By November 2020 Donald Trump will have increased US debt by $10+ Trillion during his tenure

WTF does Trump have to do with all the money the Fed and Congress is throwing at the COVID pandemic?
You mean aside from his failed leadership resulting in far more economic damage than was necessary?

Here's an interesting question. Why is the fiscal and monetary response to COVID on Congress and the Fed when Congress and the Fed's response to the Bush recession was on Obama?
psssssssssst..i know why.
Simple answer, Obama stifled the US economy with regulations and moving jobs and factories overseas. It was an "unforced error", i.e. "those jobs are not coming back".
Trump's Debt was due to external circumstances. The strongest economy the world had ever seen was shutdown for 3-months or so.
See the difference? One Debt addition was unforced, and one was externally forced.

Obama's debt was incurred due to an economic collapse that predated his administration, which is an external circumstance.

Trump's massive debt was accrued as a direct result of his policies for tax cuts and then exacerbated by his inability to control the spread of COVID 19.
Half right.
1. Obama's recovery was unnecessarily slow, the slowest in history.
2. Trump's tax cuts were bad, but his COVID response was better than the democrat's would have been, his travel ban was called racist & xenophobic by the dems.

Trump is racist and xenophobic. He inherited a growing economy from Obama and poisoned it with debt that grew at > 2 x GDP growth.

Dopey Donald Trump is not a visionary, he is a reactionary.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :lmao::clap::clap::shutupsmiley:
Anybody who criticized Obama should get on their knees and beg forgiveness.

By the end of his term, $ 10+ trillion will have disappeared down the Dopey Donald Trump rabbit-hole.

Will that shut Dopey Donald Trump's cakehole? Shit no.

The MAGAnuts are addicted to Dopey Donald Trump's lies and he will find a way to blame others and spin it as a success to rouse his MAGAnut hordes.

The Approaching COVID-19 Debt Crisis: How Excessive Debt Reduces Economic Growth
Did congress vote for it?

Pay attention dolt.
Yes As a matter fact Democrats in Congress voted for all this deficit
Anybody who criticized Obama should get on their knees and beg forgiveness.

By the end of his term, $ 10+ trillion will have disappeared down the Dopey Donald Trump rabbit-hole.

Will that shut Dopey Donald Trump's cakehole? Shit no.

The MAGAnuts are addicted to Dopey Donald Trump's lies and he will find a way to blame others and spin it as a success to rouse his MAGAnut hordes.

The Approaching COVID-19 Debt Crisis: How Excessive Debt Reduces Economic Growth
Thanks to China.....and the Democraps who spent millions on never ending investigations into Russian Collusion, Stormy Daniels, Brett Kavanaugh, Ukraine, Cuomo's selling of PPE just before the Wuhan Virus was let out...oops...Demoncraps suck


The game is played at Trillions....

All hail Trump the Great... There is a belief out there that total devotion to Trump is needed...

They accuse people of TDS when they can't admit Trump made a mess of the COVID response...

They can't accept that..
Just as obamabots did when Ears was potus. Partisans can see the truth.

At least Donnie hasn’t started any new wars, as the two previous crooks did.
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :thankusmile:
Anybody who criticized Obama should get on their knees and beg forgiveness.

By the end of his term, $ 10+ trillion will have disappeared down the Dopey Donald Trump rabbit-hole.

Will that shut Dopey Donald Trump's cakehole? Shit no.

The MAGAnuts are addicted to Dopey Donald Trump's lies and he will find a way to blame others and spin it as a success to rouse his MAGAnut hordes.

The Approaching COVID-19 Debt Crisis: How Excessive Debt Reduces Economic Growth
And the Dems endorsed every cent.

The buck stops where?
Who the fuck knows chief? You ever watch professional wrestling? One guy is the bad guy and the next guy is the good guy? However we all know it's just a charade and a show? Yeah...
Not a hairs difference between the two sides on the REALLY important stuff.

Bailouts? Yeap
Wars? Yeap!
Zionism? YEAP!
Erosion of American rights? You bet your fuckin blue ass!

This shit is a facade! Wake the fuck up.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
Anybody who criticized Obama should get on their knees and beg forgiveness.

By the end of his term, $ 10+ trillion will have disappeared down the Dopey Donald Trump rabbit-hole.

Will that shut Dopey Donald Trump's cakehole? Shit no.

