But Barack Obama isn't a communist or anything because liberals say so


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
Despite the fact that Obama's daddy was a communist, and despite the fact that Obama's mommy and grandparents were communists, and despite the fact that Obama is on record as stating that card carrying member of the Communist Party U.S.A. Frank Marshall Davis his "mentor", and despite the fact that Obama is on record as stating that he "sought out the Marxist professors" at Columbia, and despite the fact that he said "...and I think the way you do that is to spread the wealth" while campaigning, and despite the fact that he hired self-professed, proud communist Van Jones to work inside the White House, liberals on USMB throw tantrums that their precious 'lil Obama is "not" a communist.

Well, now we can add this gem to the long list of Obama's communist history: press secretary Jay Carney has communist posters hanging in his house. How many people do you know that have communist posters hanging in their house? Yet despite being surrounded by communists as far as the eye can see, there will be more vitriol and personal attacks from the left as they try to explain this as "coincidence"

Jay Carney Displays Soviet Propaganda in Home

Obama's press secretary decorates home with Soviet propaganda

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