Buttigieg Buries Beto

ButtPlug's latest sleaze is to attack Mike Pence for being "against him" when Pence worked with the little fruitcake several times as Governor of Indiana. Mike seemed pretty surprised when Plug attacked him at the CNN nutcase forum. But that's commiecrats for ya...they're trying to outdo each other to see who can be the craziest. Trump will eat them like a handful of peanuts.
Pence works against gay people. He thinks they are abominations. He wants to take away certain rights. Pence is a big bigoted POS.

can you name one thing pence has done recently? Or ever?
2000: During his congressional campaign, Mike Pence said, “Congress should oppose any effort to put gay and lesbian relationships on an equal legal status with heterosexual marriage.”

2000: Pence also supported the reauthorization of the Ryan White Care Act only if federal dollars were excluded from organizations who “celebrate” and “encourage” behavior that facilitates spreading of the HIV virus. Further, Pence supported this reauthorization only if “those institutions provided assistance to those looking to change their sexual behavior”, an off-the-cuff endorsement for ex-gay conversion therapy.

2004: Mike Pence co-sponsored a proposed amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would define marriage as solely between one man and one woman.

2007: Pence voted against the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA).

2010: Mike Pence voted against the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” repeal which allowed LGBT Americans to openly serve their country in military service.

2012: Pence refused to say on the record if he supported a same-sex couple raising a child together.

2014: Gov. Pence supported HJR-3, a bill to add an amendment banning same-sex marriage to Indiana’s Constitution.

2015: Governor Pence signed the Religious Freedom Restoration Act in a closed-door ceremony surrounded by special interest lobbyists.

2015: Governor Pence said on ABC’s “This Week” that it was “absolutely not” a mistake to sign RFRA, throwing Indiana into a $250 million economic panic and putting Indiana’s “Hoosier Hospitality” reputation in jeopardy.

2015: Even after his approval rating plummets from RFRA, Mike Pence on July 22 told the media he is “studying” the issue of LGBT rights and whether or not he’d support across the board protections for the LGBT community.

A Timeline of Mike Pence’s Discrimination Against the LGBT Community

Discrimination against homosexuals isn't an issue. If you, Dave, like to take it in the caboose, if I am your landlord or employer I need never know about it. This is the kind of information that should be shared on a "need to know" basis, and I can't think of a circumstance where I would ever need to know about your devotion to sodomy.

However, if you share that information with me- info that I don't knead to know- you can be discriminated for providing TMI- too much information, and that is perfectly fine IMHO
Is that really your contention? That Iran provided sex change operations to their Army officers before Trump became President and that's why they were paid off?
You can't read.

Here you are pretending to care that Iran mistreats gays when your orange buddy said countries can do whatever they want within their borders & he doesn't care. So do you?

The question isn't whether I care, or President Trump cares. Its whether B. Hussein O cares. Obama is the one who gave the pallets of cash and kissed up to the Iranian mullahs, ever AFTER they refused to allow men into their nation's ladies rooms or provide Sex Change Operations to their prison inmates and naval personnel.

Unless the libs are willing to live by their own code, they have no basis to criticize anyone else

Under Obama, we worked with the UN on human rights. It was always part of our negotiations.

The money to Iran was money owed to them for years. Obama forced the Mullahs to the table & ended their nuclear weapon program. The nuclear deal was about nuclear weapons.

The push for human rights were through other avenues

Obama admininistration slams Iran and Cuba for human rights abuses

So you are caught in another lie.

Trump has told these despots to go ahead & kill gays, reporters women anyone they want.

Actually no money at all was owed to the Iranian mullahs. The money is the property of the Iranian PEOPLE.

The day will come when the people throw out the mullahs and hang them all, so they can restore the Peacock Throne.

At that point in time, America is going to be called on for this money they gave to these tyrants

Actually, it was owed to the Government. Quit being such a asshole.

The current regime in Iran isn't their legal government.
ButtPlug's latest sleaze is to attack Mike Pence for being "against him" when Pence worked with the little fruitcake several times as Governor of Indiana. Mike seemed pretty surprised when Plug attacked him at the CNN nutcase forum. But that's commiecrats for ya...they're trying to outdo each other to see who can be the craziest. Trump will eat them like a handful of peanuts.
Pence works against gay people. He thinks they are abominations. He wants to take away certain rights. Pence is a big bigoted POS.

can you name one thing pence has done recently? Or ever?
2000: During his congressional campaign, Mike Pence said, “Congress should oppose any effort to put gay and lesbian relationships on an equal legal status with heterosexual marriage.”