The MAGAnuts are addicted to Dopey Donald Trump's lies and he will find a way to blame others and spin it as a success to rouse his MAGAnut hordes.

The Approaching COVID-19 Debt Crisis: How Excessive Debt Reduces Economic Growth
And the Dems endorsed every cent.

The buck stops where?
Who the fuck knows chief? You ever watch professional wrestling? One guy is the bad guy and the next guy is the good guy? However we all know it's just a charade and a show? Yeah...
Not a hairs difference between the two sides on the REALLY important stuff.

Bailouts? Yeap
Wars? Yeap!
Zionism? YEAP!
Erosion of American rights? You bet your fuckin blue ass!

This shit is a facade! Wake the fuck up.

There is a major difference between the two sides. Democrats don't believe in giving billionaires tax breaks.
Boy are you fucking stupid if you seriously there is a difference in the two sides and really believe that shit. :abgg2q.jpg: :lmao: Yeah those great dems don’t believe in giving billionaires tax breaks that’s why clinton signed nafta that his pal bush drew up in his last days in office:abgg2q.jpg::lmao::auiqs.jpg: had Ross Perot been elected instead of traiter clinton,we would not be in debt as we are now. Perot was a patriot.bush and his pal Clinton were both in favor of nafta,nafta of course which billyboy signed,was a betrayed to all Americans.thousands of jobs were lost in the ninetys thanks to both Clinton and bush,bush number two and Obama and now trump,have all expanded what bush one got started you stupid clown:abgg2q.jpg::ahole-1:
Anybody who criticized Obama should get on their knees and beg forgiveness.

By the end of his term, $ 10+ trillion will have disappeared down the Dopey Donald Trump rabbit-hole.

Will that shut Dopey Donald Trump's cakehole? Shit no.

The MAGAnuts are addicted to Dopey Donald Trump's lies and he will find a way to blame others and spin it as a success to rouse his MAGAnut hordes.

The Approaching COVID-19 Debt Crisis: How Excessive Debt Reduces Economic Growth
You lost your credibility there saying anybody who critized Obama should pray for forgiveness. :auiqs.jpg: :lmao: Even though your op is true on trump you lost your credibility with that crap on true American who cares about their country is going to ask gforgiveness from that motherfucker mass murderer who expanded bush’s war I. The Middle East and was a mass murderersame as pal bush and like him,took a shit on the constitution and civil libertys,so fuck you on asking forgiveness from that motherfucker.oh and I am no trump supporter either so you know:ahole-1:

Another MAGAnut bogus disclaimer saying I didn't vote for Trump.
Obobo is a jigaboo faggot who will most certainly burn in hell.

Hell is full of MAGAnuts like you.
Maganut...sounds like a candy bar...doesn't that sound good? I would definitely buy a Maganut Bar.
Anybody who criticized Obama should get on their knees and beg forgiveness.

By the end of his term, $ 10+ trillion will have disappeared down the Dopey Donald Trump rabbit-hole.

Will that shut Dopey Donald Trump's cakehole? Shit no.

The MAGAnuts are addicted to Dopey Donald Trump's lies and he will find a way to blame others and spin it as a success to rouse his MAGAnut hordes.

The Approaching COVID-19 Debt Crisis: How Excessive Debt Reduces Economic Growth
You lost your credibility there saying anybody who critized Obama should pray for forgiveness. :auiqs.jpg: :lmao: Even though your op is true on trump you lost your credibility with that crap on true American who cares about their country is going to ask gforgiveness from that motherfucker mass murderer who expanded bush’s war I. The Middle East and was a mass murderersame as pal bush and like him,took a shit on the constitution and civil libertys,so fuck you on asking forgiveness from that motherfucker.oh and I am no trump supporter either so you know:ahole-1:

Another MAGAnut bogus disclaimer saying I didn't vote for Trump.
Obobo is a jigaboo faggot who will most certainly burn in hell.

Hell is full of MAGAnuts like you.
Maganut...sounds like a candy bar...doesn't that sound good? I would definitely buy a Maganut Bar.

You are addicted to Dopey Donald Trump's fudge.
Our debt is an alarming number for certain. Doubled on Bush's watch and doubled again on Obama's. Under Trump we were on pace to match or come under Obama's, but with COVID we're now sitting at over 25 MFing TRILLION in debt.

As for the OP, he's just trolling.
Our debt is an alarming number for certain. Doubled on Bush's watch and doubled again on Obama's. Under Trump we were on pace to match or come under Obama's, but with COVID we're now sitting at over 25 MFing TRILLION in debt.

