Why can't ppl just get it through their heads that a President who just might be good for this Country and along the same lines as a JFK, ( is being bashed on purpose and unfairly) why can't ppl see the goal for the Clintons is to sabotage him anyway possibe. Can it not occur to the sheep family this Government is like the mafia and they function as them. Ever watch tv with the mafia in it, ever catch how they cover up their crimes. HELLOooooooo same thing the FEDS to WAKE the HELL UP!!

Details surrounding the sexual assault allegations against Donald Trump are raising doubts that the claims are credible.

Accuser Jessica Leeds claimed Trump molested her in the first-class section of a Braniff 707 flying from Dallas to New York in 1979, but Braniff didn’t use 707s on that route.


A Braniff flight table shows that the airline only operated 727s between the two cities, which is expected: the 727 was developed for domestic flights.

Busted: Trump Sex Allegations Full of Holes

Minor problem. Your link takes viewers to a page with flights FROM New York. Not TO New York.
And there is also nothing to date those pages for verification, either. However, these pages are from sometime before the Concorde was banned in the U.S. which was 2000. Otherwise who knows where these came from, certainly not Braniff.
Your image is from InfoWars. That explains everything.
Original link before Alex Jones changed it: BN102879p52

It's interesting that no one on the right bothers to read the fine print, nor look for the obvious.

And you using that as your excuse not to accept honest information is why we have nation full of easily led sheep.
Your little Government thinks for you , and you all are to dumbed down to realize it. That's why you are part of America's problem and anybody else who can't get information from anyone other source other than CONTROLLED MSM, and little governmental parents.
Like Bill Maher said

How dare these women claim that I did the same things that I claimed to do. :laugh2:
(or something like that)
Isn't it weird how the left finds several women in a matter of hours willing to swear up and down that Trump did this to them....even though none of them fit the description Trump gave of the type of women he likes.....and the first one just happens to work for the Clinton Foundation and knows Hillary personally, but Hillary will not mention this fact at all. Hmmmmmm......a real poser.
Like Bill Maher said

How dare these women claim that I did the same things that I claimed to do. :laugh2:
(or something like that)
Maher seems to have nailed the issue and put it in perspective if that is anything close to what he said. No matter how much the accusers are picked over and attacked the fact remains that Trump is on record numerous times boasting about his ability to get away with sexual assaults. The reason the First Lady got some much praise and attention for her speech on the subject was because she put the controversy into perspective and away from the Trump campaign spins and the parroting followers. The real issue, as portrayed by the First Lady, is about the degradation of women and the acceptance of sexual assault. It is not about bad language and "locker room banter" and it is not about what the Clinton's did or didn't do in a scandal from twenty years ago. It is about Donald Trump's current beliefs and attitudes today and how instead of taking a leadership role to address the problems of female degradation and sexual assault he has chosen doubling down on his disgusting attitudes as recorded on numerous recording to defend his self and not have to admit he made mistakes in the past, apologize and move forward. Trump simply refuses to admit he was wrong and will lie to protect his imagined image as a guy who never does anything wrong and is always right about everything.
Like Bill Maher said

How dare these women claim that I did the same things that I claimed to do. :laugh2:
(or something like that)
Many guys are glad nobody accused them of what they said they do, we tend to talk big and few of us run for Republican president so don't worry about it. Maher is just one of the girls. But it was a private conversation and he makes it sound like Trump made a public declaration. Mayer doesn't have an honest bone in his body.

Either Trump is a liar or these women are, and I think Trump is a liar.
So Bill's accusers were all truthful. Got it.

Bringing up Bill, hard up are we.
Not me. Just pointing out the hypocrisy.
Like Bill Maher said

How dare these women claim that I did the same things that I claimed to do. :laugh2:
(or something like that)
Many guys are glad nobody accused them of what they said they do, we tend to talk big and few of us run for Republican president so don't worry about it. Maher is just one of the girls. But it was a private conversation and he makes it sound like Trump made a public declaration. Mayer doesn't have an honest bone in his body.

Either Trump is a liar or these women are, and I think Trump is a liar.


Either Clinton is a liar or these women are, and I think Clinton is a liar.

