CA gov Brown mandates water restrictions. No mention of deporting the illegals causing the shortage


Thought you might find this story interesting from CBS Evening News about how the affluent in Beverly Hills are dealing with water restrictions.

Some wealthy California neighborhoods not conserving water amid drought - CBS News
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You evidently failed to note that over 80% of California's water goes to agriculture.

Show us your evidence for that preposterous 80% figure. And "moonbeam told me" is not evidence. I want a non-biased source.

How about this link. There are many more if you need them. Agriculture is 80 percent of water use in California. Why aren t farmers being forced to cut back - The Washington Post


A single pic doesn't prove the 80% figure. THINK
When illegals are here three generations, making money, they turn into Republicans.


No they don't. Illegals are either on welfare or trying to get on welfare. All illegals vote democrat.

Had to look this one up. I agree about illegals on welfare, but here are some facts from PEW research on voting, (which illegals are not allowed to do as they are not citizens).
Are unauthorized immigrants overwhelmingly Democrats Pew Research Center

While there’s no way of knowing if these predictions are accurate, the data provide some insights. In 2012, the Pew Research Center’s National Survey of Latinos found that among Latino immigrants who are not U.S. citizens or legal permanent residents (and therefore likely unauthorized immigrants), some 31% identify as Democrats and just 4% as Republicans. An additional 33% say they are political independents, 16% mention some other political party and 15% say they “don’t know” or refuse to answer the question.

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High water users with pools and giant lawns will simply pay more and continue to overuse water because they can afford it. Cali isn't in a fiscal crisis it is in a drought.
Show us your evidence for that preposterous 80% figure. And "moonbeam told me" is not evidence. I want a non-biased source.
How stupid are you?

Agriculture is 80 percent of water use in California. Why aren t farmers being forced to cut back - The Washington Post

Washington Post?? HAHA. You call them non-biased?. They are part of the liberal crowd that wants to blame the water shortage on farmers not the ten million illegal invaders. THINK

Hey, I live in California, and New Mexico. While I agree with you as a Conservative Democrat. Many do not understand us, ( ie; Purple Democrats). Point is for me that it does not matter how much of California's water goes to Agriculture, (and Google has a dozen links that show 80% is the figure). If illegals drink one gallon of our water, that is one gallon they stole after sneaking into our country illegally.

ShootSpeeders illegal immigration is not a political issue, it is an AMERICAN issue, and the beaners are ripping us off. Neither political party understands the problem. Do you understand that Republican "Corpies" want illegals here for cheap labor? Are you aware that President Reagan gave 3,000,000 illegals U. S. citizenship? It was Eisenhower, Truman, and Hoover who deported under "Operation Wetback" . When JFK was president there were only 450,000 illegals. There is plenty of blame to go around.

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You evidently failed to note that over 80% of California's water goes to agriculture.

Show us your evidence for that preposterous 80% figure. And "moonbeam told me" is not evidence. I want a non-biased source.
Who cares who said it?

Agriculture is where most water should go.

WTF, does anybody want people to starve or food prices to soar so Californicators don't have to cut back on swimming and golfing?

You evidently failed to note that over 80% of California's water goes to agriculture.

Show us your evidence for that preposterous 80% figure. And "moonbeam told me" is not evidence. I want a non-biased source.
Who cares who said it?

Agriculture is where most water should go.

WTF, does anybody want people to starve or food prices to soar so Californicators don't have to cut back on swimming and golfing?

Really? I could care less if we in California stop growing almonds, strawberries, or grapes. We have invested nearly $75,000 in our landscaping, and I am not going to let that die because Governor Jerry Brown and his predecessors did not plan for water usage. West Los Angeles is the wealthiest area in the state, and we can afford water at any price.

We have a Texas Live Oak in our yard that is at least 80 years old. It is not suppose to even grow here, but with the help of an excellent Chinese Horticulturist, it is a pride of the community. Do you actually think I am going to let that tree die so a bunch of freeloading illegals can stay here after breaking immigration law? Folks, this is a no-brainer for West L. A. Save our tropical neighborhoods and build a bigger "pathway to deportation."

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You evidently failed to note that over 80% of California's water goes to agriculture.

Show us your evidence for that preposterous 80% figure. And "moonbeam told me" is not evidence. I want a non-biased source.
Who cares who said it?

Agriculture is where most water should go.

WTF, does anybody want people to starve or food prices to soar so Californicators don't have to cut back on swimming and golfing?