As for the OP, he's just trolling.
Yeah anybody who has followed the posts of this idiot figured that out years ago as I did it’s so obvious he can’t post without trolling.
Anybody who criticized Obama should get on their knees and beg forgiveness.

By the end of his term, $ 10+ trillion will have disappeared down the Dopey Donald Trump rabbit-hole.

Will that shut Dopey Donald Trump's cakehole? Shit no.

The MAGAnuts are addicted to Dopey Donald Trump's lies and he will find a way to blame others and spin it as a success to rouse his MAGAnut hordes.

The Approaching COVID-19 Debt Crisis: How Excessive Debt Reduces Economic Growth
You lost your credibility there saying anybody who critized Obama should pray for forgiveness. :auiqs.jpg: :lmao: Even though your op is true on trump you lost your credibility with that crap on true American who cares about their country is going to ask gforgiveness from that motherfucker mass murderer who expanded bush’s war I. The Middle East and was a mass murderersame as pal bush and like him,took a shit on the constitution and civil libertys,so fuck you on asking forgiveness from that motherfucker.oh and I am no trump supporter either so you know:ahole-1:

Another MAGAnut bogus disclaimer saying I didn't vote for Trump.
Obobo is a jigaboo faggot who will most certainly burn in hell.

Hell is full of MAGAnuts like you.
Maganut...sounds like a candy bar...doesn't that sound good? I would definitely buy a Maganut Bar.

You are addicted to Dopey Donald Trump's fudge.
Oh Donald Trump...I think everyone but you on this board knows what I think of Donald Trump...i mean I think you libs are a bunch of faggots dont get me wrong...but I don't hold a much higher opinion of Trump.
By the end of his term, $ 10+ trillion will have disappeared down the Dopey Donald Trump rabbit-hole.

I am sure he couldn't have done with the help from the Democrats, huh?

WTF does Trump have to do with all the money the Fed and Congress is throwing at the COVID pandemic?
You mean aside from his failed leadership resulting in far more economic damage than was necessary?

Here's an interesting question. Why is the fiscal and monetary response to COVID on Congress and the Fed when Congress and the Fed's response to the Bush recession was on Obama?
psssssssssst..i know why.
Simple answer, Obama stifled the US economy with regulations and moving jobs and factories overseas. It was an "unforced error", i.e. "those jobs are not coming back".
Trump's Debt was due to external circumstances. The strongest economy the world had ever seen was shutdown for 3-months or so.
See the difference? One Debt addition was unforced, and one was externally forced.

Obama's debt was incurred due to an economic collapse that predated his administration, which is an external circumstance.

Trump's massive debt was accrued as a direct result of his policies for tax cuts and then exacerbated by his inability to control the spread of COVID 19.
The brown turd's debt was accrued because Nancy Pelosi and the Demoncraps didnt stop the Fannie Freddie debacle from happening. Because of that, the smelly excrement Oblummer got to spend 1.5 trillion dollars a year, and still had the highest amount in poverty since the war on poverty started. Thanks Oblummer...
False and revisionist history.

The dramatic change in the mortgage industry leading into the subprime crisis was the involvement of private mortgage lenders who drove down the requirements for mortgages. Fannie and Freddie had little if anything to do with it.

It was primarily unregulated free market capitalism.

Completely false
What was false about it?

It was overregulation by Democrats who were dead set on getting losers into homes that they could never afford to pay for.
That's the root cause.

False. The vast majority of subprime mortgages were written by specialty mortgage brokers who were not subject to the CRS. Those regulations had been present for decades but there was never any subprime crisis.

The writing of mortgages was pushed by private lenders who were making money by processing them and selling off the junk to unwitting investors.
The writing of mortgages was pushed by private lenders who were making money by processing them and selling off the junk to unwitting investors.

How much of the junk was bought by Fannie and Freddie?
WTF does Trump have to do with all the money the Fed and Congress is throwing at the COVID pandemic?
You mean aside from his failed leadership resulting in far more economic damage than was necessary?

Here's an interesting question. Why is the fiscal and monetary response to COVID on Congress and the Fed when Congress and the Fed's response to the Bush recession was on Obama?
psssssssssst..i know why.
Simple answer, Obama stifled the US economy with regulations and moving jobs and factories overseas. It was an "unforced error", i.e. "those jobs are not coming back".
Trump's Debt was due to external circumstances. The strongest economy the world had ever seen was shutdown for 3-months or so.
See the difference? One Debt addition was unforced, and one was externally forced.

