C. Todd suggested the gop may want the D to run as an Indep


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2013
if Cruz is in second place come convention time. If, as is expected, polls show neither could win in a general election, and either could presage a Dem landslide in the congress as well ..... then the establishment could stop one, but not both, from being the nominee.

By combining the super delegates along with those won by all other establishment candidates it would put Cruz over the top. If the Donald ran as an indep, gop turnout for congressional elections would dwarf dem turnout.

Devious. LOL
anyone hoping for Hillary to win hates us and our country in my book

that's it
if Cruz is in second place come convention time. If, as is expected, polls show neither could win in a general election, and either could presage a Dem landslide in the congress as well ..... then the establishment could stop one, but not both, from being the nominee.

By combining the super delegates along with those won by all other establishment candidates it would put Cruz over the top. If the Donald ran as an indep, gop turnout for congressional elections would dwarf dem turnout.

Devious. LOL

Trump running independent would pull about 10% of the vote. Same low information voters who support the Tea Party
Same 10% that supported rich guy Ross Perot in 1992 and ensured a victory for Bill Clinton
if Cruz is in second place come convention time. If, as is expected, polls show neither could win in a general election, and either could presage a Dem landslide in the congress as well ..... then the establishment could stop one, but not both, from being the nominee.

By combining the super delegates along with those won by all other establishment candidates it would put Cruz over the top. If the Donald ran as an indep, gop turnout for congressional elections would dwarf dem turnout.

Devious. LOL

If, as is expected, polls show neither could win in a general election,


Who would beat either? Hillary? Bernie? That's funny!
Trump running as an (I) would split the vote and guarantee a Clinton win
Yes, but it would also guarantee the gop holds both the senate and house, which is the point. The establishment could be happy with that AND Hillary as potus.
Trump running as an (I) would split the vote and guarantee a Clinton win
Yes, but it would also guarantee the gop holds both the senate and house, which is the point. The establishment could be happy with that AND Hillary as potus.

Hillary as POTUS is totally unacceptable.
Well, don't nominate either Trump or Cruz then.

November is a long way off, let it play out
Trump running as an (I) would split the vote and guarantee a Clinton win
Yes, but it would also guarantee the gop holds both the senate and house, which is the point. The establishment could be happy with that AND Hillary as potus.

Hillary as POTUS is totally unacceptable.
Well, don't nominate either Trump or Cruz then.

November is a long way off, let it play out
No, I think the Donald just laid the cement.

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