“But He Pleaded Guilty!!”

This was an illegal coup orchestrated by Obama and Biden to take down a president of the United States....don't let anyone tell you otherwise.....and its still ongoing.....

A pity that the one the Democrats called god, Jesus, and the messiah, will never get the fate he deserves.
1.Of course, Flynn was forced and coerced into a guilty plea to what was called a lesser charge, with threats of adding more serious charges if he didn’t comply, after his own legal advisers entered into a secret deal with federal Deep State prosecutors….and after they had bankrupted him and he had no more wherewithal to continue to fight. Eric Holder’s law firm and James Comey’s FBI worked together to get a bogus guilty plea.

And they added that they could put his son in prison….and that did it.

First promising that the guilty plea wouldn’t involve jail time…..but later said it did.

First, the threat to prosecute Flynns son was based on Flynn using his son in his illegal FARA corporation. He allocuted to his FARA violations in which his son was a partner.

Second, a US attorney can't promise no jail time, they can only promise their recommendation would be for no jail time, contingent on the level the accused cooperates. And Flynn didn't fully cooperate.
This was an illegal coup orchestrated by Obama and Biden to take down a president of the United States....don't let anyone tell you otherwise.....and its still ongoing.....

A pity that the one the Democrats called god, Jesus, and the messiah, will never get the fate he deserves.
I'm not so sure....look at Bill Clinton...he has become a national joke and Hillary a national disgrace with waning influence...that is huge punishment to a pair like those two....and what Obama wants most he may be losing...and that's relevance...that's gotta sting a phony jackass like him....
That being said we can never take our foot off of his neck...we must continue to speak out and demand prosecutions where we see fit....we can't allow the swamp to rake this over without a fight...
1.Of course, Flynn was forced and coerced into a guilty plea to what was called a lesser charge, with threats of adding more serious charges if he didn’t comply, after his own legal advisers entered into a secret deal with federal Deep State prosecutors….and after they had bankrupted him and he had no more wherewithal to continue to fight. Eric Holder’s law firm and James Comey’s FBI worked together to get a bogus guilty plea.

And they added that they could put his son in prison….and that did it.

First promising that the guilty plea wouldn’t involve jail time…..but later said it did.

First, the threat to prosecute Flynns son was based on Flynn using his son in his illegal FARA corporation. He allocuted to his FARA violations in which his son was a partner.

Second, a US attorney can't promise no jail time, they can only promise their recommendation would be for no jail time, contingent on the level the accused cooperates. And Flynn didn't fully cooperate.

Of course not.

Flynn was attacked because he is pro-America, and that ran counter to the Islamist who was President.

"…Obama saw Flynn as a signal threat to his legacy, … his July 2015 nuclear agreement with Iran—….Flynn had said long before he signed on with the Trump campaign that it was a catastrophe to realign American interests with those of a terror state…. Flynn was in a position to help undo the deal. To stop Flynn, the outgoing White House ran the same offense it used to sell the Iran deal—they smeared Flynn…"
How Russiagate Began With Obama’s Iran Deal Domestic Spying Campaign

Not only do you know less than nothing, but you are immune to learning anything.
This was an illegal coup orchestrated by Obama and Biden to take down a president of the United States....don't let anyone tell you otherwise.....and its still ongoing.....

A pity that the one the Democrats called god, Jesus, and the messiah, will never get the fate he deserves.
I'm not so sure....look at Bill Clinton...he has become a national joke and Hillary a national disgrace with waning influence...that is huge punishment to a pair like those two....and what Obama wants most he may be losing...and that's relevance...that's gotta sting a phony jackass like him....
That being said we can never take our foot off of his neck...we must continue to speak out and demand prosecutions where we see fit....we can't allow the swamp to rake this over without a fight...

A good point, you optimist, you!

It took 20 years of more for the Democrats, the Left, to finally admit what we said about Clinton being a rapist.

But, they didn't call Clinton god, Jesus, and the messiah.....it may take longer for them dunces to admit the truth about Hussein.
But.....eventually, his true religious convictions will be accepted.
I can wait but I must say I didn't see anything that would address the question of why Flynn would lie to the FBI about anything.
Yes, why lie about doing your job ie discouraging Russia from attacking us?? unless the scummy FBI tricks you. This is the same scummy FBI, filled with vicious partisans, who lost critical 302 documents on case, and forged documents to present to FISA courts
You're being played. The FBI didn't lose anything, here is the (redacted) 302 document.


