By November 2020 Donald Trump will have increased US debt by $10+ Trillion during his tenure

WTF does Trump have to do with all the money the Fed and Congress is throwing at the COVID pandemic?
You mean aside from his failed leadership resulting in far more economic damage than was necessary?

Here's an interesting question. Why is the fiscal and monetary response to COVID on Congress and the Fed when Congress and the Fed's response to the Bush recession was on Obama?
psssssssssst..i know why.
Simple answer, Obama stifled the US economy with regulations and moving jobs and factories overseas. It was an "unforced error", i.e. "those jobs are not coming back".
Trump's Debt was due to external circumstances. The strongest economy the world had ever seen was shutdown for 3-months or so.
See the difference? One Debt addition was unforced, and one was externally forced.

Obama's debt was incurred due to an economic collapse that predated his administration, which is an external circumstance.

Trump's massive debt was accrued as a direct result of his policies for tax cuts and then exacerbated by his inability to control the spread of COVID 19.
The brown turd's debt was accrued because Nancy Pelosi and the Demoncraps didnt stop the Fannie Freddie debacle from happening. Because of that, the smelly excrement Oblummer got to spend 1.5 trillion dollars a year, and still had the highest amount in poverty since the war on poverty started. Thanks Oblummer...
False and revisionist history.

The dramatic change in the mortgage industry leading into the subprime crisis was the involvement of private mortgage lenders who drove down the requirements for mortgages. Fannie and Freddie had little if anything to do with it.

It was primarily unregulated free market capitalism.
involvement of private mortgage lenders
Who all had the backing of Fannie and Freddie, which Barnacle Frank and Chrissy Dodd just adored and wouldnt allow sub primes to be red lined. Dont fucking try to play a game with me, my intellect is 100s higher than your pea brain.

Private mortgage lenders did not have the backing of Fannie and Freddie. They had no need for them. The mortgages were bundled into mortgage backed securities and sold off to investors worldwide by prominent investment firms such as Bear Stearns (ring any bells yet?) who had obscured the risk of those securities.
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Bailout Debacle
The dominant role Fannie and Freddie play today is no accident. The companies, Wall Street firms, mortgage bankers, real estate agents and Washington lawmakers have built up an unusual and mutually beneficial co-dependency, helped along by robust lobbying efforts and campaign contributions. In Washington, Fannie and Freddie’s sprawling lobbying machine hired family and friends of politicians in their efforts to quickly sideline any regulations that might slow their growth or invite greater oversight of their business practices.
The reason why most of the US hates the fucking government is because shitfucks like you turn a blind eye. Then when the shit hits the fan you blame anyone but the real problem...which is the fucking government. Another IQ of 30 person trying to debate me...

Alright genius. Since you're so brilliant, why don't you tell me how Fannie and Freddie back the private mortgage lenders?
That debt could be paid off in no time if republicans were allowed to relieve our precious billionaires of their punitive tax burden.

The money would flow into the government coffers like never before.
That debt could be paid off in no time, if you stopped paying welfare to liberal fucks who do nothing for the country. Then when those liberal lazy fucks start working they can then start paying taxes like the rest of US, or if they decide to start stealing other peoples stuff, be shot and again be removed from society.

The War on Poverty has cost $22 trillion -- three times more than what the government has spent on all wars in American history. Federal and state governments spend $1 trillion in taxpayer dollars on America's 80 means-tested welfare programs annually.
The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion - NCPA
WTF does Trump have to do with all the money the Fed and Congress is throwing at the COVID pandemic?
You mean aside from his failed leadership resulting in far more economic damage than was necessary?

Here's an interesting question. Why is the fiscal and monetary response to COVID on Congress and the Fed when Congress and the Fed's response to the Bush recession was on Obama?
psssssssssst..i know why.
Simple answer, Obama stifled the US economy with regulations and moving jobs and factories overseas. It was an "unforced error", i.e. "those jobs are not coming back".
Trump's Debt was due to external circumstances. The strongest economy the world had ever seen was shutdown for 3-months or so.
See the difference? One Debt addition was unforced, and one was externally forced.

Obama's debt was incurred due to an economic collapse that predated his administration, which is an external circumstance.

Trump's massive debt was accrued as a direct result of his policies for tax cuts and then exacerbated by his inability to control the spread of COVID 19.
The brown turd's debt was accrued because Nancy Pelosi and the Demoncraps didnt stop the Fannie Freddie debacle from happening. Because of that, the smelly excrement Oblummer got to spend 1.5 trillion dollars a year, and still had the highest amount in poverty since the war on poverty started. Thanks Oblummer...
False and revisionist history.