Really? I could care less if we in California stop growing almonds, strawberries, or grapes. We have invested nearly $75,000 in our landscaping, and I am not going to let that die because Governor Jerry Brown and his predecessors did not plan for water usage. West Los Angeles is the wealthiest area in the state, and we can afford water at any price.

We have a Texas Live Oak in our yard that is 80 years old. It is not suppose to even grow here, but with the help of an excellent Chinese Horticulturist, it is a pride of the community. Do you actually think I am going to let that tree die so a bunch of freeloading illegals can stay here after breaking immigration law? Folks, this is a no-brainer for West L. A. Save our tropical neighborhoods and build a bigger "pathway to deportation."
Yeah, let the poor starve as food prices soar, so you can have your landscaping.


I bet you have an illegal doing the yard work though.
It's all the fault of the golfers according to moonbeam!!! The ten million illegals in the state are blameless.

Governor Brown Ordered Mandatory Restrictions On Water Consumption In California What is USA

april 2 2015
The Government of California wants to reduce the expense of water by 25% in the remainder of the year.

For this purpose it will force cemeteries, golf courses, University campuses and other facilities with large areas of grass to cut water use.

It is also prohibited to new housing to irrigate gardens with potable water, unless they have an irrigation system by efficient drip.

On the other hand, the Government provides for local agencies that manage the water supply to regulate their prices to encourage users to not to waste this good.

Jesus Christ, you're desperate. You're blaming four years of no rain on illegal immigrants? And you vote? No wonder this country got so fucked up.

You evidently failed to note that over 80% of California's water goes to agriculture.

Show us your evidence for that preposterous 80% figure. And "moonbeam told me" is not evidence. I want a non-biased source.
Who cares who said it?

Agriculture is where most water should go.

WTF, does anybody want people to starve or food prices to soar so Californicators don't have to cut back on swimming and golfing?

Really? I could care less if we in California stop growing almonds, strawberries, or grapes. We have invested nearly $75,000 in our landscaping, and I am not going to let that die because Governor Jerry Brown and his predecessors did not plan for water usage. West Los Angeles is the wealthiest area in the state, and we can afford water at any price.

We have a Texas Live Oak in our yard that is 80 years old. It is not suppose to even grow here, but with the help of an excellent Chinese Horticulturist, it is a pride of the community. Do you actually think I am going to let that tree die so a bunch of freeloading illegals can stay here after breaking immigration law? Folks, this is a no-brainer for West L. A. Save our tropical neighborhoods and build a bigger "pathway to deportation."
Yeah, let the poor starve as food prices soar, so you can have your landscaping.


I bet you have an illegal doing the yard work though.

I do much of the yard work myself, I like the exercise better than a gym. We have a neighbor kid who sometimes does the lawn, and we have an Asian Horticulturist to advise us on our yard. There are not now, nor will there ever be Mexicans on our property, (experience teaches that they steal more than they save you). The poor have my sympathy and generosity, but illegals get nothing. In fact I make it as difficult for them as possible.

Look at the facts, Mexicans overpopulate. How many fast food workers do we need? In New Mexico nearly 60% of Mexican third graders can not read at the third grade level. They are dead weight, and can not advance beyond manual labor or crime. The harder we make it on illegals, the less they will reproduce, and they could self-deport. Not only is my landscaping more important than an illegal, but if a Mexican and our dog were drowning in the Rio Grande River, I'd save the dog. I think most Americans would.


It is easy to vomit the philosophy of "Do unto others......," but when it comes down to the reality of hard-ball politics, and what it takes to keep a democracy running in a world full of stupid barbarians, the options shrink very quickly. We all do it. First, we take care of family, then friends, then country. There are people out there who want to behead you because you are a Christian, an American, or an African. These people do not understand love, or different points of view. We need to get rid of them before they get rid of you.

Come on Roadrunner, you can not be as naive as you sound. It takes tough decisions to build and maintain a country like the one you live in, and it is not always pretty. Ask a veteran.
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You evidently failed to note that over 80% of California's water goes to agriculture.

Show us your evidence for that preposterous 80% figure. And "moonbeam told me" is not evidence. I want a non-biased source.
Who cares who said it?

Agriculture is where most water should go.

WTF, does anybody want people to starve or food prices to soar so Californicators don't have to cut back on swimming and golfing?

