By November 2020 Donald Trump will have increased US debt by $10+ Trillion during his tenure

Anybody who criticized Obama should get on their knees and beg forgiveness.

By the end of his term, $ 10+ trillion will have disappeared down the Dopey Donald Trump rabbit-hole.

Will that shut Dopey Donald Trump's cakehole? Shit no.

The MAGAnuts are addicted to Dopey Donald Trump's lies and he will find a way to blame others and spin it as a success to rouse his MAGAnut hordes.

The Approaching COVID-19 Debt Crisis: How Excessive Debt Reduces Economic Growth
Did congress vote for it?
Please provide your evidence. Information is emerging in Europe and the USA that Covid19 caused deaths in November 2019 which were previously attributed to flu and other causes.

Google the "Five Eyes Dossier" and get back to me.
Anybody who criticized Obama should get on their knees and beg forgiveness.

By the end of his term, $ 10+ trillion will have disappeared down the Dopey Donald Trump rabbit-hole.

Will that shut Dopey Donald Trump's cakehole? Shit no.

The MAGAnuts are addicted to Dopey Donald Trump's lies and he will find a way to blame others and spin it as a success to rouse his MAGAnut hordes.

The Approaching COVID-19 Debt Crisis: How Excessive Debt Reduces Economic Growth
No. Ears deserved criticism for his massive deficit spending, just as Donnie does.

Of course the hypocrisy is clear to see. Lefties say O had too, because of the Great Recession. Now cons will say Don had too, because of the Covid.

All just propaganda.

He had massive deficit spending when he first became president. He had to save us from the bush boy's great recession.

However how could he have massively deficit spent if he slashed the deficit by more than half? When he took office the bush boy left 1.4 trillion in deficit. When Obama left office he left 585 billion in deficit. If he was massively deficit spending there is no way he could have slashed the deficit by more than half.

The truth is he did the opposite of what you claim he did.
Lol. You might want to look at the national debt in 2008 and then again in 2016.

Partisans. Ugh

I'm sorry but there is a difference between debt and deficit. My education and degree is in Accounting/Finance. When it comes to those subjects, I know what I'm talking about.

Here is the real meaning of those words.

Deficit: You can have a deficit for anything. The deficit we're talking about is the budget deficit. A deficit is when you add all your income with all your spending and you end up with a negative number. You've spent more money than you generated. In the case of the nation, we borrow money to cover that short fall or deficit. That amount is added to the debt at the end of the fiscal year. It's not the national debt. It's a slice of the debt for a determined amount of time. In this case, our fiscal year which goes from October 1 to September 30th.

Debt. You can have a debt for any loan or obligation. In this case it's the national debt. That is the amount of money we borrowed and owe to pay back with interest.

You said he massively created deficit. Which if you look at the numbers he spent at first but over all, he slashed the deficit in half.

If you want to talk about how much he added to the national debt I'll be happy to talk about it but that's not the same thing as the deficit.

Please don't change your own subject.
That’s funny. You commend him for lowering the deficit but he still nearly doubled the national debt. Do you fail to see how illogical that is?

I get it. You don't understand how accounting and finance works. That's ok. Not many do. I do. I started in high school with Jr Achievement as the Treasurer of several different small companies. When I graduated from high school I went into college to study accounting/finance.

Debt can never be decreased until a deficit is eliminated.

The reason for that is because you're always adding to that debt with the yearly deficit.

Obama was working on the first stage of eliminating our debt. He was very successful at it too. Considering the economic conditions that he inherited from the bush boy.

While he did increase the debt by 6 trillion, most of it was to save our nation from another republican Great Depression. Most of the rest was to pay for the wars the bush boy started.

I won't say that Obama didn't spend money he did. He didn't have much choice in the matter for most of it.

Why don't you acknowledge the fact that Obama slashed the deficit in half? Why don't you see that we're much better off economically when democrats are in the White House? Why can't you see that when conservative economics is forced on our nation it destroys our economy? How many times does a conservative president have to crash our economy before you see that conservative economics is the most irresponsible economic system we have?

I am not the type to keep doing the same thing expecting a different outcome. I'm not stupid. That's never going to happen. The only way to change an outcome is to change what you're doing.

