By November 2020 Donald Trump will have increased US debt by $10+ Trillion during his tenure

WTF does Trump have to do with all the money the Fed and Congress is throwing at the COVID pandemic?
You mean aside from his failed leadership resulting in far more economic damage than was necessary?

Here's an interesting question. Why is the fiscal and monetary response to COVID on Congress and the Fed when Congress and the Fed's response to the Bush recession was on Obama?
psssssssssst..i know why.
Simple answer, Obama stifled the US economy with regulations and moving jobs and factories overseas. It was an "unforced error", i.e. "those jobs are not coming back".
Trump's Debt was due to external circumstances. The strongest economy the world had ever seen was shutdown for 3-months or so.
See the difference? One Debt addition was unforced, and one was externally forced.

Obama's debt was incurred due to an economic collapse that predated his administration, which is an external circumstance.

Trump's massive debt was accrued as a direct result of his policies for tax cuts and then exacerbated by his inability to control the spread of COVID 19.
The brown turd's debt was accrued because Nancy Pelosi and the Demoncraps didnt stop the Fannie Freddie debacle from happening. Because of that, the smelly excrement Oblummer got to spend 1.5 trillion dollars a year, and still had the highest amount in poverty since the war on poverty started. Thanks Oblummer...
False and revisionist history.

The dramatic change in the mortgage industry leading into the subprime crisis was the involvement of private mortgage lenders who drove down the requirements for mortgages. Fannie and Freddie had little if anything to do with it.

It was primarily unregulated free market capitalism.

Completely false
What was false about it?

It was overregulation by Democrats who were dead set on getting losers into homes that they could never afford to pay for.
That's the root cause.

False. The vast majority of subprime mortgages were written by specialty mortgage brokers who were not subject to the CRS. Those regulations had been present for decades but there was never any subprime crisis.

The writing of mortgages was pushed by private lenders who were making money by processing them and selling off the junk to unwitting investors.
The writing of mortgages was pushed by private lenders who were making money by processing them and selling off the junk to unwitting investors.

How much of the junk was bought by Fannie and Freddie?

Very little. Fannie and Freddie had far higher underwriting standards. It was sold to investment firms who sold it to investors and made a ton of money off of it. Default rates for the mortgages sold to investment firms was 6 times that which was bought by Fannie and Freddie.

Very little.

How little?

Fannie and Freddie had far higher underwriting standards.

They used to, until Clinton, and later Bush, forced them to buy subprime junk.
Nope! They had better standards than the private sector by far. Fannie and Freddie were hemorrhaging market share to private lenders during the subprime crisis.
View attachment 334787
Nope! They had better standards than the private sector by far.

They did. Before Clinton.

Nope. They had better standards before Clinton. After Clinton. During Bush. At all times during the housing boom. It’s the reason they lost so much market share, because they had higher standards.

They had better standards before Clinton.

And then he weakened them.

Their standards were always higher than private lenders who precipitated the crisis.

They should have higher standards than private lenders, the taxpayers are on the hook!!

That ignores the point that Clinton weakened their standards.

They used to only buy "conforming loans", until Clinton forced then to buy subprime mortgages.
WTF does Trump have to do with all the money the Fed and Congress is throwing at the COVID pandemic?
You mean aside from his failed leadership resulting in far more economic damage than was necessary?

Here's an interesting question. Why is the fiscal and monetary response to COVID on Congress and the Fed when Congress and the Fed's response to the Bush recession was on Obama?
psssssssssst..i know why.
Simple answer, Obama stifled the US economy with regulations and moving jobs and factories overseas. It was an "unforced error", i.e. "those jobs are not coming back".
Trump's Debt was due to external circumstances. The strongest economy the world had ever seen was shutdown for 3-months or so.
See the difference? One Debt addition was unforced, and one was externally forced.

Obama's debt was incurred due to an economic collapse that predated his administration, which is an external circumstance.

Trump's massive debt was accrued as a direct result of his policies for tax cuts and then exacerbated by his inability to control the spread of COVID 19.
The brown turd's debt was accrued because Nancy Pelosi and the Demoncraps didnt stop the Fannie Freddie debacle from happening. Because of that, the smelly excrement Oblummer got to spend 1.5 trillion dollars a year, and still had the highest amount in poverty since the war on poverty started. Thanks Oblummer...
False and revisionist history.

The dramatic change in the mortgage industry leading into the subprime crisis was the involvement of private mortgage lenders who drove down the requirements for mortgages. Fannie and Freddie had little if anything to do with it.

It was primarily unregulated free market capitalism.

Completely false
What was false about it?

It was overregulation by Democrats who were dead set on getting losers into homes that they could never afford to pay for.
That's the root cause.

False. The vast majority of subprime mortgages were written by specialty mortgage brokers who were not subject to the CRS. Those regulations had been present for decades but there was never any subprime crisis.

The writing of mortgages was pushed by private lenders who were making money by processing them and selling off the junk to unwitting investors.
The writing of mortgages was pushed by private lenders who were making money by processing them and selling off the junk to unwitting investors.

How much of the junk was bought by Fannie and Freddie?

Very little. Fannie and Freddie had far higher underwriting standards. It was sold to investment firms who sold it to investors and made a ton of money off of it. Default rates for the mortgages sold to investment firms was 6 times that which was bought by Fannie and Freddie.

Very little.

How little?

Fannie and Freddie had far higher underwriting standards.

They used to, until Clinton, and later Bush, forced them to buy subprime junk.
Nope! They had better standards than the private sector by far. Fannie and Freddie were hemorrhaging market share to private lenders during the subprime crisis.
View attachment 334787
Nope! They had better standards than the private sector by far.

They did. Before Clinton.

Nope. They had better standards before Clinton. After Clinton. During Bush. At all times during the housing boom. It’s the reason they lost so much market share, because they had higher standards.

