CA SB 1272 - Overturn Citizens United

Dear California Senators, Assembly Members and Governor Brown,

Please act quickly to place Senator Ted Lieu's SB 1272, The Overturn Citizens United Act, a Voter Instruction measure, that calls for the overturning of Citizens United v FEC, McCutcheon v FEC and all other applicable judicial precedents, on the November 2014 California statewide ballot. The Overturn Citizens United Act will call upon the US Congress to draft and pass and return to the states for ratification an amendment or amendments clearly stating that We The People have the right to regulate and or limit spending on elections and that the rights and privileges granted by the US Constitution are the rights of natural persons only.

Why is this important?

The Supreme Court of the United States, acting without the support or consent of We The People, and without judicial restraint, has eviscerated over one hundred years of campaign finance laws enacted by the US Congress, finding that to limit spending on elections, limits speech. The Court's misapplication of the 1st Amendment, equating money with "free speech" and asserting that incorporated entities should benefit from 1st Amendment rights and protections, undermines the fundamental one person one vote precept of our democracy and sets us on a course where elections will be auctions, sold to the highest bidder, rather than the free and fair expressions of the will the voters. If our democratic republic and system of representative government is to survive, these egregiously damaging rulings must be overturned. The only way that can be accomplished, barring the unlikely event that the Court reverses itself, is through the amendment process afforded us by the US Constitution.
Overturn Citizens United Act - California SB 1272 | Democracy For America

Feel free to forward this petition to your state's Senators as many times as possible.

The United States House of Representatives ·

I wasn't aware that state legislators could over-rule the United States Constitution, sploogy....


You OWS shitters are some DUMB motherfuckers....
LOL. Apparently the OP doesn't know what the Supremacy Clause is. All courts and states are bound by Constitutionally enacted law, and including Supreme Court rulings. That initiative is unconstitutional. You cannot start an initiative which overturns a Supreme Court ruling. States cannot themselves pass laws which conflict or overturn federal laws or Supreme Court rulings. It violates the Supremacy Clause:

Article VI, Clause 2. This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby; any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.

Is the US Supreme Court the law of the land

He's a leftist.

People don't become leftists because they are particularly bright....
You didn't take any time to think about it, either.

"The courts are the law of the land." That's your point? And yet you support Cliven Bundy who refuses to accept the law of the land. And I lose? Yeah, you're a Teabagger. Good job, imbecile.

I took some time, thought about it, and came to the conclusion that you're as dumb as a fucking pile of bricks....

It's why you're a leftist. :thup:
You didn't take any time to think about it, either.

"The courts are the law of the land." That's your point? And yet you support Cliven Bundy who refuses to accept the law of the land. And I lose? Yeah, you're a Teabagger. Good job, imbecile.

I took some time, thought about it, and came to the conclusion that you're as dumb as a fucking pile of bricks....

It's why you're a leftist. :thup:

No, he's a genius level stoner Army vet with galactic artistic talent. Just ask him.
I agree that too much money by special interest is being given to candidates.

I am all for no-limit contributions as long as there is total transparency

If and only if the funders aren't foreign owned/manipulated. I'm telling you, creating this backdoor for foreign interference in domestic US structure [the vote] at its foundation is INSANE. It is the antithesis of everything the Constitution was created to avoid.
IMHO SCOTUS has ruled in a way that means if you want it to change, you're going to have to amend the constitution or wait for a lot of justices to die off and hope you can appoint new justices who feel differently.

I don't think a state referendum is gonna do the trick - even within that state.

If enough states and their governors were against citizens united, it would have influence. Have to start somewhere. As it is now with citizens united, it's harder to determine who exactly influences our elections. It could be some very wealth Chinese communists for all we know.
IMHO SCOTUS has ruled in a way that means if you want it to change, you're going to have to amend the constitution or wait for a lot of justices to die off and hope you can appoint new justices who feel differently.

I don't think a state referendum is gonna do the trick - even within that state.

If enough states and their governors were against citizens united, it would have influence. Have to start somewhere. As it is now with citizens united, it's harder to determine who exactly influences our elections. It could be some very wealth Chinese communists for all we know.