Apparently you're one of those who keeps doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result.

Good luck with that.
Lol. O had no choice. He HAD to blow up the debt That fuckin Donnie he really sucks.

Hypocrisy. No?

Learn what happened when Hoover didn't take steps to prevent the last republican Great Depression.

If Obama had not taken steps to prevent another republican great depression we would have been much worse off.

Why aren't you upset with the bush boy for bailing out the banks and Wall Street?

Are you saying that Obama shouldn't have funded the military when they were at war?

Yes Obama had to spend money to get us out of the total catastrophe that the bush boy created and left behind. Yes he had to spend money on military during war. I guess you would have just cut off the funds to our military who were caught in war zones so they would all have died. But then I'm sure you supported the bush boy sending our troops into war with out the proper equipment. So I wouldn't be surprised if you support not funding our military during war.

I asked you questions. You didn't answer even one.

You asked me questions. I replied.

Typical conservative.


Don't bother replying. I'm done with your hypocrisy and limited intelligence on economics. Seriously, I don't run across many people who don't know the difference between deficit and debt. You didn't even know that debt can't be eliminated before deficit is eliminated. I had to educate you. That should have been a big red flag.

I give you respect and honest answers. You won't reciprocate. I don't waste my time with people like that.

If you want to blame democrats for what conservatives do go for it. You're very comfortable with being wrong and a hypocrite.

Have fun.
Anybody who criticized Obama should get on their knees and beg forgiveness.

By the end of his term, $ 10+ trillion will have disappeared down the Dopey Donald Trump rabbit-hole.

Will that shut Dopey Donald Trump's cakehole? Shit no.

The MAGAnuts are addicted to Dopey Donald Trump's lies and he will find a way to blame others and spin it as a success to rouse his MAGAnut hordes.

The Approaching COVID-19 Debt Crisis: How Excessive Debt Reduces Economic Growth

Anybody who criticized Obama should get on their knees and beg forgiveness.

I'm sorry for underestimating how much Obama would suck.
Anybody who criticized Obama should get on their knees and beg forgiveness.

By the end of his term, $ 10+ trillion will have disappeared down the Dopey Donald Trump rabbit-hole.

Will that shut Dopey Donald Trump's cakehole? Shit no.

The MAGAnuts are addicted to Dopey Donald Trump's lies and he will find a way to blame others and spin it as a success to rouse his MAGAnut hordes.

The Approaching COVID-19 Debt Crisis: How Excessive Debt Reduces Economic Growth
And the Dems endorsed every cent.

The buck stops where?
Who the fuck knows chief? You ever watch professional wrestling? One guy is the bad guy and the next guy is the good guy? However we all know it's just a charade and a show? Yeah...
Not a hairs difference between the two sides on the REALLY important stuff.

Bailouts? Yeap
Wars? Yeap!
Zionism? YEAP!
Erosion of American rights? You bet your fuckin blue ass!

This shit is a facade! Wake the fuck up.

There is a major difference between the two sides. Democrats don't believe in giving billionaires tax breaks.
Anybody who criticized Obama should get on their knees and beg forgiveness.

By the end of his term, $ 10+ trillion will have disappeared down the Dopey Donald Trump rabbit-hole.

Will that shut Dopey Donald Trump's cakehole? Shit no.

The MAGAnuts are addicted to Dopey Donald Trump's lies and he will find a way to blame others and spin it as a success to rouse his MAGAnut hordes.

The Approaching COVID-19 Debt Crisis: How Excessive Debt Reduces Economic Growth

The House passes the bills that are sent to the Senate that then get passed and Sent to the Oval Office and signed, so the Blame goes to Pelosi, McConnell and Trump but you think Trump is a dictator as usual and did all this on his own...

Just like when Obama was President it took Pelosi/Boehner/Ryan in the House, Reid/McConnell in the Senate and Obama to waste all that money...

Finally, if you dislike the waste so much then get your beloved China to pay for what we have to spend during this Kung Fu Pandemic seeing it was their failure to contain it!

Why should China pay for Dopey Donald Trump's incompetence?

Wow, China did not contain the virus and it is Trump fault according to you.

