CA SB 1272 - Overturn Citizens United

Otherwise known as "I want to shut up those who disagree with me"

Absolutely correct, if "those" = foreign citizens who haven't sworn the Oath or if "those" don't allow me to speak by virtue of monopolizing the venues wherein people speak by their great wealth buying all the prime time slots.

Yes, absolutely yes. I believe in democracy. What you are advocating is something completely different. You are advocating an oligarchy rule by the priveleged and you are advocating penetration of our secure national internal affairs and democratic rule by foreign interests. You bet I'm against that. I'm a patriot.

So the Koch brothers are some groups of foreigners? Considering the MSM is monopolized by voices from the left (even if its the soft left) forgive me if I don't get all hot and bothered by people spending their own money to advance their positions. The rules you propose work just as harshly on american citizens, but of course progressive cronies will leave loopholes in any laws to allow their side to still get out the message.

Yep, and we see how our government selectively impose the "law of the land". These libs must be willfully ignorant to reality.
Dear California Senators, Assembly Members and Governor Brown,

Please act quickly to place Senator Ted Lieu's SB 1272, The Overturn Citizens United Act, a Voter Instruction measure, that calls for the overturning of Citizens United v FEC, McCutcheon v FEC and all other applicable judicial precedents, on the November 2014 California statewide ballot. The Overturn Citizens United Act will call upon the US Congress to draft and pass and return to the states for ratification an amendment or amendments clearly stating that We The People have the right to regulate and or limit spending on elections and that the rights and privileges granted by the US Constitution are the rights of natural persons only.

Why is this important?

The Supreme Court of the United States, acting without the support or consent of We The People, and without judicial restraint, has eviscerated over one hundred years of campaign finance laws enacted by the US Congress, finding that to limit spending on elections, limits speech. The Court's misapplication of the 1st Amendment, equating money with "free speech" and asserting that incorporated entities should benefit from 1st Amendment rights and protections, undermines the fundamental one person one vote precept of our democracy and sets us on a course where elections will be auctions, sold to the highest bidder, rather than the free and fair expressions of the will the voters. If our democratic republic and system of representative government is to survive, these egregiously damaging rulings must be overturned. The only way that can be accomplished, barring the unlikely event that the Court reverses itself, is through the amendment process afforded us by the US Constitution.
Overturn Citizens United Act - California SB 1272 | Democracy For America
Feel free to forward this petition to your state's Senators as many times as possible.

The United States House of Representatives ·

Freedom of speech is a problem to you?

Voter suppression is suddenly ok?


Dear California Senators, Assembly Members and Governor Brown,

Please act quickly to place Senator Ted Lieu's SB 1272, The Overturn Citizens United Act, a Voter Instruction measure, that calls for the overturning of Citizens United v FEC, McCutcheon v FEC and all other applicable judicial precedents, on the November 2014 California statewide ballot. The Overturn Citizens United Act will call upon the US Congress to draft and pass and return to the states for ratification an amendment or amendments clearly stating that We The People have the right to regulate and or limit spending on elections and that the rights and privileges granted by the US Constitution are the rights of natural persons only.

Why is this important?

The Supreme Court of the United States, acting without the support or consent of We The People, and without judicial restraint, has eviscerated over one hundred years of campaign finance laws enacted by the US Congress, finding that to limit spending on elections, limits speech. The Court's misapplication of the 1st Amendment, equating money with "free speech" and asserting that incorporated entities should benefit from 1st Amendment rights and protections, undermines the fundamental one person one vote precept of our democracy and sets us on a course where elections will be auctions, sold to the highest bidder, rather than the free and fair expressions of the will the voters. If our democratic republic and system of representative government is to survive, these egregiously damaging rulings must be overturned. The only way that can be accomplished, barring the unlikely event that the Court reverses itself, is through the amendment process afforded us by the US Constitution.
Overturn Citizens United Act - California SB 1272 | Democracy For America
Feel free to forward this petition to your state's Senators as many times as possible.

The United States House of Representatives ·

Freedom of speech is a problem to you?

Voter suppression is suddenly ok?

Money isn't speech because cash doesn't have vocal cords, and whose vote is being suppressed by limiting how much money international billionaires can anonymously dump into our open, free and fair elections?
You didn't take any time to think about it, either.

"The courts are the law of the land." That's your point? And yet you support Cliven Bundy who refuses to accept the law of the land. And I lose? Yeah, you're a Teabagger. Good job, imbecile.