The dramatic change in the mortgage industry leading into the subprime crisis was the involvement of private mortgage lenders who drove down the requirements for mortgages. Fannie and Freddie had little if anything to do with it.

It was primarily unregulated free market capitalism.
involvement of private mortgage lenders
Who all had the backing of Fannie and Freddie, which Barnacle Frank and Chrissy Dodd just adored and wouldnt allow sub primes to be red lined. Dont fucking try to play a game with me, my intellect is 100s higher than your pea brain.

Private mortgage lenders did not have the backing of Fannie and Freddie. They had no need for them. The mortgages were bundled into mortgage backed securities and sold off to investors worldwide by prominent investment firms such as Bear Stearns (ring any bells yet?) who had obscured the risk of those securities.
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Bailout Debacle
The dominant role Fannie and Freddie play today is no accident. The companies, Wall Street firms, mortgage bankers, real estate agents and Washington lawmakers have built up an unusual and mutually beneficial co-dependency, helped along by robust lobbying efforts and campaign contributions. In Washington, Fannie and Freddie’s sprawling lobbying machine hired family and friends of politicians in their efforts to quickly sideline any regulations that might slow their growth or invite greater oversight of their business practices.
The reason why most of the US hates the fucking government is because shitfucks like you turn a blind eye. Then when the shit hits the fan you blame anyone but the real problem...which is the fucking government. Another IQ of 30 person trying to debate me...

Alright genius. Since you're so brilliant, why don't you tell me how Fannie and Freddie back the private mortgage lenders?
I guess you dont know how to open a link, and i am supposed to do it for you. No thanks moron, i did my homework, you should try it also, you might raise your IQ a few points.
Anybody who criticized Obama should get on their knees and beg forgiveness.

By the end of his term, $ 10+ trillion will have disappeared down the Dopey Donald Trump rabbit-hole.

Will that shut Dopey Donald Trump's cakehole? Shit no.

The MAGAnuts are addicted to Dopey Donald Trump's lies and he will find a way to blame others and spin it as a success to rouse his MAGAnut hordes.

The Approaching COVID-19 Debt Crisis: How Excessive Debt Reduces Economic Growth
I never criticized O; O did what had to be done.
Debt is meaningless as soon as Fair Trade kicks in.
Anybody who criticized Obama should get on their knees and beg forgiveness.

By the end of his term, $ 10+ trillion will have disappeared down the Dopey Donald Trump rabbit-hole.

Will that shut Dopey Donald Trump's cakehole? Shit no.

The MAGAnuts are addicted to Dopey Donald Trump's lies and he will find a way to blame others and spin it as a success to rouse his MAGAnut hordes.

The Approaching COVID-19 Debt Crisis: How Excessive Debt Reduces Economic Growth
Trump was running a trillion dollar deficit before the virus hit.
So much for Republican fiscal conservatism
Trump is not a R.
If he was, I wouldn't have voted for him.
Of course you know this, but you know your ex-manager is reading your posts.
WTF does Trump have to do with all the money the Fed and Congress is throwing at the COVID pandemic?
You mean aside from his failed leadership resulting in far more economic damage than was necessary?

Here's an interesting question. Why is the fiscal and monetary response to COVID on Congress and the Fed when Congress and the Fed's response to the Bush recession was on Obama?
psssssssssst..i know why.
Simple answer, Obama stifled the US economy with regulations and moving jobs and factories overseas. It was an "unforced error", i.e. "those jobs are not coming back".
Trump's Debt was due to external circumstances. The strongest economy the world had ever seen was shutdown for 3-months or so.
See the difference? One Debt addition was unforced, and one was externally forced.

Obama's debt was incurred due to an economic collapse that predated his administration, which is an external circumstance.

Trump's massive debt was accrued as a direct result of his policies for tax cuts and then exacerbated by his inability to control the spread of COVID 19.
The brown turd's debt was accrued because Nancy Pelosi and the Demoncraps didnt stop the Fannie Freddie debacle from happening. Because of that, the smelly excrement Oblummer got to spend 1.5 trillion dollars a year, and still had the highest amount in poverty since the war on poverty started. Thanks Oblummer...
False and revisionist history.

