...but wait! I thought if I liked my plan I could keep my plan?!

This is going to discombobulate the liberals view that somewhere there is a hidden warehouse full of money corporations are hoarding to pay for all their 'free' shit.
“This year, in 36 percent of the nation’s counties, families could pick between only one or two insurers on the exchange and, given today’s news, next year looks like it could be even worse.”

When you get your insurance through your employer, do you get to pick from among insurers?

Here's what's wrong with that argument.

Your employer who had choices picked among competitive policies. In the Obamacare example no one negotiated anything, there is no competition at any level to help you

Your employer is picking up at least half the cost, so they are picking a policy both of you have to live with.

I mean duh, why do such obvious things need to be pointed out to you?

I mean DUH...you don't have any choices when chemotherapy takes your home either.

The Employments get discounts for each employee they take on for their insurance, less employees more cost to the boss.


I'/m not sure what point you're making regarding my post

You said that there are No choices with Obamacare....That is totally False..I pay a lot but get good care at Stanford for cancer. People come from all over the world to get the care .

And will add, that there are No choices when the high cost of medical care takes your house and life savings which is what happened before Obamacare's pre-existing medical problem law change.

It puts the power back into the hands of the sick, not the bloodsucking insurance/ medical costs before Obamacare.




Millions are now worse off than they were before ocare. The facts are there. Millions are dying because of ocare.
America’s Largest Health Insurer Pulls Out Of Most Obamacare Exchanges

Obama's 'legacy' piece of legislation continues to self-destruct, withering and rotting into decay the more time goes by. This is exactly part of the reason why our politicians should NOT have been allowed to exempt themselves from the edict they rammed down the throats of a majority of opposing citizens.

"“This isn’t about spreadsheets and quarterly reports— it’s about the president’s broken promise that families would have more choices under ObamaCare,” Sen. Ben Sasse of Nebraska said in a statement. “This year, in 36 percent of the nation’s counties, families could pick between only one or two insurers on the exchange and, given today’s news, next year looks like it could be even worse.”
You can like a lemon, but if it's unsafe to drive, it won't be allowed on the road.
You like an old shack, but if it's unsafe to live in, the state will condemn it and you won't be allowed to live in it.
Well, at least no one is claiming to be surprised. Both parties had a hand in this mess..
Wait a minute....I seem to remember zero republicans voting for the "Affordable" care act?
See post 15.

Already responded to that post. See #22.
ThevRepublicans negotiatiated the current plan and declined to vote for the compromise.

Remember, there were things the Democrats wanted such as the government option that the GOP demanded not to be included.
America’s Largest Health Insurer Pulls Out Of Most Obamacare Exchanges

Obama's 'legacy' piece of legislation continues to self-destruct, withering and rotting into decay the more time goes by. This is exactly part of the reason why our politicians should NOT have been allowed to exempt themselves from the edict they rammed down the throats of a majority of opposing citizens.

"“This isn’t about spreadsheets and quarterly reports— it’s about the president’s broken promise that families would have more choices under ObamaCare,” Sen. Ben Sasse of Nebraska said in a statement. “This year, in 36 percent of the nation’s counties, families could pick between only one or two insurers on the exchange and, given today’s news, next year looks like it could be even worse.”
Well, at least no one is claiming to be surprised. Both parties had a hand in this mess..
Wait a minute....I seem to remember zero republicans voting for the "Affordable" care act?
See post 15.

Already responded to that post. See #22.
ThevRepublicans negotiatiated the current plan and declined to vote for the compromise.

Remember, there were things the Democrats wanted such as the government option that the GOP demanded not to be included.

So they said fuck no to an even worse plan...gotcha.
Millions are now worse off than they were before ocare. The facts are there. Millions are dying because of ocare.

Wrong! Show me a link of the millions dying because of Obamacare. Your sitting cozy watching/ reading the lies, while I see the facts in the medical rooms.
Show me a legit link please.