Obama's debt was incurred due to an economic collapse that predated his administration, which is an external circumstance.

Trump's massive debt was accrued as a direct result of his policies for tax cuts and then exacerbated by his inability to control the spread of COVID 19.
The brown turd's debt was accrued because Nancy Pelosi and the Demoncraps didnt stop the Fannie Freddie debacle from happening. Because of that, the smelly excrement Oblummer got to spend 1.5 trillion dollars a year, and still had the highest amount in poverty since the war on poverty started. Thanks Oblummer...
False and revisionist history.

The dramatic change in the mortgage industry leading into the subprime crisis was the involvement of private mortgage lenders who drove down the requirements for mortgages. Fannie and Freddie had little if anything to do with it.

It was primarily unregulated free market capitalism.

Completely false
What was false about it?

It was overregulation by Democrats who were dead set on getting losers into homes that they could never afford to pay for.
That's the root cause.

False. The vast majority of subprime mortgages were written by specialty mortgage brokers who were not subject to the CRS. Those regulations had been present for decades but there was never any subprime crisis.

The writing of mortgages was pushed by private lenders who were making money by processing them and selling off the junk to unwitting investors.
The writing of mortgages was pushed by private lenders who were making money by processing them and selling off the junk to unwitting investors.

How much of the junk was bought by Fannie and Freddie?

Very little. Fannie and Freddie had far higher underwriting standards. It was sold to investment firms who sold it to investors and made a ton of money off of it. Default rates for the mortgages sold to investment firms was 6 times that which was bought by Fannie and Freddie.
WTF does Trump have to do with all the money the Fed and Congress is throwing at the COVID pandemic?
You mean aside from his failed leadership resulting in far more economic damage than was necessary?

Here's an interesting question. Why is the fiscal and monetary response to COVID on Congress and the Fed when Congress and the Fed's response to the Bush recession was on Obama?
psssssssssst..i know why.
Simple answer, Obama stifled the US economy with regulations and moving jobs and factories overseas. It was an "unforced error", i.e. "those jobs are not coming back".
Trump's Debt was due to external circumstances. The strongest economy the world had ever seen was shutdown for 3-months or so.
See the difference? One Debt addition was unforced, and one was externally forced.

Obama's debt was incurred due to an economic collapse that predated his administration, which is an external circumstance.

Trump's massive debt was accrued as a direct result of his policies for tax cuts and then exacerbated by his inability to control the spread of COVID 19.
The brown turd's debt was accrued because Nancy Pelosi and the Demoncraps didnt stop the Fannie Freddie debacle from happening. Because of that, the smelly excrement Oblummer got to spend 1.5 trillion dollars a year, and still had the highest amount in poverty since the war on poverty started. Thanks Oblummer...
False and revisionist history.

The dramatic change in the mortgage industry leading into the subprime crisis was the involvement of private mortgage lenders who drove down the requirements for mortgages. Fannie and Freddie had little if anything to do with it.

It was primarily unregulated free market capitalism.

Completely false
What was false about it?

It was overregulation by Democrats who were dead set on getting losers into homes that they could never afford to pay for.
That's the root cause.

False. The vast majority of subprime mortgages were written by specialty mortgage brokers who were not subject to the CRS. Those regulations had been present for decades but there was never any subprime crisis.

The writing of mortgages was pushed by private lenders who were making money by processing them and selling off the junk to unwitting investors.
The writing of mortgages was pushed by private lenders who were making money by processing them and selling off the junk to unwitting investors.

How much of the junk was bought by Fannie and Freddie?

Very little. Fannie and Freddie had far higher underwriting standards. It was sold to investment firms who sold it to investors and made a ton of money off of it. Default rates for the mortgages sold to investment firms was 6 times that which was bought by Fannie and Freddie.

Very little.

How little?

Fannie and Freddie had far higher underwriting standards.

They used to, until Clinton, and later Bush, forced them to buy subprime junk.
WTF does Trump have to do with all the money the Fed and Congress is throwing at the COVID pandemic?
You mean aside from his failed leadership resulting in far more economic damage than was necessary?