The dramatic change in the mortgage industry leading into the subprime crisis was the involvement of private mortgage lenders who drove down the requirements for mortgages. Fannie and Freddie had little if anything to do with it.

It was primarily unregulated free market capitalism.
involvement of private mortgage lenders
Who all had the backing of Fannie and Freddie, which Barnacle Frank and Chrissy Dodd just adored and wouldnt allow sub primes to be red lined. Dont fucking try to play a game with me, my intellect is 100s higher than your pea brain.

Private mortgage lenders did not have the backing of Fannie and Freddie. They had no need for them. The mortgages were bundled into mortgage backed securities and sold off to investors worldwide by prominent investment firms such as Bear Stearns (ring any bells yet?) who had obscured the risk of those securities.
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Bailout Debacle
The dominant role Fannie and Freddie play today is no accident. The companies, Wall Street firms, mortgage bankers, real estate agents and Washington lawmakers have built up an unusual and mutually beneficial co-dependency, helped along by robust lobbying efforts and campaign contributions. In Washington, Fannie and Freddie’s sprawling lobbying machine hired family and friends of politicians in their efforts to quickly sideline any regulations that might slow their growth or invite greater oversight of their business practices.
The reason why most of the US hates the fucking government is because shitfucks like you turn a blind eye. Then when the shit hits the fan you blame anyone but the real problem...which is the fucking government. Another IQ of 30 person trying to debate me...

Alright genius. Since you're so brilliant, why don't you tell me how Fannie and Freddie back the private mortgage lenders?
I guess you dont know how to open a link, and i am supposed to do it for you. No thanks moron, i did my homework, you should try it also, you might raise your IQ a few points.
So you don't know?
Anybody who criticized Obama should get on their knees and beg forgiveness.

By the end of his term, $ 10+ trillion will have disappeared down the Dopey Donald Trump rabbit-hole.

Will that shut Dopey Donald Trump's cakehole? Shit no.

The MAGAnuts are addicted to Dopey Donald Trump's lies and he will find a way to blame others and spin it as a success to rouse his MAGAnut hordes.

The Approaching COVID-19 Debt Crisis: How Excessive Debt Reduces Economic Growth
Trump was running a trillion dollar deficit before the virus hit.
So much for Republican fiscal conservatism
Trump is not a R.
If he was, I wouldn't have voted for him.
Of course you know this, but you know your ex-manager is reading your posts.
Trump will replace Reagan as the Conservative God among Republicans
He will also destroy the party
Anybody who criticized Obama should get on their knees and beg forgiveness.

By the end of his term, $ 10+ trillion will have disappeared down the Dopey Donald Trump rabbit-hole.

Will that shut Dopey Donald Trump's cakehole? Shit no.

The MAGAnuts are addicted to Dopey Donald Trump's lies and he will find a way to blame others and spin it as a success to rouse his MAGAnut hordes.

The Approaching COVID-19 Debt Crisis: How Excessive Debt Reduces Economic Growth
Thanks to China.....and the Democraps who spent millions on never ending investigations into Russian Collusion, Stormy Daniels, Brett Kavanaugh, Ukraine, Cuomo's selling of PPE just before the Wuhan Virus was let out...oops...Demoncraps suck


The game is played at Trillions....

All hail Trump the Great... There is a belief out there that total devotion to Trump is needed...

They accuse people of TDS when they can't admit Trump made a mess of the COVID response...

They can't accept that..
Just as obamabots did when Ears was potus. Partisans can see the truth.

At least Donnie hasn’t started any new wars, as the two previous crooks did.
Anybody who criticized Obama should get on their knees and beg forgiveness.

By the end of his term, $ 10+ trillion will have disappeared down the Dopey Donald Trump rabbit-hole.

Will that shut Dopey Donald Trump's cakehole? Shit no.

The MAGAnuts are addicted to Dopey Donald Trump's lies and he will find a way to blame others and spin it as a success to rouse his MAGAnut hordes.

The Approaching COVID-19 Debt Crisis: How Excessive Debt Reduces Economic Growth
Trump was running a trillion dollar deficit before the virus hit.
So much for Republican fiscal conservatism
Trump is not a R.
If he was, I wouldn't have voted for him.
Of course you know this, but you know your ex-manager is reading your posts.
Trump will replace Reagan as the Conservative God among Republicans
He will also destroy the party
Have you ever been right about anything?
Anybody who criticized Obama should get on their knees and beg forgiveness.

By the end of his term, $ 10+ trillion will have disappeared down the Dopey Donald Trump rabbit-hole.