2000: Pence also supported the reauthorization of the Ryan White Care Act only if federal dollars were excluded from organizations who “celebrate” and “encourage” behavior that facilitates spreading of the HIV virus. Further, Pence supported this reauthorization only if “those institutions provided assistance to those looking to change their sexual behavior”, an off-the-cuff endorsement for ex-gay conversion therapy.

2004: Mike Pence co-sponsored a proposed amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would define marriage as solely between one man and one woman.

2007: Pence voted against the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA).

2010: Mike Pence voted against the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” repeal which allowed LGBT Americans to openly serve their country in military service.

2012: Pence refused to say on the record if he supported a same-sex couple raising a child together.

2014: Gov. Pence supported HJR-3, a bill to add an amendment banning same-sex marriage to Indiana’s Constitution.

2015: Governor Pence signed the Religious Freedom Restoration Act in a closed-door ceremony surrounded by special interest lobbyists.

2015: Governor Pence said on ABC’s “This Week” that it was “absolutely not” a mistake to sign RFRA, throwing Indiana into a $250 million economic panic and putting Indiana’s “Hoosier Hospitality” reputation in jeopardy.

2015: Even after his approval rating plummets from RFRA, Mike Pence on July 22 told the media he is “studying” the issue of LGBT rights and whether or not he’d support across the board protections for the LGBT community.

A Timeline of Mike Pence’s Discrimination Against the LGBT Community

Mike Pence = the bigot from Indiana ..........
ButtPlug's latest sleaze is to attack Mike Pence for being "against him" when Pence worked with the little fruitcake several times as Governor of Indiana. Mike seemed pretty surprised when Plug attacked him at the CNN nutcase forum. But that's commiecrats for ya...they're trying to outdo each other to see who can be the craziest. Trump will eat them like a handful of peanuts.
Pence works against gay people. He thinks they are abominations. He wants to take away certain rights. Pence is a big bigoted POS.

can you name one thing pence has done recently? Or ever?
2000: During his congressional campaign, Mike Pence said, “Congress should oppose any effort to put gay and lesbian relationships on an equal legal status with heterosexual marriage.”

2000: Pence also supported the reauthorization of the Ryan White Care Act only if federal dollars were excluded from organizations who “celebrate” and “encourage” behavior that facilitates spreading of the HIV virus. Further, Pence supported this reauthorization only if “those institutions provided assistance to those looking to change their sexual behavior”, an off-the-cuff endorsement for ex-gay conversion therapy.

2004: Mike Pence co-sponsored a proposed amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would define marriage as solely between one man and one woman.

2007: Pence voted against the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA).

2010: Mike Pence voted against the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” repeal which allowed LGBT Americans to openly serve their country in military service.

2012: Pence refused to say on the record if he supported a same-sex couple raising a child together.

2014: Gov. Pence supported HJR-3, a bill to add an amendment banning same-sex marriage to Indiana’s Constitution.

2015: Governor Pence signed the Religious Freedom Restoration Act in a closed-door ceremony surrounded by special interest lobbyists.

2015: Governor Pence said on ABC’s “This Week” that it was “absolutely not” a mistake to sign RFRA, throwing Indiana into a $250 million economic panic and putting Indiana’s “Hoosier Hospitality” reputation in jeopardy.

2015: Even after his approval rating plummets from RFRA, Mike Pence on July 22 told the media he is “studying” the issue of LGBT rights and whether or not he’d support across the board protections for the LGBT community.

A Timeline of Mike Pence’s Discrimination Against the LGBT Community

Mike Pence = the bigot from Indiana ..........

What's "bigoted" about holding to one's religious faith in Almighty God that sodomy is wrong and marriage is between a man and a broad?

I don't know if you've read the Bible or not. But when I was a younger man, the great theologian Jerry Falwell gave a sermon on this. Explained how he looked through the Scripture, and Almighty God put Adam and EVE into the Garden. He did not, in spite of what libs say, put Adam and Steve into Eden.

This is an actual theological fact.
ButtPlug's latest sleaze is to attack Mike Pence for being "against him" when Pence worked with the little fruitcake several times as Governor of Indiana. Mike seemed pretty surprised when Plug attacked him at the CNN nutcase forum. But that's commiecrats for ya...they're trying to outdo each other to see who can be the craziest. Trump will eat them like a handful of peanuts.
Pence works against gay people. He thinks they are abominations. He wants to take away certain rights. Pence is a big bigoted POS.

can you name one thing pence has done recently? Or ever?
2000: During his congressional campaign, Mike Pence said, “Congress should oppose any effort to put gay and lesbian relationships on an equal legal status with heterosexual marriage.”