Really? I could care less if we in California stop growing almonds, strawberries, or grapes. We have invested nearly $75,000 in our landscaping, and I am not going to let that die because Governor Jerry Brown and his predecessors did not plan for water usage. West Los Angeles is the wealthiest area in the state, and we can afford water at any price.

We have a Texas Live Oak in our yard that is 80 years old. It is not suppose to even grow here, but with the help of an excellent Chinese Horticulturist, it is a pride of the community. Do you actually think I am going to let that tree die so a bunch of freeloading illegals can stay here after breaking immigration law? Folks, this is a no-brainer for West L. A. Save our tropical neighborhoods and build a bigger "pathway to deportation."


You are a bald-faced liar. This tree is not in your yard in California. Don't stupid shits like you understand Google's reverse image search?

I recognized this tree immediately because I went to see it in 2002.

The Angel Oak
Live Oak in Charleston South Carolina - Image of Angel Live Oak

The Angel Oak is property of and maintained by the City of Charleston, South Carolina. The tree could be as old as 1500 years but attempts to age the tree have failed. It stands 65 feet tall and the crown covers an area of 17,000 square feet. Its longest limb is 89 feet long.

And while you're at it, ditch the avatar of Kato Kaelin. He's so yesterday OJ.

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You evidently failed to note that over 80% of California's water goes to agriculture.

Show us your evidence for that preposterous 80% figure. And "moonbeam told me" is not evidence. I want a non-biased source.
Who cares who said it?

Agriculture is where most water should go.

WTF, does anybody want people to starve or food prices to soar so Californicators don't have to cut back on swimming and golfing?

Really? I could care less if we in California stop growing almonds, strawberries, or grapes. We have invested nearly $75,000 in our landscaping, and I am not going to let that die because Governor Jerry Brown and his predecessors did not plan for water usage. West Los Angeles is the wealthiest area in the state, and we can afford water at any price.

We have a Texas Live Oak in our yard that is 80 years old. It is not suppose to even grow here, but with the help of an excellent Chinese Horticulturist, it is a pride of the community. Do you actually think I am going to let that tree die so a bunch of freeloading illegals can stay here after breaking immigration law? Folks, this is a no-brainer for West L. A. Save our tropical neighborhoods and build a bigger "pathway to deportation."


You are a bald-faced liar. This tree is not in your yard in California. Don't stupid shits like you understand Google's reverse image search?

I recognized this tree immediately because I went to see it in 2002.

The Angel Oak
Live Oak in Charleston South Carolina - Image of Angel Live Oak

Good job.

$75,000 on a lawn, shit, I am glad I was not drinking a Coke, I'd have spewed it all over the monitor.
High water users with pools and giant lawns will simply pay more and continue to overuse water because they can afford it. Cali isn't in a fiscal crisis it is in a drought.

Punishing richies with fines never works for any crime unless the fines are income-based.

ShootSpeeders illegal immigration is not a political issue, it is an AMERICAN issue, and the beaners are ripping us off. Neither political party understands the problem. Do you understand that Republican "Corpies" want illegals here for cheap labor? Are you aware that President Reagan gave 3,000,000 illegals U. S. citizenship?

Of course i know about that. The GOP is paid huge bribes to support illegals. Been going on since reagan.
We have a Texas Live Oak in our yard that is at least 80 years old. It is not suppose to even grow here, but with the help of an excellent Chinese Horticulturist, it is a pride of the community. Do you actually think I am going to let that tree die so a bunch of freeloading illegals can stay here after breaking immigration law? Folks, this is a no-brainer for West L. A. Save our tropical neighborhoods and build a bigger "pathway to deportation."


I'm a tree freek and that;s a beauty. No californian should make any sacrifices as long as moonbeam lets 10 million illegal squatters stay in the state contrary to federal law.
You are a bald-faced liar. This tree is not in your yard in California. Don't stupid shits like you understand Google's reverse image search?

I recognized this tree immediately because I went to see it in 2002.

Shut up insect. A tree like that is something of value while your precious illegal invaders only destroy a country. THINK
You are a bald-faced liar. This tree is not in your yard in California. Don't stupid shits like you understand Google's reverse image search?

I recognized this tree immediately because I went to see it in 2002.

Shut up insect. A tree like that is something of value while your precious illegal invaders only destroy a country. THINK
Learn to read or get off this board. She's telling beach boy that tree is not in his yard in CA. It's in South Carolina you dumbass. You are the one who ain't thinking

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