...but wait! I thought if I liked my plan I could keep my plan?!

America’s Largest Health Insurer Pulls Out Of Most Obamacare Exchanges

Obama's 'legacy' piece of legislation continues to self-destruct, withering and rotting into decay the more time goes by. This is exactly part of the reason why our politicians should NOT have been allowed to exempt themselves from the edict they rammed down the throats of a majority of opposing citizens.

"“This isn’t about spreadsheets and quarterly reports— it’s about the president’s broken promise that families would have more choices under ObamaCare,” Sen. Ben Sasse of Nebraska said in a statement. “This year, in 36 percent of the nation’s counties, families could pick between only one or two insurers on the exchange and, given today’s news, next year looks like it could be even worse.”

What plan did you lose?

The one where I had a high deductible catastrophic coverage plan

Now I have to have a plan that covers drug rehab, Ob/gyn , mental health counseling and dental and vision for children when I don't have an addiction,a need for counseling, a vagina or kids

You are welcome. You now get your money's worth.
Why is United free to do as it wishes, but I am not?
Fallacy of false comparison.

You could have just said you can't answer the question. United can pull out. I must buy a product or be fined. Why is United free to do as it wishes, but I am not?

Silly nutter. United is a corporation. You are a citizen. You are free to not buy health insurance.
Yeah then get fined by the government.

You also get fined for not having kids .

Righties have been preaching end of days since ocare started six years ago.

Where the death panels at???
When Obama was asked about a lady's grandmother getting a new hip so she could live maybe 10 more years. His reply well maybe she should just get pain pills, so she wouldn't suffer till her end day. So he chooses not to fix the problem but give pain pills. You're so gullible, why don't you think for yourself for once.
America’s Largest Health Insurer Pulls Out Of Most Obamacare Exchanges

Obama's 'legacy' piece of legislation continues to self-destruct, withering and rotting into decay the more time goes by. This is exactly part of the reason why our politicians should NOT have been allowed to exempt themselves from the edict they rammed down the throats of a majority of opposing citizens.

"“This isn’t about spreadsheets and quarterly reports— it’s about the president’s broken promise that families would have more choices under ObamaCare,” Sen. Ben Sasse of Nebraska said in a statement. “This year, in 36 percent of the nation’s counties, families could pick between only one or two insurers on the exchange and, given today’s news, next year looks like it could be even worse.”

What plan did you lose?

The one where I had a high deductible catastrophic coverage plan

Now I have to have a plan that covers drug rehab, Ob/gyn , mental health counseling and dental and vision for children when I don't have an addiction,a need for counseling, a vagina or kids

You are welcome. You now get your money's worth.

No Now I pay for shit I don't need and will never use
Why is United free to do as it wishes, but I am not?
Fallacy of false comparison.

You could have just said you can't answer the question. United can pull out. I must buy a product or be fined. Why is United free to do as it wishes, but I am not?

Silly nutter. United is a corporation. You are a citizen. You are free to not buy health insurance.
Yeah then get fined by the government.

Yep. If you have the means....and don't buy insurance....you get fined. It is called personal responsibility. Why should we all pay for you when you get sick? Pay your own way, slacker.
How about the ones that cannot afford it, but make to much for help? How about the thousands of dollars deductible? You may have insurance, but you can't afford to use it.
“This year, in 36 percent of the nation’s counties, families could pick between only one or two insurers on the exchange and, given today’s news, next year looks like it could be even worse.”

When you get your insurance through your employer, do you get to pick from among insurers?

Here's what's wrong with that argument.

Your employer who had choices picked among competitive policies. In the Obamacare example no one negotiated anything, there is no competition at any level to help you

Your employer is picking up at least half the cost, so they are picking a policy both of you have to live with.

I mean duh, why do such obvious things need to be pointed out to you?

You don't have to purchase your individual plan from the ACA exchange.

Obamacare isn't an actual thing.

True. And?
Most got to keep their plans, and the others were upgraded to better plans.

The good part was the elimination of dorks from using catastrophic plans to privatize their profit and socialize their risk.

And by upgraded you mean forced to pay for shit they neither needed nor wanted right?
That's what you mean. I don't. I mean that catastrophic insurance used as a health insurance was almost a freebie grab by people who did not want to pay what they should to protect themselves at the expense of others.
Fallacy of false comparison.

You could have just said you can't answer the question. United can pull out. I must buy a product or be fined. Why is United free to do as it wishes, but I am not?

Silly nutter. United is a corporation. You are a citizen. You are free to not buy health insurance.
Yeah then get fined by the government.

