Why can't ppl just get it through their heads that a President who just might be good for this Country and along the same lines as a JFK, ( is being bashed on purpose and unfairly) why can't ppl see the goal for the Clintons is to sabotage him anyway possibe. Can it not occur to the sheep family this Government is like the mafia and they function as them. Ever watch tv with the mafia in it, ever catch how they cover up their crimes. HELLOooooooo same thing the FEDS to WAKE the HELL UP!!

Details surrounding the sexual assault allegations against Donald Trump are raising doubts that the claims are credible.

Accuser Jessica Leeds claimed Trump molested her in the first-class section of a Braniff 707 flying from Dallas to New York in 1979, but Braniff didn’t use 707s on that route.


A Braniff flight table shows that the airline only operated 727s between the two cities, which is expected: the 727 was developed for domestic flights.

Busted: Trump Sex Allegations Full of Holes
The problem for Trump is he already said he likes to attack women. Grab them by the pu$$y. Force himself on them. He said he's already done it to women, even married women.

Why not believe him? You believe everything else he says.
HERE IT IS=> List of Debunked Groper Allegations by Corrupt Media Against Donald Trump

Jim Hoft Oct 15th, 2016 9:41 am 77 Comments

The Democrat-media complex carpet bombed Donald Trump with several alleged groping stories this week from several women.

The media clearly did not fact check these stories. They ran the stories no matter how farfetched they were. It is clear from the number of stories dropped in the last week that this was a coordinated effort, probably from inside the Hillary Clinton campaign. The goal was not to present facts to the public. Their goal was to destroy Donald Trump.

In 2008 the Democrat media hit Republican John McCain with similar allegations. Vicki Iseman, the woman named in the hit piece, settled with The New York Times after the election.

So, it is clear that this is a commonly used tactic by Democrats – use the media to slander and destroy their opposition before the election.

Thankfully, today the conservative media is much stronger than it was eight years ago.

Here are a few of the alleged “groping” incidents against Donald Trump that have now been debunked.

1.) Jessica Leeds


Jessica Leeds accused a young Donald Trump of groping her in first class on a flight from Dallas to New York City on Braniff Air in 1979.

Leeds said young multimillionaire Trump lifted the armrest to grope her during the flight.


The armrests on Braniff 727s appear to be stationary, they can’t be raised.

She also used lyrics from the Velvet Underground song to describe the alleged “groping.”

Leeds also said if Trump had kept his hands above the waist she might have been ok with it

Tonight a British passenger on the same plane as Trump and Leeds refuted her claims.
Anthony Gilberthorpe said Jessica Leeds was flirting with Trump and Trump never touched her.

Anthony Gilberthorpe

The New York Post reported:

Donald Trump’s campaign says a British man is countering claims that the GOP presidential nominee groped a woman on a cross-country flight more than three decades ago.

The man says he was sitting across from the accuser and contacted the Trump campaign because he was incensed by her account — which is at odds with what he witnessed.

“I have only met this accuser once and frankly cannot imagine why she is seeking to make out that Trump made sexual advances on her. Not only did he not do so (and I was present at all times) but it was she that was the one being flirtatious,” Anthony Gilberthorpe said in a note provided to The Post by the Trump campaign.

In an exclusive interview arranged by the campaign, Gilberthorpe said he was on the flight — in either 1980 or 1981— where Jessica Leeds claimed Trump groped her.

Gilberthorpe, 54, said he was sitting across the first class aisle from the couple and saw nothing inappropriate. Leeds was wearing a white pantsuit, he said, while Trump was wearing a suit and cuff-links, which he gave to his British flight companion.

Indeed, Gilberthorpe claimed, Leeds was “trying too hard” in her attempt to win Trump over.

“She wanted to marry him,” Gilberthorpe said of Leeds, who apparently made the confession when Trump excused himself and went to the bathroom.

There was no kissing, but the “shrill” Leeds was “very much in your face” with the real estate developer.

