for him, drop him off in the middle of the Pacific ocean and say good luck you cock sucker.
Perhaps during the seven hours that this attack was underway and we didn't do shit, Obama should have called Romney. Romney could have explained that we have these things in Italy called planes, and those planes can actually carry these people we call special forces that happened to be there, and these special forces guys are actually used to do things like save the lives of Ambassadors who are under attack by terrorists. Lesson two could be about these things we have called helicopters.....
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White House told of militant claim two hours after Libya attack: emails | Reuters

This DISGUSTING President who purposely perpetrated a LIE to cover his sorry ass, KNEW the truth all along.. Just like WE ALL said. All of his FAUX outrage of being accused is such UTTER propaganda and shows the depth of just how TRAITOROUS this dangerous man is when it comes to power. PROSECUTE the man, to the full extent of the law. He used his position as President of the United States to LIE to the American people, the world.. he persecuted a man who made a film and made him an international criminal all to cover his sorry ass!!

Yeah this is caving in on Obama.

Perhaps during the seven hours that this attack was underway and we didn't do shit, Obama should have called Romney. Romney could have explained that we have these things in Italy called planes, and those planes can actually carry these people we call special forces that happened to be there, and these special forces guys are actually used to do things like save the lives of Ambassadors who are under attack by terrorists. Lesson two could be about these things we have called helicopters.....

You LIE about everything. If Obama was caught molesting and then murdering children, you would seriously work your sick ass off trying to figure out ways to defend his appalling actions. There is nothing Obama can do wrong in your sick, twisted mind. Nothing. No matter how many people die, no matter how much he lies, no matter how despicable his actions, you'll always sit there like his obedient little lap dog licking his chin and begging for his table scraps because that beats having to provide for yourself.

He's been caught red-handed LYING to the American people. First of all, the facility in Benghazi was NOT an "embassy". It was a CIA safe-house. Second, the Obama Administration had advanced warning of the attack and refused to take any action. Third, despite pleas from J. Christopher Stevens himself, the Obama Administration refused to take even the most basic/minimal security measures for this illegal operation. Fourth, the Obama Administration watched the entire event live from the situation room in the White House, so there was NO surprise about this attack nor was there any confusion about what it was. Fifth, the only thing more despicable than the first four listed is the fact that he decided to blame - of all things he could have - FREE SPEECH as the "cause".

It was the perfect Obama operation. Funnel military-grade weapons to the muslim terrorists (Al Qaeda) he supports, allow American's (who he hates) to die, and blame the entire thing on free speech so he can end that Constitutional right which is a hinderance to the dictatorship he so desires.

IF you voted for Bush then STFU...
Rightwingers like him EMBRACE their hypocrisy. They wear it like an old comfortable sweater.

Pointing out that Barack Obama, Hilary Clinton, Jay Carney and Susan Rice lied is not hypocrisy...it's simply fact.

Progressives like yourself, Bodecea...are SO caught up in defending Barry NO MATTER WHAT...that you can't even admit what is glaringly obvious. He knew that the attack in Libya wasn't a "spontaneous" protest run amok and he lied to us repeatedly about what happened there because it was politically inconvenient.
They went after the film maker in the middle of the night like the Nazi SS.
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They went after the film maker in the middle of the night like the Nazi SS.

That's one more thing they need to answer for...you KNOW that the YouTube video isn't what prompted the Bengazi attack on our consulate yet you're willing to throw some schmuck into jail because it diverts attention away from your own incompetence?

Then you stand on a stage and tell the American people that this election is about "trust"? Really? Who has the gall to do that?
I'm convinced Stevens was a point man for Obama running guns and ammo into Syria.
Evidently the job was done. So was the ambassador.
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So some emails show up and confirm that the President was telling the truth, and the madness of the Right translates it as some sort of proof of the opposite?


Some emails show up, proving that Obama was lying through his fucking teeth, and moron sycophants try to pretend this exonerates their little tin god.

Prosecutor: The defendant was caught with his penis in the anus of a 5 year old boy.

