Zone1 But the Books of the Bible Were Written After the Events Took Place, Proving Its Not True

I don't know how life originated. I'm not cool with plugging the holes in our knowledge with a God
I take it you haven't read any science books/articles on the beginning of cellular life, either? I guarantee you will not find a mention of God. I am surprised you aren't interested in the beginning of cellular life, yet the first thing you think of is God.
I take it you haven't read any science books/articles on the beginning of cellular life, either? I guarantee you will not find a mention of God. I am surprised you aren't interested in the beginning of cellular life, yet the first thing you think of is God.
You are dishonest. You mangled my previous post to suit your argument.
Cellular life according to the Bible started as Genesis describes it.

Look, we humans want to know how stuff works. Wanna know what's going on. The ancient people before us were no different. Given their lack of knowledge that we take for granted today, it's not surprising that they came up with a God/s to explain things. Now of course we know different. That's all I'm saying.
You are dishonest. You mangled my previous post to suit your argument.
Try again. You scoffed at the idea of "mud made man" and I asked where cellular life began. "Adam" in Hebrew is another name for 'earth', particularly reddish earth. According to Genesis, human life came from the earth.

My only point is that if one reads Genesis and concludes that man was formed in a blink of an eye, given how we now set forth scientific knowledge, there is reason to scoff. However, if one returns to the Hebrew where the word for 'day' is also used for the beginning until its completion, we have the 'day' of the creation of man. The etymology in itself is interesting, but even more interesting is the possible knowledge of ancient mankind.

I make no argument. I set forth possibilities. In this possibility, there is still no reason for you to believe in God My only point is that Genesis (read in the original Hebrew) may not be as far from fact as modern English and Western perspective seem to indicate. I don't see that either accepting or rejecting this possibility as any big deal. In either case, no "dishonesty" involved. And, no, I did not "mangle" your previous post/thought. I addressed it in a straight forward manner.
Look, we humans want to know how stuff works. Wanna know what's going on. The ancient people before us were no different. Given their lack of knowledge that we take for granted today, it's not surprising that they came up with a God/s to explain things. Now of course we know different. That's all I'm saying.
I see ancient humans as ancient observers. Are they "explaining" or did they set down what they observed? The theme running through the Bible is that they 'observed' God in our midst. They did not limit themselves to the physical realm, but were open to also observing the spiritual realm. Today, some have a habit of ignoring the spiritual as there is nothing physical to measure.
Try again. You scoffed at the idea of "mud made man" and I asked where cellular life began. "Adam" in Hebrew is another name for 'earth', particularly reddish earth. According to Genesis, human life came from the earth.

My only point is that if one reads Genesis and concludes that man was formed in a blink of an eye, given how we now set forth scientific knowledge, there is reason to scoff. However, if one returns to the Hebrew where the word for 'day' is also used for the beginning until its completion, we have the 'day' of the creation of man. The etymology in itself is interesting, but even more interesting is the possible knowledge of ancient mankind.

I make no argument. I set forth possibilities. In this possibility, there is still no reason for you to believe in God My only point is that Genesis (read in the original Hebrew) may not be as far from fact as modern English and Western perspective seem to indicate. I don't see that either accepting or rejecting this possibility as any big deal. In either case, no "dishonesty" involved. And, no, I did not "mangle" your previous post/thought. I addressed it in a straight forward manner.
Every ancient culture had a creation myth, and the ancient Jews were no different. They used older known stories and edited them to a fit. Take the fall of man, the eating of the forbidden fruit. It's just recycled from the older Greek mythology story of Pandora's box.
For some reason you are trying to change the Bible into a historical document. It's not
I see ancient humans as ancient observers. Are they "explaining" or did they set down what they observed? The theme running through the Bible is that they 'observed' God in our midst. They did not limit themselves to the physical realm, but were open to also observing the spiritual realm. Today, some have a habit of ignoring the spiritual as there is nothing physical to measure.
Sure sure. What makes more sense than a bunch of ancient goat and sheep herders discovering the secrets of the universe.
Every ancient culture had a creation myth, and the ancient Jews were no different. They used older known stories and edited them to a fit. Take the fall of man, the eating of the forbidden fruit. It's just recycled from the older Greek mythology story of Pandora's box.
For some reason you are trying to change the Bible into a historical document. It's not
You really think that I haven't already read all the creation stories I could get my hands on long ago? You really think I could not follow the ties to other stories? Good grief.
Alexander the Great. Known to exist because of these 5 men documenting his life:


These 5 men lived one hundred to 500 years after the stated death of Alexander the Great.

You can’t accept one without the other.
Don’t forget that most Old Testament books were written hundreds of years after the events. Jews had an oral tradition, but suddenly expected the Jews/Christians around during Jesus to instantly come up with all their testimonies .

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