Slow in the head people like you seem to believe China failure is the U.S. fault...

China has ~82,000 cases and ~4,600 deaths.

China also does not have the orange mortician Dopey Donald Trump who only specializes in American cadavers.

Vietnam, bordering China has zero deaths. They also don't have the orange mortician.
And you believe what China tells you, right? Another moron going to the ignore, because i wont lower my IQ anymore....

I don't believe Dopey Donald Trump.

Your IQ couldn't be any lower. On the positive side, it can only improve once you renounce your MAGAnut state of mind.
Anybody who criticized Obama should get on their knees and beg forgiveness.

By the end of his term, $ 10+ trillion will have disappeared down the Dopey Donald Trump rabbit-hole.

Will that shut Dopey Donald Trump's cakehole? Shit no.

The MAGAnuts are addicted to Dopey Donald Trump's lies and he will find a way to blame others and spin it as a success to rouse his MAGAnut hordes.

The Approaching COVID-19 Debt Crisis: How Excessive Debt Reduces Economic Growth
Did congress vote for it?

Pay attention dolt.
Anybody who criticized Obama should get on their knees and beg forgiveness.

By the end of his term, $ 10+ trillion will have disappeared down the Dopey Donald Trump rabbit-hole.

Will that shut Dopey Donald Trump's cakehole? Shit no.

The MAGAnuts are addicted to Dopey Donald Trump's lies and he will find a way to blame others and spin it as a success to rouse his MAGAnut hordes.

The Approaching COVID-19 Debt Crisis: How Excessive Debt Reduces Economic Growth

Anybody who criticized Obama should get on their knees and beg forgiveness.

I'm sorry for underestimating how much Obama would suck.

Your kneepads are worn out?
Anybody who criticized Obama should get on their knees and beg forgiveness.

By the end of his term, $ 10+ trillion will have disappeared down the Dopey Donald Trump rabbit-hole.

Will that shut Dopey Donald Trump's cakehole? Shit no.

The MAGAnuts are addicted to Dopey Donald Trump's lies and he will find a way to blame others and spin it as a success to rouse his MAGAnut hordes.

The Approaching COVID-19 Debt Crisis: How Excessive Debt Reduces Economic Growth
You lost your credibility there saying anybody who critized Obama should pray for forgiveness. :auiqs.jpg: :lmao: Even though your op is true on trump you lost your credibility with that crap on true American who cares about their country is going to ask gforgiveness from that motherfucker mass murderer who expanded bush’s war I. The Middle East and was a mass murderersame as pal bush and like him,took a shit on the constitution and civil libertys,so fuck you on asking forgiveness from that motherfucker.oh and I am no trump supporter either so you know:ahole-1:
Anybody who criticized Obama should get on their knees and beg forgiveness.

By the end of his term, $ 10+ trillion will have disappeared down the Dopey Donald Trump rabbit-hole.

Will that shut Dopey Donald Trump's cakehole? Shit no.

The MAGAnuts are addicted to Dopey Donald Trump's lies and he will find a way to blame others and spin it as a success to rouse his MAGAnut hordes.

The Approaching COVID-19 Debt Crisis: How Excessive Debt Reduces Economic Growth
You lost your credibility there saying anybody who critized Obama should pray for forgiveness. :auiqs.jpg: :lmao: Even though your op is true on trump you lost your credibility with that crap on true American who cares about their country is going to ask gforgiveness from that motherfucker mass murderer who expanded bush’s war I. The Middle East and was a mass murderersame as pal bush and like him,took a shit on the constitution and civil libertys,so fuck you on asking forgiveness from that motherfucker.oh and I am no trump supporter either so you know:ahole-1:

Another MAGAnut bogus disclaimer saying I didn't vote for Trump.
Anybody who criticized Obama should get on their knees and beg forgiveness.

By the end of his term, $ 10+ trillion will have disappeared down the Dopey Donald Trump rabbit-hole.

Will that shut Dopey Donald Trump's cakehole? Shit no.

The MAGAnuts are addicted to Dopey Donald Trump's lies and he will find a way to blame others and spin it as a success to rouse his MAGAnut hordes.