2.) Natasha Stoynoff


Anthony P. “Tony” Senecal

Donald Trump’s former butler stepped forward to debunk another accuser’s story.

Anthony Senecal said the so-called incident with the People magazine hack “never happened.”
The Palm Beach Post reported:

Donald Trump’s former Mar-a-Lago Butler backed up the Republican nominee for president in denying the billionaire groped a reporter from People magazine.

“No, that never happened. Come on, that’s just bull crap,” said Anthony “Tony” Senecal.

People magazine writer Natasha Stoynoff wrote an essay this week about how she was groped by Trump at Mar-a-Lago during an interview in the early 2000s. She is one of four women to make accusations against Trump of unwanted sexual advances.

The issue has become central to the presidential race since a 2005 hot-mic video surfaced of Trump bragging about using his celebrity to grope women. He has downplayed the incident as “locker-room talk.”

Trump, at his rally in West Palm Beach on Thursday, said he was always in a public place with Stoynoff and denied he ever acted inappropriately.

So Donald Trump has one witness who said the alleged groping never happened. The People magazine writer has NO witnesses.

And then there’s this…
Melania Trump, wife of Donald Trump, sent a cease and desist letter to People Magazine on Thursday for its fraudulent article on Mrs. Donald Trump.

! @people #NatashaStoynoff pic.twitter.com/zXNm6boveP

Wow, someone Trump pays a lot of money to defending Trump. Never thought I would see that.
My husband is an attorney and when she was on the tube with her "story" he told me she's lying,she was coached and it was staged. An attorney knows this stuff they deal with it every day

An attorney doesn't make legal decisions by watching television. Not even a first year law student, Pumpkin.

An experienced lawyer can tell a lie a mile away.

Right they are a walking polygraph. Trump is not even a good liar, or he has a very poor memory.

Can you believe someone would make such a statement? I sued a doctor and won. As well as used lawyers in business. To say that an attorney would make a decision based on a television interview of 15 seconds is pure bullshit.

They experience it all the time. Most people aren't prolly as good a liar as you and left wing tools.

I thought most lawyers were liars, or very good at stretching the truth.
An attorney doesn't make legal decisions by watching television. Not even a first year law student, Pumpkin.

An experienced lawyer can tell a lie a mile away.

Right they are a walking polygraph. Trump is not even a good liar, or he has a very poor memory.

Can you believe someone would make such a statement? I sued a doctor and won. As well as used lawyers in business. To say that an attorney would make a decision based on a television interview of 15 seconds is pure bullshit.

They experience it all the time. Most people aren't prolly as good a liar as you and left wing tools.

I thought most lawyers were liars, or very good at stretching the truth.

And exactly who would be best and seeing lies????
Judge Janine tonight had eye-witness on the air flight in question that said woman claiming abuse is full of crap. Gave details of incident - no such abuse happened.

Hillary's house of cards phony abuse charge crumbles.
Strange indeed. Trump as only been a pedophile rapist criminal since he started running against your whore.

Nice sexism, loser. And I detect a touch of hysterical crying as well.

No wonder you're losing so badly. Trump's followers are as disgusting as he is.

Oh, thread topic. A woman doesn't know the difference between a 707 and 727, so the pedophile-predator-defenders here seize on it as proof of "conspiracy!". That's how desperate those losers are.
The lying Clinton paid bitch and the Clinton Mafia are too fucking stupid to not know the armrests did NOT move up on that plane.
She claimed Trump "lifted up the armrest".
Fucking bullshit liar!
A witness is willing to swear in a court of law he NEVER left his seat during that flight AND he NEVER saw Trump behave in anyway inappropriately.
You're posting bullshit like you did claiming "George's cheap gun recoiled and broke his nose".
You lose again asshole!
All the claims have pretty much fallen apart which is why hilly has taken to her bed with the covers over her head.
And where's Huma?
She and Hillary celebrated their 'twentieth anniversary the other day.
With Hillary's money I hope she bought Huma something expensive but not 'gaudy'.
HERE IT IS=> List of Debunked Groper Allegations by Corrupt Media Against Donald Trump

Jim Hoft Oct 15th, 2016 9:41 am 77 Comments

The Democrat-media complex carpet bombed Donald Trump with several alleged groping stories this week from several women.