They had better standards before Clinton.

And then he weakened them.

Their standards were always higher than private lenders who precipitated the crisis.

They should have higher standards than private lenders, the taxpayers are on the hook!!

That ignores the point that Clinton weakened their standards.

They used to only buy "conforming loans", until Clinton forced then to buy subprime mortgages.

And yet there was no subprime crisis in the 90s.
His most successful effort was to impose what were called "affordable housing" requirements on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in 1992. Before that time, these two government sponsored enterprises (GSEs) had been required to buy only mortgages that institutional investors would buy--in other words, prime mortgages--but Frank and others thought these standards made it too difficult for low income borrowers to buy homes. The affordable housing law required Fannie and Freddie to meet government quotas when they bought loans from banks and other mortgage originators.

At first, this quota was 30%; that is, of all the loans they bought, 30% had to be made to people at or below the median income in their communities. HUD, however, was given authority to administer these quotas, and between 1992 and 2007, the quotas were raised from 30% to 50% under Clinton in 2000 and to 55% under Bush in 2007. Despite Frank's effort to make this seem like a partisan issue, it isn't. The Bush administration was just as guilty of this error as the Clinton administration. And Frank is right to say that he eventually saw his error and corrected it when he got the power to do so in 2007, but by then it was too late.

It is certainly possible to find prime mortgages among borrowers below the median income, but when half or more of the mortgages the GSEs bought had to be made to people below that income level, it was inevitable that underwriting standards had to decline. And they did. By 2000, Fannie was offering no-downpayment loans. By 2002, Fannie and Freddie had bought well over $1 trillion of subprime and other low quality loans. Fannie and Freddie were by far the largest part of this effort, but the FHA, Federal Home Loan Banks, Veterans Administration and other agencies--all under congressional and HUD pressure--followed suit. This continued through the 1990s and 2000s until the housing bubble--created by all this government-backed spending--collapsed in 2007. As a result, in 2008, before the mortgage meltdown that triggered the crisis, there were 27 million subprime and other low quality mortgages in the US financial system. That was half of all mortgages. Of these, over 70% (19.2 million) were on the books of government agencies like Fannie and Freddie, so there is no doubt that the government created the demand for these weak loans; less than 30% (7.8 million) were held or distributed by the banks, which profited from the opportunity created by the government. When these mortgages failed in unprecedented numbers in 2008, driving down housing prices throughout the U.S., they weakened all financial institutions and caused the financial crisis.

WTF does Trump have to do with all the money the Fed and Congress is throwing at the COVID pandemic?
You mean aside from his failed leadership resulting in far more economic damage than was necessary?

Here's an interesting question. Why is the fiscal and monetary response to COVID on Congress and the Fed when Congress and the Fed's response to the Bush recession was on Obama?
psssssssssst..i know why.
Simple answer, Obama stifled the US economy with regulations and moving jobs and factories overseas. It was an "unforced error", i.e. "those jobs are not coming back".
Trump's Debt was due to external circumstances. The strongest economy the world had ever seen was shutdown for 3-months or so.
See the difference? One Debt addition was unforced, and one was externally forced.

Obama's debt was incurred due to an economic collapse that predated his administration, which is an external circumstance.

Trump's massive debt was accrued as a direct result of his policies for tax cuts and then exacerbated by his inability to control the spread of COVID 19.
The brown turd's debt was accrued because Nancy Pelosi and the Demoncraps didnt stop the Fannie Freddie debacle from happening. Because of that, the smelly excrement Oblummer got to spend 1.5 trillion dollars a year, and still had the highest amount in poverty since the war on poverty started. Thanks Oblummer...
False and revisionist history.

The dramatic change in the mortgage industry leading into the subprime crisis was the involvement of private mortgage lenders who drove down the requirements for mortgages. Fannie and Freddie had little if anything to do with it.

It was primarily unregulated free market capitalism.

Completely false
What was false about it?

It was overregulation by Democrats who were dead set on getting losers into homes that they could never afford to pay for.
That's the root cause.

False. The vast majority of subprime mortgages were written by specialty mortgage brokers who were not subject to the CRS. Those regulations had been present for decades but there was never any subprime crisis.

The writing of mortgages was pushed by private lenders who were making money by processing them and selling off the junk to unwitting investors.
The writing of mortgages was pushed by private lenders who were making money by processing them and selling off the junk to unwitting investors.

How much of the junk was bought by Fannie and Freddie?

Very little. Fannie and Freddie had far higher underwriting standards. It was sold to investment firms who sold it to investors and made a ton of money off of it. Default rates for the mortgages sold to investment firms was 6 times that which was bought by Fannie and Freddie.

Very little.

How little?

Fannie and Freddie had far higher underwriting standards.

They used to, until Clinton, and later Bush, forced them to buy subprime junk.
Nope! They had better standards than the private sector by far. Fannie and Freddie were hemorrhaging market share to private lenders during the subprime crisis.
View attachment 334787
Nope! They had better standards than the private sector by far.

They did. Before Clinton.

Nope. They had better standards before Clinton. After Clinton. During Bush. At all times during the housing boom. It’s the reason they lost so much market share, because they had higher standards.

They had better standards before Clinton.

And then he weakened them.

Their standards were always higher than private lenders who precipitated the crisis.

They should have higher standards than private lenders, the taxpayers are on the hook!!

That ignores the point that Clinton weakened their standards.

They used to only buy "conforming loans", until Clinton forced then to buy subprime mortgages.

And yet there was no subprime crisis in the 90s.

And yet his weaker standards forced Fannie and Freddie to buy hundreds of billions worth of crappy mortgages.