Yep. If you have the means....and don't buy insurance....you get fined. It is called personal responsibility. Why should we all pay for you when you get sick? Pay your own way, slacker.
How about the ones that cannot afford it, but make to much for help? How about the thousands of dollars deductible? You may have insurance, but you can't afford to use it.

Thank your nutbag state legislature and governor for not taking the medicare expansion.

Deductibles are cheap if you get sick. That's why they call it insurance. It is not a payment plan. It is not layaway. Most of the time....it goes unused. We only need them because our insurance companies need to make a profit.

We could go to a plan like Japan has. Or France. Or Germany. Or Australia. Or Canada. Then everyone would be covered and nobody would be paying too much. You OK with that?
Most got to keep their plans, and the others were upgraded to better plans.

The good part was the elimination of dorks from using catastrophic plans to privatize their profit and socialize their risk.

And by upgraded you mean forced to pay for shit they neither needed nor wanted right?
That's what you mean. I don't. I mean that catastrophic insurance used as a health insurance was almost a freebie grab by people who did not want to pay what they should to protect themselves at the expense of others.

You oppose "freebie grab by people who did not want to pay what they should to protect themselves at the expense of others" and you support Obamacare?


That's exactly what it is, Holmes
Its amazing how simple minds look to the govt to solve their problems and wipe their ass when in reality the govt screws up everything, runs trillions in debt, operates wars into perpetuity etc. But yet, simpletons just can't think for themselves.

I am still waiting for the factual links that Obamacare has killed millions ....You love to run off with your fallacies , yet discredit yourself when you have nothing to back yourself up. Fail!

Most got to keep their plans, and the others were upgraded to better plans.

The good part was the elimination of dorks from using catastrophic plans to privatize their profit and socialize their risk.

And by upgraded you mean forced to pay for shit they neither needed nor wanted right?
That's what you mean. I don't. I mean that catastrophic insurance used as a health insurance was almost a freebie grab by people who did not want to pay what they should to protect themselves at the expense of others.

You oppose "freebie grab by people who did not want to pay what they should to protect themselves at the expense of others" and you support Obamacare?


That's exactly what it is, Holmes

I know someone who opposed obamacare, didn't have insurance, his appendix exploded and was in the hospital for a week.
The hospitals are full of illegals in the Emergency Rooms..This is what pisses me off because we pay for that..

It is not the people who have catastrophe insurance.

Obama is the only one who stopped the pre-exsisting condition crooks..The others in Government could give a fuck.


Yeah my co workers no longer have physicians...they have physicians assistants.

This is actually a good thing because medical school is so crazy busy. this is becoming a trend in all areas of the medical field.

They are called Nurse practitioners who can write a prescriptions and order tests.
Mine is awesome.

Yeah my co workers no longer have physicians...they have physicians assistants.

This is actually a good thing because medical school is so crazy busy. this is becoming a trend in all areas of the medical field.

They are called Nurse practitioners who can write a prescriptions and order tests.
Mine is awesome.

I'm sorry If I'm paying DR prices I better damn well see a DR
Yeah my co workers no longer have physicians...they have physicians assistants.

This is actually a good thing because medical school is so crazy busy. this is becoming a trend in all areas of the medical field.

They are called Nurse practitioners who can write a prescriptions and order tests.
Mine is awesome.


No, it's not a good thing, dumbass. It's an indication of the declining quality of our healthcare system.
Most got to keep their plans, and the others were upgraded to better plans.

The good part was the elimination of dorks from using catastrophic plans to privatize their profit and socialize their risk.

And by upgraded you mean forced to pay for shit they neither needed nor wanted right?
That's what you mean. I don't. I mean that catastrophic insurance used as a health insurance was almost a freebie grab by people who did not want to pay what they should to protect themselves at the expense of others.

You oppose "freebie grab by people who did not want to pay what they should to protect themselves at the expense of others" and you support Obamacare?


That's exactly what it is, Holmes

I know someone who opposed obamacare, didn't have insurance, his appendix exploded and was in the hospital for a week.
The hospitals are full of illegals in the Emergency Rooms..This is what pisses me off because we pay for that..

It is not the people who have catastrophe insurance.

Obama is the only one who stopped the pre-exsisting condition crooks..The others in Government could give a fuck.



So let's say there is pre-existing condition A.

The odds that a random person has A is 1/1,000 and for every person with A it costs $100,000.