Will that shut Dopey Donald Trump's cakehole? Shit no.

The MAGAnuts are addicted to Dopey Donald Trump's lies and he will find a way to blame others and spin it as a success to rouse his MAGAnut hordes.

The Approaching COVID-19 Debt Crisis: How Excessive Debt Reduces Economic Growth
No. Ears deserved criticism for his massive deficit spending, just as Donnie does.

Of course the hypocrisy is clear to see. Lefties say O had too, because of the Great Recession. Now cons will say Don had too, because of the Covid.

All just propaganda.

He had massive deficit spending when he first became president. He had to save us from the bush boy's great recession.

However how could he have massively deficit spent if he slashed the deficit by more than half? When he took office the bush boy left 1.4 trillion in deficit. When Obama left office he left 585 billion in deficit. If he was massively deficit spending there is no way he could have slashed the deficit by more than half.

The truth is he did the opposite of what you claim he did.
Lol. You might want to look at the national debt in 2008 and then again in 2016.

Partisans. Ugh

I'm sorry but there is a difference between debt and deficit. My education and degree is in Accounting/Finance. When it comes to those subjects, I know what I'm talking about.

Here is the real meaning of those words.

Deficit: You can have a deficit for anything. The deficit we're talking about is the budget deficit. A deficit is when you add all your income with all your spending and you end up with a negative number. You've spent more money than you generated. In the case of the nation, we borrow money to cover that short fall or deficit. That amount is added to the debt at the end of the fiscal year. It's not the national debt. It's a slice of the debt for a determined amount of time. In this case, our fiscal year which goes from October 1 to September 30th.

Debt. You can have a debt for any loan or obligation. In this case it's the national debt. That is the amount of money we borrowed and owe to pay back with interest.

You said he massively created deficit. Which if you look at the numbers he spent at first but over all, he slashed the deficit in half.

If you want to talk about how much he added to the national debt I'll be happy to talk about it but that's not the same thing as the deficit.

Please don't change your own subject.
Anybody who criticized Obama should get on their knees and beg forgiveness.

By the end of his term, $ 10+ trillion will have disappeared down the Dopey Donald Trump rabbit-hole.

Will that shut Dopey Donald Trump's cakehole? Shit no.

The MAGAnuts are addicted to Dopey Donald Trump's lies and he will find a way to blame others and spin it as a success to rouse his MAGAnut hordes.

The Approaching COVID-19 Debt Crisis: How Excessive Debt Reduces Economic Growth
Thanks to China.....and the Democraps who spent millions on never ending investigations into Russian Collusion, Stormy Daniels, Brett Kavanaugh, Ukraine, Cuomo's selling of PPE just before the Wuhan Virus was let out...oops...Demoncraps suck


The game is played at Trillions....

All hail Trump the Great... There is a belief out there that total devotion to Trump is needed...

They accuse people of TDS when they can't admit Trump made a mess of the COVID response...

They can't accept that..
Just as obamabots did when Ears was potus. Partisans can see the truth.

At least Donnie hasn’t started any new wars, as the two previous crooks did.
Fat Donnie started a trade war
Anybody who criticized Obama should get on their knees and beg forgiveness.

By the end of his term, $ 10+ trillion will have disappeared down the Dopey Donald Trump rabbit-hole.

Will that shut Dopey Donald Trump's cakehole? Shit no.

The MAGAnuts are addicted to Dopey Donald Trump's lies and he will find a way to blame others and spin it as a success to rouse his MAGAnut hordes.

The Approaching COVID-19 Debt Crisis: How Excessive Debt Reduces Economic Growth
No. Ears deserved criticism for his massive deficit spending, just as Donnie does.

Of course the hypocrisy is clear to see. Lefties say O had too, because of the Great Recession. Now cons will say Don had too, because of the Covid.

All just propaganda.

He had massive deficit spending when he first became president. He had to save us from the bush boy's great recession.

However how could he have massively deficit spent if he slashed the deficit by more than half? When he took office the bush boy left 1.4 trillion in deficit. When Obama left office he left 585 billion in deficit. If he was massively deficit spending there is no way he could have slashed the deficit by more than half.

The truth is he did the opposite of what you claim he did.
Lol. You might want to look at the national debt in 2008 and then again in 2016.

Partisans. Ugh

I'm sorry but there is a difference between debt and deficit. My education and degree is in Accounting/Finance. When it comes to those subjects, I know what I'm talking about.

