Buy low, sell high.

I'm not gambling my money.
I make solid investments, and I get solid returns with 5-6% growth and 5-6% dividends.
You never go to a casino? I'm talking about low-cost Green stocks that you can spend a few thousand on and have hundreds of shares that could increase 5-10x.

You can get over 5% return right now on savings accounts.
You never go to a casino? I'm talking about low-cost Green stocks that you can spend a few thousand on and have hundreds of shares that could increase 5-10x.

You can get over 5% return right now on savings accounts.
Dude, I really don't need anymore money, I have enough. I now rely on dividends so I can live off them and
allocate my estate to others once my wife and I pass on. I don't need to take any chances. It's protection
You never go to a casino? I'm talking about low-cost Green stocks that you can spend a few thousand on and have hundreds of shares that could increase 5-10x.

You can get over 5% return right now on savings accounts.
You and the OP are talking about good ol stock speculation. You might get lucky just like some people get lucky in a casino. Most people lose in casinos and stock speculation.
Dude, I really don't need anymore money, I have enough. I now rely on dividends so I can live off them and
allocate my estate to others once my wife and I pass on. I don't need to take any chances. It's protection
That's cool. I'm just saying there are some stocks out there selling for $1.30 per share that will fairly certainly go up at least to $4.00, and most likely higher.
Dude, I really don't need anymore money, I have enough. I now rely on dividends so I can live off them and
allocate my estate to others once my wife and I pass on. I don't need to take any chances. It's protection
I'm in the same situation as you. But in my youth I learned that stock speculation is very difficult to make profits CONSISTENTLY. Where I made my money is stocks was through Dividend Reinvestment Programs (DRPs) and I made a bunch.
You and the OP are talking about good ol stock speculation. You might get lucky just like some people get lucky in a casino. Most people lose in casinos and stock speculation.
No, it's different because these companies aren't a crapshoot, and it's not luck.

One of them has invented a way to recycle lithium.
One if them has invented a way to convert waste, biofuel and ethanol and convert it into jet fuel, with airline customers and multiple plants around the world.

These are emerging markets, and as fuel gets more expensive due to Saudi meddling in our politics, these companies are going to get much bigger, much faster.
This reminds me of a buddy of mine that used to always brag about his winnings in Vegas, all he ever talked about was the occasional win, he did not ever talk about the 20 losses it took to get to that one win.
Thanks for sharing.
You never go to a casino? I'm talking about low-cost Green stocks that you can spend a few thousand on and have hundreds of shares that could increase 5-10x.
Yea, the tricky part is picking winners. My big loser is building a factory in upstate New York and is partnering with a university there in research and development. Both the Gov. of NY and Chuck Schumer have visited the facility and promoted it, but still it's share price has sunk. It will get there eventually, there is even a Nobel prize winner who is faculty at the university nearby involved in their joint research together.
No, it's different because these companies aren't a crapshoot, and it's not luck.

One of them has invented a way to recycle lithium.
One if them has invented a way to convert waste, biofuel and ethanol and convert it into jet fuel, with airline customers and multiple plants around the world.

These are emerging markets, and as fuel gets more expensive due to Saudi meddling in our politics, these companies are going to get much bigger, much faster.
Ok that's interesting. But the reason these companies stock value is low means there are still hurdles these companies need to clear before their breakthroughs are indeed proven and the companies themselves are proven to have sound management.
I'm in the same situation as you. But in my youth I learned that stock speculation is very difficult to make profits CONSISTENTLY. Where I made my money is stocks was through Dividend Reinvestment Programs (DRPs) and I made a bunch.
It is worth investing in higher risk stocks but keeping most of your portfolio in blue chips. The wins on the riskier stocks are what doubled my portfolio value before I retired, all of them being from green energy.
Yea, the tricky part is picking winners. My big loser is building a factory in upstate New York and is partnering with a university there in research and development. Both the Gov. of NY and Chuck Schumer have visited the facility and promoted it, but still it's share price has sunk. It will get there eventually, there is even a Nobel prize winner who is faculty at the university nearby involved in their joint research together.
Sometimes it's stupid shit. I bought $1,000 of shares of an energy company at just under $4. It went up to $6 and change, then went down in early May to $1.16 per share. Why? Because there was a delay in opening their new plant. Stupid shit. I looked at as an opportunity to buy more shares. It closed today at $5.57.
Sometimes it's stupid shit. I bought $1,000 of shares of an energy company at just under $4. It went up to $6 and change, then went down in early May to $1.16 per share. Why? Because there was a delay in opening their new plant. Stupid shit. I looked at as an opportunity to buy more shares. It closed today at $5.57.
Exactly. You have to take the long view on these start-ups, but the start-ups should have the necessary financial backing, that is key. The stock I sold 7K shares last week, I knew the price would go up because they announced on Friday that they had secured a $400 million dollar loan, and sure enough, Monday morning it jumped to $4.15 a share at opening. Two days later it was $2.50.
First off, I would never day trade. Secondly, I understand your reluctance to "gamble", the strategy for me is to buy low cost stocks, usually those with a background in the emerging market of "green energy", which is like the internet stocks of the late 90's.

The opportunity to double your investment in a few weeks or months is very real when investing this way. It can also backfire.

2 years ago I invested close to $20K in a new lithium battery manufacturer, all of my my shares were purchased around 0.25 to 0.30 a share. It is now .06 a share. I do expect this stock to ultimately take off, but there have been multiple setbacks to their production timeline. So when this happens, all is not lost, you just have to be patient.

Buffet says he makes all his money off of people's impatience (and stupidity).

Most stocks cycle and if you are patient enough they'll cycle the way we need to make money on them.

I am sitting on a couple of stocks that have taken a beating as of late. They'll be back....eventually.
Buffet says he makes all his money off of people's impatience (and stupidity).

Most stocks cycle and if you are patient enough they'll cycle the way we need to make money on them.

I am sitting on a couple of stocks that have taken a beating as of late. They'll be back....eventually.
/---/ Write weekly covered calls on them out of the money at a 10 delta. You'll regain your investment quicker.
This is one example of how to make money in the stock market.

I won't mention the stock, but I bought it at around $1.50 a share (can't remember exact price) back in January, I bought 13K shares and invested $20K.

Last week the stock jumped to $4.15 at opening, and I unloaded 7K shares, which returned me just under $30K. I still have 6K shares, and the current stock price is $2.70.

The intent of the thread is to show how to make money playing the stock market. Everyone has their own strategy, but I like buying stocks priced under $5.00, preferably those who were not over $10 a share. If those stocks were once over $10, then I buy and hold and usually sell as soon as I see an opportunity to double my money.

The best option is to buy a stock that has never exceeded $5.00 in value, usually in the $1.00 to $2.00 range, and wait for it to double in value. If you feel there is growth in its future past 2X your investment, you can sell half and hold the rest, or you can just hold and wait until you see an increase that you like.
That is simply called retail investing.
I have done it for years, and did well for most of them.
I have not done any retail investing at all in the past couple of years for two reasons - more losers than winners, the retail market is extremely volatile now, and all the things that worked in the past - don't anymore. It now requires almost constant watching. Hours of work for small gains.

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