2000: Pence also supported the reauthorization of the Ryan White Care Act only if federal dollars were excluded from organizations who “celebrate” and “encourage” behavior that facilitates spreading of the HIV virus. Further, Pence supported this reauthorization only if “those institutions provided assistance to those looking to change their sexual behavior”, an off-the-cuff endorsement for ex-gay conversion therapy.

2004: Mike Pence co-sponsored a proposed amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would define marriage as solely between one man and one woman.

2007: Pence voted against the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA).

2010: Mike Pence voted against the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” repeal which allowed LGBT Americans to openly serve their country in military service.

2012: Pence refused to say on the record if he supported a same-sex couple raising a child together.

2014: Gov. Pence supported HJR-3, a bill to add an amendment banning same-sex marriage to Indiana’s Constitution.

2015: Governor Pence signed the Religious Freedom Restoration Act in a closed-door ceremony surrounded by special interest lobbyists.

2015: Governor Pence said on ABC’s “This Week” that it was “absolutely not” a mistake to sign RFRA, throwing Indiana into a $250 million economic panic and putting Indiana’s “Hoosier Hospitality” reputation in jeopardy.

2015: Even after his approval rating plummets from RFRA, Mike Pence on July 22 told the media he is “studying” the issue of LGBT rights and whether or not he’d support across the board protections for the LGBT community.

A Timeline of Mike Pence’s Discrimination Against the LGBT Community

Mike Pence = the bigot from Indiana ..........

What's "bigoted" about holding to one's religious faith in Almighty God that sodomy is wrong and marriage is between a man and a broad?

I don't know if you've read the Bible or not. But when I was a younger man, the great theologian Jerry Falwell gave a sermon on this. Explained how he looked through the Scripture, and Almighty God put Adam and EVE into the Garden. He did not, in spite of what libs say, put Adam and Steve into Eden.

This is an actual theological fact.

Bigotry can be excused? Really?

Jerry Falwell????


I've read the Bible. He says a lot of shit. Evidently you think we get to pick & chose which to use.

How did Jesus treat homosexuals?
ButtPlug's latest sleaze is to attack Mike Pence for being "against him" when Pence worked with the little fruitcake several times as Governor of Indiana. Mike seemed pretty surprised when Plug attacked him at the CNN nutcase forum. But that's commiecrats for ya...they're trying to outdo each other to see who can be the craziest. Trump will eat them like a handful of peanuts.
Pence works against gay people. He thinks they are abominations. He wants to take away certain rights. Pence is a big bigoted POS.

can you name one thing pence has done recently? Or ever?
2000: During his congressional campaign, Mike Pence said, “Congress should oppose any effort to put gay and lesbian relationships on an equal legal status with heterosexual marriage.”

2000: Pence also supported the reauthorization of the Ryan White Care Act only if federal dollars were excluded from organizations who “celebrate” and “encourage” behavior that facilitates spreading of the HIV virus. Further, Pence supported this reauthorization only if “those institutions provided assistance to those looking to change their sexual behavior”, an off-the-cuff endorsement for ex-gay conversion therapy.

2004: Mike Pence co-sponsored a proposed amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would define marriage as solely between one man and one woman.

2007: Pence voted against the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA).

2010: Mike Pence voted against the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” repeal which allowed LGBT Americans to openly serve their country in military service.

2012: Pence refused to say on the record if he supported a same-sex couple raising a child together.

2014: Gov. Pence supported HJR-3, a bill to add an amendment banning same-sex marriage to Indiana’s Constitution.

2015: Governor Pence signed the Religious Freedom Restoration Act in a closed-door ceremony surrounded by special interest lobbyists.

2015: Governor Pence said on ABC’s “This Week” that it was “absolutely not” a mistake to sign RFRA, throwing Indiana into a $250 million economic panic and putting Indiana’s “Hoosier Hospitality” reputation in jeopardy.

2015: Even after his approval rating plummets from RFRA, Mike Pence on July 22 told the media he is “studying” the issue of LGBT rights and whether or not he’d support across the board protections for the LGBT community.