The Approaching COVID-19 Debt Crisis: How Excessive Debt Reduces Economic Growth
You lost your credibility there saying anybody who critized Obama should pray for forgiveness. :auiqs.jpg: :lmao: Even though your op is true on trump you lost your credibility with that crap on true American who cares about their country is going to ask gforgiveness from that motherfucker mass murderer who expanded bush’s war I. The Middle East and was a mass murderersame as pal bush and like him,took a shit on the constitution and civil libertys,so fuck you on asking forgiveness from that motherfucker.oh and I am no trump supporter either so you know:ahole-1:

Another MAGAnut bogus disclaimer saying I didn't vote for Trump.
Obobo is a jigaboo faggot who will most certainly burn in hell.
Anybody who criticized Obama should get on their knees and beg forgiveness.

By the end of his term, $ 10+ trillion will have disappeared down the Dopey Donald Trump rabbit-hole.

Will that shut Dopey Donald Trump's cakehole? Shit no.

The MAGAnuts are addicted to Dopey Donald Trump's lies and he will find a way to blame others and spin it as a success to rouse his MAGAnut hordes.

The Approaching COVID-19 Debt Crisis: How Excessive Debt Reduces Economic Growth
No. Ears deserved criticism for his massive deficit spending, just as Donnie does.

Of course the hypocrisy is clear to see. Lefties say O had too, because of the Great Recession. Now cons will say Don had too, because of the Covid.

All just propaganda.

He had massive deficit spending when he first became president. He had to save us from the bush boy's great recession.

However how could he have massively deficit spent if he slashed the deficit by more than half? When he took office the bush boy left 1.4 trillion in deficit. When Obama left office he left 585 billion in deficit. If he was massively deficit spending there is no way he could have slashed the deficit by more than half.

The truth is he did the opposite of what you claim he did.
Lol. You might want to look at the national debt in 2008 and then again in 2016.

Partisans. Ugh

I'm sorry but there is a difference between debt and deficit. My education and degree is in Accounting/Finance. When it comes to those subjects, I know what I'm talking about.

Here is the real meaning of those words.

Deficit: You can have a deficit for anything. The deficit we're talking about is the budget deficit. A deficit is when you add all your income with all your spending and you end up with a negative number. You've spent more money than you generated. In the case of the nation, we borrow money to cover that short fall or deficit. That amount is added to the debt at the end of the fiscal year. It's not the national debt. It's a slice of the debt for a determined amount of time. In this case, our fiscal year which goes from October 1 to September 30th.

Debt. You can have a debt for any loan or obligation. In this case it's the national debt. That is the amount of money we borrowed and owe to pay back with interest.

You said he massively created deficit. Which if you look at the numbers he spent at first but over all, he slashed the deficit in half.

If you want to talk about how much he added to the national debt I'll be happy to talk about it but that's not the same thing as the deficit.

Please don't change your own subject.
That’s funny. You commend him for lowering the deficit but he still nearly doubled the national debt. Do you fail to see how illogical that is?

I get it. You don't understand how accounting and finance works. That's ok. Not many do. I do. I started in high school with Jr Achievement as the Treasurer of several different small companies. When I graduated from high school I went into college to study accounting/finance.

Debt can never be decreased until a deficit is eliminated.

The reason for that is because you're always adding to that debt with the yearly deficit.

Obama was working on the first stage of eliminating our debt. He was very successful at it too. Considering the economic conditions that he inherited from the bush boy.

While he did increase the debt by 6 trillion, most of it was to save our nation from another republican Great Depression. Most of the rest was to pay for the wars the bush boy started.

I won't say that Obama didn't spend money he did. He didn't have much choice in the matter for most of it.

Why don't you acknowledge the fact that Obama slashed the deficit in half? Why don't you see that we're much better off economically when democrats are in the White House? Why can't you see that when conservative economics is forced on our nation it destroys our economy? How many times does a conservative president have to crash our economy before you see that conservative economics is the most irresponsible economic system we have?

I am not the type to keep doing the same thing expecting a different outcome. I'm not stupid. That's never going to happen. The only way to change an outcome is to change what you're doing.

Apparently you're one of those who keeps doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result.

Good luck with that.
Lol. O had no choice. He HAD to blow up the debt That fuckin Donnie he really sucks.