Here's an interesting question. Why is the fiscal and monetary response to COVID on Congress and the Fed when Congress and the Fed's response to the Bush recession was on Obama?
psssssssssst..i know why.
Simple answer, Obama stifled the US economy with regulations and moving jobs and factories overseas. It was an "unforced error", i.e. "those jobs are not coming back".
Trump's Debt was due to external circumstances. The strongest economy the world had ever seen was shutdown for 3-months or so.
See the difference? One Debt addition was unforced, and one was externally forced.

Obama's debt was incurred due to an economic collapse that predated his administration, which is an external circumstance.

Trump's massive debt was accrued as a direct result of his policies for tax cuts and then exacerbated by his inability to control the spread of COVID 19.
The brown turd's debt was accrued because Nancy Pelosi and the Demoncraps didnt stop the Fannie Freddie debacle from happening. Because of that, the smelly excrement Oblummer got to spend 1.5 trillion dollars a year, and still had the highest amount in poverty since the war on poverty started. Thanks Oblummer...
False and revisionist history.

The dramatic change in the mortgage industry leading into the subprime crisis was the involvement of private mortgage lenders who drove down the requirements for mortgages. Fannie and Freddie had little if anything to do with it.

It was primarily unregulated free market capitalism.

Completely false
What was false about it?

It was overregulation by Democrats who were dead set on getting losers into homes that they could never afford to pay for.
That's the root cause.

False. The vast majority of subprime mortgages were written by specialty mortgage brokers who were not subject to the CRS. Those regulations had been present for decades but there was never any subprime crisis.

The writing of mortgages was pushed by private lenders who were making money by processing them and selling off the junk to unwitting investors.
The writing of mortgages was pushed by private lenders who were making money by processing them and selling off the junk to unwitting investors.

How much of the junk was bought by Fannie and Freddie?

Very little. Fannie and Freddie had far higher underwriting standards. It was sold to investment firms who sold it to investors and made a ton of money off of it. Default rates for the mortgages sold to investment firms was 6 times that which was bought by Fannie and Freddie.

Very little.

How little?

Fannie and Freddie had far higher underwriting standards.

They used to, until Clinton, and later Bush, forced them to buy subprime junk.
Nope! They had better standards than the private sector by far. Fannie and Freddie were hemorrhaging market share to private lenders during the subprime crisis.
WTF does Trump have to do with all the money the Fed and Congress is throwing at the COVID pandemic?
You mean aside from his failed leadership resulting in far more economic damage than was necessary?

Here's an interesting question. Why is the fiscal and monetary response to COVID on Congress and the Fed when Congress and the Fed's response to the Bush recession was on Obama?
psssssssssst..i know why.
Simple answer, Obama stifled the US economy with regulations and moving jobs and factories overseas. It was an "unforced error", i.e. "those jobs are not coming back".
Trump's Debt was due to external circumstances. The strongest economy the world had ever seen was shutdown for 3-months or so.
See the difference? One Debt addition was unforced, and one was externally forced.

Obama's debt was incurred due to an economic collapse that predated his administration, which is an external circumstance.

Trump's massive debt was accrued as a direct result of his policies for tax cuts and then exacerbated by his inability to control the spread of COVID 19.
The brown turd's debt was accrued because Nancy Pelosi and the Demoncraps didnt stop the Fannie Freddie debacle from happening. Because of that, the smelly excrement Oblummer got to spend 1.5 trillion dollars a year, and still had the highest amount in poverty since the war on poverty started. Thanks Oblummer...
False and revisionist history.

The dramatic change in the mortgage industry leading into the subprime crisis was the involvement of private mortgage lenders who drove down the requirements for mortgages. Fannie and Freddie had little if anything to do with it.

It was primarily unregulated free market capitalism.

Completely false
What was false about it?

It was overregulation by Democrats who were dead set on getting losers into homes that they could never afford to pay for.
That's the root cause.

False. The vast majority of subprime mortgages were written by specialty mortgage brokers who were not subject to the CRS. Those regulations had been present for decades but there was never any subprime crisis.

The writing of mortgages was pushed by private lenders who were making money by processing them and selling off the junk to unwitting investors.
The writing of mortgages was pushed by private lenders who were making money by processing them and selling off the junk to unwitting investors.

How much of the junk was bought by Fannie and Freddie?

Very little. Fannie and Freddie had far higher underwriting standards. It was sold to investment firms who sold it to investors and made a ton of money off of it. Default rates for the mortgages sold to investment firms was 6 times that which was bought by Fannie and Freddie.