If you are a random person, the expected cost to the pool is $100. If we know you have A, the expected cost to the pool is $100,000. Why should I as a subscriber to that policy be expected to pay that expected bill?
Yeah my co workers no longer have physicians...they have physicians assistants.

This is actually a good thing because medical school is so crazy busy. this is becoming a trend in all areas of the medical field.

They are called Nurse practitioners who can write a prescriptions and order tests.
Mine is awesome.


No, it's not a good thing, dumbass. It's an indication of the declining quality of our healthcare system.

You have no idea what your talking about ... you haven't seen it yourself how can you make that judgement?

I had a breast cancer Nurse Practitioner yesterday that knew much more what was going on than the fucking Doctor Specialist in Urology who charged 100x more ... the day before.

The nurse practitioners specialize in their area's of expertise ,and if needed they move you on to the doctors if your problem is not in their scope of practice.

Doctors offices are clogged up with little sniffles, and their time is more open for the really sick.


Most got to keep their plans, and the others were upgraded to better plans.

The good part was the elimination of dorks from using catastrophic plans to privatize their profit and socialize their risk.

And by upgraded you mean forced to pay for shit they neither needed nor wanted right?
That's what you mean. I don't. I mean that catastrophic insurance used as a health insurance was almost a freebie grab by people who did not want to pay what they should to protect themselves at the expense of others.

You oppose "freebie grab by people who did not want to pay what they should to protect themselves at the expense of others" and you support Obamacare?


That's exactly what it is, Holmes

I know someone who opposed obamacare, didn't have insurance, his appendix exploded and was in the hospital for a week.
The hospitals are full of illegals in the Emergency Rooms..This is what pisses me off because we pay for that..

It is not the people who have catastrophe insurance.

Obama is the only one who stopped the pre-exsisting condition crooks..The others in Government could give a fuck.



So let's say there is pre-existing condition A.

The odds that a random person has A is 1/1,000 and for every person with A it costs $100,000.

If you are a random person, the expected cost to the pool is $100. If we know you have A, the expected cost to the pool is $100,000. Why should I as a subscriber to that policy be expected to pay that expected bill?

The pool solution is a joke.. These fucking people like Mitch McConnel and his corrupt little followers are paid off by the big pharma , big insurance companies, ect.
It is a fact that they will eventually Defund the pool and the sick will be right back in the same situation as before Obamacare..
Theses dumbass people in congress can come up with a better system , but they are too busy paying themselves and getting rich with the best medical care in the world.
They are the ones you should blame..Obama at least tried.

The cancer centers are jammed pack, it is really more common that you know. I was shocked when I first saw it.
1 in 8 women will get breast cancer.
Cancer treatment costs are out of this world crazy ..

1 bag of chemo $10,000 X 6 to 10 treatments.
the shot the next day $20,000

Surgery $200,000 plus

Radiation $200,000 plus..

Doctors $500,000

Reconstruction...crazy expensive

Hospital admission well you do the math. This is why people lost everything because the insurance people dicked them around.


America’s Largest Health Insurer Pulls Out Of Most Obamacare Exchanges

Obama's 'legacy' piece of legislation continues to self-destruct, withering and rotting into decay the more time goes by. This is exactly part of the reason why our politicians should NOT have been allowed to exempt themselves from the edict they rammed down the throats of a majority of opposing citizens.

"“This isn’t about spreadsheets and quarterly reports— it’s about the president’s broken promise that families would have more choices under ObamaCare,” Sen. Ben Sasse of Nebraska said in a statement. “This year, in 36 percent of the nation’s counties, families could pick between only one or two insurers on the exchange and, given today’s news, next year looks like it could be even worse.”

You mean not everyone was allowed to keep their plan and their doctor, save $2,500 each year, pay cheaper prices and have the same deductibles? Amazing. Obama was so clear that we would all experience the above promises. Oh, and no illegal aliens were going to be covered.

Of course, each and every thing he said was a total lie. And unless he's a complete idiot, he knew that when he said it. I guess he's one who waited till it passed to see what was in it. Of course, he sure acted like he knew everything about his signature legislation or how else could he go out and repeat the same promises over and over?

Now, it's costing us more. We have insanely high deductibles, which means care is out of pocket, at least barring a major illness or accident, premiums are way up, illegals have been covered from the start, most lost their plans and many lost their doctors. The people who work and pay did not see savings, just increases.

Now so many insurance companies have dropped out because they'd go bankrupt if they didn't.

It was the worst piece of shit legislation to ever get passed into law and the Dems own every bit of it. Total credit for the mess on is them.

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