But really the po valley and 'celtic - germanic?


VIP Member
Mar 28, 2014
Aside from the usual historical re-enactments of the Po Valley , we begin to say that Orobi , according to Pliny the Elder ( quoting the words of Origines , a work of Cato the Censor been lost ) gives them the foundation of Como , Bergamo, Licini Forum and Parra, while Cornelius Alexander entica back their descent to the Greeks.
according to the Roman historian Pliny the Elder , the networks were divided into several groups , however, due to a unique ethno-cultural entity of Etruscan origin .
The greek historian Strabo ( 58 BC -25 AD) describes the Leponzi (along with Camuni ) as one of the communities in which we divided the networks .
The Insubri , from the latest findings, also supported by archaeological findings and their analysis , they are very well placed as a people of ethnic Ligure.
Regarding Taurini , the most common opinion places them between the Ligurian ethnicity , although the secular contact with Celtic peoples it may have changed the culture , to the extent that they are not clearly distinguishable from the latter . In this sense , for Pliny and Strabo were " ancient Ligurian ," Livio "semi -galli ," even today are often defined conservatively and , generally , the Celtic-Ligurian , in practice, the Ligurians were Tautini ethnic celtizzati but culturally .
According to Polybius , their headquarters was Taurasia , but has not yet been archaeologically can indicate its exact position, even if it is placed close to the confluence of the Po and the Dora Riparia , namely Vanchiglietta in the territory of the present town of Turin .

The only invading Gauls of which is attested to their ethnic allogeneità were the Cenomani of Segoveso , which were native to the region around the current town of Le Mans ( Maine ) , west of Carnutes between the Seine and the Loire, allied with the Aulerci Brannovici and Aulerci Eburovici .
The Senoni Brenno who came from the area now occupied by the districts of Seine- et- Marne , Loiret and Yonne. From 53-51 BC were at war with Caesar , then disappeared from history . They were then included in Gallia Lugdunensis .
The Boi originating from central Europe , perhaps of the same regions that still bear their name to Bohemia and Bavaria.

These last two Celts were totally destroyed as a result of the colonization of Cisalpine empire Italico , the few survivors were all deported en masse outside the Italian borders , while for the Cenomani , they were " pardoned " by the empire Italico also because always allied to them, if not that , even at the Venetian , which , of Italic and ethnically related to the peoples of central and southern indoitalici .


1.In the ELESYCES Spain .
2.All ' Segobrigi the interior of France .
3.In the the south of France : Salluvians and OXYBI .
Launching the
4.From Turbia , the VEDIANZI , whose capital was Cemenello ( today Cimiez ) Nice and Monaco being colonies of Massaliots .
5.Sulle Alps and the French : the DECLATES , the NERUSI , the NEMETURI , the SUETRI .
6.Nord Italy: Piedmont and Lombardy to Lugano : Leponti , Insubri , bloodletting , Agones , Libui , taurine , CAPILLATI , LIBYAN , VENTAMOCORI , LAEVI , Marići .
7.Tra Emilia and Lombardy LANGENSES , CELEIATES .
8.Dalla Turbia the stream Intemeli the Empire , the capital of Ventimiglia.
1.Dall ' Empire Finale , ie the stream Pora , Ingauni , Albenga capital , and to the north of these EPANTERJ (high val val Tanaro and Bormida ) .
9.Dal Pora Lerone the stream , between the Arenzano and Cogoleto Sabazi , capital Sabazi Vadi , today I'm going . To the north of the capital Statielli with Carystum , and in the current Bagienni Piedmont .
1.From the creek Lerone in Portofino , the GENUATI , capital Genoa , and upstream of them in high Polcevera the Veturii whose rule continued until Voltri .
10.Da Portofino head Masco, the TIGULI , with oppidi Tigulia and Segesta . To the north the VELEIATI .
1.From the border of Tiguli to that of Luni, the Apuan capital Pontremoli. To the north , to the Garfagnana and the FRINIATI CASUENTILLANI .
2.Al border with Tuscany , near Elba Island ( the island was called Ilva ) : Ilvates .

