But why can't we?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Sex is something everyone desires once they begin puberty and their bodies begin producing sex hormones. These hormones create sexual desire. More hormones a person's body is producing, the more intense their desire for sexual gratification. Sex itself, and masturbation with orgasm can reduce the desire for a little while. This is junior high biology stuff.

But if this isn't controversial or revolutionary science but something we all know and accept, why can't we discuss it freely and in a positive or celebratory way? Why is sex and sexuality taboo when it's as ubiquitos as urinating and defacating? Everyone pees and poops, eats and fucks said the Marquis de Sade. Other oddities and intracacies of his lifestyle notwithstanding, he was at least right about that much.

But for older more socially mature countries in Europe, you don't typically see sex celebrated and spoken well of in western cultures. While I understand the many reasons for this, it's always amusing to ask those that may not understand the why's and wherefore's to think about why they can talk freely about other things with their friends, families, and co-workers, but not the very best and most enjoyable thing like sex. Why is talking about our enjoyment of sex at work sexual harassment? Why is talking about sex at school (of all places) inappropriate? Why is talking about sex outside an adults-only enviroment inappropriate?

We permit graphic violence and human cruelty on commercial tv around the clock. We restrict sexually themed entertainment to nighttime hours. An extremely violent tv show or movie may be rated PG/TV-PG yet show gun violence and death and criminality. Yet two people in the deepest love making love is an automatic R or TV-MA rating regardless. It's as if we're encouraging violence to solve problems, but hiding away sex which can also be used to solve problems. Hard to be mad at someone standing naked and arroused offering to share themselves with you isn't it?

Sex is the very best thing two (or more) people can do together. Yet we hide it away, restrict depictions of it, demonize it, say it's dirty or sinful, and treat it in every way like we should be treating violence. And thus our society is plagued with violence. When sex is bad and naughty, but violence is heroic, brave, and patriotic, you're going to get what you've said was good, and not get what you say is bad.

But why can't we get what's actually good, and get less of what's actually bad?

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