A Timeline of Mike Pence’s Discrimination Against the LGBT Community

Mike Pence = the bigot from Indiana ..........

What's "bigoted" about holding to one's religious faith in Almighty God that sodomy is wrong and marriage is between a man and a broad?

I don't know if you've read the Bible or not. But when I was a younger man, the great theologian Jerry Falwell gave a sermon on this. Explained how he looked through the Scripture, and Almighty God put Adam and EVE into the Garden. He did not, in spite of what libs say, put Adam and Steve into Eden.

This is an actual theological fact.
And another thing. No one that voted for Trump had ANY standing talking about their religion unless your Bible says it is OK to abuse women. lie, cheat & be an adulterer.
You can't read.

Here you are pretending to care that Iran mistreats gays when your orange buddy said countries can do whatever they want within their borders & he doesn't care. So do you?

The question isn't whether I care, or President Trump cares. Its whether B. Hussein O cares. Obama is the one who gave the pallets of cash and kissed up to the Iranian mullahs, ever AFTER they refused to allow men into their nation's ladies rooms or provide Sex Change Operations to their prison inmates and naval personnel.

Unless the libs are willing to live by their own code, they have no basis to criticize anyone else

Under Obama, we worked with the UN on human rights. It was always part of our negotiations.

The money to Iran was money owed to them for years. Obama forced the Mullahs to the table & ended their nuclear weapon program. The nuclear deal was about nuclear weapons.

The push for human rights were through other avenues

Obama admininistration slams Iran and Cuba for human rights abuses

So you are caught in another lie.

Trump has told these despots to go ahead & kill gays, reporters women anyone they want.

Actually no money at all was owed to the Iranian mullahs. The money is the property of the Iranian PEOPLE.

The day will come when the people throw out the mullahs and hang them all, so they can restore the Peacock Throne.

At that point in time, America is going to be called on for this money they gave to these tyrants

Actually, it was owed to the Government. Quit being such a asshole.

The current regime in Iran isn't their legal government.

What law are they breaking?
ButtPlug's latest sleaze is to attack Mike Pence for being "against him" when Pence worked with the little fruitcake several times as Governor of Indiana. Mike seemed pretty surprised when Plug attacked him at the CNN nutcase forum. But that's commiecrats for ya...they're trying to outdo each other to see who can be the craziest. Trump will eat them like a handful of peanuts.
Pence works against gay people. He thinks they are abominations. He wants to take away certain rights. Pence is a big bigoted POS.

can you name one thing pence has done recently? Or ever?
2000: During his congressional campaign, Mike Pence said, “Congress should oppose any effort to put gay and lesbian relationships on an equal legal status with heterosexual marriage.”

2000: Pence also supported the reauthorization of the Ryan White Care Act only if federal dollars were excluded from organizations who “celebrate” and “encourage” behavior that facilitates spreading of the HIV virus. Further, Pence supported this reauthorization only if “those institutions provided assistance to those looking to change their sexual behavior”, an off-the-cuff endorsement for ex-gay conversion therapy.

2004: Mike Pence co-sponsored a proposed amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would define marriage as solely between one man and one woman.

2007: Pence voted against the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA).

2010: Mike Pence voted against the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” repeal which allowed LGBT Americans to openly serve their country in military service.

2012: Pence refused to say on the record if he supported a same-sex couple raising a child together.

2014: Gov. Pence supported HJR-3, a bill to add an amendment banning same-sex marriage to Indiana’s Constitution.

2015: Governor Pence signed the Religious Freedom Restoration Act in a closed-door ceremony surrounded by special interest lobbyists.

2015: Governor Pence said on ABC’s “This Week” that it was “absolutely not” a mistake to sign RFRA, throwing Indiana into a $250 million economic panic and putting Indiana’s “Hoosier Hospitality” reputation in jeopardy.

2015: Even after his approval rating plummets from RFRA, Mike Pence on July 22 told the media he is “studying” the issue of LGBT rights and whether or not he’d support across the board protections for the LGBT community.

A Timeline of Mike Pence’s Discrimination Against the LGBT Community

Discrimination against homosexuals isn't an issue. If you, Dave, like to take it in the caboose, if I am your landlord or employer I need never know about it. This is the kind of information that should be shared on a "need to know" basis, and I can't think of a circumstance where I would ever need to know about your devotion to sodomy.

However, if you share that information with me- info that I don't knead to know- you can be discriminated for providing TMI- too much information, and that is perfectly fine IMHO
So, if they stay in the closet, you are OK with that?