Much more than "very little".
Trump is sitting on $25 trillion debt with no end in sight. He has added $5.5 trillion in 3.5 years

He has increased the deficit from $600 billion to $2.6 trillion a year

Nice job for a guy who promised to pay it off
WTF does Trump have to do with all the money the Fed and Congress is throwing at the COVID pandemic?
You mean aside from his failed leadership resulting in far more economic damage than was necessary?

Here's an interesting question. Why is the fiscal and monetary response to COVID on Congress and the Fed when Congress and the Fed's response to the Bush recession was on Obama?
psssssssssst..i know why.
Simple answer, Obama stifled the US economy with regulations and moving jobs and factories overseas. It was an "unforced error", i.e. "those jobs are not coming back".
Trump's Debt was due to external circumstances. The strongest economy the world had ever seen was shutdown for 3-months or so.
See the difference? One Debt addition was unforced, and one was externally forced.

Obama's debt was incurred due to an economic collapse that predated his administration, which is an external circumstance.

Trump's massive debt was accrued as a direct result of his policies for tax cuts and then exacerbated by his inability to control the spread of COVID 19.
The brown turd's debt was accrued because Nancy Pelosi and the Demoncraps didnt stop the Fannie Freddie debacle from happening. Because of that, the smelly excrement Oblummer got to spend 1.5 trillion dollars a year, and still had the highest amount in poverty since the war on poverty started. Thanks Oblummer...
False and revisionist history.

The dramatic change in the mortgage industry leading into the subprime crisis was the involvement of private mortgage lenders who drove down the requirements for mortgages. Fannie and Freddie had little if anything to do with it.

It was primarily unregulated free market capitalism.

Completely false
What was false about it?

It was overregulation by Democrats who were dead set on getting losers into homes that they could never afford to pay for.
That's the root cause.

False. The vast majority of subprime mortgages were written by specialty mortgage brokers who were not subject to the CRS. Those regulations had been present for decades but there was never any subprime crisis.

The writing of mortgages was pushed by private lenders who were making money by processing them and selling off the junk to unwitting investors.
The writing of mortgages was pushed by private lenders who were making money by processing them and selling off the junk to unwitting investors.

How much of the junk was bought by Fannie and Freddie?

Very little. Fannie and Freddie had far higher underwriting standards. It was sold to investment firms who sold it to investors and made a ton of money off of it. Default rates for the mortgages sold to investment firms was 6 times that which was bought by Fannie and Freddie.

Very little.

How little?

Fannie and Freddie had far higher underwriting standards.

They used to, until Clinton, and later Bush, forced them to buy subprime junk.
Nope! They had better standards than the private sector by far. Fannie and Freddie were hemorrhaging market share to private lenders during the subprime crisis.
View attachment 334787
Nope! They had better standards than the private sector by far.

They did. Before Clinton.

Nope. They had better standards before Clinton. After Clinton. During Bush. At all times during the housing boom. It’s the reason they lost so much market share, because they had higher standards.

They had better standards before Clinton.

And then he weakened them.

Their standards were always higher than private lenders who precipitated the crisis.

They should have higher standards than private lenders, the taxpayers are on the hook!!

That ignores the point that Clinton weakened their standards.

They used to only buy "conforming loans", until Clinton forced then to buy subprime mortgages.

And yet there was no subprime crisis in the 90s.
That was because the subprime mortgage became a business for many black people who couldnt afford a loan. I saw first hand in Maryland these buyers going into communities buying up parcels and building 2 or 3 homes without any collateral down, and then hopefully turn a profit selling before their ARM went into full interest after 5 years. Then in 2004 the Congress starts asking questions. Barney Frank, Maxine Waters and Chriss Dodd, use the racists tactic to stop redlining those who shoudnt have a loan.

WTF does Trump have to do with all the money the Fed and Congress is throwing at the COVID pandemic?
You mean aside from his failed leadership resulting in far more economic damage than was necessary?

Here's an interesting question. Why is the fiscal and monetary response to COVID on Congress and the Fed when Congress and the Fed's response to the Bush recession was on Obama?
psssssssssst..i know why.
Simple answer, Obama stifled the US economy with regulations and moving jobs and factories overseas. It was an "unforced error", i.e. "those jobs are not coming back".
Trump's Debt was due to external circumstances. The strongest economy the world had ever seen was shutdown for 3-months or so.
See the difference? One Debt addition was unforced, and one was externally forced.

Obama's debt was incurred due to an economic collapse that predated his administration, which is an external circumstance.

Trump's massive debt was accrued as a direct result of his policies for tax cuts and then exacerbated by his inability to control the spread of COVID 19.
The brown turd's debt was accrued because Nancy Pelosi and the Demoncraps didnt stop the Fannie Freddie debacle from happening. Because of that, the smelly excrement Oblummer got to spend 1.5 trillion dollars a year, and still had the highest amount in poverty since the war on poverty started. Thanks Oblummer...
False and revisionist history.

The dramatic change in the mortgage industry leading into the subprime crisis was the involvement of private mortgage lenders who drove down the requirements for mortgages. Fannie and Freddie had little if anything to do with it.

It was primarily unregulated free market capitalism.

Completely false
What was false about it?

It was overregulation by Democrats who were dead set on getting losers into homes that they could never afford to pay for.
That's the root cause.

False. The vast majority of subprime mortgages were written by specialty mortgage brokers who were not subject to the CRS. Those regulations had been present for decades but there was never any subprime crisis.

The writing of mortgages was pushed by private lenders who were making money by processing them and selling off the junk to unwitting investors.
The writing of mortgages was pushed by private lenders who were making money by processing them and selling off the junk to unwitting investors.

How much of the junk was bought by Fannie and Freddie?

Very little. Fannie and Freddie had far higher underwriting standards. It was sold to investment firms who sold it to investors and made a ton of money off of it. Default rates for the mortgages sold to investment firms was 6 times that which was bought by Fannie and Freddie.

Very little.

How little?

Fannie and Freddie had far higher underwriting standards.

