CA gov Brown mandates water restrictions. No mention of deporting the illegals causing the shortage

Homeland Security estimates there are around 3,000,000 illegals in Cali. If each one used only 1 gallon a water per day that's 3 million gallons per day, of course they probably use 10 times that
there is at least that many just in S.Cal....

You evidently failed to note that over 80% of California's water goes to agriculture.

Show us your evidence for that preposterous 80% figure. And "moonbeam told me" is not evidence. I want a non-biased source.
Who cares who said it?

Agriculture is where most water should go.

WTF, does anybody want people to starve or food prices to soar so Californicators don't have to cut back on swimming and golfing?

Really? I could care less if we in California stop growing almonds, strawberries, or grapes. We have invested nearly $75,000 in our landscaping, and I am not going to let that die because Governor Jerry Brown and his predecessors did not plan for water usage. West Los Angeles is the wealthiest area in the state, and we can afford water at any price.

We have a Texas Live Oak in our yard that is 80 years old. It is not suppose to even grow here, but with the help of an excellent Chinese Horticulturist, it is a pride of the community. Do you actually think I am going to let that tree die so a bunch of freeloading illegals can stay here after breaking immigration law? Folks, this is a no-brainer for West L. A. Save our tropical neighborhoods and build a bigger "pathway to deportation."


You are a bald-faced liar. This tree is not in your yard in California. Don't stupid shits like you understand Google's reverse image search?

I recognized this tree immediately because I went to see it in 2002.

The Angel Oak
Live Oak in Charleston South Carolina - Image of Angel Live Oak

The Angel Oak is property of and maintained by the City of Charleston, South Carolina. The tree could be as old as 1500 years but attempts to age the tree have failed. It stands 65 feet tall and the crown covers an area of 17,000 square feet. Its longest limb is 89 feet long.

And while you're at it, ditch the avatar of Kato Kaelin. He's so yesterday OJ.

you are showing a different tree.....where are all those low branches in beach boys picture?.....where is that shed in your picture?.....
Show us your evidence for that preposterous 80% figure. And "moonbeam told me" is not evidence. I want a non-biased source.
How stupid are you?

Agriculture is 80 percent of water use in California. Why aren t farmers being forced to cut back - The Washington Post

Washington Post?? HAHA. You call them non-biased?. They are part of the liberal crowd that wants to blame the water shortage on farmers not the ten million illegal invaders. THINK

Hey THINKER, you are the one challenging a well known fact. Let's see your evidence to refute it.
Show us your evidence for that preposterous 80% figure. And "moonbeam told me" is not evidence. I want a non-biased source.
How stupid are you?

Agriculture is 80 percent of water use in California. Why aren t farmers being forced to cut back - The Washington Post

Washington Post?? HAHA. You call them non-biased?. They are part of the liberal crowd that wants to blame the water shortage on farmers not the ten million illegal invaders. THINK

Hey THINKER, you are the one challenging a well known fact. Let's see your evidence to refute it.
you wont see any.....and if you start challenging this Stroonge he will start ignoring you....speedos is one them people who dont handle questions very well....easier to ignore....
It's all the fault of the golfers according to moonbeam!!! The ten million illegals in the state are blameless.

States don't deport people.

Hey einstein. The federal constitution says the states, not the feds, have authority to deport.
It's all the fault of the golfers according to moonbeam!!! The ten million illegals in the state are blameless.

Governor Brown Ordered Mandatory Restrictions On Water Consumption In California What is USA

april 2 2015
The Government of California wants to reduce the expense of water by 25% in the remainder of the year.

For this purpose it will force cemeteries, golf courses, University campuses and other facilities with large areas of grass to cut water use.

It is also prohibited to new housing to irrigate gardens with potable water, unless they have an irrigation system by efficient drip.

On the other hand, the Government provides for local agencies that manage the water supply to regulate their prices to encourage users to not to waste this good.
As many here know, I reside in both New Mexico and Southern California. The photo below is of a nice New Mexico home with a typical dessert xeriscaping. It is dull and boring. According to CBS News our lush Southern California foliage is about to be replaced by this.


