By November 2020 Donald Trump will have increased US debt by $10+ Trillion during his tenure

Anybody who criticized Obama should get on their knees and beg forgiveness.

By the end of his term, $ 10+ trillion will have disappeared down the Dopey Donald Trump rabbit-hole.

Will that shut Dopey Donald Trump's cakehole? Shit no.

The MAGAnuts are addicted to Dopey Donald Trump's lies and he will find a way to blame others and spin it as a success to rouse his MAGAnut hordes.

The Approaching COVID-19 Debt Crisis: How Excessive Debt Reduces Economic Growth

These so called conservatives are truly commies, they enslave the masses to serve the government and military industrial complex, we need a sane democrat WH pronto...

Dopey Donald Trump boasts that he is the King of debt. But, as usual, he will bankrupt the US and walk away leaving others to fix the problems.

MAGA will commence after Dopey Donald Trump is expunged.

Republicans have been creating debt and destroyed economies for a very long time.

I took a class on the economic history of our nation in college. It basically taught us that whenever conservative economics is forced on our nation it destroys our economy and nearly destroys the nation.

I wish that class was required for everyone to take in this nation. It would go a long way to prevent this from happening over and over and over again.

My question is when will Americans wake up and stop electing conservatives?

They have proven over and over and over again they are the most irresponsible people in our nation. Their economic policies only destroy. Their social policies are very irresponsible and cause lives to be destroyed. They are the worst deadbeats in our nation too.
Anybody who criticized Obama should get on their knees and beg forgiveness.

By the end of his term, $ 10+ trillion will have disappeared down the Dopey Donald Trump rabbit-hole.

Will that shut Dopey Donald Trump's cakehole? Shit no.

The MAGAnuts are addicted to Dopey Donald Trump's lies and he will find a way to blame others and spin it as a success to rouse his MAGAnut hordes.

The Approaching COVID-19 Debt Crisis: How Excessive Debt Reduces Economic Growth

The House passes the bills that are sent to the Senate that then get passed and Sent to the Oval Office and signed, so the Blame goes to Pelosi, McConnell and Trump but you think Trump is a dictator as usual and did all this on his own...

Just like when Obama was President it took Pelosi/Boehner/Ryan in the House, Reid/McConnell in the Senate and Obama to waste all that money...

Finally, if you dislike the waste so much then get your beloved China to pay for what we have to spend during this Kung Fu Pandemic seeing it was their failure to contain it!

Why should China pay for Dopey Donald Trump's incompetence?

Wow, China did not contain the virus and it is Trump fault according to you.

Slow in the head people like you seem to believe China failure is the U.S. fault...
Dopey Donald Trump boasts that he is the King of debt. But, as usual, he will bankrupt the US and walk away leaving others to fix the problems.

MAGA will commence after Dopey Donald Trump is expunged.

Republicans have been creating debt and destroyed economies for a very long time.

I took a class on the economic history of our nation in college. It basically taught us that whenever conservative economics is forced on our nation it destroys our economy and nearly destroys the nation.

I wish that class was required for everyone to take in this nation. It would go a long way to prevent this from happening over and over and over again.

My question is when will Americans wake up and stop electing conservatives?

They have proven over and over and over again they are the most irresponsible people in our nation. Their economic policies only destroy. Their social policies are very irresponsible and cause lives to be destroyed. They are the worst deadbeats in our nation too.

Pelosi hold the purse strings, so what policies of hers has lowered the debt and when will those like you ever admit the economic crisis we face is because of China failure and not any one Politician in the States...

Even the U.K., France and Australia know who is responsible for the crash of the World Economy and yet Progressives like you and the Op'er stat loyal to China!
After what?

He failed to implement any response to mitigate the effects of this virus on the population of the country and our economy.

You actually think Biden has any chance against Trump?

Yes. If we can get a "Kenyan" elected..... twice..... after GWB's fucking up his Katrina response we'll have no problem electing Biden after Trump had NO RESPONSE to fighting this virus and having a Katrina death count every single day.

At least GWB TRIED.

Trump never did and now over 75K, and climbing, are dead because Trump failed to do the one job all presidents are required of. Protect the country and American people.

He failed at both.

You think the American people are going to reward a failure Kyzr?

Never going to happen. By the time the election rolls around we'll be way pass 100K dead and Depression.

And Trump will be voted out of office.
We see a lot of ads lately that say "we are all in it together" and "lets pull together" but the TDS left can't let go of their frustration and anger even when democrats have the majority in congress. We see the damndist stuff blamed on the President when we should be trying to unite America. It's a shame that lefties can't let go of their insanity.
Wow, China did not contain the virus and it is Trump fault according to you.

Trump had plenty of warning of this virus impact on the country and American people and failed to take steps to mitigate its impact.

Yes. Trump is at fault for ignoring the warnings he was getting from his Health Officials and for failing to take the steps necessary to mitigate its impact.
We see a lot of ads lately that say "we are all in it together" and "lets pull together"

Where was Trump when he had the chance to mitigate the effects of this virus on the country?

Was he asking us to self isolate as a nation? Close schools? Parks? Businesses?

Or was he holding a MAGA Rally and calling the virus a democrat hoax?
Anybody who criticized Obama should get on their knees and beg forgiveness.

By the end of his term, $ 10+ trillion will have disappeared down the Dopey Donald Trump rabbit-hole.