Hypocrisy. No?

Learn what happened when Hoover didn't take steps to prevent the last republican Great Depression.

If Obama had not taken steps to prevent another republican great depression we would have been much worse off.

Why aren't you upset with the bush boy for bailing out the banks and Wall Street?

Are you saying that Obama shouldn't have funded the military when they were at war?

Yes Obama had to spend money to get us out of the total catastrophe that the bush boy created and left behind. Yes he had to spend money on military during war. I guess you would have just cut off the funds to our military who were caught in war zones so they would all have died. But then I'm sure you supported the bush boy sending our troops into war with out the proper equipment. So I wouldn't be surprised if you support not funding our military during war.

I asked you questions. You didn't answer even one.

You asked me questions. I replied.

Typical conservative.


Don't bother replying. I'm done with your hypocrisy and limited intelligence on economics. Seriously, I don't run across many people who don't know the difference between deficit and debt. You didn't even know that debt can't be eliminated before deficit is eliminated. I had to educate you. That should have been a big red flag.

I give you respect and honest answers. You won't reciprocate. I don't waste my time with people like that.

If you want to blame democrats for what conservatives do go for it. You're very comfortable with being wrong and a hypocrite.

Have fun.
Yep the great O. LOL.

He took steps alright. He made sure no one was prosecuted for causing terrible harm to millions of Americans. He bailed out the banks making them even more wealthy and powerful, while doing nearly nothing for the five million families who lost their homes and the millions who lost their jobs and their wealth from the crashed economy.

The Great O! Enriching the rich at the expense of the rest. Just like Donnie has done. But you love O and hate Don. Illogical.
Anybody who criticized Obama should get on their knees and beg forgiveness.

By the end of his term, $ 10+ trillion will have disappeared down the Dopey Donald Trump rabbit-hole.

Will that shut Dopey Donald Trump's cakehole? Shit no.

The MAGAnuts are addicted to Dopey Donald Trump's lies and he will find a way to blame others and spin it as a success to rouse his MAGAnut hordes.

The Approaching COVID-19 Debt Crisis: How Excessive Debt Reduces Economic Growth

I tend to feel validated when PROGS express something.
Anybody who criticized Obama should get on their knees and beg forgiveness.

By the end of his term, $ 10+ trillion will have disappeared down the Dopey Donald Trump rabbit-hole.

Will that shut Dopey Donald Trump's cakehole? Shit no.

The MAGAnuts are addicted to Dopey Donald Trump's lies and he will find a way to blame others and spin it as a success to rouse his MAGAnut hordes.

The Approaching COVID-19 Debt Crisis: How Excessive Debt Reduces Economic Growth
You lost your credibility there saying anybody who critized Obama should pray for forgiveness. :auiqs.jpg: :lmao: Even though your op is true on trump you lost your credibility with that crap on true American who cares about their country is going to ask gforgiveness from that motherfucker mass murderer who expanded bush’s war I. The Middle East and was a mass murderersame as pal bush and like him,took a shit on the constitution and civil libertys,so fuck you on asking forgiveness from that motherfucker.oh and I am no trump supporter either so you know:ahole-1:

Another MAGAnut bogus disclaimer saying I didn't vote for Trump.
Obobo is a jigaboo faggot who will most certainly burn in hell.

Hell is full of MAGAnuts like you.
Anybody who criticized Obama should get on their knees and beg forgiveness.

By the end of his term, $ 10+ trillion will have disappeared down the Dopey Donald Trump rabbit-hole.

Will that shut Dopey Donald Trump's cakehole? Shit no.

The MAGAnuts are addicted to Dopey Donald Trump's lies and he will find a way to blame others and spin it as a success to rouse his MAGAnut hordes.

The Approaching COVID-19 Debt Crisis: How Excessive Debt Reduces Economic Growth
No. Ears deserved criticism for his massive deficit spending, just as Donnie does.

Of course the hypocrisy is clear to see. Lefties say O had too, because of the Great Recession. Now cons will say Don had too, because of the Covid.

All just propaganda.

He had massive deficit spending when he first became president. He had to save us from the bush boy's great recession.

