CA gov Brown mandates water restrictions. No mention of deporting the illegals causing the shortage

Illegals have broken into our country and they are stealing welfare, education and other resources from our poor citizens and taxpayers to the tune of $113,000,000,000 (Billion with a "B" a year!).

It's far more than that. We have around 10 million illegal kids in our schools and at $15,000 per year per kid that's $150 billion right there. Throw in the free health care we give them and welfare and all the illegals in our prisons and they must cost us over $300 billion. That's $1000 for each american citizen.
I live here in Ca. and business owner. For the Einsteins let me give you the real facts.
1. Illegals did not cause the drought.

5. It doesn't matter who is the governor illegals will continue to pour in Ca. Tx, or Az..

You can't think. Having 10 million illegal squatters in your state certainly makes the water shortage much much worse and that's the point.

The illegals will not pour in if we remove the incentives. End the free health care for illegals and the free schooling for illegal kids and hit companies that hire illegals with big fines. The invaders will leave overnight. Very easy to get rid of

Let me repeat.
With or without illegals we have drought. Illegals did not cause the drought. That's my point.

Let me repeat.
No matter who is the governor here in ca whether a republican or democrat illegals will continue to pour in.
You have a GOP governor in Tx. Did that stop illegals to pour in? That's my point.

With or without Incentives illegals will continue to pour in here in USA coming from all over the world. Incentives for illegals here in Ca is just outrageously unbelievable.

Aside from that I agree with your numbers.
I live here in Ca. and business owner. For the Einsteins let me give you the real facts.
1. Illegals did not cause the drought.
2. The 80% is the exact figure goes to agriculture.
3. Illegals are doing the dirtiest or lowest jobs that YOU people don't want.
Do you see legal citizens picking up strawberries?
4. It doesn't matter who is governor we still have drought.
5. It doesn't matter who is the governor illegals will continue to pour in Ca. Tx, or Az.
6. Job raids here in Ca and Arizona are conducted by Feds. Not states.
7. Can someone give me figure how many illegals did gov. Perry deport?
8. Despite with all the negativity business here in Ca are booming.
9. You can blame anyone you want. The fact is we need Rain and Snow.

Stephanie left Ca then move to Alaska. No wonder you are so bitter because you can't compete with illegal jobs. This tells me you are a welfare recipient.
1. I agree.
2. That is the published percentage.
3. They used to do that on a work permit when I lived in California. When the season was over they returned to Mexico and lived quite well by Mexican standards on the money they made doing stoop labor.
4. Silly. We have had droughts in other parts of the country over the years.
5. That is because that is a federal responsibility to stop illegal border crossings.
6. It is a federal function to conduct raids on illegals
7. Zero, since, to the best of my knowledge, states do not have the authority to deport illegals.
8. Thanks to agriculture and defense spending.
9. Tell that to God or Obama, your choice.
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7. Zero, since, to the best of my knowledge, states do not have the authority to deport illegals.

Then read the constitution. All it grants the federal govt re immigration is the power "to establish a uniform rule for naturalization". By the tenth amendment that means everything else is is a state function including deportation. THINK
With or without Incentives illegals will continue to pour in here in USA coming from all over the world.

HAHAHA. What a stupid thing to say. If they have no incentive to come here, you say they will still come??? What a moron you are.

Anyway - they will self-deport if we stop giving illegals jobs and free health care at hospital ERs and free school for their kids. THINK
It's all the fault of the golfers according to moonbeam!!! The ten million illegals in the state are blameless.

Governor Brown Ordered Mandatory Restrictions On Water Consumption In California What is USA

april 2 2015
The Government of California wants to reduce the expense of water by 25% in the remainder of the year.

For this purpose it will force cemeteries, golf courses, University campuses and other facilities with large areas of grass to cut water use.

It is also prohibited to new housing to irrigate gardens with potable water, unless they have an irrigation system by efficient drip.

On the other hand, the Government provides for local agencies that manage the water supply to regulate their prices to encourage users to not to waste this good.

How does picking the fruit you eat CAUSE a doubt?

With or without Incentives illegals will continue to pour in here in USA coming from all over the world.

HAHAHA. What a stupid thing to say. If they have no incentive to come here, you say they will still come??? What a moron you are.

Anyway - they will self-deport if we stop giving illegals jobs and free health care at hospital ERs and free school for their kids. THINK
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7. Zero, since, to the best of my knowledge, states do not have the authority to deport illegals.

Then read the constitution. All it grants the federal govt re immigration is the power "to establish a uniform rule for naturalization". By the tenth amendment that means everything else is is a state function including deportation. THINK
Maybe you read the constitution. It happened that one of my employee is married to Feds agency on immigration. I asked her if I can talk to her husband. So I did. Feds deport not the states. Do your research.
With or without Incentives illegals will continue to pour in here in USA coming from all over the world.

HAHAHA. What a stupid thing to say. If they have no incentive to come here, you say they will still come??? What a moron you are.