NYcarbineer for the defense: That proves my client is not a pedophile.
Here's an example of what serious journalism, sounds like, Foxbot dupes...

“There’s a lot of Monday-morning quarterbacking going on here,” Mr. Panetta told reporters at the Pentagon, adding that “the basic principle is that you don’t deploy forces into harm’s way without knowing what’s going on, without having some real-time information about what’s taking place.”

As a result, Mr. Panetta said, he and two top commanders “felt very strongly that we could not put forces at risk in that situation.” The commanders are Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Gen. Carter F. Ham of Africa Command, which oversees American military operations in Africa, including Libya.

Mr. Panetta was at the White House for a regular meeting on the afternoon of Sept. 11 as the first reports of the attack unfolded, an American official said. By that evening Mr. Panetta had consulted with General Dempsey and General Ham and had ordered a number of American military forces in the region to move closer to Libya.

Defense officials say they did not receive a request for military support from the State Department as the attack unfolded.

In response to Mr. Panetta’s decision, a small Special Operations “strike force” team moved from Central Europe to the Sigonella Air Base in Sicily while two Navy destroyers already in the Mediterranean were moved off the Libyan coast. A rapid-reaction team of elite Marines left Rota, Spain, and arrived to protect the American Embassy in Tripoli, the Libyan capital, the next day.

But a senior military official said that uncertainty about what was happening on the ground in Libya delayed the decision about where to send the Special Operations forces until about 9 p.m. in Washington, or 3 a.m. on Sept. 12, in Libya.

Ultimately, the decision relayed from the military’s Joint Staff in Washington was “to get close but not into Libya,” the official said. The task force then deployed over the next 24 hours to Sigonella, which is about an hour by plane from Benghazi. But by that time the shooting was over and the Americans were eventually evacuated.

As Mr. Panetta told reporters on Thursday, “This happened within a few hours, and it was really over before we had the opportunity to really know what was happening.”

Here's an example of what serious journalism, sounds like, Foxbot dupes...

“There’s a lot of Monday-morning quarterbacking going on here,” Mr. Panetta told reporters at the Pentagon, adding that “the basic principle is that you don’t deploy forces into harm’s way without knowing what’s going on, without having some real-time information about what’s taking place.”

As a result, Mr. Panetta said, he and two top commanders “felt very strongly that we could not put forces at risk in that situation.” The commanders are Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Gen. Carter F. Ham of Africa Command, which oversees American military operations in Africa, including Libya.

Mr. Panetta was at the White House for a regular meeting on the afternoon of Sept. 11 as the first reports of the attack unfolded, an American official said. By that evening Mr. Panetta had consulted with General Dempsey and General Ham and had ordered a number of American military forces in the region to move closer to Libya.

Defense officials say they did not receive a request for military support from the State Department as the attack unfolded.

In response to Mr. Panetta’s decision, a small Special Operations “strike force” team moved from Central Europe to the Sigonella Air Base in Sicily while two Navy destroyers already in the Mediterranean were moved off the Libyan coast. A rapid-reaction team of elite Marines left Rota, Spain, and arrived to protect the American Embassy in Tripoli, the Libyan capital, the next day.

But a senior military official said that uncertainty about what was happening on the ground in Libya delayed the decision about where to send the Special Operations forces until about 9 p.m. in Washington, or 3 a.m. on Sept. 12, in Libya.

Ultimately, the decision relayed from the military’s Joint Staff in Washington was “to get close but not into Libya,” the official said. The task force then deployed over the next 24 hours to Sigonella, which is about an hour by plane from Benghazi. But by that time the shooting was over and the Americans were eventually evacuated.

As Mr. Panetta told reporters on Thursday, “This happened within a few hours, and it was really over before we had the opportunity to really know what was happening.”


Are you kidding? If Leon Panetta couldn't figure out that our Embassy was under attack and needed help from the streaming video they were receiving and the reports coming in from both the Embassy itself and the Annex a mile away then WHY THE FUCK IS HE IN A POSITION OF AUTHORITY?