They used to, until Clinton, and later Bush, forced them to buy subprime junk.
Nope! They had better standards than the private sector by far. Fannie and Freddie were hemorrhaging market share to private lenders during the subprime crisis.
View attachment 334787
Nope! They had better standards than the private sector by far.

They did. Before Clinton.

Nope. They had better standards before Clinton. After Clinton. During Bush. At all times during the housing boom. It’s the reason they lost so much market share, because they had higher standards.

They had better standards before Clinton.

And then he weakened them.

Their standards were always higher than private lenders who precipitated the crisis.

They should have higher standards than private lenders, the taxpayers are on the hook!!

That ignores the point that Clinton weakened their standards.

They used to only buy "conforming loans", until Clinton forced then to buy subprime mortgages.

And yet there was no subprime crisis in the 90s.
That was because the subprime mortgage became a business for many black people who couldnt afford a loan. I saw first hand in Maryland these buyers going into communities buying up parcels and building 2 or 3 homes without any collateral down, and then hopefully turn a profit selling before their ARM went into full interest after 5 years. Then in 2004 the Congress starts asking questions. Barney Frank, Maxine Waters and Chriss Dodd, use the racists tactic to stop redlining those who shoudnt have a loan.

White people accounted for the majority of subprime originations and the majority of foreclosures during the subprime crisis. Black borrowers were only a small fraction.
WTF does Trump have to do with all the money the Fed and Congress is throwing at the COVID pandemic?
You mean aside from his failed leadership resulting in far more economic damage than was necessary?

Here's an interesting question. Why is the fiscal and monetary response to COVID on Congress and the Fed when Congress and the Fed's response to the Bush recession was on Obama?
psssssssssst..i know why.
Simple answer, Obama stifled the US economy with regulations and moving jobs and factories overseas. It was an "unforced error", i.e. "those jobs are not coming back".
Trump's Debt was due to external circumstances. The strongest economy the world had ever seen was shutdown for 3-months or so.
See the difference? One Debt addition was unforced, and one was externally forced.

Obama's debt was incurred due to an economic collapse that predated his administration, which is an external circumstance.

Trump's massive debt was accrued as a direct result of his policies for tax cuts and then exacerbated by his inability to control the spread of COVID 19.
The brown turd's debt was accrued because Nancy Pelosi and the Demoncraps didnt stop the Fannie Freddie debacle from happening. Because of that, the smelly excrement Oblummer got to spend 1.5 trillion dollars a year, and still had the highest amount in poverty since the war on poverty started. Thanks Oblummer...
False and revisionist history.

The dramatic change in the mortgage industry leading into the subprime crisis was the involvement of private mortgage lenders who drove down the requirements for mortgages. Fannie and Freddie had little if anything to do with it.

It was primarily unregulated free market capitalism.

Completely false
What was false about it?

It was overregulation by Democrats who were dead set on getting losers into homes that they could never afford to pay for.
That's the root cause.

False. The vast majority of subprime mortgages were written by specialty mortgage brokers who were not subject to the CRS. Those regulations had been present for decades but there was never any subprime crisis.

The writing of mortgages was pushed by private lenders who were making money by processing them and selling off the junk to unwitting investors.
The writing of mortgages was pushed by private lenders who were making money by processing them and selling off the junk to unwitting investors.

How much of the junk was bought by Fannie and Freddie?

Very little. Fannie and Freddie had far higher underwriting standards. It was sold to investment firms who sold it to investors and made a ton of money off of it. Default rates for the mortgages sold to investment firms was 6 times that which was bought by Fannie and Freddie.

Very little.

How little?

Fannie and Freddie had far higher underwriting standards.

They used to, until Clinton, and later Bush, forced them to buy subprime junk.
Nope! They had better standards than the private sector by far. Fannie and Freddie were hemorrhaging market share to private lenders during the subprime crisis.
View attachment 334787
Nope! They had better standards than the private sector by far.

They did. Before Clinton.

Nope. They had better standards before Clinton. After Clinton. During Bush. At all times during the housing boom. It’s the reason they lost so much market share, because they had higher standards.

They had better standards before Clinton.

And then he weakened them.

Their standards were always higher than private lenders who precipitated the crisis.

They should have higher standards than private lenders, the taxpayers are on the hook!!

That ignores the point that Clinton weakened their standards.

They used to only buy "conforming loans", until Clinton forced then to buy subprime mortgages.

And yet there was no subprime crisis in the 90s.
That was because the subprime mortgage became a business for many black people who couldnt afford a loan. I saw first hand in Maryland these buyers going into communities buying up parcels and building 2 or 3 homes without any collateral down, and then hopefully turn a profit selling before their ARM went into full interest after 5 years. Then in 2004 the Congress starts asking questions. Barney Frank, Maxine Waters and Chriss Dodd, use the racists tactic to stop redlining those who shoudnt have a loan.

White people accounted for the majority of subprime originations and the majority of foreclosures during the subprime crisis. Black borrowers were only a small fraction.

But foreclosed on at a higher rate.
WTF does Trump have to do with all the money the Fed and Congress is throwing at the COVID pandemic?
You mean aside from his failed leadership resulting in far more economic damage than was necessary?

Here's an interesting question. Why is the fiscal and monetary response to COVID on Congress and the Fed when Congress and the Fed's response to the Bush recession was on Obama?
psssssssssst..i know why.
Simple answer, Obama stifled the US economy with regulations and moving jobs and factories overseas. It was an "unforced error", i.e. "those jobs are not coming back".
Trump's Debt was due to external circumstances. The strongest economy the world had ever seen was shutdown for 3-months or so.
See the difference? One Debt addition was unforced, and one was externally forced.

Obama's debt was incurred due to an economic collapse that predated his administration, which is an external circumstance.