Seems to work both ways, doesn't it?
Weird selection or women for you to pick. The first is Flowers, who Bill admitted to having a relationship with as a girlfriend/mistress. Little sympathy was given to her because she knowingly had an affair with a married man who had a child at home. There was never a question of rape, assault or anything other than a consensual adultery affair with her. The second girl is Paula Jones. She never alleged any physical contact will Bill. Her case was about being a state employee and Clinton being governor, his approach and proposition equated to job-related sexual harassment. Clinton's attempt to keep the incident secret led to his lying in a deposition and losing the harassment case. The third woman is Monica. Monica always admitted she had intentions to seduce the President and agreed that her relationship of giving Bill bs's was her idea.
In the end, Clinton admitted his dishonesty and apologized, hence making the liar accusation a past tense and temporary effort to protect his marriage and reputation.
Why can't ppl just get it through their heads that a President who just might be good for this Country and along the same lines as a JFK, ( is being bashed on purpose and unfairly) why can't ppl see the goal for the Clintons is to sabotage him anyway possibe. Can it not occur to the sheep family this Government is like the mafia and they function as them. Ever watch tv with the mafia in it, ever catch how they cover up their crimes. HELLOooooooo same thing the FEDS to WAKE the HELL UP!!

Details surrounding the sexual assault allegations against Donald Trump are raising doubts that the claims are credible.

Accuser Jessica Leeds claimed Trump molested her in the first-class section of a Braniff 707 flying from Dallas to New York in 1979, but Braniff didn’t use 707s on that route.


A Braniff flight table shows that the airline only operated 727s between the two cities, which is expected: the 727 was developed for domestic flights.

Busted: Trump Sex Allegations Full of Holes

The reason people can't get those things in their head is that common sense and logic won't let them. We can't all be as dumb as right wingers.
Like Bill Maher said

How dare these women claim that I did the same things that I claimed to do. :laugh2:
(or something like that)
Maher seems to have nailed the issue and put it in perspective if that is anything close to what he said. No matter how much the accusers are picked over and attacked the fact remains that Trump is on record numerous times boasting about his ability to get away with sexual assaults.
Bill whipped his dick out and that isn't considered a sexual assault by lefties. She was able to describe it so it wasn't just her words. Now we just have words between two men privately about no one in particular and they are evidence of guilt?

Liberalism is mental disorder.
Either Trump is a liar or these women are, and I think Trump is a liar.


Either Clinton is a liar or these women are, and I think Clinton is a liar.

Seems to work both ways, doesn't it?

Why can't you accept the possibility that both Bill Clinton AND Donald Trump are sexual predators? Why does it have to be either or? Trump should have known after 25 years of bragging about his sexual escapades they would catch up with him.

I do accept it.

I do NOT accept Hillarys hypocrisy that Bills women were bimbos, etc, and Trumps women are victims.


Well, she did what most powerful people do when their empires are threatened. They defend it "by any means necessary".

The end justifies the means?

anything goes?

I didn't say that, you are putting words in my post. Why do you fucking righties twist everything? Can't you face reality for just one moment?
Why can't ppl just get it through their heads that a President who just might be good for this Country and along the same lines as a JFK, ( is being bashed on purpose and unfairly) why can't ppl see the goal for the Clintons is to sabotage him anyway possibe. Can it not occur to the sheep family this Government is like the mafia and they function as them. Ever watch tv with the mafia in it, ever catch how they cover up their crimes. HELLOooooooo same thing the FEDS to WAKE the HELL UP!!

Details surrounding the sexual assault allegations against Donald Trump are raising doubts that the claims are credible.

Accuser Jessica Leeds claimed Trump molested her in the first-class section of a Braniff 707 flying from Dallas to New York in 1979, but Braniff didn’t use 707s on that route.


A Braniff flight table shows that the airline only operated 727s between the two cities, which is expected: the 727 was developed for domestic flights.

Busted: Trump Sex Allegations Full of Holes

Minor problem. Your link takes viewers to a page with flights FROM New York. Not TO New York.
And there is also nothing to date those pages for verification, either. However, these pages are from sometime before the Concorde was banned in the U.S. which was 2000. Otherwise who knows where these came from, certainly not Braniff.
Your image is from InfoWars. That explains everything.
Original link before Alex Jones changed it: BN102879p52

It's interesting that no one on the right bothers to read the fine print, nor look for the obvious.

