*BUSTED* Obama, LIAR- Emails prove he KNEW about Libya attacks within 2 hours

We can all read, hear..see for ourselves the TRUTH about the EXPLICIT White House emails.. We don't need you lying ass libs telling us we're not reading or seeing what we do.. You no longer have control of the media and what story gets taken up and how it's worded.. THOSE DAYS ARE OVER so put a fucking sock in it .. No one buys your snake oil any longer.

So some emails show up and confirm that the President was telling the truth, and the madness of the Right translates it as some sort of proof of the opposite?


I have no idea what you are thinking, you're logic doesn't make sense. They had REAL TIME video in The Situation room at the White House watching the terrorists attack. But of course you already know that.

Everyone keeps saying the President lied. He never did.
Remember when 'Fast and Furious' was the big scandal the 'nuts were going to bring the administration down with?

Remember how that fizzled out in a big pile of nothing?

The time for taking seriously anything the rightwing propaganda machine says is long gone.

You made your own bed, as they used to say, now lie in it.
Obama outside of green energy is anti-science
Obama is the worse foreign Policy president of the past 70 years
Obama is the biggest liar and spender this country has ever seen.
We can all read, hear..see for ourselves the TRUTH about the EXPLICIT White House emails.. We don't need you lying ass libs telling us we're not reading or seeing what we do.. You no longer have control of the media and what story gets taken up and how it's worded.. THOSE DAYS ARE OVER so put a fucking sock in it .. No one buys your snake oil any longer.

That is so true. Pressed since the 60's. Literally brain washing.
Obama outside of green energy is anti-science
Obama is the worse foreign Policy president of the past 70 years
Obama is the biggest liar and spender this country has ever seen.

Some say he likes to suck a cock now and then too. Maybe take it in the ass.
Obama went around BRAGGING FOR WEEKS about "getting Bin Laden," "I made the call Governor Romney," .. we all listened, heard this man take all of the credit.. SEAL TEAM 6 also heard.. Half of SEAL TEAM 6 is dead today.. THEY WERE OUTTED by a President who only cares about himself...

So Mr. President.. what call did you make in Benghazi?? White House emails PROVE you knew our Ambassador and Americans were under attack.. Fighter jets on an American Air Base in Scillia Italy,ONLY 480 MILES AWAY-- along with special forces.. Average speed of a fighter jet : 1200 to 1600 MPH.... WHAT CALL DID YOU MAKE TO PROTECT OUR PEOPLE MR. PRESIDENT???

Mr. President went back to sleep..

Remember when 'Fast and Furious' was the big scandal the 'nuts were going to bring the administration down with?

Remember how that fizzled out in a big pile of nothing?

The time for taking seriously anything the rightwing propaganda machine says is long gone.

You made your own bed, as they used to say, now lie in it.

Fizzled out? More like Eric Holder stonewalled the investigation. Operation Fast & Furious is just one more example of the complete and utter incompetence of this Administration. People die...and the Obama Administration lies.
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Hazy Mudslinger is the reason intelligence tests should be brought in before people are allowed to vote. Dumb as a post...
#346-Sure- keep it up- idiots like you are Dems' best pals.

OP- DUH, Now, who were they, and why did they do it. CIA now thinks it was in reaction to the video, same as in 20+ other countries, was barely planned, and was terrorists, though it's hard to tell in Bengazi, there are so many RPGs around, could be just "terror"...zzzzzzzzzzz
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Ignored National Security
Handed over assault weapons to drug cartels (Fast & Furious)
Allowed American's to die in Benghazi when he could have prevented it
Allowed the Middle East to be taken over by the Muslim Brotherhood
Missed 70% of his national security briefings
Put military-grade weapons (such as Stinger missiles) into the hands of Al Qaeda
Has lied to the American people so much, he can't even keep up with his lies

Perhaps he should have spent a lot less time at Dunkin Donuts and a lot more time in his National Security Briefings...
#346-Sure- keep it up- idiots like you are Dems' best pals.

OP- DUH, Now, who were they, and why did they do it. CIA now thinks it was in reaction to the video, same as in 20+ other countries, was barely planned, and was terrorists, though it's hard to tell in Bengazi, there are so many RPGs around, could be just "terror"...zzzzzzzzzzz

You LIE about everything. If Obama was caught molesting and then murdering children, you would seriously work your sick ass off trying to figure out ways to defend his appalling actions. There is nothing Obama can do wrong in your sick, twisted mind. Nothing. No matter how many people die, no matter how much he lies, no matter how despicable his actions, you'll always sit there like his obedient little lap dog licking his chin and begging for his table scraps because that beats having to provide for yourself.