Trump's massive debt was accrued as a direct result of his policies for tax cuts and then exacerbated by his inability to control the spread of COVID 19.
The brown turd's debt was accrued because Nancy Pelosi and the Demoncraps didnt stop the Fannie Freddie debacle from happening. Because of that, the smelly excrement Oblummer got to spend 1.5 trillion dollars a year, and still had the highest amount in poverty since the war on poverty started. Thanks Oblummer...
False and revisionist history.

The dramatic change in the mortgage industry leading into the subprime crisis was the involvement of private mortgage lenders who drove down the requirements for mortgages. Fannie and Freddie had little if anything to do with it.

It was primarily unregulated free market capitalism.

Completely false
What was false about it?

It was overregulation by Democrats who were dead set on getting losers into homes that they could never afford to pay for.
That's the root cause.

False. The vast majority of subprime mortgages were written by specialty mortgage brokers who were not subject to the CRS. Those regulations had been present for decades but there was never any subprime crisis.

The writing of mortgages was pushed by private lenders who were making money by processing them and selling off the junk to unwitting investors.
The writing of mortgages was pushed by private lenders who were making money by processing them and selling off the junk to unwitting investors.

How much of the junk was bought by Fannie and Freddie?

Very little. Fannie and Freddie had far higher underwriting standards. It was sold to investment firms who sold it to investors and made a ton of money off of it. Default rates for the mortgages sold to investment firms was 6 times that which was bought by Fannie and Freddie.

Very little.

How little?

Fannie and Freddie had far higher underwriting standards.

They used to, until Clinton, and later Bush, forced them to buy subprime junk.
Nope! They had better standards than the private sector by far. Fannie and Freddie were hemorrhaging market share to private lenders during the subprime crisis.
View attachment 334787
Nope! They had better standards than the private sector by far.

They did. Before Clinton.

Nope. They had better standards before Clinton. After Clinton. During Bush. At all times during the housing boom. It’s the reason they lost so much market share, because they had higher standards.

They had better standards before Clinton.

And then he weakened them.

Their standards were always higher than private lenders who precipitated the crisis.

They should have higher standards than private lenders, the taxpayers are on the hook!!

That ignores the point that Clinton weakened their standards.

They used to only buy "conforming loans", until Clinton forced then to buy subprime mortgages.

And yet there was no subprime crisis in the 90s.
That was because the subprime mortgage became a business for many black people who couldnt afford a loan. I saw first hand in Maryland these buyers going into communities buying up parcels and building 2 or 3 homes without any collateral down, and then hopefully turn a profit selling before their ARM went into full interest after 5 years. Then in 2004 the Congress starts asking questions. Barney Frank, Maxine Waters and Chriss Dodd, use the racists tactic to stop redlining those who shoudnt have a loan.

White people accounted for the majority of subprime originations and the majority of foreclosures during the subprime crisis. Black borrowers were only a small fraction.

But foreclosed on at a higher rate.

So? They were a tiny fraction of the overall picture.
WTF does Trump have to do with all the money the Fed and Congress is throwing at the COVID pandemic?
You mean aside from his failed leadership resulting in far more economic damage than was necessary?

Here's an interesting question. Why is the fiscal and monetary response to COVID on Congress and the Fed when Congress and the Fed's response to the Bush recession was on Obama?
psssssssssst..i know why.
Simple answer, Obama stifled the US economy with regulations and moving jobs and factories overseas. It was an "unforced error", i.e. "those jobs are not coming back".
Trump's Debt was due to external circumstances. The strongest economy the world had ever seen was shutdown for 3-months or so.
See the difference? One Debt addition was unforced, and one was externally forced.

Obama's debt was incurred due to an economic collapse that predated his administration, which is an external circumstance.

Trump's massive debt was accrued as a direct result of his policies for tax cuts and then exacerbated by his inability to control the spread of COVID 19.
The brown turd's debt was accrued because Nancy Pelosi and the Demoncraps didnt stop the Fannie Freddie debacle from happening. Because of that, the smelly excrement Oblummer got to spend 1.5 trillion dollars a year, and still had the highest amount in poverty since the war on poverty started. Thanks Oblummer...
False and revisionist history.

The dramatic change in the mortgage industry leading into the subprime crisis was the involvement of private mortgage lenders who drove down the requirements for mortgages. Fannie and Freddie had little if anything to do with it.

It was primarily unregulated free market capitalism.

Completely false
What was false about it?

It was overregulation by Democrats who were dead set on getting losers into homes that they could never afford to pay for.
That's the root cause.

False. The vast majority of subprime mortgages were written by specialty mortgage brokers who were not subject to the CRS. Those regulations had been present for decades but there was never any subprime crisis.

The writing of mortgages was pushed by private lenders who were making money by processing them and selling off the junk to unwitting investors.
The writing of mortgages was pushed by private lenders who were making money by processing them and selling off the junk to unwitting investors.

How much of the junk was bought by Fannie and Freddie?

Very little. Fannie and Freddie had far higher underwriting standards. It was sold to investment firms who sold it to investors and made a ton of money off of it. Default rates for the mortgages sold to investment firms was 6 times that which was bought by Fannie and Freddie.

Very little.

How little?

Fannie and Freddie had far higher underwriting standards.

They used to, until Clinton, and later Bush, forced them to buy subprime junk.
Nope! They had better standards than the private sector by far. Fannie and Freddie were hemorrhaging market share to private lenders during the subprime crisis.
View attachment 334787
Nope! They had better standards than the private sector by far.

They did. Before Clinton.

Nope. They had better standards before Clinton. After Clinton. During Bush. At all times during the housing boom. It’s the reason they lost so much market share, because they had higher standards.

They had better standards before Clinton.

And then he weakened them.

Their standards were always higher than private lenders who precipitated the crisis.

They should have higher standards than private lenders, the taxpayers are on the hook!!

