...but wait! I thought if I liked my plan I could keep my plan?!

United Healthcare is pulling out because they can't make enough money off you. They want things back the old way where they could screw you every whichway and there was nothing you could do about it.

Imagine if you will that you own a restaurant. You offer an all you can eat buffet. Was your intent with your buffet to be that the customer could feed his whole family for 3 meals a day for the next month off of the price for one person for one meal or was it for that one person to eat for that one meal? What Harry Reid forced thru on a technicality and only the Democrats voted for was the healthcare version of the scenario above. Screw you for being a for profit company. We want you to cover everyone for everything regardless of pre-existing conditions or that your children are grown adults because you're just greedy bastards who are making too much money. The issue is, the business model becomes unsustainable really fast. It's what conservatives kept telling you during the whole fight leading up to passage. live and learn.
Doesn't matter. There are more than enough providers. You nutbags should be happy that the free market is working. United is free to do as it wishes. Awesome.

If you are forced to buy something how is that a free market?

If you are forced to pay for things you neither want nor need how is that a free market?

If A single male has to buy insurance and pay more than he should have to because his policy by law must include drug rehab, mental health counseling pediatric and Ob Gyn coverage even if he has no drug addictions, mental health problems, kids or a vagina how is that a free market?

In a free market, the poor go without, period, unless by chance they get charity.

That is what you want, not what the American People want.

Then maybe people shouldn't say health insurance is part of the free market

And do you support the government forcing people to pay for coverage they don't need?

Is that what the people want?

Since I support Medicaid and other programs that give healthcare to the poor, yes I support the government forcing people to pay for other than their own coverage.

Then where were you when this FALSE statement was made.."46 million uninsured Americans"!
A) 10 million NOT Americans... Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau
B) 14 million didn't know qualified for Medicaid http://coverageforall.org/pdf/BC-BS_Uninsured-America.pdf
Of the 44.7 million non-elderly uninsured individuals identified in the 2004 Census Current Population Survey (CPS) data,
nearly one-third — almost 14 million — were reachable through existing government health programs such as Medicaid and the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) under current rules.
So all Obama's inept administration need do was REGISTER this 14 million!

C) Nearly 18 million of the uninsured lived in households with annual incomes above $50,000 -- over half of them (9.7 million) in households with incomes that exceed $75,000 annually. - CRISIS OF THE UNINSURED: 2009
Remember Obama TOLD us that he would lie, use tricks and tactics!
From Obama's autobiography, "Dreams from My Father"...published July 18,1995 page 94 -95
"Of course either way you needed some luck. That's what Pablo had lacked, mostly, not having his driver's license that day,
a cop with nothing better to do than to check the trunk of his car..
Or Bruce not finding his way back from too many bad acid trips, winding up in a funny farm.
Or Duke not walking away from that car wreck....

I had tried to explain some of this to my mother once, the role of luck in the world, the spin of the wheel.
It was at the start of my senior year in high school; she was back in Hawaii her field work completed and one day she had marched into my room wanting to know the details of Pablo's arrest.

I had given her a reassuring smile and patted her hand told her not to worry, I wouldn't do anything stupid.
It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied.
They were revealed.
Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time."

Think about it... NOW we know why Obama has continually knocked the police...remember his statement in 2009...that the "Cambridge police acted stupidly"? Doesn't this sound like when he was a Senior in high school describing the "cop with nothing better to do"?
Total disrespect for the law.

And specifically Obama knew he had to LIE about 46 million uninsured Americans and he depended on as his architect for Obamacare,Massachusetts Institute of Technology Professor Jonathan Gruber.....
He suggested that many lawmakers and voters didn't know what was in the law or how its financing worked, and that this helped it win approval. "Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage,” Gruber said.
"And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass."
Gruber made the comment while discussing how the law was "written in a tortured way" to avoid a bad score from the Congressional Budget Office. He suggested that voters would have rejected ObamaCare if the penalties for going without health insurance were interpreted as taxes, either by budget analysts or the public.
While analysts expect the market to stabilize once premiums rise and more young, healthy people sign up, some observers have not ruled out the possibility of a collapse of the market, known in insurance parlance as a “death spiral.”
ObamaCare architect: 'Stupidity' of voters helped bill pass

The 60's and 70's are over Dude you need to lay off the drugs..


Medicaid uses federal funds for abortions.

"Title X does not allow federal funds to be used for abortions. Medicaid, however, does allow government money to be spent on them — in very restricted cases. The 1977 Hyde Amendment dictated that federal Medicaid funds could only be used to fund abortions in cases of rape, incest or to protect the life of the mother.Aug 5, 2015

Remember Obama TOLD us that he would lie, use tricks and tactics!
From Obama's autobiography, "Dreams from My Father"...published July 18,1995 page 94 -95
"Of course either way you needed some luck. That's what Pablo had lacked, mostly, not having his driver's license that day,
a cop with nothing better to do than to check the trunk of his car..
Or Bruce not finding his way back from too many bad acid trips, winding up in a funny farm.
Or Duke not walking away from that car wreck....