The media clearly did not fact check these stories. They ran the stories no matter how farfetched they were. It is clear from the number of stories dropped in the last week that this was a coordinated effort, probably from inside the Hillary Clinton campaign. The goal was not to present facts to the public. Their goal was to destroy Donald Trump.

In 2008 the Democrat media hit Republican John McCain with similar allegations. Vicki Iseman, the woman named in the hit piece, settled with The New York Times after the election.

So, it is clear that this is a commonly used tactic by Democrats – use the media to slander and destroy their opposition before the election.

Thankfully, today the conservative media is much stronger than it was eight years ago.

Here are a few of the alleged “groping” incidents against Donald Trump that have now been debunked.

1.) Jessica Leeds


Jessica Leeds accused a young Donald Trump of groping her in first class on a flight from Dallas to New York City on Braniff Air in 1979.

Leeds said young multimillionaire Trump lifted the armrest to grope her during the flight.


The armrests on Braniff 727s appear to be stationary, they can’t be raised.

She also used lyrics from the Velvet Underground song to describe the alleged “groping.”

Leeds also said if Trump had kept his hands above the waist she might have been ok with it

Tonight a British passenger on the same plane as Trump and Leeds refuted her claims.
Anthony Gilberthorpe said Jessica Leeds was flirting with Trump and Trump never touched her.

Anthony Gilberthorpe

The New York Post reported:

Donald Trump’s campaign says a British man is countering claims that the GOP presidential nominee groped a woman on a cross-country flight more than three decades ago.

The man says he was sitting across from the accuser and contacted the Trump campaign because he was incensed by her account — which is at odds with what he witnessed.

“I have only met this accuser once and frankly cannot imagine why she is seeking to make out that Trump made sexual advances on her. Not only did he not do so (and I was present at all times) but it was she that was the one being flirtatious,” Anthony Gilberthorpe said in a note provided to The Post by the Trump campaign.

In an exclusive interview arranged by the campaign, Gilberthorpe said he was on the flight — in either 1980 or 1981— where Jessica Leeds claimed Trump groped her.

Gilberthorpe, 54, said he was sitting across the first class aisle from the couple and saw nothing inappropriate. Leeds was wearing a white pantsuit, he said, while Trump was wearing a suit and cuff-links, which he gave to his British flight companion.

Indeed, Gilberthorpe claimed, Leeds was “trying too hard” in her attempt to win Trump over.

“She wanted to marry him,” Gilberthorpe said of Leeds, who apparently made the confession when Trump excused himself and went to the bathroom.

There was no kissing, but the “shrill” Leeds was “very much in your face” with the real estate developer.

2.) Natasha Stoynoff


Anthony P. “Tony” Senecal

Donald Trump’s former butler stepped forward to debunk another accuser’s story.

Anthony Senecal said the so-called incident with the People magazine hack “never happened.”
The Palm Beach Post reported:

Donald Trump’s former Mar-a-Lago Butler backed up the Republican nominee for president in denying the billionaire groped a reporter from People magazine.

“No, that never happened. Come on, that’s just bull crap,” said Anthony “Tony” Senecal.

People magazine writer Natasha Stoynoff wrote an essay this week about how she was groped by Trump at Mar-a-Lago during an interview in the early 2000s. She is one of four women to make accusations against Trump of unwanted sexual advances.

The issue has become central to the presidential race since a 2005 hot-mic video surfaced of Trump bragging about using his celebrity to grope women. He has downplayed the incident as “locker-room talk.”

Trump, at his rally in West Palm Beach on Thursday, said he was always in a public place with Stoynoff and denied he ever acted inappropriately.

So Donald Trump has one witness who said the alleged groping never happened. The People magazine writer has NO witnesses.

And then there’s this…
Melania Trump, wife of Donald Trump, sent a cease and desist letter to People Magazine on Thursday for its fraudulent article on Mrs. Donald Trump.