FD-302 form, the official document used to record what happens in FBI interviews.

The FBI altered the document.

“The new irregularities concern what happened after Flynn was interviewed by FBI agents Peter Strzok and Joe Pientka on January 24, 2017 – the interview in which Flynn was alleged to have lied about a December phone call with the Russian ambassador. FBI procedure is that one agent asks questions while another takes notes. Here, lead agent Strzok was the questioner and Pientka was responsible for memorializing the interview. After completing an interview, those notes are required to be organized and written up on an FD-302 form, which then becomes an official document used as evidence in an investigation.

FBI policy requires 302 forms to be submitted within five working days of an interview. The FBI took three weeks to deliberate on and compose Flynn’s 302 form, and it was mislabeled a “DRAFT DOCUMENT,” requiring a resubmission of the form three months later. A prosecutor working in the office of Special Counsel Robert Mueller, which eventually charged Flynn, was required to submit a separate document to a federal judge to explain that irregularity.

The new Flynn documents shed light on what happened during the unusual three weeks composing the 302. They include texts between Strzok and FBI lawyer Lisa Page, who were communicating extensively during an extramarital affair in interchanges revealing anti-Trump bias and resulting in their later dismissal from Mueller’s investigation.

In one text, dated February 10, Strzok tells Page he is heavily editing Pientka’s 302 form to the point he’s “trying not to completely re-write” it. Other messages reveal that Page, who did not attend the interview, reviewed the 302 form and made editing suggestions. On February 14, Page texts Strzok, "Is Andy good with the 302?" – presumably referring to FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe. The next day, February 15, the Flynn 302 was officially submitted and filed with the FBI.

FBI supervisors like Strzok, however, are not supposed to rewrite other agents’ 302 forms. Nor are 302 forms supposed to be edited by FBI personnel who were not present at the interview, and both of these things happened in the Flynn case. New Red Flags Emerging From FBI's Handling of Michael Flynn's Case | RealClearInvestigations
As your source notes, their are "suspicious” things that may require explanation but it seems only you are judging the document to be forged.
I can wait but I must say I didn't see anything that would address the question of why Flynn would lie to the FBI about anything
He didn't.
He did and admitted it twice. Your post, as usual contains information unconnected with the FACT that Flynn lied. However the investigation began and whoever knew about it is immaterial. Clinton was investigated for a real estate deal and was then impeached for lying under oath. Clinton was innocent of the original charge. So what.

Chuck Rosenberg is a former U.S. attorney, senior FBI official and acting head of the Drug Enforcement Administration:
Michael Flynn made false statements to FBI agents interviewing him about his December 2016 telephone conversation with a Russian diplomat. Flynn had previously traveled to Russia; received payments from Russia-related companies, including more than $40,000 from a Russian state-backed entity; dined with the Russian president; intervened in sanctions levied by the outgoing Obama administration punishing Russia for its 2016 election interference; and then lied to the incoming vice president — among other senior White House officials — about his intervention.​
When he repeated similar lies to the FBI during a January 2017 interview, he was charged with a federal crime and subsequently pleaded guilty in federal court.​
Were his lies material, as required by the statute to which he pleaded guilty? Absolutely. For those of us who spent a professional lifetime as prosecutors and in the Justice Department, this is not a close call.​
Had Flynn been asked his favorite ice cream flavor by FBI agents and told them it was vanilla when he preferred chocolate, that would be immaterial. But lying to the FBI about his conversation with a Russian diplomat, given his financial and other ties to Russia, in the wake of massive Russian interference in our 2016 election, and during an FBI counterintelligence investigation concerning Russia? That is material — plain and simple.​

Wow he's a really bad guy! Too bad law enforcement fucked it up by
breaking a dozen laws to get him.
But I understand your butt-hurt...
Lost a lot of cases that way huh?

You seem to take great joy in a criminal getting away with his crime. Some of us still respect the rule of law.

Of course I don't.

View attachment 335528
Alas for you, Trump and his DOJ don't share your outrage. Or maybe you are just being played for fools?
You obviously have no concept of fruit of the poisonous tree...