That ignores the point that Clinton weakened their standards.

They used to only buy "conforming loans", until Clinton forced then to buy subprime mortgages.

And yet there was no subprime crisis in the 90s.
That was because the subprime mortgage became a business for many black people who couldnt afford a loan. I saw first hand in Maryland these buyers going into communities buying up parcels and building 2 or 3 homes without any collateral down, and then hopefully turn a profit selling before their ARM went into full interest after 5 years. Then in 2004 the Congress starts asking questions. Barney Frank, Maxine Waters and Chriss Dodd, use the racists tactic to stop redlining those who shoudnt have a loan.

White people accounted for the majority of subprime originations and the majority of foreclosures during the subprime crisis. Black borrowers were only a small fraction.

But foreclosed on at a higher rate.

So? They were a tiny fraction of the overall picture.

So? Their higher rate of foreclosure was due to the pushing of mortgages
to people with lower credit scores. Aided by Clinton's mandate that Fannie and Freddie buy
subprime crap.
WTF does Trump have to do with all the money the Fed and Congress is throwing at the COVID pandemic?
You mean aside from his failed leadership resulting in far more economic damage than was necessary?

Here's an interesting question. Why is the fiscal and monetary response to COVID on Congress and the Fed when Congress and the Fed's response to the Bush recession was on Obama?
psssssssssst..i know why.
Simple answer, Obama stifled the US economy with regulations and moving jobs and factories overseas. It was an "unforced error", i.e. "those jobs are not coming back".
Trump's Debt was due to external circumstances. The strongest economy the world had ever seen was shutdown for 3-months or so.
See the difference? One Debt addition was unforced, and one was externally forced.

Obama's debt was incurred due to an economic collapse that predated his administration, which is an external circumstance.

Trump's massive debt was accrued as a direct result of his policies for tax cuts and then exacerbated by his inability to control the spread of COVID 19.
The brown turd's debt was accrued because Nancy Pelosi and the Demoncraps didnt stop the Fannie Freddie debacle from happening. Because of that, the smelly excrement Oblummer got to spend 1.5 trillion dollars a year, and still had the highest amount in poverty since the war on poverty started. Thanks Oblummer...
False and revisionist history.

The dramatic change in the mortgage industry leading into the subprime crisis was the involvement of private mortgage lenders who drove down the requirements for mortgages. Fannie and Freddie had little if anything to do with it.

It was primarily unregulated free market capitalism.

Completely false
What was false about it?

It was overregulation by Democrats who were dead set on getting losers into homes that they could never afford to pay for.
That's the root cause.

False. The vast majority of subprime mortgages were written by specialty mortgage brokers who were not subject to the CRS. Those regulations had been present for decades but there was never any subprime crisis.

The writing of mortgages was pushed by private lenders who were making money by processing them and selling off the junk to unwitting investors.
The writing of mortgages was pushed by private lenders who were making money by processing them and selling off the junk to unwitting investors.

How much of the junk was bought by Fannie and Freddie?

Very little. Fannie and Freddie had far higher underwriting standards. It was sold to investment firms who sold it to investors and made a ton of money off of it. Default rates for the mortgages sold to investment firms was 6 times that which was bought by Fannie and Freddie.

Very little.

How little?

Fannie and Freddie had far higher underwriting standards.

They used to, until Clinton, and later Bush, forced them to buy subprime junk.
Nope! They had better standards than the private sector by far. Fannie and Freddie were hemorrhaging market share to private lenders during the subprime crisis.
View attachment 334787
Nope! They had better standards than the private sector by far.

They did. Before Clinton.

Nope. They had better standards before Clinton. After Clinton. During Bush. At all times during the housing boom. It’s the reason they lost so much market share, because they had higher standards.

They had better standards before Clinton.

And then he weakened them.

Their standards were always higher than private lenders who precipitated the crisis.

They should have higher standards than private lenders, the taxpayers are on the hook!!

That ignores the point that Clinton weakened their standards.

They used to only buy "conforming loans", until Clinton forced then to buy subprime mortgages.

And yet there was no subprime crisis in the 90s.
That was because the subprime mortgage became a business for many black people who couldnt afford a loan. I saw first hand in Maryland these buyers going into communities buying up parcels and building 2 or 3 homes without any collateral down, and then hopefully turn a profit selling before their ARM went into full interest after 5 years. Then in 2004 the Congress starts asking questions. Barney Frank, Maxine Waters and Chriss Dodd, use the racists tactic to stop redlining those who shoudnt have a loan.

White people accounted for the majority of subprime originations and the majority of foreclosures during the subprime crisis. Black borrowers were only a small fraction.

But foreclosed on at a higher rate.

So? They were a tiny fraction of the overall picture.

So? Their higher rate of foreclosure was due to the pushing of mortgages
to people with lower credit scores. Aided by Clinton's mandate that Fannie and Freddie buy
subprime crap.

But given they were such a small part of the foreclosures, they couldn’t possible be responsible for the crisis.
WTF does Trump have to do with all the money the Fed and Congress is throwing at the COVID pandemic?
You mean aside from his failed leadership resulting in far more economic damage than was necessary?

Here's an interesting question. Why is the fiscal and monetary response to COVID on Congress and the Fed when Congress and the Fed's response to the Bush recession was on Obama?
psssssssssst..i know why.
Simple answer, Obama stifled the US economy with regulations and moving jobs and factories overseas. It was an "unforced error", i.e. "those jobs are not coming back".
Trump's Debt was due to external circumstances. The strongest economy the world had ever seen was shutdown for 3-months or so.
See the difference? One Debt addition was unforced, and one was externally forced.

Obama's debt was incurred due to an economic collapse that predated his administration, which is an external circumstance.

