CA gov Brown mandates water restrictions. No mention of deporting the illegals causing the shortage

[ The good news is ultra-liberal, Illegal Mexican loving, California Governor Jerry Brown is going to take the hit for this, and that will be the end of his political career.

LOL....yeah....he will never run for governor again....

He probably won't since he'll be 80

And he will have hit term limits........

Brown is interesting to watch right now- far from being the ultra-liberal that he was in the 1970's- he is pretty mainstream center left liberal. He did a good job as mayor of Oakland and has been the most effective(and least divisive) California governor going back a couple of decades at least.

He doesn't really have to care what the voters think. I disagree with him regarding the high speed train, and I think he should have ramped up drought action earlier but he is doing a decent job- and will be more able to get action on the water shortage than any of our other most recent governors would.
Did you know the pot operations are in the northern part of the state, where it is not affected by the drought? Anyone growing in the south is doing it in a spare bedroom.
what?....the north is affected too...much of this thing is about water to the farmers up north.....

The farmers aren't in the north. They are in the central valley. That's only the north to the people in SoCal. That is not to say there are no farms in the north but all of the big operations are in the center. And that is where the bulk of the water in the state is being used.
what?....i got news for you N.Cal begins just a little north of Bakersfield....thats the northern part of the State to everyone....90% of the central valley is in the northern part of the State...

Seriously, look at that map. The dividing line is 2/3's the way down. San Francisco is practically the center. The reason it is called the "central valley" is because it is in the center. No wonder the northern counties want to secede. You guys don't even realize they are there.
The reason it is called the "central valley" is because it is in the center
no shit...its also considered to be in the northern part of the state.....
even Wikipedia says im right....
Northern California

Northern California counties in red
Northern California, often abbreviated NorCal, is the northern portion of the U.S. state of California. Spanning the state's northernmost 48 counties, in contrast to the 10 counties of Southern California,its main population centers include the San Francisco Bay Area(anchored by the cities of San Francisco,San Jose, and Oakland), the Greater Sacramento area (anchored by the state capital Sacramento), and the Metropolitan Fresno area (anchored by the city of Fresno). Northern California also contains redwood forests, along with the Sierra Nevada including Yosemite Valley and part of Lake Tahoe,Mount Shasta(the second-highest peak in the Cascade Range after Mount Rainier in Washington), and the northern portion of the Central Valley, one of the world's most productive agricultural regions.

The 48-county definition is not used for the Northern California Megaregion, one of the 11 mega regions of the United States. The mega region's area is instead defined from from Metropolitan Fresno north to Greater Sacramento, and from the Bay Area east across Nevada state line to encompass the entire Lake Tahoe-Reno area.

I don't care what Wikipedia says. North is a direction and the northern part of something doesn't start 2./3's of the way south. It starts at the half way point. If you want to see it differently, that is fine but it doesn't change my point. The area where pot operations is not in the central valley and that is where the major water usage is.
no matter how you slice it, it is all bull shit. I live in San Diego about as far south as you can get. our lakes are still full. .

I've heard the same from lots of other people. Bownie is a crook and maybe he has relatives in the de-salination business and wants to help them by claiming the drought is much worse than it is.
Brown is interesting to watch right now- far from being the ultra-liberal that he was in the 1970's- he is pretty mainstream center left liberal. He did a good job as mayor of Oakland and has been the most effective(and least divisive) California governor going back a couple of decades at least.

He doesn't really have to care what the voters think. I disagree with him regarding the high speed train, and I think he should have ramped up drought action earlier but he is doing a decent job- and will be more able to get action on the water shortage than any of our other most recent governors would.

And yet he won't obey the law and kick out the ten million illegals destroying the state.
Brown is interesting to watch right now- far from being the ultra-liberal that he was in the 1970's- he is pretty mainstream center left liberal. He did a good job as mayor of Oakland and has been the most effective(and least divisive) California governor going back a couple of decades at least.

