By removing all the boats on the ocean we can reduce the sea levels #planetsaving

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

This is a real live politician discussing this. Albeit a trumper. How can you expect these people to grasp concepts that are you know, complex.

At least his saving grace is that he recognises that sea levels are rising. Many of our brethren think its just a hoax.

This is a real live politician discussing this. Albeit a trumper. How can you expect these people to grasp concepts that are you know, complex.

At least his saving grace is that he recognises that sea levels are rising. Many of our brethren think its just a hoax.
He must have gone to the same school as the idiot democrat who thought more military presence on Guam would capsize the island

He still needs to work out how to move goods from China to the west. Is it worth the trouble just for a hoax ?

This is a real live politician discussing this. Albeit a trumper. How can you expect these people to grasp concepts that are you know, complex.

At least his saving grace is that he recognises that sea levels are rising. Many of our brethren think its just a hoax.

Oh, look. Another ignorant Tainted Tommy thread trying to paint all of of a demographic by association with a random nutcase who doesn't speak for any of us.

The article is behind a paywall, and therefore, it has no credibility whatsoever. And it's from a British source, that has no credibility nor standing whatsoever in discussion matters pertaining to the United States. Being cited by a light-in-the-loafer (yes, only one loafer) British faggot who also has no credibility or standing to pontificate on anything to do with the united states.


This is a real live politician discussing this. Albeit a trumper. How can you expect these people to grasp concepts that are you know, complex.

At least his saving grace is that he recognises that sea levels are rising. Many of our brethren think its just a hoax.
It was sarcasm dummy

This is a real live politician discussing this. Albeit a trumper. How can you expect these people to grasp concepts that are you know, complex.

At least his saving grace is that he recognises that sea levels are rising. Many of our brethren think its just a hoax.
Perhaps he is talking about all the cargo and materials vessels backed up in ports due to idiot Biden's vaccine mandates and eternal welfare checks.....

This is a real live politician discussing this. Albeit a trumper. How can you expect these people to grasp concepts that are you know, complex.

At least his saving grace is that he recognises that sea levels are rising. Many of our brethren think its just a hoax.

Gas prices are way above $3 for the first time since Obama was in office. There is a humanitarian crisis at the border caused by Joe Xiden himself while Kamala ignores it. Americans left behind in Afghanistan while the Taliban was given thousands of US high grade weapons. Hospitals are being overrun by COVID cases due to Joe Xiden's lack of leadership. Inflation, job losses all on Joe Xiden. But let's pretend its all not happening and distract with a bullshit article that appears to be SARCASM. Uh OK.

This is a real live politician discussing this. Albeit a trumper. How can you expect these people to grasp concepts that are you know, complex.

At least his saving grace is that he recognises that sea levels are rising. Many of our brethren think its just a hoax.
People like living near the coasts. On barrier islands affected, move back a block. The cost will be great. That will do more then the assinine global taxes that will make more people poorer while a small percentage becomes richer. p.s....that is why they are called barrier islands. p.s.2...low lying areas can be flood plains and building big cities on the ocean may not be smart... even with that, many of them may have real infrastructure improvement that will reduce many threats.
Perhaps he is talking about all the cargo and materials vessels backed up in ports due to idiot Biden's vaccine mandates and eternal welfare checks.....

That's the problem with trolling leftists. Sometimes you can be so sublime that they just don't get it, and it backfires on you when they take it out of context.

Remember this one? Some morons still believe to this day, that it's what caused Hillary to lose.

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Oh, look. Another ignorant Tainted Tommy thread trying to paint all of of a demographic by association with a random nutcase who doesn't speak for any of us.

The article is behind a paywall, and therefore, it has no credibility whatsoever. And it's from a British source, that has no credibility nor standing whatsoever in discussion matters pertaining to the United States. Being cited by a light-in-the-loafer (yes, only one loafer) British faggot who also has no credibility or standing to pontificate on anything to do with the united states.

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It probably cost him 50 rocks or little boys, whatever they use for currency in that shithole.

It's definitely not toothpaste.
This is pretty interesting. BBC and Independent UK are doing this hit job on the guy and we're not getting any of this backstabbing about the guy here in virginia...maybe cause it ain't true?
This is pretty interesting. BBC and Independent UK are doing this hit job on the guy and we're not getting any of this backstabbing about the guy here in virginia...maybe cause it ain't true?

Social media ginned-up liberal outrage for a slow news day. That just means that something big is gonna blow up by the end of the day. Time to hunker down, count my magazines, and wait for the shock wave.
Why do you goons argue with the science. As he says -

‘When you take things out of bath water, the bath water decreases, does it not?’

I know that you are anti science dumbos but you cant argue with that. Take a moment, go to the bathroom and check it out yourselves. ITS TRUE !!

In such a diminished field it is clear that Mr Pio is one of the sharpest minds in trumpian science.

This is a real live politician discussing this. Albeit a trumper. How can you expect these people to grasp concepts that are you know, complex.

At least his saving grace is that he recognises that sea levels are rising. Many of our brethren think its just a hoax.
it would have little impact. unnoticeable really, just like the rise in the sea level is really unnoticeable
Oh, look. Another ignorant Tainted Tommy thread trying to paint all of of a demographic by association with a random nutcase who doesn't speak for any of us.

The article is behind a paywall, and therefore, it has no credibility whatsoever. And it's from a British source, that has no credibility nor standing whatsoever in discussion matters pertaining to the United States. Being cited by a light-in-the-loafer (yes, only one loafer) British faggot who also has no credibility or standing to pontificate on anything to do with the united states.

View attachment 551241
There is no paywall Mr Scratchypants.
Why do you goons argue with the science. As he says -

‘When you take things out of bath water, the bath water decreases, does it not?’

I know that you are anti science dumbos but you cant argue with that. Take a moment, go to the bathroom and check it out yourselves. ITS TRUE !!

In such a diminished field it is clear that Mr Pio is one of the sharpest minds in trumpian science.
You really are a doofus, you know??

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