It's hilarious (and sort of pathetic) watching Obamabots still trying to defend this catastrophe.
When you get your insurance through your employer, do you get to pick from among insurers?

Here's what's wrong with that argument.

Your employer who had choices picked among competitive policies. In the Obamacare example no one negotiated anything, there is no competition at any level to help you

Your employer is picking up at least half the cost, so they are picking a policy both of you have to live with.

I mean duh, why do such obvious things need to be pointed out to you?

I mean DUH...you don't have any choices when chemotherapy takes your home either.

The Employments get discounts for each employee they take on for their insurance, less employees more cost to the boss.


I'/m not sure what point you're making regarding my post

You said that there are No choices with Obamacare....That is totally False..I pay a lot but get good care at Stanford for cancer. People come from all over the world to get the care .

And will add, that there are No choices when the high cost of medical care takes your house and life savings which is what happened before Obamacare's pre-existing medical problem law change.

It puts the power back into the hands of the sick, not the bloodsucking insurance/ medical costs before Obamacare.




Millions are now worse off than they were before ocare. The facts are there. Millions are dying because of ocare.

Oh for fuck's sake.
United Healthcare is pulling out because they can't make enough money off you. They want things back the old way where they could screw you every whichway and there was nothing you could do about it.
It's hilarious (and sort of pathetic) watching Obamabots still trying to defend this catastrophe.
Here's what's wrong with that argument.

Your employer who had choices picked among competitive policies. In the Obamacare example no one negotiated anything, there is no competition at any level to help you

Your employer is picking up at least half the cost, so they are picking a policy both of you have to live with.

I mean duh, why do such obvious things need to be pointed out to you?

I mean DUH...you don't have any choices when chemotherapy takes your home either.

The Employments get discounts for each employee they take on for their insurance, less employees more cost to the boss.


I'/m not sure what point you're making regarding my post

You said that there are No choices with Obamacare....That is totally False..I pay a lot but get good care at Stanford for cancer. People come from all over the world to get the care .

And will add, that there are No choices when the high cost of medical care takes your house and life savings which is what happened before Obamacare's pre-existing medical problem law change.

It puts the power back into the hands of the sick, not the bloodsucking insurance/ medical costs before Obamacare.




Millions are now worse off than they were before ocare. The facts are there. Millions are dying because of ocare.

Oh for fuck's sake.

Wait, didn't O use that argument that millions were dying because they didn't have health insurance? Now, its worse. Im just using his logic.
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Doesn't matter. There are more than enough providers. You nutbags should be happy that the free market is working. United is free to do as it wishes. Awesome.

If you are forced to buy something how is that a free market?

If you are forced to pay for things you neither want nor need how is that a free market?

If A single male has to buy insurance and pay more than he should have to because his policy by law must include drug rehab, mental health counseling pediatric and Ob Gyn coverage even if he has no drug addictions, mental health problems, kids or a vagina how is that a free market?
It's hilarious (and sort of pathetic) watching Obamabots still trying to defend this catastrophe.
I mean DUH...you don't have any choices when chemotherapy takes your home either.

The Employments get discounts for each employee they take on for their insurance, less employees more cost to the boss.


I'/m not sure what point you're making regarding my post

You said that there are No choices with Obamacare....That is totally False..I pay a lot but get good care at Stanford for cancer. People come from all over the world to get the care .

And will add, that there are No choices when the high cost of medical care takes your house and life savings which is what happened before Obamacare's pre-existing medical problem law change.

It puts the power back into the hands of the sick, not the bloodsucking insurance/ medical costs before Obamacare.




Millions are now worse off than they were before ocare. The facts are there. Millions are dying because of ocare.

Oh for fuck's sake.

Wait, didn't O use that argument that millions were dying because they didn't have health insurance? Now, its worse. Im just using his logic.