Apparently, some Southern California communities will pay $3 per square foot if you xeriscape. It is the end of an era for California. We will be joining all the other border states in the dessert. If you had told me a year ago that this could happen, and Illegal immigrants could be blamed, I would have laughed it off. Alliances change in a drought. In all honesty if we dumped the 2+ million California illegals back over our southern border, we could easily cut our water usage by more than 25%. How much more are we going to allow foreign freeloaders to reduce our quality of living? The good news is ultra-liberal, Illegal Mexican loving, California Governor Jerry Brown is going to take the hit for this, and that will be the end of his political career.

How do you come up with 25%? The population of California is almost 39 million. Removing 2 million is about a 5% reduction, and that assumes all of the water goes just to people. In fact, 80% of the water goes to either agriculture or environmental projects (filling reservoirs falls into that category). Then you have industrial usages. About 11% of the water is municipal (which includes those golf courses). But even assuming all municipal use went to personal consumption, the total reduction would only amount to about 0.5%. IOW, it wouldn't make the slightest difference to the situation.

You're better off keeping them. At least then you have someone to blame.

What percentage of water usage do you attribute to pot growers, legal and illegal? Here is an excerpt from a Mother Jones article.

"And with California's drought settling in for a long, hot summer, that's bad news for ecosystems that rely on the state's increasingly scarce surface waters—including the once-prolific Northern California salmon run. A recent article in the Mendocino Count yPress Democrat shows just how dire things have gotten in the state's pot-farm-heavy "Emerald Triangle" (Mendocino, Humboldt, and Trinity counties).

The piece looks at a forthcoming study from the California Fish and Wildlife Department on three key Emerald Triangle watersheds. Using satellite imagery, the researchers found that pot cultivation had skyrocketed in the areas since 2009, rising between 75 percent and 100 percent. The three watersheds contain an average of 30,000 pot plants each, they found. (Here's a nifty map). And they're thirsty. According to the Press Democrat,"Researchers estimate each plant consumes 6 gallons of water a day. At that rate, the plants were siphoning off 180,000 gallons of water per day in each watershed—all together more than 160 Olympic-sized swimming pools over the average 150-day growing cycle for outdoor plants."

Mind you, that's just in the three watersheds the researchers looked at. According to thePress Democrat, there are more than 1 million pot plants in Mendocino alone—not counting legal ones licensed for the medical market."

A Single Pot Plant Uses HOW Much Water Mother Jones
Washington Post?? HAHA. You call them non-biased?. They are part of the liberal crowd that wants to blame the water shortage on farmers not the ten million illegal invaders. THINK

Hey THINKER, you are the one challenging a well known fact. Let's see your evidence to refute it.

Well known??? Like hell it is. You libbies are lying again because you don't want to admit the water shortage is due to the stinking illegals.
Washington Post?? HAHA. You call them non-biased?. They are part of the liberal crowd that wants to blame the water shortage on farmers not the ten million illegal invaders. THINK

Hey THINKER, you are the one challenging a well known fact. Let's see your evidence to refute it.

Well known??? Like hell it is. You libbies are lying again because you don't want to admit the water shortage is due to the stinking illegals.

Feel free to present your evidence, when you get around to finding it.
It's all the fault of the golfers according to moonbeam!!! The ten million illegals in the state are blameless.

States don't deport people.

Hey einstein. The federal constitution says the states, not the feds, have authority to deport.
It's all the fault of the golfers according to moonbeam!!! The ten million illegals in the state are blameless.

Governor Brown Ordered Mandatory Restrictions On Water Consumption In California What is USA

april 2 2015
The Government of California wants to reduce the expense of water by 25% in the remainder of the year.

For this purpose it will force cemeteries, golf courses, University campuses and other facilities with large areas of grass to cut water use.

It is also prohibited to new housing to irrigate gardens with potable water, unless they have an irrigation system by efficient drip.

On the other hand, the Government provides for local agencies that manage the water supply to regulate their prices to encourage users to not to waste this good.
As many here know, I reside in both New Mexico and Southern California. The photo below is of a nice New Mexico home with a typical dessert xeriscaping. It is dull and boring. According to CBS News our lush Southern California foliage is about to be replaced by this.