Trump's massive debt was accrued as a direct result of his policies for tax cuts and then exacerbated by his inability to control the spread of COVID 19.
The brown turd's debt was accrued because Nancy Pelosi and the Demoncraps didnt stop the Fannie Freddie debacle from happening. Because of that, the smelly excrement Oblummer got to spend 1.5 trillion dollars a year, and still had the highest amount in poverty since the war on poverty started. Thanks Oblummer...
False and revisionist history.

The dramatic change in the mortgage industry leading into the subprime crisis was the involvement of private mortgage lenders who drove down the requirements for mortgages. Fannie and Freddie had little if anything to do with it.

It was primarily unregulated free market capitalism.

Completely false
What was false about it?

It was overregulation by Democrats who were dead set on getting losers into homes that they could never afford to pay for.
That's the root cause.

False. The vast majority of subprime mortgages were written by specialty mortgage brokers who were not subject to the CRS. Those regulations had been present for decades but there was never any subprime crisis.

The writing of mortgages was pushed by private lenders who were making money by processing them and selling off the junk to unwitting investors.
The writing of mortgages was pushed by private lenders who were making money by processing them and selling off the junk to unwitting investors.

How much of the junk was bought by Fannie and Freddie?

Very little. Fannie and Freddie had far higher underwriting standards. It was sold to investment firms who sold it to investors and made a ton of money off of it. Default rates for the mortgages sold to investment firms was 6 times that which was bought by Fannie and Freddie.

Very little.

How little?

Fannie and Freddie had far higher underwriting standards.

They used to, until Clinton, and later Bush, forced them to buy subprime junk.
Nope! They had better standards than the private sector by far. Fannie and Freddie were hemorrhaging market share to private lenders during the subprime crisis.
View attachment 334787
Nope! They had better standards than the private sector by far.

They did. Before Clinton.

Nope. They had better standards before Clinton. After Clinton. During Bush. At all times during the housing boom. It’s the reason they lost so much market share, because they had higher standards.

They had better standards before Clinton.

And then he weakened them.

Their standards were always higher than private lenders who precipitated the crisis.

They should have higher standards than private lenders, the taxpayers are on the hook!!

That ignores the point that Clinton weakened their standards.

They used to only buy "conforming loans", until Clinton forced then to buy subprime mortgages.

And yet there was no subprime crisis in the 90s.
That was because the subprime mortgage became a business for many black people who couldnt afford a loan. I saw first hand in Maryland these buyers going into communities buying up parcels and building 2 or 3 homes without any collateral down, and then hopefully turn a profit selling before their ARM went into full interest after 5 years. Then in 2004 the Congress starts asking questions. Barney Frank, Maxine Waters and Chriss Dodd, use the racists tactic to stop redlining those who shoudnt have a loan.

White people accounted for the majority of subprime originations and the majority of foreclosures during the subprime crisis. Black borrowers were only a small fraction.

But foreclosed on at a higher rate.

So? They were a tiny fraction of the overall picture.

So? Their higher rate of foreclosure was due to the pushing of mortgages
to people with lower credit scores. Aided by Clinton's mandate that Fannie and Freddie buy
subprime crap.

But given they were such a small part of the foreclosures, they couldn’t possible be responsible for the crisis.

But given they were such a small part of the foreclosures,

13% of the population......they're a small part of almost everything.

they couldn’t possible be responsible for the crisis.

Who said they were?
WTF does Trump have to do with all the money the Fed and Congress is throwing at the COVID pandemic?
You mean aside from his failed leadership resulting in far more economic damage than was necessary?

Here's an interesting question. Why is the fiscal and monetary response to COVID on Congress and the Fed when Congress and the Fed's response to the Bush recession was on Obama?
psssssssssst..i know why.
Simple answer, Obama stifled the US economy with regulations and moving jobs and factories overseas. It was an "unforced error", i.e. "those jobs are not coming back".
Trump's Debt was due to external circumstances. The strongest economy the world had ever seen was shutdown for 3-months or so.
See the difference? One Debt addition was unforced, and one was externally forced.

Obama's debt was incurred due to an economic collapse that predated his administration, which is an external circumstance.

Trump's massive debt was accrued as a direct result of his policies for tax cuts and then exacerbated by his inability to control the spread of COVID 19.
The brown turd's debt was accrued because Nancy Pelosi and the Demoncraps didnt stop the Fannie Freddie debacle from happening. Because of that, the smelly excrement Oblummer got to spend 1.5 trillion dollars a year, and still had the highest amount in poverty since the war on poverty started. Thanks Oblummer...
False and revisionist history.

The dramatic change in the mortgage industry leading into the subprime crisis was the involvement of private mortgage lenders who drove down the requirements for mortgages. Fannie and Freddie had little if anything to do with it.

It was primarily unregulated free market capitalism.

Completely false
What was false about it?

It was overregulation by Democrats who were dead set on getting losers into homes that they could never afford to pay for.
That's the root cause.

False. The vast majority of subprime mortgages were written by specialty mortgage brokers who were not subject to the CRS. Those regulations had been present for decades but there was never any subprime crisis.

The writing of mortgages was pushed by private lenders who were making money by processing them and selling off the junk to unwitting investors.
The writing of mortgages was pushed by private lenders who were making money by processing them and selling off the junk to unwitting investors.

How much of the junk was bought by Fannie and Freddie?

Very little. Fannie and Freddie had far higher underwriting standards. It was sold to investment firms who sold it to investors and made a ton of money off of it. Default rates for the mortgages sold to investment firms was 6 times that which was bought by Fannie and Freddie.

Very little.

How little?

Fannie and Freddie had far higher underwriting standards.

They used to, until Clinton, and later Bush, forced them to buy subprime junk.
Nope! They had better standards than the private sector by far. Fannie and Freddie were hemorrhaging market share to private lenders during the subprime crisis.
View attachment 334787
Nope! They had better standards than the private sector by far.