The roots of this tree are grounded in the Hillary Clinton Campaigns Russian dossier that was a flat out lie. It was used to obtain FISA warrants illegally through deceptions provided to the court. Use of federal agencies to spy on your political opponent by means of fraud. Nothing obtained through the FISA process or was found during it is now valid evidence. It all gets the boot! And Obama and his cronies should rot in jail for the rest of their lives.
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I can wait but I must say I didn't see anything that would address the question of why Flynn would lie to the FBI about anything.
Yes, why lie about doing your job ie discouraging Russia from attacking us?? unless the scummy FBI tricks you. This is the same scummy FBI, filled with vicious partisans, who lost critical 302 documents on case, and forged documents to present to FISA courts
You're being played. The FBI didn't lose anything, here is the (redacted) 302 document.


FD-302 form, the official document used to record what happens in FBI interviews.

The FBI altered the document.

“The new irregularities concern what happened after Flynn was interviewed by FBI agents Peter Strzok and Joe Pientka on January 24, 2017 – the interview in which Flynn was alleged to have lied about a December phone call with the Russian ambassador. FBI procedure is that one agent asks questions while another takes notes. Here, lead agent Strzok was the questioner and Pientka was responsible for memorializing the interview. After completing an interview, those notes are required to be organized and written up on an FD-302 form, which then becomes an official document used as evidence in an investigation.

FBI policy requires 302 forms to be submitted within five working days of an interview. The FBI took three weeks to deliberate on and compose Flynn’s 302 form, and it was mislabeled a “DRAFT DOCUMENT,” requiring a resubmission of the form three months later. A prosecutor working in the office of Special Counsel Robert Mueller, which eventually charged Flynn, was required to submit a separate document to a federal judge to explain that irregularity.

The new Flynn documents shed light on what happened during the unusual three weeks composing the 302. They include texts between Strzok and FBI lawyer Lisa Page, who were communicating extensively during an extramarital affair in interchanges revealing anti-Trump bias and resulting in their later dismissal from Mueller’s investigation.

In one text, dated February 10, Strzok tells Page he is heavily editing Pientka’s 302 form to the point he’s “trying not to completely re-write” it. Other messages reveal that Page, who did not attend the interview, reviewed the 302 form and made editing suggestions. On February 14, Page texts Strzok, "Is Andy good with the 302?" – presumably referring to FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe. The next day, February 15, the Flynn 302 was officially submitted and filed with the FBI.

FBI supervisors like Strzok, however, are not supposed to rewrite other agents’ 302 forms. Nor are 302 forms supposed to be edited by FBI personnel who were not present at the interview, and both of these things happened in the Flynn case. New Red Flags Emerging From FBI's Handling of Michael Flynn's Case | RealClearInvestigations
As your source notes, their are "suspicious” things that may require explanation but it seems only you are judging the document to be forged.

"As your source notes, their are "suspicious” things that may require explanation but it seems only you are judging the document to be forged. "

That's because I am better educated and smarter than you are.
I don't write 'their' when you mean 'there,' .....you dunce.
Flynn was attacked because he is pro-America, and that ran counter to the Islamist who was President.

"…Obama saw Flynn as a signal threat to his legacy, … his July 2015 nuclear agreement with Iran—….Flynn had said long before he signed on with the Trump campaign that it was a catastrophe to realign American interests with those of a terror state…. Flynn was in a position to help undo the deal. To stop Flynn, the outgoing White House ran the same offense it used to sell the Iran deal—they smeared Flynn…"

You know that Iran hasn't made a nuke. The deal stopped that from happening.

Didn't you learn a lesson from when Bush 43 threw away the Carter framework with North Korea. Which resulted in Kim Jong Un becoming a nuclear power.
Flynn was attacked because he is pro-America, and that ran counter to the Islamist who was President.

"…Obama saw Flynn as a signal threat to his legacy, … his July 2015 nuclear agreement with Iran—….Flynn had said long before he signed on with the Trump campaign that it was a catastrophe to realign American interests with those of a terror state…. Flynn was in a position to help undo the deal. To stop Flynn, the outgoing White House ran the same offense it used to sell the Iran deal—they smeared Flynn…"

You know that Iran hasn't made a nuke. The deal stopped that from happening.