You don't have any facts to back up your thread. You thus have to deflect to another issue to gain any leverage. I thought about it. I've educated myself on the Bundy situation for the past almost three weeks. I've already told you he broke the law. But apparently you don't read.

And besides, what's the "law of the land" to you? Obama's flouting the law all the time, and where exactly are you, oh champion of law and order? He's wanting to grant clemency to drug offenders and illegal immigrants; he keeps changing Obamacare... my gosh, should you actually care about the law as it is written, let me know.

Ahh, but I'm an imbecile. No, you're a hypocrite.
And you're a Teabagger who can't understand simple concepts. OBAMA IS A WAR CRIMINAL. What part of that means "I support Obama" to you?

As for pardoning drug offenders, it's about time because the drug war was started by lies. PURE LIES. Started by a disgraced criminal right after his own special committee told him to legalize marijuana, but you won't read the Shafer Commission's report because you're a Teabagger. If you read the Shafer Commission report, you will know that drug offenders should have been granted clemency in 1972. That's a fact. Are you capable of processing facts?

Try harder or stop trying.
Clemency, morooon
Feel free to forward this petition to your state's Senators as many times as possible.

The United States House of Representatives ·

Freedom of speech is a problem to you?

Voter suppression is suddenly ok?

Money isn't speech because cash doesn't have vocal cords, and whose vote is being suppressed by limiting how much money international billionaires can anonymously dump into our open, free and fair elections?

Does the name "Cliven Bundy" ring any bells in your head?

Take your time to really think about it.

Leave it to you to derail your own thread. You lose.
You didn't take any time to think about it, either.

"The courts are the law of the land." That's your point? And yet you support Cliven Bundy who refuses to accept the law of the land. And I lose? Yeah, you're a Teabagger. Good job, imbecile.

When uou get the balls to stand up to the feds over spending limits, let me know, until then youre just a left wing pussy that doesnt understand how the world works
Drug war was started by Nixon's lies, "morooon". You would know that if you read the Shafer Commission report. Do you have the internet? Look up "1972 Shafer Commission Report".
Feel free to forward this petition to your state's Senators as many times as possible.

The United States House of Representatives ·

Freedom of speech is a problem to you?

Voter suppression is suddenly ok?

Money isn't speech because cash doesn't have vocal cords, and whose vote is being suppressed by limiting how much money international billionaires can anonymously dump into our open, free and fair elections?

Wait a sec.......youre being literal....hmmmmm since when has a left winger not advocated a living breathing document also called interpretation.
I am surprised they don't have a cash register at the White House, Congress and Supreme court so rich donors can easily pay for their buffet of favorable legislation and court rulings...
Freedom of speech is a problem to you?

Voter suppression is suddenly ok?

Money isn't speech because cash doesn't have vocal cords, and whose vote is being suppressed by limiting how much money international billionaires can anonymously dump into our open, free and fair elections?
Whose vote is being suppressed by corporations and billionaires dumping unlimited money into our political process?
I am surprised they don't have a cash register at the White House, Congress and Supreme court so rich donors can easily pay for their buffet of favorable legislation and court rulings...

Im surprised you can breath without reading the instructions.
It's spelled "BREATHE", Teabagger. You "breathe" or you "take a breath." It's not a surprise that an idiotic homophobe who loves a transvestite wouldn't know how to spell a simple word.

Go to school.
It's spelled "BREATHE", Teabagger. You "breathe" or you "take a breath." It's not a surprise that an idiotic homophobe who loves a transvestite wouldn't know how to spell a simple word.

Go to school.

Aww, did a typo ruin your day, you steaming pile of presumptuous shit?
LOL. Apparently the OP doesn't know what the Supremacy Clause is. All courts and states are bound by Constitutionally enacted law, and including Supreme Court rulings. That initiative is unconstitutional. You cannot start an initiative which overturns a Supreme Court ruling. States cannot themselves pass laws which conflict or overturn federal laws or Supreme Court rulings. It violates the Supremacy Clause:

Article VI, Clause 2. This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby; any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.

Is the US Supreme Court the law of the land

Bpy, are you dumb. Read the OP very very slowly with the aid of someone who has a 9th grade comprehension ability.