And you using that as your excuse not to accept honest information is why we have nation full of easily led sheep.
Your little Government thinks for you , and you all are to dumbed down to realize it. That's why you are part of America's problem and anybody else who can't get information from anyone other source other than CONTROLLED MSM, and little governmental parents.

Oh god, get over yourself. Your URL went to the wrong page and your source is an alt-right blogger. You better get used to being outed if you are going to post garbage and call it truth.
Weird selection or women for you to pick. The first is Flowers, who Bill admitted to having a relationship with as a girlfriend/mistress. Little sympathy was given to her because she knowingly had an affair with a married man who had a child at home. There was never a question of rape, assault or anything other than a consensual adultery affair with her. The second girl is Paula Jones. She never alleged any physical contact will Bill. Her case was about being a state employee and Clinton being governor, his approach and proposition equated to job-related sexual harassment. Clinton's attempt to keep the incident secret led to his lying in a deposition and losing the harassment case.
You're a liar and a stupid one at that. You pulled this shit the other day and I told you it wasn't a proposition, it was his dick. Why would she sue over a proposition?

And Bill never got any heat from the left for a long time affair. But he did get accused of rape by some very credible accounts. All swept under the rug. Lefties are as dishonest as they come.
Like Bill Maher said

How dare these women claim that I did the same things that I claimed to do. :laugh2:
(or something like that)
Many guys are glad nobody accused them of what they said they do, we tend to talk big and few of us run for Republican president so don't worry about it. Maher is just one of the girls. But it was a private conversation and he makes it sound like Trump made a public declaration. Mayer doesn't have an honest bone in his body.

Either Trump is a liar or these women are, and I think Trump is a liar.
So Bill's accusers were all truthful. Got it.

Bringing up Bill, hard up are we.
Not me. Just pointing out the hypocrisy.

The Clintons outsmarted Trump and he's cornered. Listening to him the last few days you can hear it in his voice. He's shouting and growling, not speaking. I don't know which of the two is worse, I dislike and disdain both. I am not alone in this. I think I represent the majority. They are both repugnant. But Hillary is probably going to win.

Either Clinton is a liar or these women are, and I think Clinton is a liar.

Seems to work both ways, doesn't it?

Why can't you accept the possibility that both Bill Clinton AND Donald Trump are sexual predators? Why does it have to be either or? Trump should have known after 25 years of bragging about his sexual escapades they would catch up with him.

I do accept it.

I do NOT accept Hillarys hypocrisy that Bills women were bimbos, etc, and Trumps women are victims.


Well, she did what most powerful people do when their empires are threatened. They defend it "by any means necessary".

The end justifies the means?

anything goes?

I didn't say that, you are putting words in my post. Why do you fucking righties twist everything? Can't you face reality for just one moment?

you didn't?

"Well, she did what most powerful people do when their empires are threatened. They defend it "by any means necessary"
Many guys are glad nobody accused them of what they said they do, we tend to talk big and few of us run for Republican president so don't worry about it. Maher is just one of the girls. But it was a private conversation and he makes it sound like Trump made a public declaration. Mayer doesn't have an honest bone in his body.

Either Trump is a liar or these women are, and I think Trump is a liar.
So Bill's accusers were all truthful. Got it.

Bringing up Bill, hard up are we.
Not me. Just pointing out the hypocrisy.

The Clintons outsmarted Trump and he's cornered. Listening to him the last few days you can hear it in his voice. He's shouting and growling, not speaking. I don't know which of the two is worse, I dislike and disdain both. I am not alone in this. I think I represent the majority. They are both repugnant. But Hillary is probably going to win.
Hey dumbfuck, I've been listening to his speeches. You don't get to come here and lie about it and not get called on it. You are clueless and just post hate, so the repugnancy is all yours.
Weird selection or women for you to pick. The first is Flowers, who Bill admitted to having a relationship with as a girlfriend/mistress. Little sympathy was given to her because she knowingly had an affair with a married man who had a child at home. There was never a question of rape, assault or anything other than a consensual adultery affair with her. The second girl is Paula Jones. She never alleged any physical contact will Bill. Her case was about being a state employee and Clinton being governor, his approach and proposition equated to job-related sexual harassment. Clinton's attempt to keep the incident secret led to his lying in a deposition and losing the harassment case.
You're a liar and a stupid one at that. You pulled this shit the other day and I told you it wasn't a proposition, it was his dick. Why would she sue over a proposition?

