But...Europe has gun control? Grenade attacks in Sweden? Pass laws to ban grenades, Sweden.....

I have explained it...... Fatherless homes...the welfare state destroying the family, our welfare state destroyed our family structure starting in the 1960s...their family destruction is just now happening.........and now in Europe, immigrants from 3rd world countries that do not believe in Western values.

Again, you are just dumb if you think there weren't fatherless homes GB especially after WW2., and there are just as many broken homes there now as here. Their demographics in that area have reflected ours closely for a long time. That excuse is bullshit. You whine because we are at least trying to help some of our citizens with affordable healthcare. They have had government paid healthcare for a long time. With all the other benefits they give their people, a direct comparison with us is not fair, because they take better care of their citizens than we do. Their tax rate is 40% to 45% for everyone whose income is $41,463,70 and above. Your bullshit excuse just doesn't hold water..

Culture, not access to guns...you moron....

Republic of Ireland is deadliest place to live in Irish and British Isles - new figures - Independent.ie

The Republic of Ireland is the deadliest place to live in the Irish and British isles - startling new figures have confirmed.

An Independent.ie analysis of homicide rates over the last decade reveals that you are almost six times more likely to be shot and killed in the 26 counties as you are in England/Wales.

And, contrary to popular belief, the gun homicide rate in the Irish Republic was more than double that of Northern Ireland for the ten years from 2005 to 2015.

Gang members know that if they are confronted by gardai they will almost certainly have the upper hand when it comes to firearms.

"Irish police have extendable batons and pepper spray - Irish criminals have Glochs and AK47's - there can only be one winner.

"Modern Irish criminals regard An Garda Siochana and their tools as play things - in the meantime, people get eviscerated in the cross fire generated by these gun toting savages."

And that's why I asked you to point out the differences in our cultures. It's obvious that we have much better access to guns.

I don't think you know much about crime rates in Ireland
Ireland vs United States: Crime Facts and Stats
View attachment 287461

Ireland v Britain........ same ability to get guns...Ireland more violent...access to guns doesn't drive gun crime or murder....culture does...

Please explain how your theory works if as more Americans now own and actually carry guns...over 18.6 million of us......why is it that the gun murder rate went down 49% and the gun crime rate went down 75%? Please explain that if access to guns is the driver....

Quit trying to change the subject. You said we kill more than they do because of our culture. What is different about our culture other than the fact that every crazy out there is armed to the teeth, and we kill so many more than others?

And more.....

The family versus the "Hood." Two researchers from the National Institute of Mental Health, John E. Richters and Pedro Martinez, have studied families in high-risk inner-city neighborhoods. Their study indicates that only 6 percent of children from stable, safe homes become delinquent. Meanwhile, 18 percent of children from homes rated as either unstable or unsafe (broken marriage or lack of supervision) became delinquent, but 90 percent of children from homes rated as both unstable and unsafe became delinquent. Only 10 percent did not.
Again, you are just dumb if you think there weren't fatherless homes GB especially after WW2., and there are just as many broken homes there now as here. Their demographics in that area have reflected ours closely for a long time. That excuse is bullshit. You whine because we are at least trying to help some of our citizens with affordable healthcare. They have had government paid healthcare for a long time. With all the other benefits they give their people, a direct comparison with us is not fair, because they take better care of their citizens than we do. Their tax rate is 40% to 45% for everyone whose income is $41,463,70 and above. Your bullshit excuse just doesn't hold water..

Culture, not access to guns...you moron....

Republic of Ireland is deadliest place to live in Irish and British Isles - new figures - Independent.ie

The Republic of Ireland is the deadliest place to live in the Irish and British isles - startling new figures have confirmed.

An Independent.ie analysis of homicide rates over the last decade reveals that you are almost six times more likely to be shot and killed in the 26 counties as you are in England/Wales.

And, contrary to popular belief, the gun homicide rate in the Irish Republic was more than double that of Northern Ireland for the ten years from 2005 to 2015.