They did. Before Clinton.

Nope. They had better standards before Clinton. After Clinton. During Bush. At all times during the housing boom. It’s the reason they lost so much market share, because they had higher standards.

They had better standards before Clinton.

And then he weakened them.

Their standards were always higher than private lenders who precipitated the crisis.

They should have higher standards than private lenders, the taxpayers are on the hook!!

That ignores the point that Clinton weakened their standards.

They used to only buy "conforming loans", until Clinton forced then to buy subprime mortgages.

And yet there was no subprime crisis in the 90s.
That was because the subprime mortgage became a business for many black people who couldnt afford a loan. I saw first hand in Maryland these buyers going into communities buying up parcels and building 2 or 3 homes without any collateral down, and then hopefully turn a profit selling before their ARM went into full interest after 5 years. Then in 2004 the Congress starts asking questions. Barney Frank, Maxine Waters and Chriss Dodd, use the racists tactic to stop redlining those who shoudnt have a loan.

White people accounted for the majority of subprime originations and the majority of foreclosures during the subprime crisis. Black borrowers were only a small fraction.

But foreclosed on at a higher rate.

So? They were a tiny fraction of the overall picture.

So? Their higher rate of foreclosure was due to the pushing of mortgages
to people with lower credit scores. Aided by Clinton's mandate that Fannie and Freddie buy
subprime crap.

But given they were such a small part of the foreclosures, they couldn’t possible be responsible for the crisis.

Negroes aren't really responsible for anything, now are they.
WTF does Trump have to do with all the money the Fed and Congress is throwing at the COVID pandemic?
You mean aside from his failed leadership resulting in far more economic damage than was necessary?

Here's an interesting question. Why is the fiscal and monetary response to COVID on Congress and the Fed when Congress and the Fed's response to the Bush recession was on Obama?
psssssssssst..i know why.
Simple answer, Obama stifled the US economy with regulations and moving jobs and factories overseas. It was an "unforced error", i.e. "those jobs are not coming back".
Trump's Debt was due to external circumstances. The strongest economy the world had ever seen was shutdown for 3-months or so.
See the difference? One Debt addition was unforced, and one was externally forced.

Obama's debt was incurred due to an economic collapse that predated his administration, which is an external circumstance.

Trump's massive debt was accrued as a direct result of his policies for tax cuts and then exacerbated by his inability to control the spread of COVID 19.
The brown turd's debt was accrued because Nancy Pelosi and the Demoncraps didnt stop the Fannie Freddie debacle from happening. Because of that, the smelly excrement Oblummer got to spend 1.5 trillion dollars a year, and still had the highest amount in poverty since the war on poverty started. Thanks Oblummer...
False and revisionist history.

The dramatic change in the mortgage industry leading into the subprime crisis was the involvement of private mortgage lenders who drove down the requirements for mortgages. Fannie and Freddie had little if anything to do with it.

It was primarily unregulated free market capitalism.

Completely false
What was false about it?

It was overregulation by Democrats who were dead set on getting losers into homes that they could never afford to pay for.
That's the root cause.

False. The vast majority of subprime mortgages were written by specialty mortgage brokers who were not subject to the CRS. Those regulations had been present for decades but there was never any subprime crisis.

The writing of mortgages was pushed by private lenders who were making money by processing them and selling off the junk to unwitting investors.
The writing of mortgages was pushed by private lenders who were making money by processing them and selling off the junk to unwitting investors.

How much of the junk was bought by Fannie and Freddie?

Very little. Fannie and Freddie had far higher underwriting standards. It was sold to investment firms who sold it to investors and made a ton of money off of it. Default rates for the mortgages sold to investment firms was 6 times that which was bought by Fannie and Freddie.

Very little.

How little?

Fannie and Freddie had far higher underwriting standards.

They used to, until Clinton, and later Bush, forced them to buy subprime junk.
Nope! They had better standards than the private sector by far. Fannie and Freddie were hemorrhaging market share to private lenders during the subprime crisis.
View attachment 334787
Nope! They had better standards than the private sector by far.

They did. Before Clinton.

Nope. They had better standards before Clinton. After Clinton. During Bush. At all times during the housing boom. It’s the reason they lost so much market share, because they had higher standards.

They had better standards before Clinton.

And then he weakened them.

Their standards were always higher than private lenders who precipitated the crisis.

They should have higher standards than private lenders, the taxpayers are on the hook!!

That ignores the point that Clinton weakened their standards.

They used to only buy "conforming loans", until Clinton forced then to buy subprime mortgages.

And yet there was no subprime crisis in the 90s.
That was because the subprime mortgage became a business for many black people who couldnt afford a loan. I saw first hand in Maryland these buyers going into communities buying up parcels and building 2 or 3 homes without any collateral down, and then hopefully turn a profit selling before their ARM went into full interest after 5 years. Then in 2004 the Congress starts asking questions. Barney Frank, Maxine Waters and Chriss Dodd, use the racists tactic to stop redlining those who shoudnt have a loan.

White people accounted for the majority of subprime originations and the majority of foreclosures during the subprime crisis. Black borrowers were only a small fraction.

But foreclosed on at a higher rate.

So? They were a tiny fraction of the overall picture.

So? Their higher rate of foreclosure was due to the pushing of mortgages
to people with lower credit scores. Aided by Clinton's mandate that Fannie and Freddie buy
subprime crap.

But given they were such a small part of the foreclosures, they couldn’t possible be responsible for the crisis.

Negroes aren't really responsible for anything, now are they.

Only inner city ones, who rely on liberal politicians to give them free stuff. Those who live in the suburbs like my bud here, he not only has his own business, but is a stock holder also. There are many of those who have voted for President Trump because the left has abused their vote for over 40 years now....
Trump has bankrupted his businesses

Now, he is bankrupting our country

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