Very little.

How little?

Fannie and Freddie had far higher underwriting standards.

They used to, until Clinton, and later Bush, forced them to buy subprime junk.
Nope! They had better standards than the private sector by far. Fannie and Freddie were hemorrhaging market share to private lenders during the subprime crisis.
View attachment 334787
Nope! They had better standards than the private sector by far.

They did. Before Clinton.
WTF does Trump have to do with all the money the Fed and Congress is throwing at the COVID pandemic?
You mean aside from his failed leadership resulting in far more economic damage than was necessary?

Here's an interesting question. Why is the fiscal and monetary response to COVID on Congress and the Fed when Congress and the Fed's response to the Bush recession was on Obama?
psssssssssst..i know why.
Simple answer, Obama stifled the US economy with regulations and moving jobs and factories overseas. It was an "unforced error", i.e. "those jobs are not coming back".
Trump's Debt was due to external circumstances. The strongest economy the world had ever seen was shutdown for 3-months or so.
See the difference? One Debt addition was unforced, and one was externally forced.

Obama's debt was incurred due to an economic collapse that predated his administration, which is an external circumstance.

Trump's massive debt was accrued as a direct result of his policies for tax cuts and then exacerbated by his inability to control the spread of COVID 19.
The brown turd's debt was accrued because Nancy Pelosi and the Demoncraps didnt stop the Fannie Freddie debacle from happening. Because of that, the smelly excrement Oblummer got to spend 1.5 trillion dollars a year, and still had the highest amount in poverty since the war on poverty started. Thanks Oblummer...
False and revisionist history.

The dramatic change in the mortgage industry leading into the subprime crisis was the involvement of private mortgage lenders who drove down the requirements for mortgages. Fannie and Freddie had little if anything to do with it.

It was primarily unregulated free market capitalism.

Completely false
What was false about it?

It was overregulation by Democrats who were dead set on getting losers into homes that they could never afford to pay for.
That's the root cause.

False. The vast majority of subprime mortgages were written by specialty mortgage brokers who were not subject to the CRS. Those regulations had been present for decades but there was never any subprime crisis.

The writing of mortgages was pushed by private lenders who were making money by processing them and selling off the junk to unwitting investors.
The writing of mortgages was pushed by private lenders who were making money by processing them and selling off the junk to unwitting investors.

How much of the junk was bought by Fannie and Freddie?

Very little. Fannie and Freddie had far higher underwriting standards. It was sold to investment firms who sold it to investors and made a ton of money off of it. Default rates for the mortgages sold to investment firms was 6 times that which was bought by Fannie and Freddie.

Very little.

How little?

Fannie and Freddie had far higher underwriting standards.

They used to, until Clinton, and later Bush, forced them to buy subprime junk.
Nope! They had better standards than the private sector by far. Fannie and Freddie were hemorrhaging market share to private lenders during the subprime crisis.
View attachment 334787
Nope! They had better standards than the private sector by far.

They did. Before Clinton.

Nope. They had better standards before Clinton. After Clinton. During Bush. At all times during the housing boom. It’s the reason they lost so much market share, because they had higher standards.
WTF does Trump have to do with all the money the Fed and Congress is throwing at the COVID pandemic?
You mean aside from his failed leadership resulting in far more economic damage than was necessary?

Here's an interesting question. Why is the fiscal and monetary response to COVID on Congress and the Fed when Congress and the Fed's response to the Bush recession was on Obama?
psssssssssst..i know why.
Simple answer, Obama stifled the US economy with regulations and moving jobs and factories overseas. It was an "unforced error", i.e. "those jobs are not coming back".
Trump's Debt was due to external circumstances. The strongest economy the world had ever seen was shutdown for 3-months or so.
See the difference? One Debt addition was unforced, and one was externally forced.

Obama's debt was incurred due to an economic collapse that predated his administration, which is an external circumstance.

Trump's massive debt was accrued as a direct result of his policies for tax cuts and then exacerbated by his inability to control the spread of COVID 19.
The brown turd's debt was accrued because Nancy Pelosi and the Demoncraps didnt stop the Fannie Freddie debacle from happening. Because of that, the smelly excrement Oblummer got to spend 1.5 trillion dollars a year, and still had the highest amount in poverty since the war on poverty started. Thanks Oblummer...
False and revisionist history.