Gang members know that if they are confronted by gardai they will almost certainly have the upper hand when it comes to firearms.

"Irish police have extendable batons and pepper spray - Irish criminals have Glochs and AK47's - there can only be one winner.

"Modern Irish criminals regard An Garda Siochana and their tools as play things - in the meantime, people get eviscerated in the cross fire generated by these gun toting savages."

And that's why I asked you to point out the differences in our cultures. It's obvious that we have much better access to guns.

I don't think you know much about crime rates in Ireland
Ireland vs United States: Crime Facts and Stats
View attachment 287461

Ireland v Britain........ same ability to get guns...Ireland more violent...access to guns doesn't drive gun crime or murder....culture does...

Please explain how your theory works if as more Americans now own and actually carry guns...over 18.6 million of us......why is it that the gun murder rate went down 49% and the gun crime rate went down 75%? Please explain that if access to guns is the driver....

Quit trying to change the subject. You said we kill more than they do because of our culture. What is different about our culture other than the fact that every crazy out there is armed to the teeth, and we kill so many more than others?

Moron...as more Americans own and carry guns our gun murder rate went down....again, not guns culture, and our family structure was wrecked by the Great Society....Britain is about to experience the same. There is increasing violence and murder in Britain....they have reached the point where their social norms can't compete with their fatherless homes...
Don't be silly. Every country has ups and downs in their crime rate. GB's culture has reflected ours for a long time. The main difference is we have lots more crazies with guns. They have just as many crazies per-capita, but theirs aren't armed to the teeth.
Again, you are just dumb if you think there weren't fatherless homes GB especially after WW2., and there are just as many broken homes there now as here. Their demographics in that area have reflected ours closely for a long time. That excuse is bullshit. You whine because we are at least trying to help some of our citizens with affordable healthcare. They have had government paid healthcare for a long time. With all the other benefits they give their people, a direct comparison with us is not fair, because they take better care of their citizens than we do. Their tax rate is 40% to 45% for everyone whose income is $41,463,70 and above. Your bullshit excuse just doesn't hold water..

Culture, not access to guns...you moron....

Republic of Ireland is deadliest place to live in Irish and British Isles - new figures - Independent.ie

The Republic of Ireland is the deadliest place to live in the Irish and British isles - startling new figures have confirmed.

An Independent.ie analysis of homicide rates over the last decade reveals that you are almost six times more likely to be shot and killed in the 26 counties as you are in England/Wales.

And, contrary to popular belief, the gun homicide rate in the Irish Republic was more than double that of Northern Ireland for the ten years from 2005 to 2015.

Gang members know that if they are confronted by gardai they will almost certainly have the upper hand when it comes to firearms.

"Irish police have extendable batons and pepper spray - Irish criminals have Glochs and AK47's - there can only be one winner.

"Modern Irish criminals regard An Garda Siochana and their tools as play things - in the meantime, people get eviscerated in the cross fire generated by these gun toting savages."

And that's why I asked you to point out the differences in our cultures. It's obvious that we have much better access to guns.

I don't think you know much about crime rates in Ireland
Ireland vs United States: Crime Facts and Stats
View attachment 287461

Ireland v Britain........ same ability to get guns...Ireland more violent...access to guns doesn't drive gun crime or murder....culture does...

Please explain how your theory works if as more Americans now own and actually carry guns...over 18.6 million of us......why is it that the gun murder rate went down 49% and the gun crime rate went down 75%? Please explain that if access to guns is the driver....

Quit trying to change the subject. You said we kill more than they do because of our culture. What is different about our culture other than the fact that every crazy out there is armed to the teeth, and we kill so many more than others?

You refuse to recognize the destruction caused by broken homes, by single teenage girls raising young males without husbands.......

