Cadbury Abandons Easter Eggs For Muslims-Now Renamed "Gesture Eggs"

Easter is a tradition. Cadbury Easter eggs are also part of that tradition. I know thinking is hard for you

Despite the fact that they have not had the word "Easter" on them in a long time. Despite the fact that the eggs in the celebration of Easter are a pagan holdover from Ostera.

And the Cadbury eggs are the same as they were last year and the year before. Nothing changed except your attitude about them.
Despite the fact that they have not had the word "Easter" on them in a long time. Despite the fact that the eggs in the celebration of Easter are a pagan holdover from Ostera.

And the Cadbury eggs are the same as they were last year and the year before. Nothing changed except your attitude about them.
And here you are as a supposed "conservative" cheering on more slights against Christian holidays
And here you are as a supposed "conservative" cheering on more slights against Christian holidays

What changed as far as Cadbury Eggs? How is this a slight against a Christian Holiday? It is capitalism as its finest. A company gained an entire large customer base. They are growing bigger.

As a conservative I am a huge fan of capitalism.
What changed as far as Cadbury Eggs? How is this a slight against a Christian Holiday? It is capitalism as its finest. A company gained an entire large customer base. They are growing bigger.

As a conservative I am a huge fan of capitalism.
Are you not paying attention? This isn't the only tradition under attack..wake up dude
Original thread was removed because censor didn't check for information.


Because of Religious/Political/ Lame Brained reasons, Cadbury has adopted the "Go Woke, Go Broke" craze that is sweeping the nation. Looks like Cadbury is willing to take a chance and has their fingers crossed they won't go bankrupt because of progressive liberal "Brilliant Ideas."

First off, the OP didn't include a source which is a requirement and a rule she has frequently broken and frequently been reminded of, but you wouldn't know about that, would you.

Second, this is allegedly in the UK so the thread belongs in Europe, not Politics.

Third, there is literally nothing else on the Internet about this other than this one video on YouTube being linked to from some random guy in England. Nothing in the news, social media, zero, zilch, nada. And as already pointed out by other posters, they don't even recall ever seeing the words Easter printed on the packages in the past, so there hasn't been some sudden mysterious removal. There is virtually zero truth to what is being claimed by the "source."

Leave the moderating to us. Not that you're owed any explanations anyway, but if you have anything further that you oppressed victims would like to piss and whine about you can take up privately in PM as we've told you before many times.
This is the only thing I am discussing. The outrage over the Cadbury Egg marketing is laughable.

I just spent the entirety of Holy Week watching the Catholic TV network, where they take their Easter pretty seriously, and I certainly will never again see Easter as merely baskets of pastel colored sugary shit and colored eggs.

But, for those of us who do associate the trappings with Christian beliefs of the holiday, it can be a slap in the face that anyone wants to take our traditions away for the neurotic comfort of foreign interlopers in our country.

Beyond that, I don't much care. Call me when they start calling "Peeps" marshmallow chicks, "dajaj mishwi bi alsukar" instead.


I just spent the entirety of Holy Week watching the Catholic TV network, where they take their Easter pretty seriously, and I certainly will never again see Easter as merely baskets of pastel colored sugary shit and colored eggs.

But, for those of us who do associate the trappings with Christian beliefs of the holiday, it can be a slap in the face that anyone wants to take our traditions away for the neurotic comfort of foreign interlopers in our country.

Beyond that, I don't much care. Call me when they start calling "Peeps" marshmallow chicks, "dajaj mishwi bi alsukar" instead.


I can't see that any traditions were taken away.
First off, the OP didn't include a source which is a requirement and a rule she has frequently broken and frequently been reminded of, but you wouldn't know about that, would you.

Second, this is allegedly in the UK so the thread belongs in Europe, not Politics.

Third, there is literally nothing else on the Internet about this other than this one video on YouTube being linked to from some random guy in England. Nothing in the news, social media, zero, zilch, nada. And as already pointed out by other posters, they don't even recall ever seeing the words Easter printed on the packages in the past, so there hasn't been some sudden mysterious removal. There is virtually zero truth to what is being claimed by the "source."

Leave the moderating to us. Not that you're owed any explanations anyway, but if you have anything further that you oppressed victims would like to piss and whine about you can take up privately in PM as we've told you before many times.

You just do your moderating and stay the fuck out of my threads unless you have something useful to contribute, Cap'n Hurt Butt. Or you can close it. Whatever your little heart desired.
First off, the OP didn't include a source which is a requirement and a rule she has frequently broken and frequently been reminded of, but you wouldn't know about that, would you.

Second, this is allegedly in the UK so the thread belongs in Europe, not Politics.

Third, there is literally nothing else on the Internet about this other than this one video on YouTube being linked to from some random guy in England. Nothing in the news, social media, zero, zilch, nada. And as already pointed out by other posters, they don't even recall ever seeing the words Easter printed on the packages in the past, so there hasn't been some sudden mysterious removal. There is virtually zero truth to what is being claimed by the "source."

Leave the moderating to us. Not that you're owed any explanations anyway, but if you have anything further that you oppressed victims would like to piss and whine about you can take up privately in PM as we've told you before many times.
Wow. Condescending asshole much?
First off, the OP didn't include a source which is a requirement and a rule she has frequently broken and frequently been reminded of, but you wouldn't know about that, would you.

Second, this is allegedly in the UK so the thread belongs in Europe, not Politics.

Third, there is literally nothing else on the Internet about this other than this one video on YouTube being linked to from some random guy in England. Nothing in the news, social media, zero, zilch, nada. And as already pointed out by other posters, they don't even recall ever seeing the words Easter printed on the packages in the past, so there hasn't been some sudden mysterious removal. There is virtually zero truth to what is being claimed by the "source."

Leave the moderating to us. Not that you're owed any explanations anyway, but if you have anything further that you oppressed victims would like to piss and whine about you can take up privately in PM as we've told you before many times.

Don't Taze Me Bro (2023)
Nor my religion but THE religion for the USA and that aint perverse Islam so go pack sand

It is the religion for more people in the US than any other religion. But it is not the religion of the USA. There is no religion for the USA.

Pack sand? Just because a company tries to market to more people? lol I'd call that weak.
It is the religion for more people in the US than any other religion. But it is not the religion of the USA. There is no religion for the USA.

Pack sand? Just because a company tries to market to more people? lol I'd call that weak.
Incorrect. It’s the dominant religion of the world but not in the USA. And sharia with women head to toe in black robes so we don’t cast our heathen eyes on them is insulting and barbaric
Go live where the oppression you admire is far more prevalent and accepted. We are past done with being told what is “necessary” for us to accept.
Last edited:
Original thread was removed because censor didn't check for information.


Because of Religious/Political/ Lame Brained reasons, Cadbury has adopted the "Go Woke, Go Broke" craze that is sweeping the nation. Looks like Cadbury is willing to take a chance and has their fingers crossed they won't go bankrupt because of progressive liberal "Brilliant Ideas."

What a freakish crybaby thread. They are just trying to sell more candy eggs.
Sadly, this is the only thing conservatives have to comfort themselves.
Clearly the Left has utterly defeated the entire Right. At least there was a ton of whimpering and crying as they were rolled over.

You rolled right over the right with the whole RvW thingy. Hey, did I mention the lefts Holy Grail is now gone forever? Never ever to return.

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