Apparently, some Southern California communities will pay $3 per square foot if you xeriscape. It is the end of an era for California. We will be joining all the other border states in the dessert. If you had told me a year ago that this could happen, and Illegal immigrants could be blamed, I would have laughed it off. Alliances change in a drought. In all honesty if we dumped the 2+ million California illegals back over our southern border, we could easily cut our water usage by more than 25%. How much more are we going to allow foreign freeloaders to reduce our quality of living? The good news is ultra-liberal, Illegal Mexican loving, California Governor Jerry Brown is going to take the hit for this, and that will be the end of his political career.

How do you come up with 25%? The population of California is almost 39 million. Removing 2 million is about a 5% reduction, and that assumes all of the water goes just to people. In fact, 80% of the water goes to either agriculture or environmental projects (filling reservoirs falls into that category). Then you have industrial usages. About 11% of the water is municipal (which includes those golf courses). But even assuming all municipal use went to personal consumption, the total reduction would only amount to about 0.5%. IOW, it wouldn't make the slightest difference to the situation.

You're better off keeping them. At least then you have someone to blame.

What percentage of water usage do you attribute to pot growers, legal and illegal? Here is an excerpt from a Mother Jones article.

"And with California's drought settling in for a long, hot summer, that's bad news for ecosystems that rely on the state's increasingly scarce surface waters—including the once-prolific Northern California salmon run. A recent article in the Mendocino Count yPress Democrat shows just how dire things have gotten in the state's pot-farm-heavy "Emerald Triangle" (Mendocino, Humboldt, and Trinity counties).

The piece looks at a forthcoming study from the California Fish and Wildlife Department on three key Emerald Triangle watersheds. Using satellite imagery, the researchers found that pot cultivation had skyrocketed in the areas since 2009, rising between 75 percent and 100 percent. The three watersheds contain an average of 30,000 pot plants each, they found. (Here's a nifty map). And they're thirsty. According to the Press Democrat,"Researchers estimate each plant consumes 6 gallons of water a day. At that rate, the plants were siphoning off 180,000 gallons of water per day in each watershed—all together more than 160 Olympic-sized swimming pools over the average 150-day growing cycle for outdoor plants."

Mind you, that's just in the three watersheds the researchers looked at. According to thePress Democrat, there are more than 1 million pot plants in Mendocino alone—not counting legal ones licensed for the medical market."

A Single Pot Plant Uses HOW Much Water Mother Jones

And that compares to the total amount of water usage for the state at what percentage? Well, this is the USGS site which indicates the average person in California uses 181 gallons per day. So all of the pot plants in all three water sheds would amount to 3,000 people. California Water Use USGS

So let's assume 10,000,000 plants, just to be safe. That would equate to 333,333 people. Which would be slightly less than 0.9% of the population. Now, according to the PPIC site, 10% of the water is used for urban purposes, so let's just use that as the baseline. This means 10,000,000 plants will consume 0.09% of the water. So even assuming the numbers are far higher than they probably are, the actual water usage is insignificant. Water Use in California PPIC Publication
Show us your evidence for that preposterous 80% figure. And "moonbeam told me" is not evidence. I want a non-biased source.
How stupid are you?

Agriculture is 80 percent of water use in California. Why aren t farmers being forced to cut back - The Washington Post

Washington Post?? HAHA. You call them non-biased?. They are part of the liberal crowd that wants to blame the water shortage on farmers not the ten million illegal invaders. THINK

Hey THINKER, you are the one challenging a well known fact. Let's see your evidence to refute it.
you wont see any.....and if you start challenging this Stroonge he will start ignoring you....speedos is one them people who dont handle questions very well....easier to ignore....

You were right.
Show us your evidence for that preposterous 80% figure. And "moonbeam told me" is not evidence. I want a non-biased source.
How stupid are you?

Agriculture is 80 percent of water use in California. Why aren t farmers being forced to cut back - The Washington Post

Washington Post?? HAHA. You call them non-biased?. They are part of the liberal crowd that wants to blame the water shortage on farmers not the ten million illegal invaders. THINK

Hey THINKER, you are the one challenging a well known fact. Let's see your evidence to refute it.
you wont see any.....and if you start challenging this Stroonge he will start ignoring you....speedos is one them people who dont handle questions very well....easier to ignore....