The Real Root Causes of Violent Crime: The Breakdown of Marriage, Family, and Community

A review of the empirical evidence in the professional literature of the social sciences gives policymakers an insight into the root causes of crime. Consider, for instance:

  • Over the past thirty years, the rise in violent crime parallels the rise in families abandoned by fathers.
  • High-crime neighborhoods are characterized by high concentrations of families abandoned by fathers.
  • State-by-state analysis by Heritage scholars indicates that a 10 percent increase in the percentage of children living in single-parent homes leads typically to a 17 percent increase in juvenile crime.
  • The rate of violent teenage crime corresponds with the number of families abandoned by fathers.
  • The type of aggression and hostility demonstrated by a future criminal often is foreshadowed in unusual aggressiveness as early as age five or six.
  • The future criminal tends to be an individual rejected by other children as early as the first grade who goes on to form his own group of friends, often the future delinquent gang.
On the other hand:

  • Neighborhoods with a high degree of religious practice are not high-crime neighborhoods.
  • Even in high-crime inner-city neighborhoods, well over 90 percent of children from safe, stable homes do not become delinquents. By contrast only 10 percent of children from unsafe, unstable homes in these neighborhoods avoid crime.
  • Criminals capable of sustaining marriage gradually move away from a life of crime after they get married.
  • The mother's strong affectionate attachment to her child is the child's best buffer against a life of crime.
  • The father's authority and involvement in raising his children are also a great buffer against a life of crime.
The scholarly evidence, in short, suggests that at the heart of the explosion of crime in America is the loss of the capacity of fathers and mothers to be responsible in caring for the children they bring into the world.

This loss of love and guidance at the intimate levels of marriage and family has broad social consequences for children and for the wider community.

The empirical evidence shows that too many young men and women from broken families tend to have a much weaker sense of connection with their neighborhood and are prone to exploit its members to satisfy their unmet needs or desires.

This contributes to a loss of a sense of community and to the disintegration of neighborhoods into social chaos and violent crime. If policymakers are to deal with the root causes of crime, therefore, they must deal with the rapid rise of illegitimacy.

For about the millionth time dumb ass, England has just as many broken homes, and single teenage girls raising young males without husbands per capita as we do.
Again, you are just dumb if you think there weren't fatherless homes GB especially after WW2., and there are just as many broken homes there now as here. Their demographics in that area have reflected ours closely for a long time. That excuse is bullshit. You whine because we are at least trying to help some of our citizens with affordable healthcare. They have had government paid healthcare for a long time. With all the other benefits they give their people, a direct comparison with us is not fair, because they take better care of their citizens than we do. Their tax rate is 40% to 45% for everyone whose income is $41,463,70 and above. Your bullshit excuse just doesn't hold water..

Culture, not access to guns...you moron....

Republic of Ireland is deadliest place to live in Irish and British Isles - new figures - Independent.ie

The Republic of Ireland is the deadliest place to live in the Irish and British isles - startling new figures have confirmed.

An Independent.ie analysis of homicide rates over the last decade reveals that you are almost six times more likely to be shot and killed in the 26 counties as you are in England/Wales.

And, contrary to popular belief, the gun homicide rate in the Irish Republic was more than double that of Northern Ireland for the ten years from 2005 to 2015.

Gang members know that if they are confronted by gardai they will almost certainly have the upper hand when it comes to firearms.

"Irish police have extendable batons and pepper spray - Irish criminals have Glochs and AK47's - there can only be one winner.

"Modern Irish criminals regard An Garda Siochana and their tools as play things - in the meantime, people get eviscerated in the cross fire generated by these gun toting savages."

And that's why I asked you to point out the differences in our cultures. It's obvious that we have much better access to guns.

I don't think you know much about crime rates in Ireland
Ireland vs United States: Crime Facts and Stats
View attachment 287461

Ireland v Britain........ same ability to get guns...Ireland more violent...access to guns doesn't drive gun crime or murder....culture does...

Please explain how your theory works if as more Americans now own and actually carry guns...over 18.6 million of us......why is it that the gun murder rate went down 49% and the gun crime rate went down 75%? Please explain that if access to guns is the driver....