Didn't you learn a lesson from when Bush 43 threw away the Carter framework with North Korea. Which resulted in Kim Jong Un becoming a nuclear power.
You are aware that restriction ended this year under the Iran deal anyway didn't you?
Flynn was attacked because he is pro-America, and that ran counter to the Islamist who was President.

"…Obama saw Flynn as a signal threat to his legacy, … his July 2015 nuclear agreement with Iran—….Flynn had said long before he signed on with the Trump campaign that it was a catastrophe to realign American interests with those of a terror state…. Flynn was in a position to help undo the deal. To stop Flynn, the outgoing White House ran the same offense it used to sell the Iran deal—they smeared Flynn…"

You know that Iran hasn't made a nuke. The deal stopped that from happening.

Didn't you learn a lesson from when Bush 43 threw away the Carter framework with North Korea. Which resulted in Kim Jong Un becoming a nuclear power.

"You know that Iran hasn't made a nuke. "

As I said, and you've proven, you know nothing.

There were no inspections, just as Obama planned, so you have no way to know what they have, you simpleton.

"In conclusion, according to the agreement, Iran can continue its uranium enrichment program and continue developing its weapon program at its many military sites, and every time the IAEA suspects anything, the Iranians can have 24 days at a minimum and 45 days maximum to delay the access, sanitize the sites, or transfer the unauthorized nuclear work to another unauthorized military site."

"How Iran Will Wriggle Free of Inspections

First: the JCPOA specifies that if the IAEA has concerns regarding undeclared activities, it should first raise the matter with Iran. If the regime’s response proves unsatisfying, the IAEA could then request access to a facility, triggering the 24-day timeline. But the JCPOA leaves unspecified the time Tehran would have to answer the initial IAEA expression of concern — although such a step would, of course, tip off those attempting to conceal illicit activities."

How Iran Will Wriggle Free of Inspections

"Iran Inspections in 24 Days? Not Even Close
Iran can easily stretch out the inspection of suspect nuclear sites for three months or more."

Iran Inspections in 24 Days? Not Even Close
You know that Iran hasn't made a nuke. The deal stopped that from happening.

Didn't you learn a lesson from when Bush 43 threw away the Carter framework with North Korea. Which resulted in Kim Jong Un becoming a nuclear power.
You are aware that restriction ended this year under the Iran deal anyway didn't you?
And Iran still hasn't made a nuke.
Flynn was attacked because he is pro-America, and that ran counter to the Islamist who was President.

"…Obama saw Flynn as a signal threat to his legacy, … his July 2015 nuclear agreement with Iran—….Flynn had said long before he signed on with the Trump campaign that it was a catastrophe to realign American interests with those of a terror state…. Flynn was in a position to help undo the deal. To stop Flynn, the outgoing White House ran the same offense it used to sell the Iran deal—they smeared Flynn…"

You know that Iran hasn't made a nuke. The deal stopped that from happening.

Didn't you learn a lesson from when Bush 43 threw away the Carter framework with North Korea. Which resulted in Kim Jong Un becoming a nuclear power.

"You know that Iran hasn't made a nuke. "

As I said, and you've proven, you know nothing.

There were no inspections, just as Obama planned, so you have no way to know what they have, you simpleton.

"In conclusion, according to the agreement, Iran can continue its uranium enrichment program and continue developing its weapon program at its many military sites, and every time the IAEA suspects anything, the Iranians can have 24 days at a minimum and 45 days maximum to delay the access, sanitize the sites, or transfer the unauthorized nuclear work to another unauthorized military site."

"How Iran Will Wriggle Free of Inspections

First: the JCPOA specifies that if the IAEA has concerns regarding undeclared activities, it should first raise the matter with Iran. If the regime’s response proves unsatisfying, the IAEA could then request access to a facility, triggering the 24-day timeline. But the JCPOA leaves unspecified the time Tehran would have to answer the initial IAEA expression of concern — although such a step would, of course, tip off those attempting to conceal illicit activities."

How Iran Will Wriggle Free of Inspections

"Iran Inspections in 24 Days? Not Even Close
Iran can easily stretch out the inspection of suspect nuclear sites for three months or more."

Iran Inspections in 24 Days? Not Even Close
And Iran has still not made a nuke.
You obviously have no concept of fruit of the poisonous tree...
You mean like investigating someone for a failed real estate deal and then asking them, under oath, about their sex lives?

I don't buy your 'illegal' investigation claim. Got a source?

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