! @people #NatashaStoynoff pic.twitter.com/zXNm6boveP

Wow, someone Trump pays a lot of money to defending Trump. Never thought I would see that.
Go say that to the witness's face you little cocksucker!
"To defending Trump". Isn't a little early to be loaded already?
The lying Clinton paid bitch and the Clinton Mafia are too fucking stupid to not know the armrests did NOT move up on that plane.

Don't be such a stupid cultist. There are many varieties of seats on planes, and many first class seats did have adjustable armrests.

Listen to how crazy you sound. You're actually claiming to have detailed knowledge of the seat design of a single specific old aircraft. That's loopy. You're off the rails. Just stop trying to defend the indefensible already.
The lying Clinton paid bitch and the Clinton Mafia are too fucking stupid to not know the armrests did NOT move up on that plane.

Don't be such a stupid cultist. There are many varieties of seats on planes, and many first class seats did have adjustable armrests.

Listen to how crazy you sound. You're actually claiming to have detailed knowledge of the seat design of a single specific old aircraft. That's loopy. You're off the rails. Just stop trying to defend the indefensible already.
A witness has already come forward and said he was there then and her story is bullshit. Sorry for your loss.
Oh look, the cultists are still trying to defend their pedophile predator messiah.

The child-rape lawsuit against Trump is moving forward. Dec. 16 is the next hearing. 3 witnesses to that crime. Trump-losers, make you you've got your defense for that in order.

Let's see just how low you can go. Will you have tossed Trump under the bus by the time, or will you still be defending him?

And the drooling moron counter-claims an article she obviously did not read.

Don't be such a stupid cultist. There are many varieties of seats on planes, and many first class seats did have adjustable armrests.

Listen to how crazy you sound. You're actually claiming to have detailed knowledge of the seat design of a single specific old aircraft. That's loopy. You're off the rails. Just stop trying to defend the indefensible already.

No, moron, planes have specific types of seats so that they can be replaced with other exactly similar seats.

You are showing yourself to be the ignorant fool most of us have always known you to be.


A source completely devoid of credibility, a failed and pathetic attempt to spin the facts.
and you are just how the msm and Government want ppl DUMBED DOWN as RACHEL Maddow get's her sheep to stay in their coral just like HITLER got his chit lickers Obeying and thinking he was the only true source.
Half the dumb asses in this Country don't even know what they don't know as they pathetic statements based on a " SOURCE ONLY" shows the mentality of SHEEP America.
Might want to wake up and learn where honest information sooner or later the warnings will crash down on most of the idiots in this COuntry and by then it's too late. Weak, weak , weak minded excuse' Oh infowars" gawd u ppl sound pathetic.

Half the fks in this Country can only use that as thier excuse " oh inforwars" sounds like a bunch of whiney little bitches who can't think of anything else as to why something doesn't hold credibility...

Wake up CYKA we can be sure SNOPES is your truth bible.


A source completely devoid of credibility, a failed and pathetic attempt to spin the facts.
and you are just how the msm and Government want ppl DUMBED DOWN as RACHEL Maddow get's her sheep to stay in their coral just like HITLER got his chit lickers Obeying and thinking he was the only true source.
Half the dumb asses in this Country don't even know what they don't know as they pathetic statements based on a " SOURCE ONLY" shows the mentality of SHEEP America.
Might want to wake up and learn where honest information sooner or later the warnings will crash down on most of the idiots in this COuntry and by then it's too late. Weak, weak , weak minded excuse' Oh infowars" gawd u ppl sound pathetic.

Half the fks in this Country can only use that as thier excuse " oh inforwars" sounds like a bunch of whiney little bitches who can't think of anything else as to why something doesn't hold credibility...

Wake up CYKA we can be sure SNOPES is your truth bible.
Infowars is crap, normally, but even they can get facts straight and present them accurately when they are not bilging on every kookburger conspiracy theory that any FBI disinformation agent puts out there.

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