Wg=hy can't they have the same freedoms as anyone else in this country?
Seems the Rats affair with the Bobby Kennedy impersonator is OVAH....."Mayor Pete" is this month's swoon, shooting past poor Beto in the polls and the hearts of the loony-tunes. Some lunatic on one of the cable networks called him "chicken soup for her soul". So how long will the gay boy be on top of the heap? I don't know, you don't know, Beto sure as hell don't know, but the page on him has likely been turned as the Buttigieg adventure begins. :nocknockHT:


Mayor Pete Buttigieg surges in new Iowa, NH polls - CNN Video
Bigotry rules in Trumpland
How you treat trump supporters is the most bigoted .. attacking us for talking

Your support of the fsat assed POS Trump is a choice you make.

Being an ass napkin is a choice you make.
It is how God made you.

Able to see that you're an ass napkin? I'm grateful to Him for that ability.
Seems the Rats affair with the Bobby Kennedy impersonator is OVAH....."Mayor Pete" is this month's swoon, shooting past poor Beto in the polls and the hearts of the loony-tunes. Some lunatic on one of the cable networks called him "chicken soup for her soul". So how long will the gay boy be on top of the heap? I don't know, you don't know, Beto sure as hell don't know, but the page on him has likely been turned as the Buttigieg adventure begins. :nocknockHT:


Mayor Pete Buttigieg surges in new Iowa, NH polls - CNN Video
Bigotry rules in Trumpland

Yeah, tell us about it when the Democrats refuse to nominate the gay guy.

They will likely not because of his inexperience.

Yeah, I'm sure that'll be your excuse.
ButtPlug's latest sleaze is to attack Mike Pence for being "against him" when Pence worked with the little fruitcake several times as Governor of Indiana. Mike seemed pretty surprised when Plug attacked him at the CNN nutcase forum. But that's commiecrats for ya...they're trying to outdo each other to see who can be the craziest. Trump will eat them like a handful of peanuts.
Pence works against gay people. He thinks they are abominations. He wants to take away certain rights. Pence is a big bigoted POS.

How do YOU know what he thinks?

He disagrees with them, and you. That you can't bear disagreement without hypocritically viewing it as "an attack" and then attacking yourself tells us everything about what you are, and why you're an object of contempt.
IMO government service is NO PLACE for bigotry.

Sexual perversion? That is your goddamn problem.

Yet, guys like Obama don't feel the same way. The Big O and his underling John Kerry, made a massive payoff to those involved in government service in Iran. $150 Billion

No criticism at all of the mullahs, even though Iran has banned married homosexuals from being officers in their army.
You keep posting the same lie over & over & over & over.

The US used to fight for human rights in other countries until you assfucks put Trump in the White House. Now the US doesn't give a rat's ass what any country does within their own borders. As said by Trump.

Like anyone thinks you would recognize a real "human right" if it crawled up your pants leg, "Assfuck Dave".
The US used to fight for human rights in other countries until you assfucks put Trump in the White House. Now the US doesn't give a rat's ass what any country does within their own borders. As said by Trump.

You claim to be a big "gay" rights supporter, yet you try to insult somebody by calling them an "assfuck"....that's about as Freudian as it gets, fool. :nocknockHT:

You just don't realize that he's actually propositioning people (one MIGHT even say "begging").
Butt has a tendency to drift off into preaching from the church of queer Jesus.. The one major mistake he is making is his attacks on Mike Pence and Pence responds by ignoring the entire gay issue and describing Butt as a fine person making poor policy decisions. The effect is that Butt is starting to blather. He's starting to blather about being gay. Now being a gay victim might be very comfortable for a butt plug. It makes the public's eyes glaze over.
But we know what Pence really is. His bulldshit only works on feeble minded Trumpettes. Pence has worked against Gay rights his entire bigoted life.

Who is "we", Assfuck Dave? You and the voices in your head?
The US used to fight for human rights in other countries until you assfucks put Trump in the White House. Now the US doesn't give a rat's ass what any country does within their own borders. As said by Trump.

You claim to be a big "gay" rights supporter, yet you try to insult somebody by calling them an "assfuck"....that's about as Freudian as it gets, fool. :nocknockHT:

Assfuck = fucking asshole? It's my term & I get to define it. It is not a sexiul term at all because we know Trumpettes can't get it up.

But you think anal sex is just something gay men do?

Who said "JUST"?