Will that shut Dopey Donald Trump's cakehole? Shit no.

The MAGAnuts are addicted to Dopey Donald Trump's lies and he will find a way to blame others and spin it as a success to rouse his MAGAnut hordes.

The Approaching COVID-19 Debt Crisis: How Excessive Debt Reduces Economic Growth

The House passes the bills that are sent to the Senate that then get passed and Sent to the Oval Office and signed, so the Blame goes to Pelosi, McConnell and Trump but you think Trump is a dictator as usual and did all this on his own...

Just like when Obama was President it took Pelosi/Boehner/Ryan in the House, Reid/McConnell in the Senate and Obama to waste all that money...

Finally, if you dislike the waste so much then get your beloved China to pay for what we have to spend during this Kung Fu Pandemic seeing it was their failure to contain it!

Why should China pay for Dopey Donald Trump's incompetence?
Hey Asswipe why should China not pay for their fuckup, be it an "Accident" or a deliberate "Attack"

If China pays for fuckup Dopey Donald Trump will it import him to China?

China did not contain the virus and it is Trump fault...

Also isn't amazing how those like you still do not know how this Republic works?

You do know the U.S. is Fifty States that generate their own Economies with the help of the Federal Government.

Texas and California are in the top ten largest economies in the WORLD which mean they alone stir the U.S. economy with a little help from States like New York.

So when the economy of the entire nation crashes it is because States like California and Texas are in a recession or depression.

Now the added expense of China failure to contain the virus fall on China and not the U.S. and our deficit is exploding because of the INTERNATIONAL LOCKDOWN that started when China finally locked a section of their nation down after knowing since November they had a possible Pandemic on their filthy communist hands!

So have China pay the bill!
Dopey Donald Trump boasts that he is the King of debt. But, as usual, he will bankrupt the US and walk away leaving others to fix the problems.

MAGA will commence after Dopey Donald Trump is expunged.

Republicans have been creating debt and destroyed economies for a very long time.

I took a class on the economic history of our nation in college. It basically taught us that whenever conservative economics is forced on our nation it destroys our economy and nearly destroys the nation.

I wish that class was required for everyone to take in this nation. It would go a long way to prevent this from happening over and over and over again.

My question is when will Americans wake up and stop electing conservatives?

They have proven over and over and over again they are the most irresponsible people in our nation. Their economic policies only destroy. Their social policies are very irresponsible and cause lives to be destroyed. They are the worst deadbeats in our nation too.
My God, are you brainwashed!
Wow, China did not contain the virus and it is Trump fault according to you.

Trump had plenty of warning of this virus impact on the country and American people and failed to take steps to mitigate its impact.

Yes. Trump is at fault for ignoring the warnings he was getting from his Health Officials and for failing to take the steps necessary to mitigate its impact.

Oh please write in great fucking detail what steps he should have taken!

Also you are lying when you said he failed because it is well recorded and do not cut what I wrote to spin your fucking lie loser!

I want you to explain what Constitutional Steps he should have taken while being on trial in the Senate when the CDC was issuing warnings!

Also I want you to answer why Andrew Cuomo even admitted the failure to lock his State down earlier was his failure and I bet your punk ass will lie and deny!

Finally, when Trump was stopping international flights from China and the E.U. can you fucking explain why Bill de Blasio was telling the people of New York to visit Chinatown in late January and Early February and when Jake Tapper replayed his comments he quickly wanted to change the subject?

So come on little one tell us how Trump should have done more and when I rip your bullshit apart just remember China thanks you for your commitment to them!
Anybody who criticized Obama should get on their knees and beg forgiveness.

By the end of his term, $ 10+ trillion will have disappeared down the Dopey Donald Trump rabbit-hole.

Will that shut Dopey Donald Trump's cakehole? Shit no.

The MAGAnuts are addicted to Dopey Donald Trump's lies and he will find a way to blame others and spin it as a success to rouse his MAGAnut hordes.

The Approaching COVID-19 Debt Crisis: How Excessive Debt Reduces Economic Growth

These so called conservatives are truly commies, they enslave the masses to serve the government and military industrial complex, we need a sane democrat WH pronto...

View attachment 333546

Yeah, and Pelosi hold the purse strings and you believe more like her will fix the issue and stop the waste...

Democrats are also bitches of the Military Complex and Biden will do as he is told!
WTF does Trump have to do with all the money the Fed and Congress is throwing at the COVID pandemic?
Trump wants to start the economy back up as soon as possible, and the democrats want to print mo money.
You're not on the right side of the issue?!
You should want to print mo money and stay home?!
WTF does Trump have to do with all the money the Fed and Congress is throwing at the COVID pandemic?
The same as any president.
China did not contain the virus and it is Trump fault...

Noooooooo. Focus Otis.

Because China failed to contain the virus.

Look people little boy there blame Trump for China failure once again, so was it everyone around the World fault that they did not stop the virus before it hit their country?

Oh, I cut your response seeing you are a loser and want to just blame Trump, so seeing people got ill and died in Canada I bet you blame Trump...

Hell I bet you blame Trump for those that died in China, right?
Another misleading, dishonest attack on Trump.

The Deficit has increased under every President for decades, regardless of political affiliation.

The main problem is MANDATORY spending, which is about 70% of the entire Budget, the Military, is about 65% of the Discretionary budget.

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