Here is the real meaning of those words.

Deficit: You can have a deficit for anything. The deficit we're talking about is the budget deficit. A deficit is when you add all your income with all your spending and you end up with a negative number. You've spent more money than you generated. In the case of the nation, we borrow money to cover that short fall or deficit. That amount is added to the debt at the end of the fiscal year. It's not the national debt. It's a slice of the debt for a determined amount of time. In this case, our fiscal year which goes from October 1 to September 30th.

Debt. You can have a debt for any loan or obligation. In this case it's the national debt. That is the amount of money we borrowed and owe to pay back with interest.

You said he massively created deficit. Which if you look at the numbers he spent at first but over all, he slashed the deficit in half.

If you want to talk about how much he added to the national debt I'll be happy to talk about it but that's not the same thing as the deficit.

Please don't change your own subject.
That’s funny. You commend him for lowering the deficit but he still nearly doubled the national debt. Do you fail to see how illogical that is?
Anybody who criticized Obama should get on their knees and beg forgiveness.

By the end of his term, $ 10+ trillion will have disappeared down the Dopey Donald Trump rabbit-hole.

Will that shut Dopey Donald Trump's cakehole? Shit no.

The MAGAnuts are addicted to Dopey Donald Trump's lies and he will find a way to blame others and spin it as a success to rouse his MAGAnut hordes.

The Approaching COVID-19 Debt Crisis: How Excessive Debt Reduces Economic Growth
Thanks to China.....and the Democraps who spent millions on never ending investigations into Russian Collusion, Stormy Daniels, Brett Kavanaugh, Ukraine, Cuomo's selling of PPE just before the Wuhan Virus was let out...oops...Demoncraps suck


The game is played at Trillions....

All hail Trump the Great... There is a belief out there that total devotion to Trump is needed...

They accuse people of TDS when they can't admit Trump made a mess of the COVID response...

They can't accept that..
Just as obamabots did when Ears was potus. Partisans can see the truth.

At least Donnie hasn’t started any new wars, as the two previous crooks did.
Fat Donnie started a trade war
Yeah that’s really bad. At least Ears started real wars that killed thousands. Go Ears!
Anybody who criticized Obama should get on their knees and beg forgiveness.

By the end of his term, $ 10+ trillion will have disappeared down the Dopey Donald Trump rabbit-hole.

Will that shut Dopey Donald Trump's cakehole? Shit no.

The MAGAnuts are addicted to Dopey Donald Trump's lies and he will find a way to blame others and spin it as a success to rouse his MAGAnut hordes.

The Approaching COVID-19 Debt Crisis: How Excessive Debt Reduces Economic Growth
Trump was running a trillion dollar deficit before the virus hit.
So much for Republican fiscal conservatism
Trump is not a R.
If he was, I wouldn't have voted for him.
Of course you know this, but you know your ex-manager is reading your posts.
Trump will replace Reagan as the Conservative God among Republicans
He will also destroy the party
Have you ever been right about anything?
Nope. He is consistently wrong.
Anybody who criticized Obama should get on their knees and beg forgiveness.

By the end of his term, $ 10+ trillion will have disappeared down the Dopey Donald Trump rabbit-hole.

Will that shut Dopey Donald Trump's cakehole? Shit no.

The MAGAnuts are addicted to Dopey Donald Trump's lies and he will find a way to blame others and spin it as a success to rouse his MAGAnut hordes.

The Approaching COVID-19 Debt Crisis: How Excessive Debt Reduces Economic Growth
Thanks to China.....and the Democraps who spent millions on never ending investigations into Russian Collusion, Stormy Daniels, Brett Kavanaugh, Ukraine, Cuomo's selling of PPE just before the Wuhan Virus was let out...oops...Demoncraps suck


The game is played at Trillions....

All hail Trump the Great... There is a belief out there that total devotion to Trump is needed...

They accuse people of TDS when they can't admit Trump made a mess of the COVID response...

They can't accept that..
Just as obamabots did when Ears was potus. Partisans can see the truth.

At least Donnie hasn’t started any new wars, as the two previous crooks did.
Fat Donnie started a trade war
I'll be sure to alert the average Chinese citizen that you are happy they work 35 hours clips for $13,00/day.
Do you realize you are an asshole?
After what?

He failed to implement any response to mitigate the effects of this virus on the population of the country and our economy.

You actually think Biden has any chance against Trump?