The Chinese, Russians and Arabs have not wasted a millisecond using this gaping maw of a backdoor to infiltrate and buy off our internal policies to suit themselves. Bank on it. Their jaws probably hit the floor when it was announced and champagne corks were popping in the East with a deafening roar..
IMHO SCOTUS has ruled in a way that means if you want it to change, you're going to have to amend the constitution or wait for a lot of justices to die off and hope you can appoint new justices who feel differently.

I don't think a state referendum is gonna do the trick - even within that state.

If enough states and their governors were against citizens united, it would have influence. Have to start somewhere. As it is now with citizens united, it's harder to determine who exactly influences our elections. It could be some very wealth Chinese communists for all we know.

None of you leftists actually know what Citizens United was about, do you?

Despite Michael Moore running "Fahrenheit 9-11" during the 2004 election, somehow a group releasing the film "Hillary" was ruled illegal. Apparently, films critical of Republicans are a art, films critical of democrats are criminal.

Citizens United sued over this GLARING hypocrisy, and as is rational, won.

Look, USMB leftists demand that all parties except the GLORIOUS democrats be outlawed, CU stopped them (you) from achieving that goal. CU is as important as Brown v. BOE in establishing and maintaining civil rights. Say, it was the democrats crushing civil rights in that one too - imagine. CU thwarted the scheme of the democrats to provide unions and the party press with the exclusive right to political speech. CU was THE most important defense of civil rights - of free speech, in a century.
IMHO SCOTUS has ruled in a way that means if you want it to change, you're going to have to amend the constitution or wait for a lot of justices to die off and hope you can appoint new justices who feel differently.

I don't think a state referendum is gonna do the trick - even within that state.

If enough states and their governors were against citizens united, it would have influence. Have to start somewhere. As it is now with citizens united, it's harder to determine who exactly influences our elections. It could be some very wealth Chinese communists for all we know.

None of you leftists actually know what Citizens United was about, do you?

Despite Michael Moore running "Fahrenheit 9-11" during the 2004 election, somehow a group releasing the film "Hillary" was ruled illegal. Apparently, films critical of Republicans are a art, films critical of democrats are criminal.

Citizens United sued over this GLARING hypocrisy, and as is rational, won.

Look, USMB leftists demand that all parties except the GLORIOUS democrats be outlawed, CU stopped them (you) from achieving that goal. CU is as important as Brown v. BOE in establishing and maintaining civil rights. Say, it was the democrats crushing civil rights in that one too - imagine. CU thwarted the scheme of the democrats to provide unions and the party press with the exclusive right to political speech. CU was THE most important defense of civil rights - of free speech, in a century.

No, you're wrong. Citizens United allowed the Koch Brothers to win elections for the GOP by spending obscense amounts of their own money. It's practically like a GOP takeover of government!
Feel free to forward this petition to your state's Senators as many times as possible.

The United States House of Representatives ·

Freedom of speech is a problem to you?

Voter suppression is suddenly ok?

Money isn't speech because cash doesn't have vocal cords, and whose vote is being suppressed by limiting how much money international billionaires can anonymously dump into our open, free and fair elections?

And our literalist speaks. Ever hear of the saying "actions speak louder than words?" That's how money speaks. Get with the program.
Dear California Senators, Assembly Members and Governor Brown,

Please act quickly to place Senator Ted Lieu's SB 1272, The Overturn Citizens United Act, a Voter Instruction measure, that calls for the overturning of Citizens United v FEC, McCutcheon v FEC and all other applicable judicial precedents, on the November 2014 California statewide ballot. The Overturn Citizens United Act will call upon the US Congress to draft and pass and return to the states for ratification an amendment or amendments clearly stating that We The People have the right to regulate and or limit spending on elections and that the rights and privileges granted by the US Constitution are the rights of natural persons only.

Why is this important?

The Supreme Court of the United States, acting without the support or consent of We The People, and without judicial restraint, has eviscerated over one hundred years of campaign finance laws enacted by the US Congress, finding that to limit spending on elections, limits speech. The Court's misapplication of the 1st Amendment, equating money with "free speech" and asserting that incorporated entities should benefit from 1st Amendment rights and protections, undermines the fundamental one person one vote precept of our democracy and sets us on a course where elections will be auctions, sold to the highest bidder, rather than the free and fair expressions of the will the voters. If our democratic republic and system of representative government is to survive, these egregiously damaging rulings must be overturned. The only way that can be accomplished, barring the unlikely event that the Court reverses itself, is through the amendment process afforded us by the US Constitution.
Overturn Citizens United Act - California SB 1272 | Democracy For America

Feel free to forward this petition to your state's Senators as many times as possible.