I had tried to explain some of this to my mother once, the role of luck in the world, the spin of the wheel.
It was at the start of my senior year in high school; she was back in Hawaii her field work completed and one day she had marched into my room wanting to know the details of Pablo's arrest.

I had given her a reassuring smile and patted her hand told her not to worry, I wouldn't do anything stupid.
It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied.
They were revealed.
Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time."

Think about it... NOW we know why Obama has continually knocked the police...remember his statement in 2009...that the "Cambridge police acted stupidly"? Doesn't this sound like when he was a Senior in high school describing the "cop with nothing better to do"?
Total disrespect for the law.

And specifically Obama knew he had to LIE about 46 million uninsured Americans and he depended on as his architect for Obamacare,Massachusetts Institute of Technology Professor Jonathan Gruber.....
He suggested that many lawmakers and voters didn't know what was in the law or how its financing worked, and that this helped it win approval. "Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage,” Gruber said.
"And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass."
Gruber made the comment while discussing how the law was "written in a tortured way" to avoid a bad score from the Congressional Budget Office. He suggested that voters would have rejected ObamaCare if the penalties for going without health insurance were interpreted as taxes, either by budget analysts or the public.
While analysts expect the market to stabilize once premiums rise and more young, healthy people sign up, some observers have not ruled out the possibility of a collapse of the market, known in insurance parlance as a “death spiral.”
ObamaCare architect: 'Stupidity' of voters helped bill pass

The 60's and 70's are over Dude you need to lay off the drugs..

Maybe you should tell that to Obama... because he wrote the above experiences in his teens in Hawaii!


Medicaid uses federal funds for abortions.

"Title X does not allow federal funds to be used for abortions. Medicaid, however, does allow government money to be spent on them — in very restricted cases. The 1977 Hyde Amendment dictated that federal Medicaid funds could only be used to fund abortions in cases of rape, incest or to protect the life of the mother.Aug 5, 2015

Medicaid uses federal funds for abortions.
That's a lie. The law prevents that.

Oops, you just got gonged, starkey.

Are American Taxpayers Paying For Abortion?
Your article does not show that Medicaid funds are alloted to pay for abortions, thus it does not. The only line items that may exist will apply to a very few procedures have to do with incest and rape or to protect the life of the mother.

Show us line items and vouchers, then we will talk seriously.
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Well, at least no one is claiming to be surprised. Both parties had a hand in this mess..
No, the democrats own this failure 100%. Not one republican voted for it.
Indeed, the Republicans were too busy holding their breath until they turned blue, and refusing to offer the American public a clear, cohesive alternative plan, opening the door nice and wide for the Democrats to trot this piece of crap out there. They took their toys and went home in a huff, and here we are.

Temper tantrums are not an effective political strategy.

When the ACA was passed the Democrats controlled that House and Senate. The Republican had alternative plans, but they were not allowed to offer them as bills.
Wait, didn't O use that argument that millions were dying because they didn't have health insurance? Now, its worse. Im just using his logic.

Still waiting patiently for factual links on how millions are dying while on Obamacare and are worse off..
Doesn't matter. There are more than enough providers. You nutbags should be happy that the free market is working. United is free to do as it wishes. Awesome.

If you are forced to buy something how is that a free market?

If you are forced to pay for things you neither want nor need how is that a free market?

If A single male has to buy insurance and pay more than he should have to because his policy by law must include drug rehab, mental health counseling pediatric and Ob Gyn coverage even if he has no drug addictions, mental health problems, kids or a vagina how is that a free market?

But this young man loves vagina's
Doesn't matter. There are more than enough providers. You nutbags should be happy that the free market is working. United is free to do as it wishes. Awesome.

Ohhhh.....so this is the fall-back position for those who promised this:

"If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor."

"If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep it."

"Nothing in our plan requires you to change what you have."

"...your premiums will go down."

“...no federal dollars will be used to fund abortions.”

...won’t add “one dime” to the federal deficit.

Try finding the facts instead of the lies they are feeding you.

Who gives a F#ck about keeping your general doctors if you need a heart transplant..

Q: What are the facts regarding the new health insurance law’s federal funding for abortion, or lack of it?

A: The law says individuals who get federal subsidy dollars must use their private money to pay for coverage of abortion except in cases of rape, incest or to save the life of the mother. Claims that the new law will lead to a large increase in the number of abortions lack support.


Seems that Liberal require remedial education in every single aspect of life.....due to government schooling, I guess....

Best look up facts...and the reason for quotation marks.

The FACT is that every one of these quotes was from the man you saddled America with.....

"If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor."

"If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep it."

"Nothing in our plan requires you to change what you have."

"...your premiums will go down."

“...no federal dollars will be used to fund abortions.”

...won’t add “one dime” to the federal deficit."

Get it? Just like you....a lying wind-bag.

The deficit is down.

Subsidized premiums are lower than pre-ACA premiums for the same coverage.

No federal dollars are being used for abortions.

You're an idiot.

Can you prove that "no federal dollars are being used for abortions"?

See I can prove that Planned Parenthood USES government funds to pay the doctors,nurses,facilities, supplies costs associated
with abortions. You provide your proof your statement and I'll prove mine!