However how could he have massively deficit spent if he slashed the deficit by more than half? When he took office the bush boy left 1.4 trillion in deficit. When Obama left office he left 585 billion in deficit. If he was massively deficit spending there is no way he could have slashed the deficit by more than half.

The truth is he did the opposite of what you claim he did.
Lol. You might want to look at the national debt in 2008 and then again in 2016.

Partisans. Ugh

I'm sorry but there is a difference between debt and deficit. My education and degree is in Accounting/Finance. When it comes to those subjects, I know what I'm talking about.

Here is the real meaning of those words.

Deficit: You can have a deficit for anything. The deficit we're talking about is the budget deficit. A deficit is when you add all your income with all your spending and you end up with a negative number. You've spent more money than you generated. In the case of the nation, we borrow money to cover that short fall or deficit. That amount is added to the debt at the end of the fiscal year. It's not the national debt. It's a slice of the debt for a determined amount of time. In this case, our fiscal year which goes from October 1 to September 30th.

Debt. You can have a debt for any loan or obligation. In this case it's the national debt. That is the amount of money we borrowed and owe to pay back with interest.

You said he massively created deficit. Which if you look at the numbers he spent at first but over all, he slashed the deficit in half.

If you want to talk about how much he added to the national debt I'll be happy to talk about it but that's not the same thing as the deficit.

Please don't change your own subject.
That’s funny. You commend him for lowering the deficit but he still nearly doubled the national debt. Do you fail to see how illogical that is?

I get it. You don't understand how accounting and finance works. That's ok. Not many do. I do. I started in high school with Jr Achievement as the Treasurer of several different small companies. When I graduated from high school I went into college to study accounting/finance.

Debt can never be decreased until a deficit is eliminated.

The reason for that is because you're always adding to that debt with the yearly deficit.

Obama was working on the first stage of eliminating our debt. He was very successful at it too. Considering the economic conditions that he inherited from the bush boy.

While he did increase the debt by 6 trillion, most of it was to save our nation from another republican Great Depression. Most of the rest was to pay for the wars the bush boy started.

I won't say that Obama didn't spend money he did. He didn't have much choice in the matter for most of it.

Why don't you acknowledge the fact that Obama slashed the deficit in half? Why don't you see that we're much better off economically when democrats are in the White House? Why can't you see that when conservative economics is forced on our nation it destroys our economy? How many times does a conservative president have to crash our economy before you see that conservative economics is the most irresponsible economic system we have?

I am not the type to keep doing the same thing expecting a different outcome. I'm not stupid. That's never going to happen. The only way to change an outcome is to change what you're doing.

Apparently you're one of those who keeps doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result.

Good luck with that.
Lol. O had no choice. He HAD to blow up the debt That fuckin Donnie he really sucks.

Hypocrisy. No?

Learn what happened when Hoover didn't take steps to prevent the last republican Great Depression.

If Obama had not taken steps to prevent another republican great depression we would have been much worse off.

Why aren't you upset with the bush boy for bailing out the banks and Wall Street?

Are you saying that Obama shouldn't have funded the military when they were at war?

Yes Obama had to spend money to get us out of the total catastrophe that the bush boy created and left behind. Yes he had to spend money on military during war. I guess you would have just cut off the funds to our military who were caught in war zones so they would all have died. But then I'm sure you supported the bush boy sending our troops into war with out the proper equipment. So I wouldn't be surprised if you support not funding our military during war.

I asked you questions. You didn't answer even one.

You asked me questions. I replied.

Typical conservative.


Don't bother replying. I'm done with your hypocrisy and limited intelligence on economics. Seriously, I don't run across many people who don't know the difference between deficit and debt. You didn't even know that debt can't be eliminated before deficit is eliminated. I had to educate you. That should have been a big red flag.

I give you respect and honest answers. You won't reciprocate. I don't waste my time with people like that.

If you want to blame democrats for what conservatives do go for it. You're very comfortable with being wrong and a hypocrite.

Have fun.
Yep the great O. LOL.

He took steps alright. He made sure no one was prosecuted for causing terrible harm to millions of Americans. He bailed out the banks making them even more wealthy and powerful, while doing nearly nothing for the five million families who lost their homes and the millions who lost their jobs and their wealth from the crashed economy.