The peoples of the Cisalpine Greek -Italic ( Etruscan and Ligurian - Greeks ) , divided into multiple TRBU were celtizzati then only with regard to the cultural - linguistic - religious- traditional ( funeral rites ), but also with regard to the habits and customs that were in vogue in the part of Celtic , but not with regard to the use of ethnic / anthropology.
This happened gradually and almost celtizzazione " peacefully " , thanks to the important trade routes that were among the Cisalpine to oltralpi and the immediate entrance to Europe, I do not deny that the Gallic invasions in Cisalpine there have ever been , I am only saying that imprinting preindoeuropean survived in the majority until the fall of the Western Italic .

It was precisely the barbarian invasions ( Indo-European ) population of ethnic Russian - Scandinavian - Germanic and Iranian , generally . the latter are considered to be descendants of the bearers of the Andronovo culture kurgans , (see the Scythians, the Cimmerians , the Sakas , the Parthians , Alans , Sarmatians ) who invaded and colonized (even ethnically ) is not only the Italian peninsula , but most the European continent to drastically change the appearance of ethnic / anthropological / cultural Cisalpine .
Because of the frequent barbaric invasions (especially the Lombards ) that helped to determine the strong regional differentiation clearly perceptible even today, and the secular fragmentation ( of medieval origin ) of its territory for settlement, Italians could be a unified nation-state (the United of Italy )
only in 1861.
Recent studies , however, tend to show that the original population of the peninsula, despite the many invasions due to the fall of the Western Italic , he always maintained a considerable numerical superiority on the newcomers barbaric , even if the nerve center of the alien hordes resided for a long time in Cisalpine , where reteggi entico / antropolocici / cultural and linguistic you may very well find today.

The structure of the haplogroups in Italy is deeply uneven , varying from region to region. For haplogroup R1b - M269 which is the most widespread in the country, moving from 32% to 62% of Calabria's ' Northern Italy , suggesting a strong variation along the north-south axis of the peninsula and a predominant lineage Celtic / Nordic concentrated in the central and northern regions , with a minority dell'J2 of Mediterranean origin ( greek -Anatolian , Etruscans , Umbrians, Romans ) , with a percentage of 11 .5 % in Italy in settentrionae . On this substrate ( R1b - U152 ) with the barbarian invasions you went to superimpose Y-DNA lineages of Germanic origin ( R1b - U109 ) , Celtic- British ( R1b - L21 ) , Germanic - Slavic ( R1a ) and Nordic (I1, I2b ) . Still not clear the genetic contribution of the Ligurian , Etruscan , Umbrian and Latin , however, should have left a genetic nell'aplogruppo greek - Anatolian origin of J2 , which would confirm the legend according to which ancient Rome was founded by descendants of the Trojans (Aeneid ) . We can only assume that a genetic difference in the immune system of the populations of Latin origin and greek - Anatolian linked to the CCR5 gene has more exposed to major pandemics such as the Plague of Justinian .

The Italian haplotypes linked to Y -DNA , they obviously maggiorni percentages in the central southern part of the peninsula, in central Italy is 19.5 % , in southern Italy is at 23.5 % , while in Sicily you will reach the highest percentage , which stands at 26.5 % .

In Friuli -Venezia Giulia , Veneto , Trentino -Alto Adige and the Centre-North in general, there are usually higher than average , with spikes coming , in the case of Friuli , in 178 cm . In the South and in the islands , however, the average is definitely lower , even significantly , though in a less marked than in the past ( In Campania , for example, is 173 cm, which is still the Sardinia region on average smaller in stature, is calculated to 171 cm) . This is due to ethnic origin and genetic factors , the inhabitants of the Veneto region of Trentino -Alto Adige and Friuli -Venezia Giulia is on average the highest , followed by Valle d' Aosta and Lombardy.

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