No you can't.
Well, at least no one is claiming to be surprised. Both parties had a hand in this mess..
No, the democrats own this failure 100%. Not one republican voted for it.
Indeed, the Republicans were too busy holding their breath until they turned blue, and refusing to offer the American public a clear, cohesive alternative plan, opening the door nice and wide for the Democrats to trot this piece of crap out there. They took their toys and went home in a huff, and here we are.

Temper tantrums are not an effective political strategy.

When the ACA was passed the Democrats controlled that House and Senate. The Republican had alternative plans, but they were not allowed to offer them as bills.

The Republicans control the House and Senate NOW. Where's their bill?
Somebody above forgets the GOP had from 1994 to 2006 to offer their own plans.


The GOP control it now.

Well, at least no one is claiming to be surprised.

Both parties had a hand in this mess.

Wait a minute....I seem to remember zero republicans voting for the "Affordable" care act?
It's so bad they won't take responsibility for it. If it was the rousing success they keep saying it is, they'd be triumphantly taking credit for it. They don't.
Doesn't matter. There are more than enough providers. You nutbags should be happy that the free market is working. United is free to do as it wishes. Awesome.

Why is United free to do as it wishes, but I am not?
Fallacy of false comparison.

You could have just said you can't answer the question. United can pull out. I must buy a product or be fined. Why is United free to do as it wishes, but I am not?
Doesn't matter. There are more than enough providers. You nutbags should be happy that the free market is working. United is free to do as it wishes. Awesome.

Why is United free to do as it wishes, but I am not?

That's how democracy even at its best works. Everyone can't win.

And you're fine with allowing corporations to win when individuals don't? Congratulations, you're transmuted yourself to be a Citizens United supporting Republican.
Doesn't matter. There are more than enough providers. You nutbags should be happy that the free market is working. United is free to do as it wishes. Awesome.

Why is United free to do as it wishes, but I am not?

That's how democracy even at its best works. Everyone can't win.

And you're fine with allowing corporations to win when individuals don't? Congratulations, you're transmuted yourself to be a Citizens United supporting Republican.

So you want the government to take over the healthcare industry? Me too!
America’s Largest Health Insurer Pulls Out Of Most Obamacare Exchanges

Obama's 'legacy' piece of legislation continues to self-destruct, withering and rotting into decay the more time goes by. This is exactly part of the reason why our politicians should NOT have been allowed to exempt themselves from the edict they rammed down the throats of a majority of opposing citizens.

"“This isn’t about spreadsheets and quarterly reports— it’s about the president’s broken promise that families would have more choices under ObamaCare,” Sen. Ben Sasse of Nebraska said in a statement. “This year, in 36 percent of the nation’s counties, families could pick between only one or two insurers on the exchange and, given today’s news, next year looks like it could be even worse.”

Remember Obama TOLD us that he would lie, use tricks and tactics!
From Obama's autobiography, "Dreams from My Father"...published July 18,1995 page 94 -95
"Of course either way you needed some luck. That's what Pablo had lacked, mostly, not having his driver's license that day,
a cop with nothing better to do than to check the trunk of his car..
Or Bruce not finding his way back from too many bad acid trips, winding up in a funny farm.
Or Duke not walking away from that car wreck....

I had tried to explain some of this to my mother once, the role of luck in the world, the spin of the wheel.
It was at the start of my senior year in high school; she was back in Hawaii her field work completed and one day she had marched into my room wanting to know the details of Pablo's arrest.

I had given her a reassuring smile and patted her hand told her not to worry, I wouldn't do anything stupid.
It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied.
They were revealed.
Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time."

Think about it... NOW we know why Obama has continually knocked the police...remember his statement in 2009...that the "Cambridge police acted stupidly"? Doesn't this sound like when he was a Senior in high school describing the "cop with nothing better to do"?
Total disrespect for the law.

And specifically Obama knew he had to LIE about 46 million uninsured Americans and he depended on as his architect for Obamacare,Massachusetts Institute of Technology Professor Jonathan Gruber.....
He suggested that many lawmakers and voters didn't know what was in the law or how its financing worked, and that this helped it win approval. "Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage,” Gruber said.
"And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass."
Gruber made the comment while discussing how the law was "written in a tortured way" to avoid a bad score from the Congressional Budget Office. He suggested that voters would have rejected ObamaCare if the penalties for going without health insurance were interpreted as taxes, either by budget analysts or the public.
While analysts expect the market to stabilize once premiums rise and more young, healthy people sign up, some observers have not ruled out the possibility of a collapse of the market, known in insurance parlance as a “death spiral.”
ObamaCare architect: 'Stupidity' of voters helped bill pass
To quote a wise poster:

The deficit is down.

Subsidized premiums are lower than pre-ACA premiums for the same coverage.

No federal dollars are being used for abortions.
The key word being "subsidized". That intended impact of that statement is false, moreover, because the cost of the premiums is not lower. The portion the account holder is the only thing that is lower. The taxpayers make up the difference. It's much like Congress critters crowing (or screeching in horror) that they cut the budget when they increased it by 8% instead of 10%.

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