He doesn't really have to care what the voters think. I disagree with him regarding the high speed train, and I think he should have ramped up drought action earlier but he is doing a decent job- and will be more able to get action on the water shortage than any of our other most recent governors would.

And yet he won't obey the law and kick out the ten million illegals destroying the state.

10 million. Where did you get that number? According to Pew it is considerably lower than that. 5 facts about illegal immigration in the U.S. Pew Research Center
"CA gov Brown mandates water restrictions. No mention of deporting the illegals causing the shortage"


Likely because states have no authority to 'deport' anyone.
But they CAN report Illegals to the Feds.

And they CAN ensure that Illegals do not get jobs or housing or educational or medical or financial services or welfare money or food stamps.

Or vote.
come out here kondor and try anyone of those things....after you get labeled a racist and bigot by the activists out here, im sure like all the rest who have tried we wont be hearing to much from you...
Why would I be labeled a racist and a bigot for suggesting that we deny jobs and housing and education and medical and financial services and welfare money or food stamps to Illegal Aliens?

And why would I care what Activist Asswipes in The Land of Fruits and Nuts think, anyway?
Why not just get rid of 25% of the Illegal Aliens in The Land of Fruits and Nuts?

That should go a long way towards conserving the amount of water needed.

Then again, they lack the balls, so... never mind.
will your state go first and start the deporting?.....or do they lack the balls too?....
Oh, hell, Illinois is probably in second place, regarding a lack of balls, when it comes to deporting Illegals.

Nolo contendere.

That doesn't detract from the idea that The Land of Fruits and Nuts is in indisputable First Place in that category in the Annual Rasberry Awards, eh?
so no one wants to go first but cal gets all the Spock would say...
Cal can take the blame 'cause Cal lets in more than anybody else, and does less to rid themselves of Illegals than anybody else.

Cal is the worst, in this respect, so it needs the most attention, and first.

It's all the fault of the golfers according to moonbeam!!! The ten million illegals in the state are blameless.

Governor Brown Ordered Mandatory Restrictions On Water Consumption In California What is USA

april 2 2015
The Government of California wants to reduce the expense of water by 25% in the remainder of the year.

For this purpose it will force cemeteries, golf courses, University campuses and other facilities with large areas of grass to cut water use.

It is also prohibited to new housing to irrigate gardens with potable water, unless they have an irrigation system by efficient drip.

On the other hand, the Government provides for local agencies that manage the water supply to regulate their prices to encourage users to not to waste this good.
You can turn crap back into water...try's potable,,,,,,means you can store it in a pot or urn...
It's all the fault of the golfers according to moonbeam!!! The ten million illegals in the state are blameless.

States don't deport people.

Hey einstein. The federal constitution says the states, not the feds, have authority to deport.
It's all the fault of the golfers according to moonbeam!!! The ten million illegals in the state are blameless.

Governor Brown Ordered Mandatory Restrictions On Water Consumption In California What is USA

april 2 2015
The Government of California wants to reduce the expense of water by 25% in the remainder of the year.

For this purpose it will force cemeteries, golf courses, University campuses and other facilities with large areas of grass to cut water use.

It is also prohibited to new housing to irrigate gardens with potable water, unless they have an irrigation system by efficient drip.

On the other hand, the Government provides for local agencies that manage the water supply to regulate their prices to encourage users to not to waste this good.
As many here know, I reside in both New Mexico and Southern California. The photo below is of a nice New Mexico home with a typical dessert xeriscaping. It is dull and boring. According to CBS News our lush Southern California foliage is about to be replaced by this.


Apparently, some Southern California communities will pay $3 per square foot if you xeriscape. It is the end of an era for California. We will be joining all the other border states in the dessert. If you had told me a year ago that this could happen, and Illegal immigrants could be blamed, I would have laughed it off. Alliances change in a drought. In all honesty if we dumped the 2+ million California illegals back over our southern border, we could easily cut our water usage by more than 25%. How much more are we going to allow foreign freeloaders to reduce our quality of living? The good news is ultra-liberal, Illegal Mexican loving, California Governor Jerry Brown is going to take the hit for this, and that will be the end of his political career.