Yes. If we can get a "Kenyan" elected..... twice..... after GWB's fucking up his Katrina response we'll have no problem electing Biden after Trump had NO RESPONSE to fighting this virus and having a Katrina death count every single day.
At least GWB TRIED.
Trump never did and now over 75K, and climbing, are dead because Trump failed to do the one job all presidents are required of. Protect the country and American people.
He failed at both.
You think the American people are going to reward a failure Kyzr?
Never going to happen. By the time the election rolls around we'll be way pass 100K dead and Depression.
And Trump will be voted out of office.

1. Trump's travel ban was called xenophobic and racist by the democrats. Trump wins on the fighting COVID issue.
2. The regular flu routinely kills 60,000 a year. COVID was projected to kill 2.2m, so limiting the deaths to a reasonable level, especially compared to the EU is a win.
3. I think the US voters will choose Trump over Biden. That is the choice.
4. A difference of opinion is what makes a horse race. November isn't that far away, we'll soon see.
After what?

He failed to implement any response to mitigate the effects of this virus on the population of the country and our economy.

You actually think Biden has any chance against Trump?

Yes. If we can get a "Kenyan" elected..... twice..... after GWB's fucking up his Katrina response we'll have no problem electing Biden after Trump had NO RESPONSE to fighting this virus and having a Katrina death count every single day.
At least GWB TRIED.
Trump never did and now over 75K, and climbing, are dead because Trump failed to do the one job all presidents are required of. Protect the country and American people.
He failed at both.
You think the American people are going to reward a failure Kyzr?
Never going to happen. By the time the election rolls around we'll be way pass 100K dead and Depression.
And Trump will be voted out of office.

1. Trump's travel ban was called xenophobic and racist by the democrats. Trump wins on the fighting COVID issue.
2. The regular flu routinely kills 60,000 a year. COVID was projected to kill 2.2m, so limiting the deaths to a reasonable level, especially compared to the EU is a win.
3. I think the US voters will choose Trump over Biden. That is the choice.
4. A difference of opinion is what makes a horse race. November isn't that far away, we'll soon see.
No need to worry about who wins in November, if the choice is Don or Joe. Either way, you cons win. Sniffy is more conservative than Donnie. He is completely owned and controlled by the establishment.

So, it’s a win-win for cons and Rs.
After what?

He failed to implement any response to mitigate the effects of this virus on the population of the country and our economy.

You actually think Biden has any chance against Trump?

Yes. If we can get a "Kenyan" elected..... twice..... after GWB's fucking up his Katrina response we'll have no problem electing Biden after Trump had NO RESPONSE to fighting this virus and having a Katrina death count every single day.
At least GWB TRIED.
Trump never did and now over 75K, and climbing, are dead because Trump failed to do the one job all presidents are required of. Protect the country and American people.
He failed at both.
You think the American people are going to reward a failure Kyzr?
Never going to happen. By the time the election rolls around we'll be way pass 100K dead and Depression.
And Trump will be voted out of office.

1. Trump's travel ban was called xenophobic and racist by the democrats. Trump wins on the fighting COVID issue.

Name them.
After what?

He failed to implement any response to mitigate the effects of this virus on the population of the country and our economy.

You actually think Biden has any chance against Trump?

Yes. If we can get a "Kenyan" elected..... twice..... after GWB's fucking up his Katrina response we'll have no problem electing Biden after Trump had NO RESPONSE to fighting this virus and having a Katrina death count every single day.
At least GWB TRIED.
Trump never did and now over 75K, and climbing, are dead because Trump failed to do the one job all presidents are required of. Protect the country and American people.
He failed at both.
You think the American people are going to reward a failure Kyzr?
Never going to happen. By the time the election rolls around we'll be way pass 100K dead and Depression.
And Trump will be voted out of office.

1. Trump's travel ban was called xenophobic and racist by the democrats. Trump wins on the fighting COVID issue.
2. The regular flu routinely kills 60,000 a year. COVID was projected to kill 2.2m, so limiting the deaths to a reasonable level, especially compared to the EU is a win.
3. I think the US voters will choose Trump over Biden. That is the choice.
4. A difference of opinion is what makes a horse race. November isn't that far away, we'll soon see.
No need to worry about who wins in November, if the choice is Don or Joe. Either way, you cons win. Sniffy is more conservative than Donnie. He is completely owned and controlled by the establishment.

So, it’s a win-win for cons and Rs.
Biden would send 100T to China to apologize for the bad press.

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