The United States House of Representatives ·

Please allow me to translate what this means:

Dear Citizen,

We have worked long and hard to concentrate as much power into as few hands as possible. We have also worked diligently to expand that power over every single facet of your life so that there is nothing left in your life which is left untouched by the patronizing hand of your government. You can't take a shit without at least six federal agencies involved. The water in the bowl, the bowl itself, the toilet paper with which you wipe your vulnerable ass; all carefully monitored and sanitized for your safety. And we have conditioned you to actually boast of this control over your life with pride. You actually boast of the government in your shampoo!

But there are people out there who have discovered something. They have discovered that the fewer hands there are on the levers controlling your life, then the simpler it is to capture total control over your life. Instead of having to bribe 50 state legislatures to ruin your life, they only have to bribe one federal legislature. Instead of having to bribe 50 state regulators, they now only have to bribe one.

We simply cannot abide having all that power over your life captured so easily from our own hands!
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LOL. Apparently the OP doesn't know what the Supremacy Clause is. All courts and states are bound by Constitutionally enacted law, and including Supreme Court rulings. That initiative is unconstitutional. You cannot start an initiative which overturns a Supreme Court ruling. States cannot themselves pass laws which conflict or overturn federal laws or Supreme Court rulings. It violates the Supremacy Clause:

Article VI, Clause 2. This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby; any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.
Is the US Supreme Court the law of the land
But if 2/3's of the States get together, they can change the law at the federal level.

And that would be impossible. Not even 1/3rd of the states can get together on anything.
Dear California Senators, Assembly Members and Governor Brown,

Please act quickly to place Senator Ted Lieu's SB 1272, The Overturn Citizens United Act, a Voter Instruction measure, that calls for the overturning of Citizens United v FEC, McCutcheon v FEC and all other applicable judicial precedents, on the November 2014 California statewide ballot. The Overturn Citizens United Act will call upon the US Congress to draft and pass and return to the states for ratification an amendment or amendments clearly stating that We The People have the right to regulate and or limit spending on elections and that the rights and privileges granted by the US Constitution are the rights of natural persons only.

Why is this important?

The Supreme Court of the United States, acting without the support or consent of We The People, and without judicial restraint, has eviscerated over one hundred years of campaign finance laws enacted by the US Congress, finding that to limit spending on elections, limits speech. The Court's misapplication of the 1st Amendment, equating money with "free speech" and asserting that incorporated entities should benefit from 1st Amendment rights and protections, undermines the fundamental one person one vote precept of our democracy and sets us on a course where elections will be auctions, sold to the highest bidder, rather than the free and fair expressions of the will the voters. If our democratic republic and system of representative government is to survive, these egregiously damaging rulings must be overturned. The only way that can be accomplished, barring the unlikely event that the Court reverses itself, is through the amendment process afforded us by the US Constitution.
Overturn Citizens United Act - California SB 1272 | Democracy For America
Feel free to forward this petition to your state's Senators as many times as possible.

The United States House of Representatives ·

Please allow me to translate what this means:

Dear Citizen,

We have worked long and hard to concentrate as much power into as few hands as possible. We have also worked diligently to expand that power over every single facet of your life so that there is nothing left in your life which is left untouched by the patronizing hand of your government. You can't take a shit without at least six federal agencies involved. The water in the bowl, the bowl itself, the toilet paper with which you wipe your vulnerable ass; all carefully monitored and sanitized for your safety. And we have conditioned you to actually boast of this control over your life with pride. You actually boast of the government in your shampoo!

But there are people out there who have discovered something. They have discovered that the fewer hands there are on the levers controlling your life, then the simpler it is to capture total control over your life. Instead of having to bribe 50 state legislatures to ruin your life, they only have to bribe one federal legislature. Instead of having to bribe 50 state regulators, they now only have to bribe one.

We simply cannot abide having all that power over your life captured so easily from our own hands!


Gotta hand it to you, g5, you have your bright moments. Repped.
Trying to rein in campaign financing has always failed, and always will fail for the very simple reason that the retards are treating the symptoms of a disease of their own making.

They created the environment which incites corruption and now they are shocked, shocked there is bribery going on!
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