You were right.
he started ignoring me because i started questioning his bullshit about illegals .....the guy has never met one or even seen a a jerk like him if you have dark hair you are a Hispanic and you must be an illegal....what else can you possibly be?....:dunno:

Washington Post?? HAHA. You call them non-biased?. They are part of the liberal crowd that wants to blame the water shortage on farmers not the ten million illegal invaders. THINK

Hey THINKER, you are the one challenging a well known fact. Let's see your evidence to refute it.
you wont see any.....and if you start challenging this Stroonge he will start ignoring you....speedos is one them people who dont handle questions very well....easier to ignore....

You were right.
he started ignoring me because i started questioning his bullshit about illegals .....the guy has never met one or even seen a a jerk like him if you have dark hair you are a Hispanic and you must be an illegal....what else can you possibly be?....:dunno:

If someone like that needs to ignore you, you should consider it a blessing.
Washington Post?? HAHA. You call them non-biased?. They are part of the liberal crowd that wants to blame the water shortage on farmers not the ten million illegal invaders. THINK

Hey THINKER, you are the one challenging a well known fact. Let's see your evidence to refute it.
you wont see any.....and if you start challenging this Stroonge he will start ignoring you....speedos is one them people who dont handle questions very well....easier to ignore....

You were right.
he started ignoring me because i started questioning his bullshit about illegals .....the guy has never met one or even seen a a jerk like him if you have dark hair you are a Hispanic and you must be an illegal....what else can you possibly be?....:dunno:

If someone like that needs to ignore you, you should consider it a blessing.
the guy is a dipshit.....

You evidently failed to note that over 80% of California's water goes to agriculture.

Show us your evidence for that preposterous 80% figure. And "moonbeam told me" is not evidence. I want a non-biased source.
Who cares who said it?

Agriculture is where most water should go.

WTF, does anybody want people to starve or food prices to soar so Californicators don't have to cut back on swimming and golfing?

Really? I could care less if we in California stop growing almonds, strawberries, or grapes. We have invested nearly $75,000 in our landscaping, and I am not going to let that die because Governor Jerry Brown and his predecessors did not plan for water usage. West Los Angeles is the wealthiest area in the state, and we can afford water at any price.

We have a Texas Live Oak in our yard that is 80 years old. It is not suppose to even grow here, but with the help of an excellent Chinese Horticulturist, it is a pride of the community. Do you actually think I am going to let that tree die so a bunch of freeloading illegals can stay here after breaking immigration law? Folks, this is a no-brainer for West L. A. Save our tropical neighborhoods and build a bigger "pathway to deportation."


You are a bald-faced liar. This tree is not in your yard in California. Don't stupid shits like you understand Google's reverse image search?

I recognized this tree immediately because I went to see it in 2002.

The Angel Oak
Live Oak in Charleston South Carolina - Image of Angel Live Oak

The Angel Oak is property of and maintained by the City of Charleston, South Carolina. The tree could be as old as 1500 years but attempts to age the tree have failed. It stands 65 feet tall and the crown covers an area of 17,000 square feet. Its longest limb is 89 feet long.

And while you're at it, ditch the avatar of Kato Kaelin. He's so yesterday OJ.

And this is where low-information posters hang themselves. I never said this was the tree in my yard. I am not going to post a pic of my property in Pacific Palisades when there are envious fanatics like you running around. I go to Google Images for my pics. I have a Golden Retriever, but that is not him in that photo either.

In fact, as I said in my post, my tree is only 80 years old. The one in the photo I used, is easily twice that age. I wanted to display the majesty of the Texas Live Oak.

As usual, you get caught up in some detail, embarrass yourself, and miss the point. You should have Googled Texas Live Oaks before you posted. Here is a picture of Texas Li9ve Oaks I have seen in the Houston Medical Center. You are in such a hurry to vent your frustration, you vomit incorrect information and jump to conclusions. It is really kind of funny. I think you may be some kind of angry illegal who spends his life wondering when you will take the pathway to deportation!

And by the way, my avatar is of Travis Van Winkle from television's "The Last Ship." A mod sent it to me because they thought I needed an avatar with a smile instead of this one. I am promoting the Van Winkle brand because my employer has him under a talent contract.