And Bill never got any heat from the left for a long time affair. But he did get accused of rape by some very credible accounts. All swept under the rug. Lefties are as dishonest as they come.
It was a proposition. He allegedly showed her his dick and asked for a bj when she entered his hotel room. The point of my post was that the selection of women making claims against Clinton was a poor one and to put into perspective their individual cases. You may consider his pulling out his pecker in the privacy of his hotel room to a girl who showed up at night as a sexual assault, but some would disagree. It certainly is not equal to making unwanted physical contact. He did not force himself on her by grabbing her pussy or trying to kiss or fondle her. Even if it is judged to be an assault by some, she had her day in court and walked away with a big pocketful of cash and Clinton paid a big price for his misbehavior.
You tout those rape allegations like there is some kind of solid or even real evidence that a rape happened. Clinton was never charged with rape and when one of the alleged victims recanted with a signed affidavit saying the rape never happened to avoid perjury her case lost any credibility. In the other the case the alleged victim story just didn't add up and it was rejected by a large portion of the general public as being truthful.
If you have a strong case on the rape allegation go ahead and post it or tell us something besides the right wing talking points and partisan commentary and pundit stuff.
Weird selection or women for you to pick. The first is Flowers, who Bill admitted to having a relationship with as a girlfriend/mistress. Little sympathy was given to her because she knowingly had an affair with a married man who had a child at home. There was never a question of rape, assault or anything other than a consensual adultery affair with her. The second girl is Paula Jones. She never alleged any physical contact will Bill. Her case was about being a state employee and Clinton being governor, his approach and proposition equated to job-related sexual harassment. Clinton's attempt to keep the incident secret led to his lying in a deposition and losing the harassment case.
You're a liar and a stupid one at that. You pulled this shit the other day and I told you it wasn't a proposition, it was his dick. Why would she sue over a proposition?

And Bill never got any heat from the left for a long time affair. But he did get accused of rape by some very credible accounts. All swept under the rug. Lefties are as dishonest as they come.
It was a proposition. He allegedly showed her his dick and asked for a bj when she entered his hotel room.
Sorry dude ...couldn't make it past that. Your meds are way off.
All the claims have pretty much fallen apart which is why hilly has taken to her bed with the covers over her head.
Like Bill Maher said

How dare these women claim that I did the same things that I claimed to do. :laugh2:
(or something like that)
Many guys are glad nobody accused them of what they said they do, we tend to talk big and few of us run for Republican president so don't worry about it. Maher is just one of the girls. But it was a private conversation and he makes it sound like Trump made a public declaration. Mayer doesn't have an honest bone in his body.

Either Trump is a liar or these women are, and I think Trump is a liar.


Either Clinton is a liar or these women are, and I think Clinton is a liar.

Seems to work both ways, doesn't it?

Clinton never said what he does in private, Trump did and that is why we know its true.
That was before the Clinton campaign with assistance from the MSM, offered her a ton of money...would be my guess.

The undermining of our nation by the MSM, is in full swing.

My husband is an attorney and when she was on the tube with her "story" he told me she's lying,she was coached and it was staged. An attorney knows this stuff they deal with it every day

An attorney doesn't make legal decisions by watching television. Not even a first year law student, Pumpkin.

An experienced lawyer can tell a lie a mile away.

Right they are a walking polygraph. Trump is not even a good liar, or he has a very poor memory.

Can you believe someone would make such a statement? I sued a doctor and won. As well as used lawyers in business. To say that an attorney would make a decision based on a television interview of 15 seconds is pure bullshit.

They experience it all the time. Most people aren't prolly as good a liar as you and left wing tools.
Like Bill Maher said

How dare these women claim that I did the same things that I claimed to do. :laugh2:
(or something like that)
Many guys are glad nobody accused them of what they said they do, we tend to talk big and few of us run for Republican president so don't worry about it. Maher is just one of the girls. But it was a private conversation and he makes it sound like Trump made a public declaration. Mayer doesn't have an honest bone in his body.

Either Trump is a liar or these women are, and I think Trump is a liar.


Either Clinton is a liar or these women are, and I think Clinton is a liar.

Seems to work both ways, doesn't it?

Clinton never said what he does in private, Trump did and that is why we know its true.

You don't know how many hot mic moments the msm have hidden of Clinton.

Maybe wiki leaks will leak a few.

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