You should know that you DON'T get to define words yourself, and everyone else thinks you're just really obsessed with taking it up the tailpipe, Assfuck Dave.
Assfuck = fucking asshole? It's my term & I get to define it. It is not a sexiul term at all because we know Trumpettes can't get it up.

But you think anal sex is just something gay men do?

Ah, so I can call a Ford a Buick because I get to define it? You're a FRAUD...an angry loser who'd trade places with Trump in a heartbeat.

Assfuck is my term. I made it up. I get to define it.

I have no desire to be a fart assed, proven fraud, business cheat, liar, adulterer, women abuser who must resort to paying porn stars ro have sex.

Trump may be yur hero. But to smart people, he is a con man.

Assfuck is actually now your name, Assfuck Dave.

And no, that is two words that have been around and defined for a long time, in a combination which has ALSO been around and defined for a long time. The fact that you're so massively ignorant that you are unaware of it doesn't mean it isn't true.

And as much as I don't personally like Donald Trump, I have to tell you honestly that your description of him would STILL be an improvement over what you actually are, Assfuck Dave.
Butt has a tendency to drift off into preaching from the church of queer Jesus.. The one major mistake he is making is his attacks on Mike Pence and Pence responds by ignoring the entire gay issue and describing Butt as a fine person making poor policy decisions. The effect is that Butt is starting to blather. He's starting to blather about being gay. Now being a gay victim might be very comfortable for a butt plug. It makes the public's eyes glaze over.
But we know what Pence really is. His bulldshit only works on feeble minded Trumpettes. Pence has worked against Gay rights his entire bigoted life.
Good for Pence.
And yes, ignorant, uneducated bigoted people love him for it.

And brain-damaged bigoted sub-humans pretend to be superior and make us laugh at them. (Yes, that does mean you, Assfuck Dave.)
Pence works against gay people. He thinks they are abominations. He wants to take away certain rights. Pence is a big bigoted POS.

can you name one thing pence has done recently? Or ever?
2000: During his congressional campaign, Mike Pence said, “Congress should oppose any effort to put gay and lesbian relationships on an equal legal status with heterosexual marriage.”

2000: Pence also supported the reauthorization of the Ryan White Care Act only if federal dollars were excluded from organizations who “celebrate” and “encourage” behavior that facilitates spreading of the HIV virus. Further, Pence supported this reauthorization only if “those institutions provided assistance to those looking to change their sexual behavior”, an off-the-cuff endorsement for ex-gay conversion therapy.

2004: Mike Pence co-sponsored a proposed amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would define marriage as solely between one man and one woman.

2007: Pence voted against the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA).

2010: Mike Pence voted against the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” repeal which allowed LGBT Americans to openly serve their country in military service.

2012: Pence refused to say on the record if he supported a same-sex couple raising a child together.

2014: Gov. Pence supported HJR-3, a bill to add an amendment banning same-sex marriage to Indiana’s Constitution.

2015: Governor Pence signed the Religious Freedom Restoration Act in a closed-door ceremony surrounded by special interest lobbyists.

2015: Governor Pence said on ABC’s “This Week” that it was “absolutely not” a mistake to sign RFRA, throwing Indiana into a $250 million economic panic and putting Indiana’s “Hoosier Hospitality” reputation in jeopardy.

2015: Even after his approval rating plummets from RFRA, Mike Pence on July 22 told the media he is “studying” the issue of LGBT rights and whether or not he’d support across the board protections for the LGBT community.

A Timeline of Mike Pence’s Discrimination Against the LGBT Community

Mike Pence = the bigot from Indiana ..........

What's "bigoted" about holding to one's religious faith in Almighty God that sodomy is wrong and marriage is between a man and a broad?

I don't know if you've read the Bible or not. But when I was a younger man, the great theologian Jerry Falwell gave a sermon on this. Explained how he looked through the Scripture, and Almighty God put Adam and EVE into the Garden. He did not, in spite of what libs say, put Adam and Steve into Eden.

This is an actual theological fact.

Bigotry can be excused? Really?

Jerry Falwell????


I've read the Bible. He says a lot of shit. Evidently you think we get to pick & chose which to use.

How did Jesus treat homosexuals?

Yeah, because there were tons of out-of-the-closet gays wandering around in Biblical times.

I've read the Bible many times, and unlike you, I read the whole thing AND understood it. If you're pretending that homosexuality is okay with Biblical teachings, YOU are the one thinking you get to pick and choose, Assfuck Dave.

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