So, let's wrap this up. I know a desperate poster when I find one. You are angry because you or your family will never be real Americans. Obama sold you out. So, you grab on to a detail about a tree to vent. Now, you see why my avatar is laughing, because you are never going to last in my country.
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I live here in Ca. and business owner. For the Einsteins let me give you the real facts.
1. Illegals did not cause the drought.
2. The 80% is the exact figure goes to agriculture.
3. Illegals are doing the dirtiest or lowest jobs that YOU people don't want.
Do you see legal citizens picking up strawberries?
4. It doesn't matter who is governor we still have drought.
5. It doesn't matter who is the governor illegals will continue to pour in Ca. Tx, or Az.
6. Job raids here in Ca and Arizona are conducted by Feds. Not states.
7. Can someone give me figure how many illegals did gov. Perry deport?
8. Despite with all the negativity business here in Ca are booming.
9. You can blame anyone you want. The fact is we need Rain and Snow.

Stephanie left Ca then move to Alaska. No wonder you are so bitter because you can't compete with illegal jobs. This tells me you are a welfare recipient.
I live here in Ca. and business owner. For the Einsteins let me give you the real facts.
1. Illegals did not cause the drought.
2. The 80% is the exact figure goes to agriculture.
3. Illegals are doing the dirtiest or lowest jobs that YOU people don't want.
Do you see legal citizens picking up strawberries?
4. It doesn't matter who is governor we still have drought.
5. It doesn't matter who is the governor illegals will continue to pour in Ca. Tx, or Az.
6. Job raids here in Ca and Arizona are conducted by Feds. Not states.
7. Can someone give me figure how many illegals did gov. Perry deport?
8. Despite with all the negativity business here in Ca are booming.
9. You can blame anyone you want. The fact is we need Rain and Snow.

Stephanie left Ca then move to Alaska. No wonder you are so bitter because you can't compete with illegal jobs. This tells me you are a welfare recipient.

If deporting 12,000,000 Mexicans saves California one gallon of water, we want that gallon.

Illegals have broken into our country and they are stealing welfare, education and other resources from our poor citizens and taxpayers to the tune of $113,000,000,000 (Billion with a "B" a year!). The Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration on U.S. Taxpayers 2010

Stop being naive, get real, and for Christ's sake, stop singing Kum-ba-yha. This world is hard-ball politics, and the United States is being invaded. Get with reality and stop being childish.

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Not only NO mention of deporting them. they are talking about GIVING them more off you the people who lives there

California lawmakers propose expanding benefits to some immigrants

SACRAMENTO — California legislative leaders took a bold step Tuesday toward protecting immigrants living in the country without documentation by backing legislation to offer Medi-Cal and other public services to a population they said they want to help move out of the shadows.

The leaders of the California Senate and Assembly joined lawmakers and advocates in announcing the “Immigrants Shape California” package of bills at a news conference in Sacramento, saying the federal government’s inaction on immigration reform prompted them to act.

all of it here:
California lawmakers propose expanding benefits to some immigrants - SFGate
Not only NO mention of deporting them. they are talking about GIVING them more off you the people who lives there

California lawmakers propose expanding benefits to some immigrants

SACRAMENTO — California legislative leaders took a bold step Tuesday toward protecting immigrants living in the country without documentation by backing legislation to offer Medi-Cal and other public services to a population they said they want to help move out of the shadows.

The leaders of the California Senate and Assembly joined lawmakers and advocates in announcing the “Immigrants Shape California” package of bills at a news conference in Sacramento, saying the federal government’s inaction on immigration reform prompted them to act.

all of it here:
California lawmakers propose expanding benefits to some immigrants - SFGate


I live here in Ca. and business owner. For the Einsteins let me give you the real facts.
1. Illegals did not cause the drought.

5. It doesn't matter who is the governor illegals will continue to pour in Ca. Tx, or Az..

You can't think. Having 10 million illegal squatters in your state certainly makes the water shortage much much worse and that's the point.

The illegals will not pour in if we remove the incentives. End the free health care for illegals and the free schooling for illegal kids and hit companies that hire illegals with big fines. The invaders will leave overnight. Very easy to get rid of them.

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