The dramatic change in the mortgage industry leading into the subprime crisis was the involvement of private mortgage lenders who drove down the requirements for mortgages. Fannie and Freddie had little if anything to do with it.

It was primarily unregulated free market capitalism.

Completely false
What was false about it?

It was overregulation by Democrats who were dead set on getting losers into homes that they could never afford to pay for.
That's the root cause.

False. The vast majority of subprime mortgages were written by specialty mortgage brokers who were not subject to the CRS. Those regulations had been present for decades but there was never any subprime crisis.

The writing of mortgages was pushed by private lenders who were making money by processing them and selling off the junk to unwitting investors.
The writing of mortgages was pushed by private lenders who were making money by processing them and selling off the junk to unwitting investors.

How much of the junk was bought by Fannie and Freddie?

Very little. Fannie and Freddie had far higher underwriting standards. It was sold to investment firms who sold it to investors and made a ton of money off of it. Default rates for the mortgages sold to investment firms was 6 times that which was bought by Fannie and Freddie.

Very little.

How little?

Fannie and Freddie had far higher underwriting standards.

They used to, until Clinton, and later Bush, forced them to buy subprime junk.
Nope! They had better standards than the private sector by far. Fannie and Freddie were hemorrhaging market share to private lenders during the subprime crisis.
View attachment 334787
Nope! They had better standards than the private sector by far.

They did. Before Clinton.

Nope. They had better standards before Clinton. After Clinton. During Bush. At all times during the housing boom. It’s the reason they lost so much market share, because they had higher standards.

They had better standards before Clinton.

And then he weakened them.
WTF does Trump have to do with all the money the Fed and Congress is throwing at the COVID pandemic?
You mean aside from his failed leadership resulting in far more economic damage than was necessary?

Here's an interesting question. Why is the fiscal and monetary response to COVID on Congress and the Fed when Congress and the Fed's response to the Bush recession was on Obama?
psssssssssst..i know why.
Simple answer, Obama stifled the US economy with regulations and moving jobs and factories overseas. It was an "unforced error", i.e. "those jobs are not coming back".
Trump's Debt was due to external circumstances. The strongest economy the world had ever seen was shutdown for 3-months or so.
See the difference? One Debt addition was unforced, and one was externally forced.

Obama's debt was incurred due to an economic collapse that predated his administration, which is an external circumstance.

Trump's massive debt was accrued as a direct result of his policies for tax cuts and then exacerbated by his inability to control the spread of COVID 19.
The brown turd's debt was accrued because Nancy Pelosi and the Demoncraps didnt stop the Fannie Freddie debacle from happening. Because of that, the smelly excrement Oblummer got to spend 1.5 trillion dollars a year, and still had the highest amount in poverty since the war on poverty started. Thanks Oblummer...
False and revisionist history.

The dramatic change in the mortgage industry leading into the subprime crisis was the involvement of private mortgage lenders who drove down the requirements for mortgages. Fannie and Freddie had little if anything to do with it.

It was primarily unregulated free market capitalism.

Completely false
What was false about it?

It was overregulation by Democrats who were dead set on getting losers into homes that they could never afford to pay for.
That's the root cause.

False. The vast majority of subprime mortgages were written by specialty mortgage brokers who were not subject to the CRS. Those regulations had been present for decades but there was never any subprime crisis.

The writing of mortgages was pushed by private lenders who were making money by processing them and selling off the junk to unwitting investors.
The writing of mortgages was pushed by private lenders who were making money by processing them and selling off the junk to unwitting investors.

How much of the junk was bought by Fannie and Freddie?

Very little. Fannie and Freddie had far higher underwriting standards. It was sold to investment firms who sold it to investors and made a ton of money off of it. Default rates for the mortgages sold to investment firms was 6 times that which was bought by Fannie and Freddie.

Very little.

How little?

Fannie and Freddie had far higher underwriting standards.

They used to, until Clinton, and later Bush, forced them to buy subprime junk.
Nope! They had better standards than the private sector by far. Fannie and Freddie were hemorrhaging market share to private lenders during the subprime crisis.
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Nope! They had better standards than the private sector by far.

They did. Before Clinton.

Nope. They had better standards before Clinton. After Clinton. During Bush. At all times during the housing boom. It’s the reason they lost so much market share, because they had higher standards.

They had better standards before Clinton.

And then he weakened them.

Their standards were always higher than private lenders who precipitated the crisis.

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