He's been caught red-handed LYING to the American people. First of all, the facility in Benghazi was NOT an "embassy". It was a CIA safe-house. Second, the Obama Administration had advanced warning of the attack and refused to take any action. Third, despite pleas from J. Christopher Stevens himself, the Obama Administration refused to take even the most basic/minimal security measures for this illegal operation. Fourth, the Obama Administration watched the entire event live from the situation room in the White House, so there was NO surprise about this attack nor was there any confusion about what it was. Fifth, the only thing more despicable than the first four listed is the fact that he decided to blame - of all things he could have - FREE SPEECH as the "cause".

It was the perfect Obama operation. Funnel military-grade weapons to the muslim terrorists (Al Qaeda) he supports, allow American's (who he hates) to die, and blame the entire thing on free speech so he can end that Constitutional right which is a hinderance to the dictatorship he so desires.
Press Secretary Jay Carney, on September 14th:

“This is a fairly volatile situation, and it is in response not to United States policy, obviously not to the administration, not to the American people. It is in response to a video, a film, that we have judged to be reprehensible and disgusting — that in no way justifies any violent reaction to it.”

Carney went on to repeat this point at least two more times during his daily press briefing with reporters.

“But this is not a case of protests directed at the United States writ large or at U.S. policy, but it is in response to video that is offensive to Muslims,” said Carney.

“The unrest we’ve seen is in reaction to a film in which the United States government had no involvement,”he added.'

Jay Carney: ‘This Is Not a Case of Protest Directed the United States’ | Video | TheBlaze.com
Sorry bout that,

1. You folks are about to catch up, and I can dig it.
2. Obama lied and people died, he knew it was an organized attack on Stevens and company, and yet intentionally lied or mislead the world about the stupid video story, to hide his own lack of experience in protecting Americans.
3. He flat out failed, and people should be out in the streets at the White House protesting Obama's lying about this impeachable failure of duty, then cover up.
4. It blows my mind the world is so stupid in allowing this to be acceptable.
5. Congress and the Senate are worthless shit holes as far as I'm concerned.
6. There I said *all* the truth.

and yet, people still defend him. They fail to ask him questions. They fail to demand answers.

it just goes to show how corrupt our society has come and why we need to repent in mass.
#346-Sure- keep it up- idiots like you are Dems' best pals.

OP- DUH, Now, who were they, and why did they do it. CIA now thinks it was in reaction to the video, same as in 20+ other countries, was barely planned, and was terrorists, though it's hard to tell in Bengazi, there are so many RPGs around, could be just "terror"...zzzzzzzzzzz

You LIE about everything. If Obama was caught molesting and then murdering children, you would seriously work your sick ass off trying to figure out ways to defend his appalling actions. There is nothing Obama can do wrong in your sick, twisted mind. Nothing. No matter how many people die, no matter how much he lies, no matter how despicable his actions, you'll always sit there like his obedient little lap dog licking his chin and begging for his table scraps because that beats having to provide for yourself.

He's been caught red-handed LYING to the American people. First of all, the facility in Benghazi was NOT an "embassy". It was a CIA safe-house. Second, the Obama Administration had advanced warning of the attack and refused to take any action. Third, despite pleas from J. Christopher Stevens himself, the Obama Administration refused to take even the most basic/minimal security measures for this illegal operation. Fourth, the Obama Administration watched the entire event live from the situation room in the White House, so there was NO surprise about this attack nor was there any confusion about what it was. Fifth, the only thing more despicable than the first four listed is the fact that he decided to blame - of all things he could have - FREE SPEECH as the "cause".

It was the perfect Obama operation. Funnel military-grade weapons to the muslim terrorists (Al Qaeda) he supports, allow American's (who he hates) to die, and blame the entire thing on free speech so he can end that Constitutional right which is a hinderance to the dictatorship he so desires.

IF you voted for Bush then STFU...
Obama went around BRAGGING FOR WEEKS about "getting Bin Laden," "I made the call Governor Romney," .. we all listened, heard this man take all of the credit.. SEAL TEAM 6 also heard.. Half of SEAL TEAM 6 is dead today.. THEY WERE OUTTED by a President who only cares about himself...

So Mr. President.. what call did you make in Benghazi?? White House emails PROVE you knew our Ambassador and Americans were under attack.. Fighter jets on an American Air Base in Scillia Italy,ONLY 480 MILES AWAY-- along with special forces.. Average speed of a fighter jet : 1200 to 1600 MPH.... WHAT CALL DID YOU MAKE TO PROTECT OUR PEOPLE MR. PRESIDENT???

Mr. President went back to sleep..


Stillcrying about OBL's death, I see.

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