The Great O! Enriching the rich at the expense of the rest. Just like Donnie has done. But you love O and hate Don. Illogical.

Dopey Donald Trump has enriched the wealthy and loaded the 99% with humungous debt from a bogus economic bubble.

Dopey Donald Trump has lost the trade war and if US corporations return to the US from China they won't be successful.

Dopey Donald Trump has trashed brand America and poisoned the Chinese market for American goods forever.
Anybody who criticized Obama should get on their knees and beg forgiveness.

By the end of his term, $ 10+ trillion will have disappeared down the Dopey Donald Trump rabbit-hole.

Will that shut Dopey Donald Trump's cakehole? Shit no.

The MAGAnuts are addicted to Dopey Donald Trump's lies and he will find a way to blame others and spin it as a success to rouse his MAGAnut hordes.

The Approaching COVID-19 Debt Crisis: How Excessive Debt Reduces Economic Growth

I tend to feel validated when PROGS express something.

You are a validated, accredited, and professed MAGAnut dickhead that is full of shit. Keep it under your hat.
Anybody who criticized Obama should get on their knees and beg forgiveness.

By the end of his term, $ 10+ trillion will have disappeared down the Dopey Donald Trump rabbit-hole.

Will that shut Dopey Donald Trump's cakehole? Shit no.

The MAGAnuts are addicted to Dopey Donald Trump's lies and he will find a way to blame others and spin it as a success to rouse his MAGAnut hordes.

The Approaching COVID-19 Debt Crisis: How Excessive Debt Reduces Economic Growth
You lost your credibility there saying anybody who critized Obama should pray for forgiveness. :auiqs.jpg: :lmao: Even though your op is true on trump you lost your credibility with that crap on true American who cares about their country is going to ask gforgiveness from that motherfucker mass murderer who expanded bush’s war I. The Middle East and was a mass murderersame as pal bush and like him,took a shit on the constitution and civil libertys,so fuck you on asking forgiveness from that motherfucker.oh and I am no trump supporter either so you know:ahole-1:

Another MAGAnut bogus disclaimer saying I didn't vote for Trump.
Obobo is a jigaboo faggot who will most certainly burn in hell.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
Anybody who criticized Obama should get on their knees and beg forgiveness.

By the end of his term, $ 10+ trillion will have disappeared down the Dopey Donald Trump rabbit-hole.

Will that shut Dopey Donald Trump's cakehole? Shit no.

The MAGAnuts are addicted to Dopey Donald Trump's lies and he will find a way to blame others and spin it as a success to rouse his MAGAnut hordes.

The Approaching COVID-19 Debt Crisis: How Excessive Debt Reduces Economic Growth
No. Ears deserved criticism for his massive deficit spending, just as Donnie does.

Of course the hypocrisy is clear to see. Lefties say O had too, because of the Great Recession. Now cons will say Don had too, because of the Covid.

All just propaganda.

He had massive deficit spending when he first became president. He had to save us from the bush boy's great recession.

However how could he have massively deficit spent if he slashed the deficit by more than half? When he took office the bush boy left 1.4 trillion in deficit. When Obama left office he left 585 billion in deficit. If he was massively deficit spending there is no way he could have slashed the deficit by more than half.

The truth is he did the opposite of what you claim he did.
Lol. You might want to look at the national debt in 2008 and then again in 2016.

Partisans. Ugh

I'm sorry but there is a difference between debt and deficit. My education and degree is in Accounting/Finance. When it comes to those subjects, I know what I'm talking about.

Here is the real meaning of those words.

Deficit: You can have a deficit for anything. The deficit we're talking about is the budget deficit. A deficit is when you add all your income with all your spending and you end up with a negative number. You've spent more money than you generated. In the case of the nation, we borrow money to cover that short fall or deficit. That amount is added to the debt at the end of the fiscal year. It's not the national debt. It's a slice of the debt for a determined amount of time. In this case, our fiscal year which goes from October 1 to September 30th.

Debt. You can have a debt for any loan or obligation. In this case it's the national debt. That is the amount of money we borrowed and owe to pay back with interest.