How do you come up with 25%? The population of California is almost 39 million. Removing 2 million is about a 5% reduction, and that assumes all of the water goes just to people. In fact, 80% of the water goes to either agriculture or environmental projects (filling reservoirs falls into that category). Then you have industrial usages. About 11% of the water is municipal (which includes those golf courses). But even assuming all municipal use went to personal consumption, the total reduction would only amount to about 0.5%. IOW, it wouldn't make the slightest difference to the situation.

You're better off keeping them. At least then you have someone to blame.

Just FYI this is pretty typical of what lush Southern California landscaping looks like, even in a moderately priced home. Sunset Magazine is a way of life for many people. House and garden is important because we like to entertain in a tropical environment. This lifestyle will be missed.


As to your numbers on illegal immigration and water use, we can calculate gallons of use per person per year, and calculate how much illegal Mexicans use. However, it really does not matter because they do not belong here legally anyway. Any deportation will be an improvement.

I predict will will return to the days of the old west when farmers and ranchers killed each other over water. It will make the fight for oil look like a picnic. Will California allow it's agricultural base to be foreclosed, or is it easier to blame illegal Mexicans and get rid of a problem we should have cleaned up 50 years ago. 12,000,000 illegals today with 2+ million in California. In JFK's presidency there were only 450,000 illegals thanks to "Operation Wetback" implemented by Eisenhower, Truman, and Hoover.

Once Obama is gone we can fix this in both political parties. As an independent voter I have watched corporate Republicans take votes from the religious right, and throw them trinkets after the election. Democrats do the same thing to Mexicans. Water is where the rubber meets the road, and it has been far too long since we dumped illegal Mexicans back over our southern border in mass.
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"CA gov Brown mandates water restrictions. No mention of deporting the illegals causing the shortage"


Likely because states have no authority to 'deport' anyone.
But they CAN report Illegals to the Feds.

And they CAN ensure that Illegals do not get jobs or housing or educational or medical or financial services or welfare money or food stamps.

Or vote.
come out here kondor and try anyone of those things....after you get labeled a racist and bigot by the activists out here, im sure like all the rest who have tried we wont be hearing to much from you...
Why would I be labeled a racist and a bigot for suggesting that we deny jobs and housing and education and medical and financial services and welfare money or food stamps to Illegal Aliens?

And why would I care what Activist Asswipes in The Land of Fruits and Nuts think, anyway?

And why should we care what an asshole like you thinks anyway?
It's all the fault of the golfers according to moonbeam!!! The ten million illegals in the state are blameless.

States don't deport people.

Hey einstein. The federal constitution says the states, not the feds, have authority to deport.
It's all the fault of the golfers according to moonbeam!!! The ten million illegals in the state are blameless.

Governor Brown Ordered Mandatory Restrictions On Water Consumption In California What is USA

april 2 2015
The Government of California wants to reduce the expense of water by 25% in the remainder of the year.

For this purpose it will force cemeteries, golf courses, University campuses and other facilities with large areas of grass to cut water use.

It is also prohibited to new housing to irrigate gardens with potable water, unless they have an irrigation system by efficient drip.

On the other hand, the Government provides for local agencies that manage the water supply to regulate their prices to encourage users to not to waste this good.
As many here know, I reside in both New Mexico and Southern California. The photo below is of a nice New Mexico home with a typical dessert xeriscaping. It is dull and boring. According to CBS News our lush Southern California foliage is about to be replaced by this.


Apparently, some Southern California communities will pay $3 per square foot if you xeriscape. It is the end of an era for California. We will be joining all the other border states in the dessert. If you had told me a year ago that this could happen, and Illegal immigrants could be blamed, I would have laughed it off. Alliances change in a drought. In all honesty if we dumped the 2+ million California illegals back over our southern border, we could easily cut our water usage by more than 25%. How much more are we going to allow foreign freeloaders to reduce our quality of living? The good news is ultra-liberal, Illegal Mexican loving, California Governor Jerry Brown is going to take the hit for this, and that will be the end of his political career.