Quit trying to change the subject. You said we kill more than they do because of our culture. What is different about our culture other than the fact that every crazy out there is armed to the teeth, and we kill so many more than others?

And more.....

The family versus the "Hood." Two researchers from the National Institute of Mental Health, John E. Richters and Pedro Martinez, have studied families in high-risk inner-city neighborhoods. Their study indicates that only 6 percent of children from stable, safe homes become delinquent. Meanwhile, 18 percent of children from homes rated as either unstable or unsafe (broken marriage or lack of supervision) became delinquent, but 90 percent of children from homes rated as both unstable and unsafe became delinquent. Only 10 percent did not.

You are still the cut-n-paste king, but that doesn't mean the bullshit you post is right.
It is becoming clearer and clearer that our ridiculous gun control laws are preventing us from the safety that our American friends enjoy.

It is becoming clearer and clearer that our ridiculous gun control laws are preventing us from the safety that our American friends enjoy.

View attachment 287475

Explain how our gun murder rate went down 49% and our gun crime rate went down 75% as more Americans own and carry guns.

Our gun crime rate is only high because of the policies of the democrat party. Fix that, and our already low gun murder rate goes even lower.
All these posts, and not one mention of the REAL reason for hand grenades, the full auto weapons, the street gangs and big increase in violence and rapes in Sweden and other places in Europe...


Pretty pathetic to just IGNORE the elephant in the room.
I live in Europe.

I don't have a gun. But if I wanted one, I could get one by this afternoon.

The black market is huge.
It is becoming clearer and clearer that our ridiculous gun control laws are preventing us from the safety that our American friends enjoy.

View attachment 287475

Explain how our gun murder rate went down 49% and our gun crime rate went down 75% as more Americans own and carry guns.

Our gun crime rate is only high because of the policies of the democrat party. Fix that, and our already low gun murder rate goes even lower.
That is based on discredited research. (Mary Rosh)
I didn't, the Swedes did, you moron......and it isn't race, you dumb ass, it is different cultures...you moron.

YOu have a point. We have a culture of inbred, bible thumping morons who think they needs them some guns.

We need to change our culture. we can start by banning guns.
I didn't, the Swedes did, you moron......and it isn't race, you dumb ass, it is different cultures...you moron.

YOu have a point. We have a culture of inbred, bible thumping morons who think they needs them some guns.

We need to change our culture. we can start by banning guns.

Moron....it isn't the bible thumpers murdering each other in democrat controlled voting districts....
It is becoming clearer and clearer that our ridiculous gun control laws are preventing us from the safety that our American friends enjoy.

View attachment 287475

Explain how our gun murder rate went down 49% and our gun crime rate went down 75% as more Americans own and carry guns.

Our gun crime rate is only high because of the policies of the democrat party. Fix that, and our already low gun murder rate goes even lower.
That is based on discredited research. (Mary Rosh)

Moron....that is from the Pew Research Center......you lazy asshat.
It is becoming clearer and clearer that our ridiculous gun control laws are preventing us from the safety that our American friends enjoy.

View attachment 287475

Explain how our gun murder rate went down 49% and our gun crime rate went down 75% as more Americans own and carry guns.

Our gun crime rate is only high because of the policies of the democrat party. Fix that, and our already low gun murder rate goes even lower.
That is based on discredited research. (Mary Rosh)

Moron....that is from the Pew Research Center......you lazy asshat.
Mary Rosh.
It is becoming clearer and clearer that our ridiculous gun control laws are preventing us from the safety that our American friends enjoy.

View attachment 287475

Explain how our gun murder rate went down 49% and our gun crime rate went down 75% as more Americans own and carry guns.

Our gun crime rate is only high because of the policies of the democrat party. Fix that, and our already low gun murder rate goes even lower.
That is based on discredited research. (Mary Rosh)

Moron....that is from the Pew Research Center......you lazy asshat.
Mary Rosh.

I know you are in a different time zone but mixing booze and meds in any time zone is a bad idea...

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