The number of people uninsured according to Obama and the Dems varied from 28 million to 42 million....before ObamaCare.
I wonder what that number is since O'Care was implemented...
And of that number how many are actually paying for it and not being subsidized.
And now, for the truth:

A withdrawal by UnitedHealth Group from the Affordable Care Act (ACA) marketplaces in 2017 could have a significant impact on insurer competition and premiums in some markets, though it would have a minimal effect on the average benchmark premium nationwide, according to a new analysis from the Kaiser Family Foundation....

Without UnitedHealth’s participation in 2016, monthly benchmark premiums for the second lowest cost silver plan for a 40 year-old would have been $25 to $100 higher in 304 of 3,142 counties in the U.S. and more than $100 higher in 13 counties. A UnitedHealth exit would likely affect premiums most in Alabama, Arizona, Iowa, Nebraska and North Carolina, the analysis finds.

Since UnitedHealth often is not one of the lower cost plans, the effect nationally on premiums of an exit by the insurer would be modest. The weighted national average monthly premium for the second lowest-cost silver plans in 2016 would have been 1% higher (less than $4 per month for a 40-year-old), according to the analysis....

...even if UnitedHealth leaves all markets, the majority of counties (1,490) and ACA marketplace enrollees (8.9 million) could continue to have a choice of three or more insurers, according to the analysis. A minimum of three insurers is generally considered to be sufficient for effective competition.

Insurer Competition, Monthly Premiums Could Be Affected in Some Markets if UnitedHealth Group Exits ACA Marketplaces
Doesn't matter. There are more than enough providers. You nutbags should be happy that the free market is working. United is free to do as it wishes. Awesome.

If you are forced to buy something how is that a free market?

If you are forced to pay for things you neither want nor need how is that a free market?

If A single male has to buy insurance and pay more than he should have to because his policy by law must include drug rehab, mental health counseling pediatric and Ob Gyn coverage even if he has no drug addictions, mental health problems, kids or a vagina how is that a free market?

In a free market, the poor go without, period, unless by chance they get charity.

That is what you want, not what the American People want.
Doesn't matter. There are more than enough providers. You nutbags should be happy that the free market is working. United is free to do as it wishes. Awesome.

Ohhhh.....so this is the fall-back position for those who promised this:

"If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor."

"If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep it."

"Nothing in our plan requires you to change what you have."

"...your premiums will go down."

“...no federal dollars will be used to fund abortions.”

...won’t add “one dime” to the federal deficit.
Doesn't matter. There are more than enough providers. You nutbags should be happy that the free market is working. United is free to do as it wishes. Awesome.

If you are forced to buy something how is that a free market?

If you are forced to pay for things you neither want nor need how is that a free market?

If A single male has to buy insurance and pay more than he should have to because his policy by law must include drug rehab, mental health counseling pediatric and Ob Gyn coverage even if he has no drug addictions, mental health problems, kids or a vagina how is that a free market?

In a free market, the poor go without, period, unless by chance they get charity.

That is what you want, not what the American People want.

Then maybe people shouldn't say health insurance is part of the free market

And do you support the government forcing people to pay for coverage they don't need?

Is that what the people want?
Doesn't matter. There are more than enough providers. You nutbags should be happy that the free market is working. United is free to do as it wishes. Awesome.

If you are forced to buy something how is that a free market?

If you are forced to pay for things you neither want nor need how is that a free market?

If A single male has to buy insurance and pay more than he should have to because his policy by law must include drug rehab, mental health counseling pediatric and Ob Gyn coverage even if he has no drug addictions, mental health problems, kids or a vagina how is that a free market?

In a free market, the poor go without, period, unless by chance they get charity.

That is what you want, not what the American People want.

Then maybe people shouldn't say health insurance is part of the free market

And do you support the government forcing people to pay for coverage they don't need?

Is that what the people want?

The poster said United Healthcare was free to do what it's doing. What of it?
Obamacare is great if you are getting it free or heavily subsidized. If you are paying for it, it sucks.

The biggest fallacy is that there are no uninsured americans, there are more uninsured americans now than before ACA.

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