Maybe flash cards would work? Besides pausing between each word.
CaféAuLait;8979458 said:
Dear California Senators, Assembly Members and Governor Brown,

Please act quickly to place Senator Ted Lieu's SB 1272, The Overturn Citizens United Act, a Voter Instruction measure, that calls for the overturning of Citizens United v FEC, McCutcheon v FEC and all other applicable judicial precedents, on the November 2014 California statewide ballot. The Overturn Citizens United Act will call upon the US Congress to draft and pass and return to the states for ratification an amendment or amendments clearly stating that We The People have the right to regulate and or limit spending on elections and that the rights and privileges granted by the US Constitution are the rights of natural persons only.

Why is this important?

The Supreme Court of the United States, acting without the support or consent of We The People, and without judicial restraint, has eviscerated over one hundred years of campaign finance laws enacted by the US Congress, finding that to limit spending on elections, limits speech. The Court's misapplication of the 1st Amendment, equating money with "free speech" and asserting that incorporated entities should benefit from 1st Amendment rights and protections, undermines the fundamental one person one vote precept of our democracy and sets us on a course where elections will be auctions, sold to the highest bidder, rather than the free and fair expressions of the will the voters. If our democratic republic and system of representative government is to survive, these egregiously damaging rulings must be overturned. The only way that can be accomplished, barring the unlikely event that the Court reverses itself, is through the amendment process afforded us by the US Constitution.
Overturn Citizens United Act - California SB 1272 | Democracy For America

Feel free to forward this petition to your state's Senators as many times as possible.

The United States House of Representatives ·

Sold to the highest bidder, eh?

Obama spent nearly 2 BILLION dollars to get elected.

Obama spent $2B of his own money for his election? Really? Wow, I didn't know that. But I do recall Marvin Adelson giving Newtie and his Martian wife around $5B in 2012, thanks to Citizens United. Ya' think that's what the OP just MIGHT be about? Or can ya' think at all?

Lucky for everyone that Newtie still lost in the primaries. I think it was because Mitt Romney spent more. Or maybe it was because Newtie couldn't stop talking about building stations on the moon.

Now here's some interesting factoids about 2012:

Major Contributors to Romney

1 Goldman Sachs $1,033,204
2 Bank of America $1,013,402
3 Morgan Stanley $911,305
4 JPMorgan Chase & Co $834,096
5 Wells Fargo $677,076

Major Contributors to Obama

1 University of California $1,212,245
2 Microsoft Corp $814,645
3 Google Inc $801,770
4 US Government $728,647
5 Harvard University $668,368

2012 Presidential Race | OpenSecrets
Last edited:
Obama spent $2B of his own money for his election? Really?

No said that or suggested it.
Adding something to someone's quote in oder to argue a different point than the one under discussion is dishonest and frowned upon here.
It's spelled "BREATHE", Teabagger. You "breathe" or you "take a breath." It's not a surprise that an idiotic homophobe who loves a transvestite wouldn't know how to spell a simple word.

Go to school.

When you get through correcting spelling, look up the definitions of Pardon and Clemency then tell the class the difference
CaféAuLait;8979458 said:
Feel free to forward this petition to your state's Senators as many times as possible.

The United States House of Representatives ·

Sold to the highest bidder, eh?

Obama spent nearly 2 BILLION dollars to get elected.

Obama spent $2B of his own money for his election? Really? Wow, I didn't know that. But I do recall Marvin Adelson giving Newtie and his Martian wife around $5B in 2012, thanks to Citizens United. Ya' think that's what the OP just MIGHT be about? Or can ya' think at all?

Lucky for everyone that Newtie still lost in the primaries. I think it was because Mitt Romney spent more. Or maybe it was because Newtie couldn't stop talking about building stations on the moon.

Now here's some interesting factoids about 2012:

Major Contributors to Romney

1 Goldman Sachs $1,033,204
2 Bank of America $1,013,402
3 Morgan Stanley $911,305
4 JPMorgan Chase & Co $834,096
5 Wells Fargo $677,076

Major Contributors to Obama

1 University of California $1,212,245
2 Microsoft Corp $814,645
3 Google Inc $801,770
4 US Government $728,647
5 Harvard University $668,368

2012 Presidential Race | OpenSecrets

Unclick the bold function and look at the list of banks contributing to Obama in the previous election

University of California $1,799,460
Goldman Sachs $1,034,615
Harvard University $900,909
Microsoft Corp $854,717J
PMorgan Chase & Co $847,895
Google Inc $817,855
Citigroup Inc $755,057

Top Contributors to Barack Obama | OpenSecrets
I agree that too much money by special interest is being given to candidates.

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