How do you come up with 25%? The population of California is almost 39 million. Removing 2 million is about a 5% reduction, and that assumes all of the water goes just to people. In fact, 80% of the water goes to either agriculture or environmental projects (filling reservoirs falls into that category). Then you have industrial usages. About 11% of the water is municipal (which includes those golf courses). But even assuming all municipal use went to personal consumption, the total reduction would only amount to about 0.5%. IOW, it wouldn't make the slightest difference to the situation.

You're better off keeping them. At least then you have someone to blame.

As to your numbers on illegal immigration and water use, we can calculate gallons of use per person per year, and calculate how much illegal Mexicans use. However, it really does not matter because they do not belong here legally anyway. Any deportation will be an improvement.

I predict will will return to the days of the old west when farmers and ranchers killed each other over water. It will make the fight for oil look like a picnic. Will California allow it's agricultural base to be foreclosed, or is it easier to blame illegal Mexicans and get rid of a problem we should have cleaned up 50 years ago. 12,000,000 illegals today with 2+ million in California. In JFK's presidency there were only 450,000 illegals thanks to "Operation Wetback" implemented by Eisenhower, Truman, and Hoover.

Once Obama is gone we can fix this in both political parties. As an independent voter I have watched corporate Republicans take votes from the religious right, and throw them trinkets after the election. Democrats do the same thing to Mexicans. Water is where the rubber meets the road, and it has been far too long since we dumped illegal Mexicans back over our southern border in mass.

I predict we will end up not shooting each other for water. There is enough water for the population of California- there isn't enough water for how we have historically used it.

As another pointed out- the math shows that deporting every illegal alien would at most reduce water usage by .5%.

What does that mean? It means the issue of illegal immigration is irrelevant to the issue of our drought- and its just being used by those who have a political agenda.

Meanwhile- if you live in California- you know why there are illegals here- its because we Californians keep employing them- on the farms, on construction crews, and your neighbors, hiring them to keep those yards pretty.

I am against illegal immigration but I am also against those who pretend that California's economy is not tightly wrapped around cheap illegal labor.

If by some miracle we were able to deport every illegal alien in California today- the results are pretty predictable- in the short run our economy would go to hell- farms would be essentially unable to farm, most restaurants would be missing most of their workers, and construction costs would go up. Almost certainly it would lead to an economic recession in California- as all of the illegal Mexican, Central American, Chinese, Indian, and Irish immigrants poofed.

In the long run- after farms had gone out of business, and equilibrium had been reached- construction wages would go up, as would restaurant workers- along with the prices in restaurants.
Brown is interesting to watch right now- far from being the ultra-liberal that he was in the 1970's- he is pretty mainstream center left liberal. He did a good job as mayor of Oakland and has been the most effective(and least divisive) California governor going back a couple of decades at least.

He doesn't really have to care what the voters think. I disagree with him regarding the high speed train, and I think he should have ramped up drought action earlier but he is doing a decent job- and will be more able to get action on the water shortage than any of our other most recent governors would.

And yet he won't obey the law and kick out the ten million illegals destroying the state.

And yet the governor of California has never had the legal authority to deport anyone.

As is usual- your threads posts are full of falsehoods.
no matter how you slice it, it is all bull shit. I live in San Diego about as far south as you can get. our lakes are still full. .

I've heard the same from lots of other people. Bownie is a crook and maybe he has relatives in the de-salination business and wants to help them by claiming the drought is much worse than it is.

You do realize the voices in your heads don't qualify as 'other people'?

As another pointed out- the math shows that deporting every illegal alien would at most reduce water usage by .5%.


HAHAHA. You're making a fool of yourself. Illegals are 1/3 of the states residents and you say they only use a half of 1% of the water in the state!!! HAHA

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