We had Americans whose lives were in mortal danger...calling out repeatedly for help...and everyone connected to this Administration sat on their hands. It's been quite apparent that the Obama Administration is "challenged" when it comes to leadership but for the love of God this wasn't exactly a tough call to make. Our embassy is under attack and our diplomats are about to be overrun and slaughtered...Gee...what should we do?

You send the cavalry you fucking progressive morons!!! You don't debate the ramifications. You don't weigh the political pros and cons. You act!!!

The more I find out about this the more pissed off I am about it. I can't believe that those poor bastards at the Annex fought against overwhelming odds for almost SEVEN HOURS while Leon Panetta and the rest of this Administration "diddled" themselves. You want a reason to get these clowns out of the White House? The fiasco in Bengazi is about as big a "reason" as you could hope to find.
Are you kidding? If Leon Panetta couldn't figure out that our Embassy was under attack and needed help from the streaming video they were receiving and the reports coming in from both the Embassy itself and the Annex a mile away then WHY THE FUCK IS HE IN A POSITION OF AUTHORITY?

We had Americans whose lives were in mortal danger...calling out repeatedly for help...and everyone connected to this Administration sat on their hands. It's been quite apparent that the Obama Administration is "challenged" when it comes to leadership but for the love of God this wasn't exactly a tough call to make. Our embassy is under attack and our diplomats are about to be overrun and slaughtered...Gee...what should we do?

You send the cavalry you fucking progressive morons!!! You don't debate the ramifications. You don't weigh the political pros and cons. You act!!!

The more I find out about this the more pissed off I am about it. I can't believe that those poor bastards at the Annex fought against overwhelming odds for almost SEVEN HOURS while Leon Panetta and the rest of this Administration "diddled" themselves. You want a reason to get these clowns out of the White House? The fiasco in Bengazi is about as big a "reason" as you could hope to find.

Quoted in full due to undeniable truth. It reminds me of the very old joke I will post below. Unfortunately in this case, that very scenario has come true and the joke has proven to be accurate....and four Americans are dead as a result:

Question: How do you tell the difference between Democrats and Republicans?

The answer can be found by posing the following question:

You're walking down a deserted street with your wife and two small children. Suddenly, an Islamic Terrorist with a huge knife comes around the corner, locks eyes with you, screams obscenities, praises Allah, raises the knife, and charges at you. You are carrying a Glock cal .40, and you are an expert shot?

You have mere seconds before he reaches you and your family.

What do you do?
Democrat's Answer:

Well, that's not enough information to answer the question!

Does the man look poor or oppressed?

Have I ever done anything to him that would inspire him to attack?

Could we run away?

What does my wife think?

What about the kids?

Could I possibly swing the gun like a club and knock the knife out of his hand?

What does the law say about this situation?

Does the Glock have appropriate safety built into it?

Why am I carrying a loaded gun anyway, and what kind of message does this send to society and to my children?

Is it possible he'd be happy with just killing me?

Does he definitely want to kill me, or would he be content just to wound me?

If I were to grab his knees and hold on, could my family get away while he was stabbing me?

Should I call 9-1-1?

Why is this street so deserted?

We need to raise taxes, have a paint and weed day and make this happier, healthier street that would discourage such behavior.

This is all so confusing! I need to debate this with some friends for few days and try to come to a consensus.
Republican's Answer:

Panetta's declaration that they didn't know what was going on is even more ridiculous now that it's been confirmed that there were in fact two drones overhead showing real time video back to Washington the entire seven hours. This episode sickens me. Someone needs to be held responsible for the deaths of those Americans. If it weren't for some CIA operators disobeying orders and going to the consulate many more Americans would have died that day. What the hell were our "leaders" doing while this was going on? Packing for a campaign fund raiser?
Obama is thinking just a few more weeks until the elections. Let's try to keep a lid on it.
This is to clever girl …… I went back and deleted the post I made to you.
It’s not my thing to hit a girl with words like that. I don’t like to get into the name calling game that way, (but I will call you) :D. Hit me back.

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