Anyway - they will self-deport if we stop giving illegals jobs and free health care at hospital ERs and free school for their kids. THINK
You are more ignorant than I thought. My opinion is based from reality. I know several families that came from Australia, Philippines, Dubai, Saudi, Kuwait, France and Italy. That over stayed their visa and now considered illegals. They do not need any incentives BECAUSE they are very rich to begin with. Most of them donated a lot of money for charity. My neighbor is from Dubai both husband and wife drive rolls royce. Donated $1.5 million to charity 2014 alone. These people just want to live here in USA. So what incentives are you talking about. Now you tell me who is a MORON?
It's all the fault of the golfers according to moonbeam!!! The ten million illegals in the state are blameless.

Governor Brown Ordered Mandatory Restrictions On Water Consumption In California What is USA

april 2 2015
The Government of California wants to reduce the expense of water by 25% in the remainder of the year.

For this purpose it will force cemeteries, golf courses, University campuses and other facilities with large areas of grass to cut water use.

It is also prohibited to new housing to irrigate gardens with potable water, unless they have an irrigation system by efficient drip.

On the other hand, the Government provides for local agencies that manage the water supply to regulate their prices to encourage users to not to waste this good.

illegals are causing climate change?

do you ever get tired of being beyond stupid?

He thrives on it.
California was in severe drought in 1993, too. I was there then. Shower heads that barely spat were installed in everyone's bathrooms. Not supposed to flush if it was only urine in the bowl. People were peeing in the fruit tree groves instead. No water served in restaurants unless you asked.
So what does the moron want to say was the problem then? Gays and lesbians?
ShootSpeeders: I AM WAITING FOR YOUR REBUTTAL aside from that I will call you stupid.....You are more ignorant than I thought. My opinion is based from reality. I know several families that came from Australia, Philippines, Dubai, Saudi, Kuwait, France and Italy. That over stayed their visa and now considered illegals. They do not need any incentives BECAUSE they are very rich to begin with. Most of them donated a lot of money for charity. My neighbor is from Dubai both husband and wife drive rolls royce. Donated $1.5 million to charity 2014 alone. These people just want to live here in USA. So what incentives are you talking about. Now you tell me who is a MORON?


Theodore Roosevelt’s ideas on Immigrants and being an AMERICAN in 1907.

‘In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin.

But this is predicated upon the person’s becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American….There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn’t an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag… We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language.. And we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people.’

President Theodore Roosevelt 1907
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Maybe you read the constitution. It happened that one of my employee is married to Feds agency on immigration. I asked her if I can talk to her husband. So I did. Feds deport not the states. Do your research.

Everybody knows feds do in fact deport, not the states. But that is NOT what the constitution says. It gives deportation powers to the states not the feds. Fact is almost everything is supposed to be handled by the states but the feds took over long ago.
ShootSpeeders: I AM WAITING FOR YOUR REBUTTAL aside from that I will call you stupid.....You are more ignorant than I thought. My opinion is based from reality. I know several families that came from Australia, Philippines, Dubai, Saudi, Kuwait, France and Italy. That over stayed their visa and now considered illegals. They do not need any incentives BECAUSE they are very rich to begin with. Most of them donated a lot of money for charity. My neighbor is from Dubai both husband and wife drive rolls royce. Donated $1.5 million to charity 2014 alone. These people just want to live here in USA. So what incentives are you talking about. Now you tell me who is a MORON?

Several families??? What do they prove.? Fact is we have 40 million illegals in america and 99.99% of them are poor illiterates and are either stealing jobs from americans or on welfare or are criminals. If we stopped giving them freebies almost all would leave. THINK
I do not disagree with your points and numbers. You called me stupid and moron when all you know is about illegals coming from south of the border. There are thousands of illegals that comes to US that do not need a crap of incentives. All they want is live here. That is my point. You want to debate "decently" will debate decently.
I do not disagree with your points and numbers. You called me stupid and moron when all you know is about illegals coming from south of the border. There are thousands of illegals that comes to US that do not need a crap of incentives. All they want is live here. That is my point. You want to debate "decently" will debate decently.

That may be true you dunce, but along with those thousands there are MILLIONS who come here just to live off the white man. THINK, you miserable america-hating wretch.
I do not disagree with your points and numbers. You called me stupid and moron when all you know is about illegals coming from south of the border. There are thousands of illegals that comes to US that do not need a crap of incentives. All they want is live here. That is my point. You want to debate "decently" will debate decently.

That may be true you dunce, but along with those thousands there are MILLIONS who come here just to live off the white man. THINK, you miserable america-hating wretch.
This is my country. I love my country. Where in my comments that I show any kind of hatred to anyone? It happened that I'm very generous loving person compared to your low life. I helped a lot of white homeless people plus others here in Florida and Ca. both short and long term assistance. Are you so bitter that you blame others for the all your failures with your miserable life?
This is my country. I love my country. Where in my comments that I show any kind of hatred to anyone? It happened that I'm very generous loving person compared to your low life. I helped a lot of white homeless people plus others here in Florida and Ca. both short and long term assistance. Are you so bitter that you blame others for the all your failures with your miserable life?

Failures?? ME?? Name one thing i have failed at.

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