You said he massively created deficit. Which if you look at the numbers he spent at first but over all, he slashed the deficit in half.

If you want to talk about how much he added to the national debt I'll be happy to talk about it but that's not the same thing as the deficit.

Please don't change your own subject.
That’s funny. You commend him for lowering the deficit but he still nearly doubled the national debt. Do you fail to see how illogical that is?

I get it. You don't understand how accounting and finance works. That's ok. Not many do. I do. I started in high school with Jr Achievement as the Treasurer of several different small companies. When I graduated from high school I went into college to study accounting/finance.

Debt can never be decreased until a deficit is eliminated.

The reason for that is because you're always adding to that debt with the yearly deficit.

Obama was working on the first stage of eliminating our debt. He was very successful at it too. Considering the economic conditions that he inherited from the bush boy.

While he did increase the debt by 6 trillion, most of it was to save our nation from another republican Great Depression. Most of the rest was to pay for the wars the bush boy started.

I won't say that Obama didn't spend money he did. He didn't have much choice in the matter for most of it.

Why don't you acknowledge the fact that Obama slashed the deficit in half? Why don't you see that we're much better off economically when democrats are in the White House? Why can't you see that when conservative economics is forced on our nation it destroys our economy? How many times does a conservative president have to crash our economy before you see that conservative economics is the most irresponsible economic system we have?

I am not the type to keep doing the same thing expecting a different outcome. I'm not stupid. That's never going to happen. The only way to change an outcome is to change what you're doing.

Apparently you're one of those who keeps doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result.

Good luck with that.
Lol. O had no choice. He HAD to blow up the debt That fuckin Donnie he really sucks.

Hypocrisy. No?

Learn what happened when Hoover didn't take steps to prevent the last republican Great Depression.

If Obama had not taken steps to prevent another republican great depression we would have been much worse off.

Why aren't you upset with the bush boy for bailing out the banks and Wall Street?

Are you saying that Obama shouldn't have funded the military when they were at war?

Yes Obama had to spend money to get us out of the total catastrophe that the bush boy created and left behind. Yes he had to spend money on military during war. I guess you would have just cut off the funds to our military who were caught in war zones so they would all have died. But then I'm sure you supported the bush boy sending our troops into war with out the proper equipment. So I wouldn't be surprised if you support not funding our military during war.

I asked you questions. You didn't answer even one.

You asked me questions. I replied.

Typical conservative.


Don't bother replying. I'm done with your hypocrisy and limited intelligence on economics. Seriously, I don't run across many people who don't know the difference between deficit and debt. You didn't even know that debt can't be eliminated before deficit is eliminated. I had to educate you. That should have been a big red flag.

I give you respect and honest answers. You won't reciprocate. I don't waste my time with people like that.

If you want to blame democrats for what conservatives do go for it. You're very comfortable with being wrong and a hypocrite.

Have fun.
Yep the great O. LOL.

He took steps alright. He made sure no one was prosecuted for causing terrible harm to millions of Americans. He bailed out the banks making them even more wealthy and powerful, while doing nearly nothing for the five million families who lost their homes and the millions who lost their jobs and their wealth from the crashed economy.

The Great O! Enriching the rich at the expense of the rest. Just like Donnie has done. But you love O and hate Don. Illogical.
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :thankusmile: I could not have said it better myself,notice when you took him to school there and handed him his ass on a platter,he evaded these facts and could only throw insults I defeat.:abgg2q.jpg:
Anybody who criticized Obama should get on their knees and beg forgiveness.

By the end of his term, $ 10+ trillion will have disappeared down the Dopey Donald Trump rabbit-hole.

Will that shut Dopey Donald Trump's cakehole? Shit no.

The MAGAnuts are addicted to Dopey Donald Trump's lies and he will find a way to blame others and spin it as a success to rouse his MAGAnut hordes.

The Approaching COVID-19 Debt Crisis: How Excessive Debt Reduces Economic Growth
No. Ears deserved criticism for his massive deficit spending, just as Donnie does.

Of course the hypocrisy is clear to see. Lefties say O had too, because of the Great Recession. Now cons will say Don had too, because of the Covid.

All just propaganda.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap:

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